ENTRY 12835 20110727 13741283500000001 SUBENT 12835001 20110727 13741283500100001 BIB 7 29 1283500100002 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,3SAFITH,3SAFSCT) National accelerator, Faure 1283500100003 and University of Western Cape,Bellville 1283500100004 REFERENCE (J,ZP/A,319,47,198410) 1283500100005 (J,NP/A,415,1,198403) 1283500100006 (R,ANL-NDM-79,198209) 1283500100007 AUTHOR (C.Budtz-Jorgensen,P.Guenther,A.Smith,J.Whalen, 1283500100008 W.R.McMurray,M.J.Renan,I.J.van Heerden) 1283500100009 TITLE Neutron total,scattering and inelastic gamma-ray 1283500100010 production cross sections of yttrium at few MeV 1283500100011 energies. 1283500100012 SAMPLE All of the measurement samples were fabricated from 1283500100013 yttrium metal having no significant impurities. 1283500100014 * The total-cross-section samples were cylinders 1283500100015 2.54cm in diameter with lengths varying from 1.0 to 1283500100016 4.75 cm. 1283500100017 * The neutron-scattering sample was a cylinder 2.0cm 1283500100018 in diameter and 2.0cm in length. The sample used 1283500100019 in the (n, n'gamma) measurements was a cylinder 1283500100020 2.4cm in diameter and 2.5cm in length. 1283500100021 Sample densities were calculated from precise dimension1283500100022 and weight measurements. 1283500100023 STATUS (APRVD) A.B.Smith, 1985/3/29. 1283500100024 (TABLE) Data taken from private 1283500100025 comm., A.B.Smith, 1985/2/1. 1283500100026 HISTORY (19850220C) 1283500100027 (20110727A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 1283500100028 corrected according to last EXFOR rules and Dict. 1283500100029 ref. to ZP corrected (ZP -> ZP/A). BIB updated. 1283500100030 Several changes in sub.5. 1283500100031 ENDBIB 29 0 1283500100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 1283500100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 1283500199999 SUBENT 12835002 20110727 13741283500200001 BIB 11 30 1283500200002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) 1283500200003 FACILITY (NGEN,1USAANL) Fast-Neutron Generator Facility. 1283500200004 INC-SPECT Energy resolution varied from 50 keV at 0.5 MeV to 1283500200005 100 keV at 4.2 MeV. 1283500200006 METHOD (TRN) The neutron total cross sections were deduced 1283500200007 from the observed transmissions of approximately 1283500200008 monoenergetic neutrons through the samples in the 1283500200009 conventional manner 1283500200010 REL-REF details of total cross section calculation: 1283500200011 Miller, D.: Fast-neutron physics. Marion, J., 1283500200012 Fowler, J. (eds.),Vol. 2. New York: Interscience 1963 1283500200013 (I,,W.Poenitz+,J,NSE,78,333,1981) - 1283500200014 details of total cross section apparatus 1283500200015 (M,,W.Poenitz+,R,ANL-NDM-80,1983) - details of total 1283500200016 cross section measurements method 1283500200017 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1283500200018 DETECTOR (SCIN) Argonne ten-angle detection system consisted 1283500200019 of proton-recoiled scintillators 1283500200020 SAMPLE Elemental metal 2.54-cm diameter with varying lengths 1283500200021 from 1.0 to 4.75 cm. 1283500200022 CORRECTION Corrections were made for- 1283500200023 . dead-time effects 1283500200024 . inscattering effects were negligibly small. 1283500200025 ANALYSIS Total cross sections measured for varying sample 1283500200026 thicknesses were averaged over 100 keV in order to 1283500200027 smooth the fluctuations. 1283500200028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The statistical uncertainties of the 1283500200029 averaged cross sections were 1 to 3%. 1283500200030 and the systematic uncertainties are 1283500200031 believed to be considerably smaller 1283500200032 ENDBIB 30 0 1283500200033 NOCOMMON 0 0 1283500200034 DATA 3 37 1283500200035 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-S 1283500200036 MEV B B 1283500200037 0.4723E+00 0.8988E+01 0.1166E+00 1283500200038 0.5692E+00 0.8343E+01 0.8909E-01 1283500200039 0.6619E+00 0.8151E+01 0.9716E-01 1283500200040 0.7607E+00 0.7424E+01 0.1023E+00 1283500200041 0.8688E+00 0.6860E+01 0.9415E-01 1283500200042 0.9378E+00 0.6836E+01 0.1179E+00 1283500200043 0.1052E+01 0.6449E+01 0.9108E-01 1283500200044 0.1169E+01 0.5978E+01 0.8408E-01 1283500200045 0.1247E+01 0.5892E+01 0.8687E-01 1283500200046 0.1329E+01 0.5752E+01 0.8405E-01 1283500200047 0.1430E+01 0.5404E+01 0.8542E-01 1283500200048 0.1548E+01 0.5134E+01 0.8319E-01 1283500200049 0.1678E+01 0.4923E+01 0.8412E-01 1283500200050 0.1770E+01 