ENTRY 12787 20241001 15151278700000001 SUBENT 12787001 20241001 15151278700100001 BIB 12 18 1278700100002 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) 1278700100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,26,969,1982) 1278700100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.26.969 1278700100005 AUTHOR (J.C.Browne,B.L.Berman) 1278700100006 TITLE Neutron-capture resonances for 82-Se 1278700100007 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALRL) 1278700100008 INC-SOURCE (EVAP) 100 MeV electrons on H(2)O cooled Ta. 1278700100009 METHOD (TOF) Capture gammas measured. 1278700100010 DETECTOR (SCIN) C(6)O(6) scintillators. 1278700100011 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG) 1278700100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties 1278700100013 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by J.C.Browne, 82/11/23. 1278700100014 (TABLE,,J.C.Browne+,J,PR/C,26,969,1982) Table II, 1278700100015 p. 973 1278700100016 HISTORY (19821021C) 1278700100017 (20050715C) DR Format updated and reference corrected 1278700100018 (20240910A) OS. Error headings corrected, 1278700100019 BIB corrections, FLAG corrected in sub.2 1278700100020 ENDBIB 18 0 1278700100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 1278700100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1278700199999 SUBENT 12787002 20241001 15151278700200001 BIB 5 16 1278700200002 REACTION (34-SE-0(N,0),,EN) 1278700200003 SAMPLE 2 gr. powdered metal natural selenium 1278700200004 Isotope Atom percent 1278700200005 74-Se 0.9 1278700200006 76-Se 9.0 1278700200007 77-Se 7.6 1278700200008 78-Se 23.5 1278700200009 80-Se 49.8 1278700200010 82-Se 9.2 1278700200011 FLAG (2.) Weak 1278700200012 (3.) Doublet (definite,probable,possible) 1278700200013 (4.) Triplet 1278700200014 (5.) Complex 1278700200015 COMMENT Not possible to assign to 82Se 1278700200016 HISTORY (20240910A) FLAG deleted from COMMON, COMMENT added, 1278700200017 DATA-ERR -> ERR-S 1278700200018 ENDBIB 16 0 1278700200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 1278700200020 DATA 3 136 1278700200021 DATA ERR-S FLAG 1278700200022 EV EV NO-DIM 1278700200023 27.13 0.02 1278700200024 27.9 0.1 1278700200025 113.2 0.1 1278700200026 129.1 0.1 3. 1278700200027 153.1 0.2 1278700200028 178.1 0.2 1278700200029 211.7 0.1 1278700200030 271.1 0.2 1278700200031 290.1 0.2 1278700200032 341.6 0.15 1278700200033 370.5 0.3 1278700200034 377.4 0.15 1278700200035 383.1 0.15 1278700200036 442. 2. 5. 1278700200037 484.8 0.2 1278700200038 517.1 0.7 3. 1278700200039 551.4 0.3 3. 1278700200040 690.4 0.5 1278700200041 846.5 0.3 1278700200042 860.8 0.2 1278700200043 921.3 0.3 1278700200044 970.9 0.3 1278700200045 995. 1. 1278700200046 1021. 1. 1278700200047 1092. 0.7 1278700200048 1213. 0.5 1278700200049 1267. 0.5 1278700200050 1298. 1. 1278700200051 1335. 1. 1278700200052 1355. 0.7 1278700200053 1375. 0.7 1278700200054 1403. 1. 1278700200055 1446. 1.5 1278700200056 1474. 1. 1278700200057 1491. 1. 1278700200058 1531. 3. 3. 1278700200059 1642. 11. 4. 1278700200060 1678. 1. 1278700200061 1728. 4. 1278700200062 1785. 1. 1278700200063 1810. 2. 1278700200064 1853. 4. 3. 1278700200065 1883. 3. 1278700200066 1980. 5. 1278700200067 2017. 1.5 1278700200068 2037. 2. 1278700200069 2113. 2. 1278700200070 2255. 1.5 1278700200071 2279. 3. 1278700200072 2303. 3. 1278700200073 2340. 2. 1278700200074 2394. 1.5 1278700200075 2488. 2. 1278700200076 2525. 1.5 1278700200077 2569. 2. 1278700200078 2665. 2. 1278700200079 2725. 7. 3. 1278700200080 2790. 3. 1278700200081 2835. 2. 1278700200082 3023. 2. 