ENTRY 11932 20221004 15051193200000001 SUBENT 11932001 20221004 15051193200100001 BIB 8 20 1193200100002 TITLE The Parameters for the Slow Neutron Resonance in 1193200100003 Rhodium 1193200100004 AUTHOR (V.L.Sailor) 1193200100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,91,53,1953) 1193200100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.91.53 1193200100007 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) 1193200100008 FACILITY (SPECC,1USABNL) Crystal spectrometer. 1193200100009 SAMPLE Samples of four different thicknesses. The rhodium 1193200100010 specimen was of high purity; a spectroscopic analysis 1193200100011 disclosed approximately 0.01% Ag, 0.01% Cu and traces 1193200100012 of Pd and Pt. The specimens were in the form of metal 1193200100013 foils which had been cut to carefully measured sizes. 1193200100014 The thickness of each foil was determined by weighing. 1193200100015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Experimental errors. 1193200100016 HISTORY (19760802T) Translated from SCISRS. 1193200100017 (19830802A) Converted to reaction formalism. 1193200100018 (20221004A) BP: Updated to new date formats,lower 1193200100019 case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1193200100020 Dict. Added ERR-ANALYS, SAMPLE, doi, re-digitized 1193200100021 data for subentry 4. 1193200100022 ENDBIB 20 0 1193200100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 1193200100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1193200199999 SUBENT 11932002 20221004 15051193200200001 BIB 3 7 1193200200002 REACTION 1(45-RH-103(N,0),,EN) 1193200200003 2(45-RH-103(N,TOT),,SIG,,RES) 1193200200004 3(45-RH-103(N,TOT),,WID) 1193200200005 4(45-RH-103(N,EL),,WID,,G) 1193200200006 STATUS (TABLE,,V.L.Sailor,J,PR,91,53,1953) 1193200200007 Table II, page 57 of J,PR,91,53,1953. 1193200200008 HISTORY (20221004A) BP: Added STATUS. 1193200200009 ENDBIB 7 0 1193200200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1193200200011 DATA 8 1 1193200200012 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 31193200200013 DATA 4DATA-ERR 4 1193200200014 MEV MEV B B MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 1193200200015 MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 1193200200016 1.26E-06 4.E-08 5.000E+03 2.00E+02 1.56E+02 5.1193200200017 3.8E-01 2.E-02 1193200200018 ENDDATA 6 0 1193200200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 1193200299999 SUBENT 11932003 20221004 15051193200300001 BIB 3 4 1193200300002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,THS)45-RH-103,FA,SIG) 1193200300003 STATUS (TABLE,,V.L.Sailor,J,PR,91,53,1953) 1193200300004 Table II, page 57 of J,PR,91,53,1953. 1193200300005 HISTORY (20221004A) BP: Added STATUS. 1193200300006 ENDBIB 4 0 1193200300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 1193200300008 DATA 3 1 1193200300009 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1193200300010 EV B B 1193200300011 0.0253 5.5 1.0 1193200300012 ENDDATA 3 0 1193200300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 1193200399999 SUBENT 11932004 20221004 15051193200400001 BIB 4 8 1193200400002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,TOT),,SIG) 1193200400003 STATUS (CURVE,,V.L.Sailor,J,PR,91,53,1953) 1193200400004 Fig. 1, page 55 of J,PR,91,53,1953. 