0.4880E+01 0.8535E-01 1283500200051 0.1846E+01 0.4582E+01 0.8907E-01 1283500200052 0.1928E+01 0.4645E+01 0.8367E-01 1283500200053 0.2047E+01 0.4573E+01 0.8418E-01 1283500200054 0.2169E+01 0.4370E+01 0.8624E-01 1283500200055 0.2269E+01 0.4302E+01 0.8713E-01 1283500200056 0.2375E+01 0.4327E+01 0.8432E-01 1283500200057 0.2453E+01 0.4225E+01 0.8414E-01 1283500200058 0.2531E+01 0.4293E+01 0.8785E-01 1283500200059 0.2636E+01 0.4161E+01 0.7926E-01 1283500200060 0.2735E+01 0.4141E+01 0.1031E+00 1283500200061 0.2828E+01 0.4126E+01 0.6992E-01 1283500200062 0.2930E+01 0.4014E+01 0.6270E-01 1283500200063 0.3038E+01 0.4065E+01 0.7858E-01 1283500200064 0.3140E+01 0.4064E+01 0.6681E-01 1283500200065 0.3241E+01 0.4106E+01 0.6993E-01 1283500200066 0.3349E+01 0.4052E+01 0.6732E-01 1283500200067 0.3450E+01 0.4033E+01 0.6858E-01 1283500200068 0.3552E+01 0.3992E+01 0.6924E-01 1283500200069 0.3654E+01 0.3959E+01 0.7084E-01 1283500200070 0.3755E+01 0.4015E+01 0.7258E-01 1283500200071 0.3849E+01 0.3910E+01 0.7559E-01 1283500200072 0.3956E+01 0.3860E+01 0.7628E-01 1283500200073 0.4055E+01 0.3852E+01 0.6616E-01 1283500200074 ENDDATA 39 0 1283500200075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 1283500299999 SUBENT 12835003 20110727 13741283500300001 BIB 12 28 1283500300002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,EL)39-Y-89,,DA,,AV) 1283500300003 FACILITY (NGEN,1USAANL) fast-neutron generator facility. 1283500300004 METHOD (TOF) 5.5-m fight path 1283500300005 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1283500300006 DETECTOR Argonne ten-angle detection system 1283500300007 REL-REF (I,,C.Budtz-Jorgensen+,R,ANL-NDM-79,1982) - 1283500300008 details of ten-angle detection system 1283500300009 CORRECTION Corrections were made for- 1283500300010 . dead-time effects 1283500300011 . inscattering effects were negligibly small. 1283500300012 INC-SPECT Incident neutron resolutions- 50 to 75 keV. 1283500300013 Several measurements were made with 15 keV resolution. 1283500300014 MONITOR (6-C-12(N,TOT),,SIG) Carbon-verification sample used. 1283500300015 MONIT-REF (10474003,A.Smith+,J,NSE,70,281,1979) 1283500300016 ANALYSIS The measured differential elastic cross sections 1283500300017 were averaged over 200-keV increments in steps of 1283500300018 100 keV to smooth the fluctuations. 1283500300019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Overall uncertainty for individual 1283500300020 measurements about 5%. 1283500300021 (ERR-S,,2.) Statistical uncertainty of the individual 1283500300022 differential was less than 2%. 1283500300023 (ERR-1,,1.) Uncertainty due to detector calibration 1283500300024 less than 3%. 1283500300025 . The relative angular scale known to 0.1 1283500300026 degree and the absolute angular scale to 1283500300027 0.5 degree. 1283500300028 (ERR-2,,1.) Correction procedure introduced <= 1% 1283500300029 uncertainty. 1283500300030 ENDBIB 28 0 1283500300031 COMMON 1 3 1283500300032 EN-RSL 1283500300033 KEV 1283500300034 200. 1283500300035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1283500300036 DATA 4 250 1283500300037 EN-MEAN ANG DATA ERR-T 1283500300038 MEV ADEG B/SR PER-CENT 1283500300039 1.54 0.183E+02 0.135E+01 0.600E+01 1283500300040 1.54 0.282E+02 0.115E+01 0.600E+01 1283500300041 1.54 0.451E+02 0.738E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300042 1.54 0.641E+02 0.417E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300043 1.54 0.820E+02 0.284E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300044 1.54 0.100E+03 0.216E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300045 1.54 0.117E+03 0.169E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300046 1.54 0.132E+03 0.164E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300047 1.54 0.147E+03 0.234E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300048 1.54 0.157E+03 0.319E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300049 1.69 0.210E+02 0.121E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300050 1.69 0.309E+02 0.964E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300051 1.69 0.488E+02 0.557E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300052 1.69 0.648E+02 0.346E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300053 1.69 0.817E+02 0.250E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300054 1.69 0.977E+02 0.218E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300055 1.69 0.114E+03 0.159E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300056 1.69 0.130E+03 