1278700200083 3173. 3. 1278700200084 3206. 3. 1278700200085 3340. 5. 5. 1278700200086 3381. 3. 1278700200087 3553. 3. 1278700200088 3630. 2. 1278700200089 3829. 4. 1278700200090 3908. 5. 1278700200091 4027. 5. 1278700200092 4176. 4. 1278700200093 4222. 5. 1278700200094 4259. 9. 5. 1278700200095 4324. 4. 5. 1278700200096 4426. 15. 3. 1278700200097 4508. 15. 3. 1278700200098 4605. 5. 1278700200099 4717. 3. 1278700200100 4957. 7. 1278700200101 5033. 5. 1278700200102 5090. 10. 3. 1278700200103 5224. 6. 1278700200104 5402. 6. 1278700200105 5655. 7. 1278700200106 6088. 22. 5. 1278700200107 6390. 6. 1278700200108 6558. 10. 1278700200109 6735. 10. 1278700200110 6800. 10. 1278700200111 6910. 10. 1278700200112 7305. 10. 1278700200113 7375. 10. 1278700200114 7565. 10. 1278700200115 7675. 10. 1278700200116 7775. 10. 1278700200117 8020. 10. 1278700200118 8110. 10. 1278700200119 8405. 25. 2. 1278700200120 8670. 20. 1278700200121 8990. 10. 1278700200122 9200. 15. 1278700200123 9410. 30. 1278700200124 9590. 15. 1278700200125 9840. 30. 1278700200126 10.34E+03 0.04E+03 1278700200127 10.50E+03 0.02E+03 1278700200128 10.92E+03 0.02E+03 1278700200129 11.10E+03 0.02E+03 1278700200130 11.32E+03 0.02E+03 1278700200131 11.61E+03 0.03E+03 1278700200132 11.80E+03 0.03E+03 1278700200133 12.05E+03 0.03E+03 1278700200134 12.37E+03 0.03E+03 1278700200135 13.00E+03 0.03E+03 1278700200136 14.20E+03 0.1E+03 3. 1278700200137 14.75E+03 0.05E+03 3. 1278700200138 15.17E+03 0.03E+03 1278700200139 15.6E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200140 16.9E+03 0.1E+03 3. 1278700200141 17.7E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200142 17.9E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200143 18.2E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200144 18.6E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200145 20.5E+03 0.15E+03 1278700200146 21.7E+03 0.15E+03 1278700200147 22.6E+03 0.15E+03 1278700200148 23.5E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200149 23.8E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200150 24.3E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200151 24.9E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200152 25.5E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200153 25.9E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200154 26.3E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200155 26.8E+03 0.1E+03 1278700200156 29.1E+03 0.15E+03 3. 1278700200157 30.8E+03 0.2E+03 1278700200158 39.2E+03 0.2E+03 1278700200159 ENDDATA 138 0 1278700200160 ENDSUBENT 159 0 1278700299999 SUBENT 12787003 20241001 15151278700300001 BIB 4 13 1278700300002 REACTION (34-SE-82(N,0),,EN) 1278700300003 SAMPLE 2 gr. powdered metal enriched selenium 1278700300004 Isotope Atom percent 1278700300005 74-Se LT 0.1 1278700300006 76-Se 1.3 1278700300007 77-Se 0.96 1278700300008 78-Se 3.76 1278700300009 80-Se 6.17 1278700300010 82-Se 87.8 1278700300011 FLAG (1.) Weak, complex, may have components not from 82-Se 1278700300012 (2.) Weak 1278700300013 (3.) Possibly complex 1278700300014 HISTORY (20240910A) DATA-ERR -> ERR-S 1278700300015 ENDBIB 13 0 1278700300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 1278700300017 DATA 3 7 1278700300018 DATA ERR-S FLAG 1278700300019 EV EV NO-DIM 1278700300020 579.4 .2 1. 1278700300021 1154. 1. 2. 1278700300022 3630. 2. 1278700300023 7105. 3. 1278700300024 9508. 10. 1278700300025 13540. 50. 2. 1278700300026 16500. 100. 2. 1278700300027 ENDDATA 9 0 1278700300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1278700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1278799999999