ENTRY 12331 20231017 15091233100000001 SUBENT 12331001 20231017 15091233100100001 BIB 10 26 1233100100002 TITLE Neutron capture to fission ratios in U233,U235,Pu239 1233100100003 AUTHOR (J.C.Hopkins, B.C.Diven) 1233100100004 REFERENCE (J,NSE,12,169,1962) 1233100100005 #doi:10.13182/NSE62-A26055 1233100100006 (C,61SACLAY,,407,1961) alpha values in figs 1233100100007 (C,61VIENNA,1,111,1961) alpha values in figs 1233100100008 (W,CAPOTE,20221018) Revised data for Pu239(n,g) 1233100100009 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) 1233100100010 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USALAS) 2.5-MeV electrostatic accelerator 1233100100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 30 keV neutrons 1233100100012 (P-T) 60 - 1000 keV neutrons 1233100100013 DETECTOR (STANK) Cd loaded large liquid scintillator (1 m diam.)1233100100014 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence between scintillator (delayed signa1233100100015 due to capture of fission neutrons after 1233100100016 thermalization), fission counter and beam pulse for 1233100100017 fission event identification 1233100100018 CORRECTION Extrapolation of pulse height distribution to zero 1233100100019 energy (1.035+/-0.035) 1233100100020 HISTORY (19760804T) Translated from SCISRS 1233100100021 (19841005A) Converted to reaction formalism 1233100100022 (20170807A) BP: Updated to new date formats,lower 1233100100023 case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1233100100024 Dict., added Vienna reactor physics reference, 1233100100025 updated BIB information. 1233100100026 (20230706A) OS. Superseded sub.6, added sub.8 1233100100027 (20231017A) On. Major alterations in 002-008. 1233100100028 ENDBIB 26 0 1233100100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1233100199999 SUBENT 12331002 20231017 15091233100200001 BIB 6 11 1233100200002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,ABS),,ALF) 1233100200003 SAMPLE U3O8 pellets packed into Al cans (0.75 in diam., 1233100200004 0.053 in depth, 0.002 in thick Al). 1233100200005 Contaminated with about 1 part in 10**9 of 232U. 1233100200006 DETECTOR (FISCH) 4 surfaces, each coated with about 1 mg/cm2 of 1233100200007 233U 1233100200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) standard deviation due to counting statistic1233100200009 and zero energy extrapolation 1233100200010 STATUS (TABLE,,J.C.Hopkins+,J,NSE,12,169,1962) Table I 1233100200011 HISTORY (20170807A) BP: Updated description and error analysis.1233100200012 (20231017A) On. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW. 1233100200013 ENDBIB 11 0 1233100200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100200015 DATA 4 9 1233100200016 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 1233100200017 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1233100200018 30. 10. 0.109 0.022 1233100200019 60. 15. 0.110 0.025 1233100200020 175. 25. 0.098 0.020 1233100200021 250. 50. 0.091 0.022 1233100200022 400. 90. 0.078 0.010 1233100200023 600. 76. 0.062 0.009 1233100200024 750. 70. 0.047 0.009 1233100200025 900. 63. 0.050 0.008 1233100200026 1000. 58. 0.030 0.008 1233100200027 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1233100299999 SUBENT 12331003 20231017 15091233100300001 BIB 6 9 1233100300002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,G)92-U-234,,SIG) 1233100300003 MONITOR (92-U-233(N,F),,SIG) 1233100300004 MONIT-REF (,D.J.Hughes+,R,BNL-325,1957) Suppl. 1 1233100300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) standard deviation in alpha and fission 1233100300006 cross section 1233100300007 STATUS (TABLE,,J.C.Hopkins+,J,NSE,12,169,1962) Table II 1233100300008 (DEP,12331002) alpha values 1233100300009 HISTORY (20170807A) BP: Updated description and error analysis.1233100300010 (20231017A) On. EN-RSL-HW values added. 