ENTRY 12220 20240314 15071222000000001 SUBENT 12220001 20240314 15071222000100001 BIB 9 18 1222000100002 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) 1222000100003 REFERENCE (J,PRL,14,913,1965) 1222000100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.14.913 1222000100005 AUTHOR (C.D.Zafiratos,T.A.Oliphani,J.S.Levin,L.Cranberg) 1222000100006 TITLE Large-angle neutron scattering from lead at 7 MeV. 1222000100007 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USALAS) Electrostatic generator 1222000100008 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 1222000100009 CORRECTION Corrected for multiple scattering and angular 1222000100010 resolution. Corrections were less than 10% except for 1222000100011 the minima of the angular distributions where they 1222000100012 ranged up to 35%. 1222000100013 STATUS (CURVE) Data unavailable (Cranberg, 67/1), 1222000100014 read from curve. 1222000100015 HISTORY (19760803T) Translated from SCISRS 1222000100016 (19821012A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1222000100017 (20230703A) OS. Added FACILITY, SAMPLE, CORRECTION, 1222000100018 converted to lower and upper case, correction in sub.2 1222000100019 (20240314A) On. Major alterations in 002-003. 1222000100020 ENDBIB 18 0 1222000100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 1222000100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1222000199999 SUBENT 12220002 20240314 15071222000200001 BIB 4 5 1222000200002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,EL)82-PB-206,,DA) 1222000200003 SAMPLE (82-PB-206,ENR=0.89) Radiogenic lead, hollow cylinder 1222000200004 METHOD (TOF) 1222000200005 HISTORY (20230703A) ANG-RSL deleted in DATA section 1222000200006 (20240314A) On. DATA -> DATA-CM. 1222000200007 ENDBIB 5 0 1222000200008 COMMON 3 3 1222000200009 EN EN-RSL ANG-RSL 1222000200010 MEV MEV ADEG 1222000200011 7.00 +00 1.5 -01 3.5 1222000200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1222000200013 DATA 2 30 1222000200014 COS-CM DATA-CM 1222000200015 NO-DIM MB/SR 1222000200016 0.94000 2.820 +03 1222000200017 0.90600 1.585 +03 1222000200018 0.86600 8.60 +02 1222000200019 0.81900 4.00 +02 1222000200020 0.76600 2.24 +02 1222000200021 0.70700 1.68 +02 1222000200022 0.64300 1.12 +02 1222000200023 0.57400 5.01 +01 1222000200024 0.50000 1.76 +01 1222000200025 0.42300 2.22 +01 1222000200026 0.34200 6.54 +01 1222000200027 0.25900 1.23 +02 1222000200028 0.17400 1.55 +02 1222000200029 0.08700 1.53 +02 1222000200030 0.00000 1.22 +02 1222000200031 -0.0870 7.08 +01 1222000200032 -0.1740 3.16 +01 1222000200033 -0.2590 1.41 +01 1222000200034 -0.3420 2.54 +01 1222000200035 -0.4230 3.63 +01 1222000200036 -0.5000 5.01 +01 1222000200037 -0.5740 5.82 +01 1222000200038 -0.6430 5.75 +01 1222000200039 -0.7070 5.50 +01 1222000200040 -0.7660 4.90 +01 1222000200041 -0.8190 3.24 +01 1222000200042 -0.8660 1.50 +01 1222000200043 -0.9060 1.12 +01 1222000200044 -0.9400 2.46 +01 1222000200045 -0.9660 7.08 +01 1222000200046 ENDDATA 32 0 1222000200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 1222000299999 SUBENT 12220003 20240314 15071222000300001 BIB 4 4 1222000300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) 1222000300003 METHOD (TOF) 1222000300004 SAMPLE Hollow cylinder 1222000300005 HISTORY (20240314A) On. DATA -> DATA-CM. 1222000300006 ENDBIB 4 0 1222000300007 COMMON 3 3 1222000300008 EN EN-RSL ANG-RSL 1222000300009 MEV MEV ADEG 1222000300010 7.00 +00 1.5 -01 3.5 1222000300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1222000300012 DATA 2 30 1222000300013 COS-CM DATA-CM 1222000300014 NO-DIM MB/SR 1222000300015 0.9400 2.920 +03 1222000300016 0.9060 1.640 +03 1222000300017 0.8660 8.13 +02 1222000300018 0.8190 3.37 +02 1222000300019 0.7660 2.00 +02 1222000300020 0.7070 1.43 +02 1222000300021 0.6430 1.00 +02 1222000300022 0.5740 4.31 +01 1222000300023 0.5000 1.86 +01 1222000300024 0.4230 2.78 +01 1222000300025 0.3420 6.85 +01 1222000300026 0.2590 1.30 +02 1222000300027 0.1740 1.55 +02 1222000300028 0.0870 1.43 +02 1222000300029 0.0000 1.15 +02 1222000300030 -0.0870 6.31 +01 1222000300031 -0.1740 3.00 +01 1222000300032 -0.2590 1.58 +01 1222000300033 -0.3420 2.88 +01 1222000300034 -0.4230 4.03 +01 1222000300035 -0.5000 5.62 +01 1222000300036 -0.5740 6.10 +01 1222000300037 -0.6430 6.16 +01 1222000300038 -0.7070 5.62 +01 1222000300039 -0.7660 4.85 +01 1222000300040 -0.8190 3.16 +01 1222000300041 -0.8660 1.45 +01 1222000300042 -0.9060 9.8 +00 1222000300043 -0.9400 2.57 +01 1222000300044 -0.9660 7.08 +01 1222000300045 ENDDATA 32 0 1222000300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 1222000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1222099999999