0.138E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300057 1.69 0.147E+03 0.218E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300058 1.69 0.157E+03 0.306E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300059 1.79 0.210E+02 0.116E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300060 1.79 0.309E+02 0.912E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300061 1.79 0.488E+02 0.508E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300062 1.79 0.648E+02 0.298E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300063 1.79 0.817E+02 0.230E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300064 1.79 0.977E+02 0.197E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300065 1.79 0.114E+03 0.141E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300066 1.79 0.130E+03 0.123E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300067 1.79 0.147E+03 0.206E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300068 1.79 0.157E+03 0.287E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300069 1.90 0.210E+02 0.111E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300070 1.90 0.309E+02 0.850E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300071 1.90 0.488E+02 0.435E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300072 1.90 0.648E+02 0.249E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300073 1.90 0.817E+02 0.203E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300074 1.90 0.977E+02 0.174E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300075 1.90 0.114E+03 0.121E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300076 1.90 0.130E+03 0.104E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300077 1.90 0.147E+03 0.183E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300078 1.90 0.157E+03 0.265E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300079 1.97 0.210E+02 0.109E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300080 1.97 0.309E+02 0.814E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300081 1.97 0.488E+02 0.395E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300082 1.97 0.648E+02 0.233E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300083 1.97 0.817E+02 0.193E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300084 1.97 0.977E+02 0.164E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300085 1.97 0.114E+03 0.114E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300086 1.97 0.130E+03 0.941E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300087 1.97 0.147E+03 0.172E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300088 1.97 0.157E+03 0.256E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300089 2.07 0.210E+02 0.106E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300090 2.07 0.309E+02 0.754E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300091 2.07 0.488E+02 0.347E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300092 2.07 0.648E+02 0.212E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300093 2.07 0.817E+02 0.184E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300094 2.07 0.977E+02 0.155E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300095 2.07 0.114E+03 0.106E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300096 2.07 0.130E+03 0.879E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300097 2.07 0.147E+03 0.162E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300098 2.07 0.157E+03 0.247E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300099 2.19 0.210E+02 0.102E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300100 2.19 0.309E+02 0.711E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300101 2.19 0.478E+02 0.311E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300102 2.19 0.648E+02 0.193E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300103 2.19 0.808E+02 0.177E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300104 2.19 0.977E+02 0.146E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300105 2.19 0.114E+03 0.970E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300106 2.19 0.131E+03 0.836E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300107 2.19 0.147E+03 0.160E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300108 2.19 0.157E+03 0.243E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300109 2.29 0.210E+02 0.102E+01 0.600E+01 1283500300110 2.29 0.309E+02 0.697E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300111 2.29 0.478E+02 0.289E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300112 2.29 0.648E+02 