ENTRY            12369   20131029                             13981236900000001 
SUBENT        12369001   20131029                             13981236900100001 
BIB                  6         13                                 1236900100002 
TITLE      Search for Structure in the Fast-Neutron Interaction   1236900100003 
           with U-235                                             1236900100004 
AUTHOR     (A.B.Smith,J.F.Whalen)                                 1236900100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,16,525,1966)                                    1236900100006 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.16.525                        1236900100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USAANL)                                              1236900100008 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USAANL)                                          1236900100009 
HISTORY    (19761006C)                                            1236900100010 
           (19820519A) Converted to reaction formalism            1236900100011 
           (20131029A) BP: Updated to new date formats,lower      1236900100012 
           case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and Dict. 1236900100013 
           Digitized Figs. 1-2, corrected reaction string and     1236900100014 
           updated the BIB section.                               1236900100015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1236900100016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1236900100017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 1236900199999 
SUBENT        12369002   20131029                             13981236900200001 
BIB                  6         21                                 1236900200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,SCT)92-U-235,PAR,SIG)                      1236900200003 
METHOD     (TOF) The first type of measurement employed fast      1236900200004 
           time-of-flight techniques to determine the             1236900200005 
           differential elastic-scattering cross sections of      1236900200006 
           U-235 at 10-keV intervals for 0.4 to 0.6 MeV.          1236900200007 
           Measurements were made at 8 angles between 25 and 150  1236900200008 
           deg with incident-neutron resolution of 20 keV and     1236900200009 
           scattered-neutron resolutions of 25 keV. All measured  1236900200010 
           neutrons within the scattered resolution function      1236900200011 
           were considered due to elastic processes.              1236900200012 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,SCT)6-C-12,,SIG)                             1236900200013 
ANALYSIS   (4PI1A) The measured values were normalized to the     1236900200014 
           known differential scattering cross sections of        1236900200015 
           carbon, corrected for multiple scattering, and         1236900200016 
           expressed as a Legendre expansion.                     1236900200017 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The indicated errors represent relative     1236900200018 
           experimental uncertainties and do not include          1236900200019 
           possible systematic effects due to the normalization.  1236900200020 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2, page 526.                               1236900200021 
           (COREL,10233002) Data presented by the author without  1236900200022 
            energy dependent uncertainty                          1236900200023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 1236900200024 
COMMON               1          3                                 1236900200025 
Q-VAL-MIN                                                         1236900200026 
KEV                                                               1236900200027 
-25.                                                              1236900200028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1236900200029 
DATA                 4         20                                 1236900200030 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         1236900200031 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                1236900200032 
      0.401      0.009      5.653      0.239                      1236900200033 
      0.420      0.009      5.535      0.239                      1236900200034 
      0.430      0.008      5.728      0.225                      1236900200035 
      0.441      0.009      5.627      0.211                      1236900200036 
      0.451      0.009      5.413      0.239                      1236900200037 
      0.460      0.008      5.762      0.253                      1236900200038 
      0.471      0.006      5.773      0.267                      1236900200039 
      0.480      0.008      5.658      0.253                      1236900200040 
      0.491      0.006      5.795      0.253                      1236900200041 
      0.501      0.008      5.821      0.253                      1236900200042 
      0.510      0.008      5.649      0.253                      1236900200043 
      0.521      0.009      5.815      0.267                      1236900200044 
      0.530      0.007      5.742      0.253                      1236900200045 
      0.540      0.008      5.837      0.239                      1236900200046 
      0.550      0.010      5.637      0.253                      1236900200047 
      0.560      0.008      5.634      0.239                      1236900200048 
      0.570      0.008      5.435      0.239                      1236900200049 
      0.581      0.006      5.418      0.239                      1236900200050 
      0.590      0.007      5.387      0.253                      1236900200051 
      0.600      0.009      5.299      0.239                      1236900200052 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1236900200053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 1236900299999 
SUBENT        12369003   20131029                             13981236900300001 
BIB                  5         21                                 1236900300002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)                                   1236900300003 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)                                   1236900300004 
           Arbitrarily normalized to 1.25 B at 0.4 MeV.           1236900300005 
METHOD     The second experiment determined the relative fission  1236900300006 
           cross section of U-235 from 0.36 to 0.65 MeV. The      1236900300007 
           measurements were made with an automated facility      1236900300008 
           including digital computer control of a Van de Graaff  1236900300009 
           accelerator and all requisite experimental equipment.  1236900300010 
           The facility was programmed to determine the ratio of  1236900300011 
           the response of a U-235 fission counter to that of a   1236900300012 
           long counter with a preset statistical uncertainty     1236900300013 
           and at specified neutron energies. The facility was    1236900300014 