1233100300011 ENDBIB 9 0 1233100300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100300013 DATA 4 9 1233100300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 1233100300015 KEV KEV B B 1233100300016 30. 10. 0.425 0.092 1233100300017 60. 15. 0.331 0.079 1233100300018 175. 25. 0.236 0.051 1233100300019 250. 50. 0.214 0.054 1233100300020 400. 90. 0.176 0.027 1233100300021 600. 76. 0.124 0.020 1233100300022 750. 70. 0.093 0.019 1233100300023 900. 63. 0.097 0.017 1233100300024 1000. 58. 0.058 0.016 1233100300025 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 1233100399999 SUBENT 12331004 20231017 15091233100400001 BIB 6 9 1233100400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,G)92-U-236,,SIG) 1233100400003 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 1233100400004 MONIT-REF (,D.J.Hughes+,R,BNL-325,1957) Suppl. 1 1233100400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) standard deviation in alpha and fission 1233100400006 cross section 1233100400007 STATUS (TABLE,,J.C.Hopkins+,J,NSE,12,169,1962) Table II 1233100400008 (DEP,12331005) alpha values 1233100400009 HISTORY (20170807A) BP: Updated description and error analysis.1233100400010 (20231017A) On. EN-RSL-HW values added. 1233100400011 ENDBIB 9 0 1233100400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100400013 DATA 4 9 1233100400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 1233100400015 KEV KEV B B 1233100400016 30. 10. 1.031 0.129 1233100400017 60. 15. 0.703 0.076 1233100400018 175. 25. 0.347 0.038 1233100400019 250. 50. 0.301 0.033 1233100400020 400. 90. 0.198 0.021 1233100400021 600. 76. 0.172 0.019 1233100400022 750. 70. 0.150 0.017 1233100400023 900. 63. 0.128 0.017 1233100400024 1000. 58. 0.109 0.011 1233100400025 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 1233100499999 SUBENT 12331005 20231017 15091233100500001 BIB 6 12 1233100500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,ABS),,ALF) 1233100500003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.93) 1233100500004 Consists of 40 discs of 235U, each 0.77 in. in diam., 1233100500005 0.005 in. thick (9.5 g/cm2 total), and spaced 1233100500006 0.12 in. apart in a light Al frame 1233100500007 DETECTOR (FISCH) 36 surfaces, each coated with about 1.2 mg/cm2 1233100500008 of 235U 1233100500009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) standard deviation due to counting statistic1233100500010 and zero energy extrapolation 1233100500011 STATUS (TABLE,,J.C.Hopkins+,J,NSE,12,169,1962) Table I 1233100500012 HISTORY (20170807A) BP: Updated description and error analysis.1233100500013 (20231017A) On. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW. 1233100500014 ENDBIB 12 0 1233100500015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100500016 DATA 4 9 1233100500017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 1233100500018 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1233100500019 30. 10. 0.376 0.036 1233100500020 60. 15. 0.327 0.024 1233100500021 175. 25. 0.224 0.017 1233100500022 250. 50. 0.213 0.016 1233100500023 400. 90. 0.152 0.011 1233100500024 600. 76. 0.143 0.011 1233100500025 750. 70. 0.128 0.010 1233100500026 900. 63. 0.101 0.011 1233100500027 1000. 58. 0.087 0.008 1233100500028 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1233100599999 SUBENT 12331006 20231017 15091233100600001 BIB 6 12 1233100600002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,G)94-PU-240,,SIG) 1233100600003 MONITOR (94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG) 1233100600004 MONIT-REF (,D.J.Hughes+,R,BNL-325,1957) Suppl. 