0.177E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300113 2.29 0.808E+02 0.175E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300114 2.29 0.977E+02 0.142E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300115 2.29 0.114E+03 0.887E-01 0.600E+01 1283500300116 2.29 0.131E+03 0.751E-01 0.600E+01 1283500300117 2.29 0.147E+03 0.155E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300118 2.29 0.157E+03 0.244E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300119 2.39 0.210E+02 0.102E+01 0.600E+01 1283500300120 2.39 0.309E+02 0.679E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300121 2.39 0.478E+02 0.262E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300122 2.39 0.648E+02 0.162E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300123 2.39 0.808E+02 0.168E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300124 2.39 0.977E+02 0.135E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300125 2.39 0.114E+03 0.814E-01 0.600E+01 1283500300126 2.39 0.131E+03 0.682E-01 0.600E+01 1283500300127 2.39 0.147E+03 0.147E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300128 2.39 0.157E+03 0.233E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300129 2.49 0.210E+02 0.101E+01 0.600E+01 1283500300130 2.49 0.309E+02 0.662E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300131 2.49 0.478E+02 0.244E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300132 2.49 0.648E+02 0.158E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300133 2.49 0.808E+02 0.168E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300134 2.49 0.977E+02 0.131E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300135 2.49 0.114E+03 0.795E-01 0.600E+01 1283500300136 2.49 0.131E+03 0.684E-01 0.600E+01 1283500300137 2.49 0.147E+03 0.144E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300138 2.49 0.157E+03 0.226E+00 0.600E+01 1283500300139 2.59 0.210E+02 0.101E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300140 2.59 0.309E+02 0.632E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300141 2.59 0.478E+02 0.221E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300142 2.59 0.648E+02 0.148E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300143 2.59 0.808E+02 0.168E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300144 2.59 0.977E+02 0.132E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300145 2.59 0.114E+03 0.779E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300146 2.59 0.131E+03 0.661E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300147 2.59 0.147E+03 0.143E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300148 2.59 0.157E+03 0.230E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300149 2.70 0.210E+02 0.101E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300150 2.70 0.309E+02 0.617E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300151 2.70 0.478E+02 0.199E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300152 2.70 0.648E+02 0.145E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300153 2.70 0.808E+02 0.170E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300154 2.70 0.977E+02 0.132E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300155 2.70 0.114E+03 0.744E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300156 2.70 0.131E+03 0.661E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300157 2.70 0.147E+03 0.145E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300158 2.70 0.157E+03 0.231E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300159 2.80 0.210E+02 0.104E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300160 2.80 0.309E+02 0.624E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300161 2.80 0.478E+02 0.192E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300162 2.80 0.648E+02 0.144E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300163 2.80 0.808E+02 0.170E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300164 2.80 0.977E+02 0.131E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300165 2.80 0.114E+03 0.748E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300166 2.80 0.131E+03 0.662E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300167 2.80 0.147E+03 0.143E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300168 2.80 0.157E+03 0.225E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300169 2.88 0.210E+02 0.107E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300170 2.88 0.309E+02 0.632E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300171 2.88 0.478E+02 0.186E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300172 