ENTRY 12032 20220519 15031203200000001 SUBENT 12032001 20220519 15031203200100001 BIB 6 14 1203200100002 TITLE Total Neutron Cross Section of Xe135 as a Function of 1203200100003 Energy 1203200100004 AUTHOR (E.C.Smith,G.S.Pawlicki,P.E.F.Thurlow,G.W.Parker, 1203200100005 W.J.Martin,G.E.Creek,P.M.Lantz,S.Bernstein) 1203200100006 REFERENCE (J,PR,115,1693,1959) Main reference. 1203200100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.115.1693 1203200100008 (B,PR.NUC.EN.,1,(1),161,1956) Complementary reference. 1203200100009 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) 1203200100010 FACILITY (CHOPF,1USAORL) Fast chopper. 1203200100011 HISTORY (19760802T) Translated from SCISRS. 1203200100012 (19830802A) converted to reaction formalism 1203200100013 (20220519A) BP: Updated to new date formats, lower 1203200100014 case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1203200100015 Dict. Added complementary reference, doi,updated entry.1203200100016 ENDBIB 14 0 1203200100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 1203200100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 1203200199999 SUBENT 12032002 20220519 15031203200200001 BIB 6 13 1203200200002 REACTION (54-XE-135(N,TOT),,SIG) 1203200200003 SAMPLE The sample of xenon-135 gas was prepared by bleeding 1203200200004 off some of the gases generated in the homogeneous 1203200200005 reactor. Sample thickness 2.5*10**18atoms/cm2. 1203200200006 METHOD (TOF) In transmission measurements T=T0*exp(-n*sigma), 1203200200007 where n = n0*exp(-lambda(t-t0)). Xe-135 is radioactive,1203200200008 so the decay constant is defined by xenon half life. 1203200200009 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-135-G,9.177HR) A weighted mean of seven 1203200200010 independent determinations of half life. 1203200200011 STATUS (SCSRS) Also shown in Fig. 5, page 1687 of the main 1203200200012 reference. 1203200200013 HISTORY (20220519A) BP: Updated SAMPLE and METHOD, added 1203200200014 DECAY-DATA. 1203200200015 ENDBIB 13 0 1203200200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 1203200200017 DATA 3 77 1203200200018 EN EN-RSL DATA 1203200200019 MEV MICROSEC/M B 1203200200020 1.05E-08 10. 3.5E+06 1203200200021 1.1E-08 10. 3.55E+06 1203200200022 1.12E-08 10. 3.23E+06 1203200200023 1.23E-08 10. 3.30E+06 1203200200024 1.30E-08 10. 3.42E+06 1203200200025 1.41E-08 10. 3.40E+06 1203200200026 1.55E-08 10. 3.12E+06 1203200200027 1.58E-08 10. 3.32E+06 1203200200028 1.71E-08 10. 2.95E+06 1203200200029 1.95E-08 10. 3.20E+06 1203200200030 2.11E-08 10. 3.02E+06 1203200200031 2.19E-08 10. 3.09E+06 1203200200032 2.29E-08 10. 3.02E+06 1203200200033 2.32E-08 10. 3.02E+06 1203200200034 2.43E-08 10. 3.05E+06 1203200200035 2.51E-08 10. 3.00E+06 1203200200036 2.61E-08 10. 3.09E+06 1203200200037 2.71E-08 10. 3.05E+06 1203200200038 2.81E-08 10. 3.05E+06 1203200200039 2.92E-08 10. 3.02E+06 1203200200040 3.22E-08 10. 3.08E+06 1203200200041 3.33E-08 10. 3.12E+06 1203200200042 3.49E-08 10. 3.05E+06 1203200200043 3.81E-08 10. 3.12E+06 1203200200044 3.99E-08 10. 3.18E+06 1203200200045 4.25E-08 10. 3.22E+06 1203200200046 4.85E-08 10. 3.30E+06 1203200200047 5.10E-08 10. 3.40E+06 1203200200048 5.45E-08 10. 3.40E+06 1203200200049 5.78E-08 10. 