1193200400005 COMMENT Compiler's comment: digitized curve includes a 1193200400006 background peak around 5.2 eV from silver 1193200400007 contamination in the target. 1193200400008 HISTORY (20221004A) BP: Replaced BNL-325 curve reading with 1193200400009 digitized curve that includes uncertainties. 1193200400010 ENDBIB 8 0 1193200400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 1193200400012 DATA 3 78 1193200400013 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1193200400014 EV B B 1193200400015 1.883E-01 7.535E+01 1193200400016 2.275E-01 7.387E+01 1193200400017 2.524E-01 6.975E+01 1193200400018 2.909E-01 7.037E+01 1193200400019 3.198E-01 7.590E+01 1193200400020 3.515E-01 7.235E+01 1193200400021 3.652E-01 7.806E+01 1193200400022 3.829E-01 8.107E+01 1193200400023 4.249E-01 7.951E+01 1193200400024 4.540E-01 7.948E+01 1193200400025 5.185E-01 8.736E+01 1193200400026 5.703E-01 9.881E+01 1193200400027 6.154E-01 1.118E+02 1193200400028 6.641E-01 1.241E+02 1193200400029 7.098E-01 1.338E+02 1193200400030 7.660E-01 1.514E+02 1193200400031 8.268E-01 1.796E+02 1193200400032 8.931E-01 2.504E+02 1193200400033 9.370E-01 2.970E+02 1193200400034 9.833E-01 3.695E+02 1193200400035 1.042E+00 4.913E+02 1193200400036 1.084E+00 6.787E+02 1193200400037 1.128E+00 1.102E+03 1193200400038 1.173E+00 1.551E+03 1193200400039 1.197E+00 2.163E+03 1193200400040 1.233E+00 3.133E+03 1193200400041 1.246E+00 4.012E+03 1193200400042 1.257E+00 3.683E+03 1193200400043 1.258E+00 4.412E+03 1193200400044 1.295E+00 4.851E+03 1193200400045 1.344E+00 4.087E+03 1193200400046 1.357E+00 4.286E+03 1193200400047 1.369E+00 3.285E+03 1193200400048 1.394E+00 2.639E+03 1193200400049 1.418E+00 1.892E+03 1193200400050 1.443E+00 1.199E+03 1193200400051 1.496E+00 8.275E+02 1193200400052 1.564E+00 4.095E+02 1193200400053 1.636E+00 2.271E+02 1193200400054 1.697E+00 1.675E+02 1193200400055 1.760E+00 1.201E+02 1193200400056 1.860E+00 8.131E+01 1193200400057 1.984E+00 5.773E+01 1193200400058 2.097E+00 3.984E+01 1193200400059 2.239E+00 3.171E+01 1193200400060 2.412E+00 2.499E+01 1193200400061 2.575E+00 1.915E+01 1193200400062 2.697E+00 1.509E+01 1193200400063 2.990E+00 1.178E+01 1193200400064 3.254E+00 1.081E+01 1193200400065 4.926E+00 6.906E+00 1193200400066 5.066E+00 6.585E+00 1193200400067 5.167E+00 7.963E+00 1193200400068 5.228E+00 1.382E+01 1193200400069 5.478E+00 1.187E+01 1193200400070 5.573E+00 7.737E+00 1193200400071 5.896E+00 6.836E+00 1193200400072 6.298E+00 6.517E+00 6.474E-01 1193200400073 6.536E+00 5.388E+00 1193200400074 6.981E+00 4.992E+00 6.226E-01 1193200400075 7.396E+00 6.269E+00 1193200400076 7.898E+00 5.487E+00 1193200400077 8.363E+00 6.090E+00 1193200400078 8.948E+00 8.491E+00 1.198E+00 1193200400079 9.542E+00 5.179E+00 6.879E-01 1193200400080 1.039E+01 5.747E+00 1193200400081 1.098E+01 3.929E+00 1193200400082 1.209E+01 5.910E+00 8.814E-01 1193200400083 1.292E+01 5.688E+00 1193200400084 1.407E+01 6.020E+00 9.944E-01 1193200400085 1.559E+01 4.233E+00 1193200400086 1.668E+01 5.167E+00 1.054E+00 1193200400087 1.833E+01 5.116E+00 1193200400088 2.032E+01 3.956E+00 9.244E-01 1193200400089 2.255E+01 4.187E+00 1193200400090 2.528E+01 5.013E+00 1.384E+00 1193200400091 2.832E+01 4.870E+00 1193200400092 3.206E+01 6.232E+00 1.456E+00 1193200400093 ENDDATA 80 0 1193200400094 ENDSUBENT 93 0 1193200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 1193299999999