ENTRY            12559   19840224                             13381255900000001 
SUBENT        12559001   19840224                             13381255900100001 
BIB                 12         20                                 1255900100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAORL)                                              1255900100003 
REFERENCE  (C,65ANTWERP,,(13),1965)                               1255900100004 
AUTHOR     (R.L.Macklin,J.H.Gibbons)                              1255900100005 
TITLE      On the absolute value and energy dependence of         1255900100006 
           the He-3(n,p) reaction.                                1255900100007 
FACILITY   (VDG) ORNL 5 MeV Van De Graaff.                        1255900100008 
METHOD     Measurement of inverse reaction.                       1255900100009 
INC-SOURCE (P-T) Tritiated titanium films-2-4 keV thick.          1255900100010 
MONITOR    The yields were converted to He-3(n,p)                 1255900100011 
           by detailed balance and normalized to a value          1255900100012 
           of 1800 mb at 100 keV.                                 1255900100013 
DETECTOR   (D4PI) graphite 4-PI neutron detector.                 1255900100014 
ANALYSIS   T(P,N) cross section was assumed to be proportional to 1255900100015 
           neutron velocity for the fist keV above threshold.     1255900100016 
           reciprocity theorem was used to convert the P-T        1255900100017 
           reaction cross section to obtain the He-3(n,p)         1255900100018 
           cross section.                                         1255900100019 
STATUS     Data read-off from the plot in the paper.              1255900100020 
HISTORY    (19840217C)                                            1255900100021 
           (20051110C) DR Format updated                          1255900100022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 1255900100023 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1255900100024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 1255900199999 
SUBENT        12559002   19840224                             00001255900200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 1255900200002 
REACTION   (2-HE-3(N,P)1-H-3,,SIG)                                1255900200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 1255900200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1255900200005 
DATA                 2         18                                 1255900200006 
EN         DATA                                                   1255900200007 
KEV        B                                                      1255900200008 
3.9        15.8                                                   1255900200009 
9.0        7.1                                                    1255900200010 
9.0        9.5                                                    1255900200011 
18.8       4.9                                                    1255900200012 
28.        4.75                                                   1255900200013 
39.5       3.1                                                    1255900200014 
47.5       3.28                                                   1255900200015 
51.        2.75                                                   1255900200016 
78.        2.3                                                    1255900200017 
79.        2.15                                                   1255900200018 
118.       1.75                                                   1255900200019 
125.       1.78                                                   1255900200020 
180.       1.5                                                    1255900200021 
210.       1.55                                                   1255900200022 
230.       1.4                                                    1255900200023 
280.       1.15                                                   1255900200024 
318.       1.08                                                   1255900200025 
340.       1.08                                                   1255900200026 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 1255900200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 1255900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1255999999999