2.88 0.648E+02 0.144E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300173 2.88 0.808E+02 0.174E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300174 2.88 0.977E+02 0.131E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300175 2.88 0.114E+03 0.729E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300176 2.88 0.131E+03 0.651E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300177 2.88 0.147E+03 0.139E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300178 2.88 0.157E+03 0.224E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300179 2.97 0.210E+02 0.109E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300180 2.97 0.309E+02 0.630E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300181 2.97 0.478E+02 0.174E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300182 2.97 0.648E+02 0.142E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300183 2.97 0.808E+02 0.177E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300184 2.97 0.977E+02 0.130E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300185 2.97 0.114E+03 0.691E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300186 2.97 0.131E+03 0.643E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300187 2.97 0.147E+03 0.139E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300188 2.97 0.157E+03 0.226E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300189 3.08 0.208E+02 0.112E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300190 3.08 0.307E+02 0.631E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300191 3.08 0.486E+02 0.146E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300192 3.08 0.655E+02 0.139E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300193 3.08 0.835E+02 0.173E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300194 3.08 0.995E+02 0.113E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300195 3.08 0.116E+03 0.622E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300196 3.08 0.133E+03 0.682E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300197 3.08 0.149E+03 0.151E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300198 3.08 0.159E+03 0.245E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300199 3.17 0.208E+02 0.116E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300200 3.17 0.307E+02 0.649E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300201 3.17 0.476E+02 0.147E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300202 3.17 0.641E+02 0.129E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300203 3.17 0.815E+02 0.179E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300204 3.17 0.975E+02 0.119E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300205 3.17 0.114E+03 0.590E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300206 3.17 0.131E+03 0.578E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300207 3.17 0.147E+03 0.128E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300208 3.17 0.157E+03 0.217E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300209 3.26 0.208E+02 0.118E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300210 3.26 0.307E+02 0.655E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300211 3.26 0.476E+02 0.140E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300212 3.26 0.641E+02 0.127E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300213 3.26 0.815E+02 0.179E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300214 3.26 0.975E+02 0.113E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300215 3.26 0.114E+03 0.516E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300216 3.26 0.131E+03 0.515E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300217 3.26 0.147E+03 0.120E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300218 3.26 0.157E+03 0.203E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300219 3.39 0.208E+02 0.116E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300220 3.39 0.307E+02 0.628E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300221 3.39 0.486E+02 0.111E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300222 3.39 0.655E+02 0.132E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300223 3.39 0.835E+02 0.166E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300224 3.39 0.995E+02 0.918E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300225 3.39 0.116E+03 0.400E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300226 3.39 0.133E+03 0.482E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300227 3.39 0.149E+03 0.117E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300228 