3.50E+06 1203200200050 6.05E-08 10. 3.50E+06 1203200200051 6.25E-08 10. 3.52E+06 1203200200052 8.30E-08 10. 3.45E+06 1203200200053 8.85E-08 10. 3.32E+06 1203200200054 9.90E-08 10. 3.05E+06 1203200200055 1.02E-07 10. 2.75E+06 1203200200056 1.12E-07 10. 2.40E+06 1203200200057 1.19E-07 10. 2.02E+06 1203200200058 1.22E-07 3.3 1.88E+06 1203200200059 1.25E-07 3.3 1.52E+06 1203200200060 1.29E-07 3.3 1.70E+06 1203200200061 1.29E-07 3.3 1.92E+06 1203200200062 1.32E-07 3.3 1.05E+06 1203200200063 1.36E-07 3.3 1.75E+06 1203200200064 1.39E-07 3.3 1.40E+06 1203200200065 1.42E-07 3.3 1.32E+06 1203200200066 1.43E-07 3.3 1.40E+06 1203200200067 1.48E-07 3.3 1.44E+06 1203200200068 1.49E-07 3.3 1.19E+06 1203200200069 1.52E-07 3.3 1.02E+06 1203200200070 1.54E-07 3.3 1.02E+06 1203200200071 1.59E-07 3.3 1.08E+06 1203200200072 1.62E-07 3.3 1.02E+06 1203200200073 1.69E-07 3.3 8.2E+05 1203200200074 1.69E-07 3.3 7.5E+05 1203200200075 1.72E-07 3.3 1.85E+06 1203200200076 1.76E-07 3.3 8.7E+05 1203200200077 1.82E-07 3.3 6.8E+05 1203200200078 1.85E-07 3.3 5.62E+05 1203200200079 1.89E-07 3.3 6.10E+05 1203200200080 1.92E-07 3.3 7.25E+05 1203200200081 1.99E-07 3.3 5.8E+05 1203200200082 2.05E-07 3.3 5.35E+05 1203200200083 2.07E-07 3.3 3.95E+05 1203200200084 2.12E-07 3.3 4.45E+05 1203200200085 2.20E-07 3.3 3.60E+05 1203200200086 2.25E-07 3.3 4.05E+05 1203200200087 2.30E-07 3.3 2.50E+05 1203200200088 2.32E-07 3.3 3.50E+05 1203200200089 2.45E-07 3.3 2.88E+05 1203200200090 2.58E-07 3.3 2.22E+05 1203200200091 2.69E-07 3.3 3.00E+05 1203200200092 2.75E-07 3.3 2.40E+05 1203200200093 2.89E-07 3.3 2.15E+05 1203200200094 3.00E-07 3.3 1.22E+05 1203200200095 3.12E-07 3.3 1.62E+05 1203200200096 3.25E-07 3.3 1.75E+05 1203200200097 ENDDATA 79 0 1203200200098 ENDSUBENT 97 0 1203200299999 SUBENT 12032003 20220519 15031203200300001 BIB 4 15 1203200300002 REACTION 1(54-XE-135(N,0),,EN) 1203200300003 2(54-XE-135(N,EL),,WID) 1203200300004 3(54-XE-135(N,G),,WID) 1203200300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors quoted for the Breit-Wigner 1203200300006 parameters are the standard deviations obtained from 1203200300007 the least squares fit alone. In addition to random 1203200300008 errors, there are possible systematic errors. One 1203200300009 error is due to the possibility that not all of the 1203200300010 Cs-135 was removed from the sample holder. It is 1203200300011 estimated that about 1% of the sample used for the 1203200300012 neutron measurements may not have appeared in the 1203200300013 assay samples. 1203200300014 STATUS (DEP,12032002) 1203200300015 (TABLE) page 1697 of the main reference. 1203200300016 HISTORY (20220519A) BP: Added STATUS and ERR-ANALYS. 1203200300017 ENDBIB 15 0 1203200300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 1203200300019 DATA 7 2 1203200300020 STAT-W G DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 31203200300021 DATA-ERR 3 1203200300022 NO-DIM EV EV EV EV EV 1203200300023 EV 1203200300024 0.375 0.08472 0.00027 0.03477 0.00021 0.083031203200300025 0.00062 1203200300026 0.625 0.08415 0.00028 0.02057 0.00012 0.094931203200300027 0.00071 1203200300028 ENDDATA 8 0 1203200300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1203200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1203299999999