           programmed to determine the ratio of the response of   1236900300015 
           a U-235 fission counter to that of a long counter      1236900300016 
           with a preset statistical uncertainty and at           1236900300017 
           specified neutron energies. The incident resolution    1236900300018 
           was <=15 keV and measurements were made at 5-keV       1236900300019 
           intervals throughout the incident energy range.        1236900300020 
           Neutron emission angle was 15 degrees.                 1236900300021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Counting statistics was 3 percent.             1236900300022 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 (B), page 526.                           1236900300023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 1236900300024 
COMMON               3          3                                 1236900300025 
EN-NRM     MONIT      ERR-S                                       1236900300026 
MEV        B          PER-CENT                                    1236900300027 
  0.4        1.25        3.0                                      1236900300028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1236900300029 
DATA                 2         66                                 1236900300030 
EN         DATA                                                   1236900300031 
MEV        B                                                      1236900300032 
      0.380      1.288                                            1236900300033 
      0.385      1.214                                            1236900300034 
      0.389      1.243                                            1236900300035 
      0.391      1.212                                            1236900300036 
      0.395      1.242                                            1236900300037 
      0.396      1.190                                            1236900300038 
      0.400      1.241                                            1236900300039 
      0.401      1.220                                            1236900300040 
      0.405      1.230                                            1236900300041 
      0.410      1.146                                            1236900300042 
      0.412      1.198                                            1236900300043 
      0.415      1.239                                            1236900300044 
      0.420      1.197                                            1236900300045 
      0.425      1.217                                            1236900300046 
      0.430      1.206                                            1236900300047 
      0.435      1.174                                            1236900300048 
      0.440      1.267                                            1236900300049 
      0.445      1.224                                            1236900300050 
      0.450      1.349                                            1236900300051 
      0.451      1.265                                            1236900300052 
      0.455      1.285                                            1236900300053 
      0.460      1.285                                            1236900300054 
      0.462      1.274                                            1236900300055 
      0.465      1.232                                            1236900300056 
      0.470      1.262                                            1236900300057 
      0.475      1.241                                            1236900300058 
      0.480      1.250                                            1236900300059 
      0.485      1.177                                            1236900300060 
      0.490      1.270                                            1236900300061 
      0.495      1.186                                            1236900300062 
      0.500      1.237                                            1236900300063 
      0.505      1.216                                            1236900300064 
      0.510      1.194                                            1236900300065 
      0.516      1.204                                            1236900300066 
      0.520      1.276                                            1236900300067 
      0.521      1.234                                            1236900300068 
      0.525      1.275                                            1236900300069 
      0.529      1.202                                            1236900300070 
      0.530      1.160                                            1236900300071 
      0.535      1.190                                            1236900300072 
      0.540      1.200                                            1236900300073 
      0.545      1.262                                            1236900300074 
      0.549      1.178                                            1236900300075 
      0.555      1.167                                            1236900300076 
      0.559      1.208                                            1236900300077 
      0.560      1.145                                            1236900300078 
      0.565      1.196                                            1236900300079 
      0.570      1.227                                            1236900300080 
      0.575      1.268                                            1236900300081 
      0.580      1.246                                            1236900300082 
      0.584      1.246                                            1236900300083 
      0.590      1.193                                            1236900300084 
      0.595      1.223                                            1236900300085 
      0.599      1.233                                            1236900300086 
      0.605      1.191                                            1236900300087 
      0.610      1.169                                            1236900300088 
      0.614      1.189                                            1236900300089 
      0.619      1.157                                            1236900300090 
      0.626      1.135                                            1236900300091 
      0.629      1.187                                            1236900300092 
      0.634      1.207                                            1236900300093 
      0.639      1.175                                            1236900300094 
      0.644      1.226                                            1236900300095 
      0.650      1.163                                            1236900300096 
      0.655      1.214                                            1236900300097 
      0.657      1.214                                            1236900300098 
ENDDATA             68          0                                 1236900300099 
ENDSUBENT           98          0                                 1236900399999 
SUBENT        12369004   20131127                             13981236900400001 
BIB                  6         21                                 1236900400002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)                                   1236900400003 