3.39 0.159E+03 0.192E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300229 3.46 0.237E+02 0.979E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300230 3.46 0.337E+02 0.475E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300231 3.46 0.496E+02 0.974E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300232 3.46 0.665E+02 0.134E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300233 3.46 0.835E+02 0.162E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300234 3.46 0.995E+02 0.883E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300235 3.46 0.116E+03 0.374E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300236 3.46 0.133E+03 0.436E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300237 3.46 0.149E+03 0.110E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300238 3.46 0.159E+03 0.186E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300239 3.57 0.208E+02 0.109E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300240 3.57 0.307E+02 0.571E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300241 3.57 0.476E+02 0.100E-00 0.500E+01 1283500300242 3.57 0.641E+02 0.120E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300243 3.57 0.815E+02 0.167E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300244 3.57 0.975E+02 0.915E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300245 3.57 0.114E+03 0.344E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300246 3.57 0.131E+03 0.376E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300247 3.57 0.147E+03 0.948E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300248 3.57 0.157E+03 0.162E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300249 3.72 0.208E+02 0.107E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300250 3.72 0.247E+02 0.862E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300251 3.72 0.307E+02 0.560E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300252 3.72 0.346E+02 0.390E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300253 3.72 0.462E+02 0.948E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300254 3.72 0.506E+02 0.641E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300255 3.72 0.616E+02 0.992E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300256 3.72 0.665E+02 0.134E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300257 3.72 0.774E+02 0.172E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300258 3.72 0.825E+02 0.166E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300259 3.72 0.925E+02 0.112E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300260 3.72 0.985E+02 0.770E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300261 3.72 0.109E+03 0.355E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300262 3.72 0.114E+03 0.273E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300263 3.72 0.124E+03 0.289E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300264 3.72 0.130E+03 0.373E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300265 3.72 0.140E+03 0.630E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300266 3.72 0.147E+03 0.906E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300267 3.72 0.150E+03 0.105E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300268 3.72 0.157E+03 0.144E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300269 3.83 0.183E+02 0.124E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300270 3.83 0.282E+02 0.669E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300271 3.83 0.451E+02 0.983E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300272 3.83 0.641E+02 0.119E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300273 3.83 0.820E+02 0.161E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300274 3.83 0.100E+03 0.646E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300275 3.83 0.117E+03 0.263E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300276 3.83 0.132E+03 0.418E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300277 3.83 0.147E+03 0.882E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300278 3.83 0.157E+03 0.135E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300279 3.94 0.173E+02 0.135E+01 0.500E+01 1283500300280 3.94 0.272E+02 0.740E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300281 3.94 0.441E+02 0.109E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300282 3.94 0.631E+02 0.116E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300283 3.94 0.810E+02 0.165E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300284 3.94 0.990E+02 0.708E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300285 3.94 0.116E+03 0.239E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300286 3.94 0.131E+03 0.392E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300287 3.94 0.146E+03 0.783E-01 0.500E+01 1283500300288 3.94 0.156E+03 0.127E+00 0.500E+01 1283500300289 ENDDATA 252 0 1283500300290 ENDSUBENT 289 0 1283500399999 SUBENT 12835004 20110727 13741283500400001 BIB 11 23 1283500400002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,INL)39-Y-89,PAR,SIG) 1283500400003 FACILITY (NGEN,1USAANL) Fast-neutron generator facility. 