1 1233100600005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) standard deviation in alpha and fission 1233100600006 cross section 1233100600007 STATUS (TABLE,,J.C.Hopkins+,J,NSE,12,169,1962) Table II 1233100600008 (DEP,12331007) alpha values 1233100600009 (SPSDD,12331008) Renormalized with a newer 239Pu(n,f) 1233100600010 cross section 1233100600011 HISTORY (20170807A) BP: Updated description and error analysis.1233100600012 (20230706A) Status SPSDD added 1233100600013 (20231017A) On. EN-RSL-HW values added. 1233100600014 ENDBIB 12 0 1233100600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100600016 DATA 4 9 1233100600017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 1233100600018 KEV KEV B B 1233100600019 30. 10. 0.760 0.104 1233100600020 60. 15. 0.273 0.039 1233100600021 175. 25. 0.241 0.044 1233100600022 250. 50. 0.177 0.030 1233100600023 400. 90. 0.138 0.024 1233100600024 600. 76. 0.108 0.017 1233100600025 750. 70. 0.077 0.018 1233100600026 900. 63. 0.061 0.021 1233100600027 1000. 58. 0.048 0.013 1233100600028 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1233100699999 SUBENT 12331007 20231017 15091233100700001 BIB 6 10 1233100700002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,ABS),,ALF) 1233100700003 SAMPLE Consists of 22 discs of a 239PuAl alloy (3% Al by 1233100700004 weight), each 0.75 in. in diameter, 0.005 in. thick 1233100700005 DETECTOR (FISCH) 9 surfaces each coated with about 1 mg/cm2 of 1233100700006 239Pu 1233100700007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) standard deviation due to counting statistic1233100700008 and zero energy extrapolation 1233100700009 STATUS (TABLE,,J.C.Hopkins+,J,NSE,12,169,1962) Table I 1233100700010 HISTORY (20170807A) BP: Updated description and error analysis.1233100700011 (20231017A) On. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW. 1233100700012 ENDBIB 10 0 1233100700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100700014 DATA 4 9 1233100700015 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 1233100700016 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1233100700017 30. 10. 0.343 0.038 1233100700018 60. 15. 0.145 0.017 1233100700019 175. 25. 0.142 0.023 1233100700020 250. 50. 0.106 0.016 1233100700021 400. 90. 0.089 0.009 1233100700022 600. 76. 0.065 0.009 1233100700023 750. 70. 0.046 0.010 1233100700024 900. 63. 0.035 0.012 1233100700025 1000. 58. 0.027 0.007 1233100700026 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 1233100799999 SUBENT 12331008 20231017 15091233100800001 BIB 6 12 1233100800002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,G)94-PU-240,,SIG) 1233100800003 MONITOR (94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG) Updated standard values 1233100800004 ANALYSIS Revised values obtained by alpha values in 12331.007 1233100800005 multiplied by the 239Pu(n,f) INDEN evaluations cross 1233100800006 sections by Robert Capote and approved by John Hopkins1233100800007 on 17 October 2022. 1233100800008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty in alpha and 239Pu(n,f) standard1233100800009 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.Capote, Oct.2022. 1233100800010 (RNORM,12331006) 1233100800011 HISTORY (20221017R) On. Received from Roberto Capote. 1233100800012 (20230706C) 1233100800013 (20231018A) On. ERR-ANALYS added. 1233100800014 ENDBIB 12 0 1233100800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1233100800016 DATA 3 9 1233100800017 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1233100800018 MEV B B 1233100800019 3.0E-02 5.59E-01 6.2E-02 1233100800020 6.0E-02 2.25E-01 2.7E-02 1233100800021 1.75E-01 2.12E-01 3.4E-02 1233100800022 2.50E-01 1.59E-01 2.4E-02 1233100800023 4.00E-01 1.38E-01 1.4E-02 1233100800024 6.00E-01 1.04E-01 1.4E-02 1233100800025 7.50E-01 7.8E-02 1.7E-02 1233100800026 9.00E-01 5.9E-02 2.0E-02 1233100800027 1.000 4.7E-02 1.2E-02 1233100800028 ENDDATA 11 0 1233100800029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1233100899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 1233199999999