MONITOR    Arbitrarily normalized to 1.25 B at 0.4 MeV.           1236900400004 
METHOD     The second experiment determined the relative fission  1236900400005 
           cross section of U-235 from 0.36 to 0.65 MeV. The      1236900400006 
           measurements were made with an automated facility      1236900400007 
           including digital computer control of a Van de Graaff  1236900400008 
           accelerator and all requisite experimental equipment.  1236900400009 
           The facility was programmed to determine the ratio of  1236900400010 
           the response of a U-235 fission counter to that of a   1236900400011 
           long counter with a preset statistical uncertainty     1236900400012 
           and at specified neutron energies. The facility was    1236900400013 
           programmed to determine the ratio of the response of   1236900400014 
           a U-235 fission counter to that of a long counter      1236900400015 
           with a preset statistical uncertainty and at           1236900400016 
           specified neutron energies. The incident resolution    1236900400017 
           was <=15 keV and measurements were made at 5-keV       1236900400018 
           intervals throughout the incident energy range.        1236900400019 
           Neutron emission angle was 0 degrees.                  1236900400020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Counting statistics was 2 percent.             1236900400021 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 (C), page 526.                           1236900400022 
HISTORY    (20131127C)                                            1236900400023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 1236900400024 
COMMON               3          3                                 1236900400025 
EN-NRM     MONIT      ERR-S                                       1236900400026 
MEV        B          PER-CENT                                    1236900400027 
  0.4        1.25        2.0                                      1236900400028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1236900400029 
DATA                 2         56                                 1236900400030 
EN         DATA                                                   1236900400031 
MEV        B                                                      1236900400032 
      0.379      1.165                                            1236900400033 
      0.385      1.202                                            1236900400034 
      0.389      1.202                                            1236900400035 
      0.395      1.201                                            1236900400036 
      0.400      1.177                                            1236900400037 
      0.405      1.188                                            1236900400038 
      0.409      1.187                                            1236900400039 
      0.414      1.244                                            1236900400040 
      0.419      1.197                                            1236900400041 
      0.425      1.220                                            1236900400042 
      0.429      1.242                                            1236900400043 
      0.434      1.276                                            1236900400044 
      0.440      1.287                                            1236900400045 
      0.445      1.286                                            1236900400046 
      0.450      1.297                                            1236900400047 
      0.455      1.285                                            1236900400048 
      0.460      1.249                                            1236900400049 
      0.465      1.260                                            1236900400050 
      0.470      1.248                                            1236900400051 
      0.475      1.212                                            1236900400052 
      0.480      1.223                                            1236900400053 
      0.485      1.257                                            1236900400054 
      0.490      1.268                                            1236900400055 
      0.495      1.279                                            1236900400056 
      0.499      1.243                                            1236900400057 
      0.505      1.219                                            1236900400058 
      0.509      1.242                                            1236900400059 
      0.514      1.229                                            1236900400060 
      0.520      1.205                                            1236900400061 
      0.525      1.193                                            1236900400062 
      0.530      1.250                                            1236900400063 
      0.534      1.203                                            1236900400064 
      0.540      1.260                                            1236900400065 
      0.545      1.202                                            1236900400066 
      0.550      1.259                                            1236900400067 
      0.555      1.270                                            1236900400068 
      0.560      1.234                                            1236900400069 
      0.565      1.176                                            1236900400070 
      0.570      1.268                                            1236900400071 
      0.574      1.267                                            1236900400072 
      0.580      1.196                                            1236900400073 
      0.586      1.196                                            1236900400074 
      0.590      1.265                                            1236900400075 
      0.595      1.241                                            1236900400076 
      0.600      1.170                                            1236900400077 
      0.605      1.181                                            1236900400078 
      0.610      1.227                                            1236900400079 
      0.616      1.180                                            1236900400080 
      0.621      1.202                                            1236900400081 
      0.626      1.190                                            1236900400082 
      0.630      1.247                                            1236900400083 
      0.636      1.177                                            1236900400084 
      0.641      1.164                                            1236900400085 
      0.645      1.222                                            1236900400086 
      0.650      1.221                                            1236900400087 
      0.655      1.244                                            1236900400088 
ENDDATA             58          0                                 1236900400089 
ENDSUBENT           88          0                                 1236900499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 1236999999999