1283500400004 METHOD (TOF) 5.5-m flight path 1283500400005 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1283500400006 DETECTOR Argonne ten-angle detection system 1283500400007 REL-REF (I,,C.Budtz-Jorgensen+,R,ANL-NDM-79,1982) - 1283500400008 Details of ten-angle detection system 1283500400009 CORRECTION Corrections were made for- 1283500400010 . dead-time effects 1283500400011 . inscattering effects were negligibly small. 1283500400012 MONITOR (6-C-12(N,TOT),,SIG) Carbon-verification sample used. 1283500400013 MONIT-REF (10474003,A.Smith+,J,NSE,70,281,1979) 1283500400014 ANALYSIS Distortion introduced by the second Li-7(p,n) group 1283500400015 was eliminated with appropriate corrections. 1283500400016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,2.) Statistical uncertainty of the individual 1283500400017 differential was less than 2%. 1283500400018 (ERR-1,,1.) Uncertainty due to detector calibration 1283500400019 less than 3%. 1283500400020 . The relative angular scale known to 0.1 1283500400021 degree and the absolute angular scale to 1283500400022 0.5 degree. 1283500400023 (ERR-2,,1.) Correction procedure introduced <= 1% 1283500400024 uncertainty. 1283500400025 ENDBIB 23 0 1283500400026 NOCOMMON 0 0 1283500400027 DATA 4 125 1283500400028 E-LVL EN DATA ERR-T 1283500400029 MEV MEV B B 1283500400030 0.915 0.167E+01 0.176E+00 0.352E-01 1283500400031 0.915 0.177E+01 0.201E+00 0.402E-01 1283500400032 0.915 0.186E+01 0.195E+00 0.390E-01 1283500400033 0.915 0.194E+01 0.213E+00 0.319E-01 1283500400034 0.915 0.203E+01 0.257E+00 0.386E-01 1283500400035 0.915 0.214E+01 0.235E+00 0.352E-01 1283500400036 0.915 0.224E+01 0.247E+00 0.371E-01 1283500400037 0.915 0.234E+01 0.251E+00 0.377E-01 1283500400038 0.915 0.244E+01 0.244E+00 0.244E-01 1283500400039 0.915 0.254E+01 0.229E+00 0.229E-01 1283500400040 0.915 0.264E+01 0.208E+00 0.208E-01 1283500400041 0.915 0.274E+01 0.202E+00 0.202E-01 1283500400042 0.915 0.280E+01 0.184E+00 0.200E-01 1283500400043 0.915 0.284E+01 0.191E+00 0.191E-01 1283500400044 0.915 0.295E+01 0.183E+00 0.183E-01 1283500400045 0.915 0.300E+01 0.198E+00 0.250E-01 1283500400046 0.915 0.305E+01 0.181E+00 0.181E-01 1283500400047 0.915 0.310E+01 0.170E+00 0.200E-01 1283500400048 0.915 0.318E+01 0.169E+00 0.178E-01 1283500400049 0.915 0.328E+01 0.146E+00 0.188E-01 1283500400050 0.915 0.338E+01 0.147E+00 0.166E-01 1283500400051 0.915 0.344E+01 0.139E+00 0.180E-01 1283500400052 0.915 0.355E+01 0.128E+00 0.179E-01 1283500400053 0.915 0.359E+01 0.135E+00 0.160E-01 1283500400054 0.915 0.365E+01 0.134E+00 0.201E-01 1283500400055 0.915 0.376E+01 0.127E+00 0.191E-01 1283500400056 0.915 0.385E+01 0.113E+00 0.170E-01 1283500400057 0.915 0.397E+01 0.968E-01 0.145E-01 1283500400058 1.509 0.218E+01 0.487E+00 0.974E-01 1283500400059 1.509 0.228E+01 0.477E+00 0.859E-01 1283500400060 1.509 0.235E+01 0.497E+00 0.795E-01 1283500400061 1.509 0.242E+01 0.503E+00 0.705E-01 1283500400062 1.509 0.246E+01 0.572E+00 0.686E-01 1283500400063 1.509 0.252E+01 0.580E+00 0.580E-01 1283500400064 1.509 0.256E+01 0.592E+00 0.592E-01 1283500400065 1.509 0.262E+01 0.520E+00 0.520E-01 1283500400066 1.509 0.266E+01 0.533E+00 0.533E-01 1283500400067 1.509 0.273E+01 0.492E+00 0.492E-01 1283500400068 1.509 0.278E+01 0.513E+00 0.542E-01 1283500400069 1.509 0.281E+01 0.497E+00 0.497E-01 1283500400070 1.509 0.288E+01 0.500E+00 0.500E-01 1283500400071 1.509 0.292E+01 0.493E+00 0.493E-01 1283500400072 1.509 0.297E+01 0.487E+00 0.520E-01 1283500400073 1.509 0.303E+01 0.483E+00 0.483E-01 1283500400074 1.509 0.310E+01 0.484E+00 0.482E-01 1283500400075 1.509 0.314E+01 0.462E+00 0.463E-01 1283500400076 1.509 0.320E+01 0.456E+00 0.470E-01 1283500400077 1.509 0.322E+01 0.445E+00 0.445E-01 1283500400078 1.509 0.330E+01 0.397E+00 0.425E-01 1283500400079 1.509 0.335E+01 0.386E+00 0.386E-01 1283500400080 1.509 0.340E+01 0.315E+00 0.400E-01 1283500400081 1.509 0.342E+01 0.341E+00 0.341E-01 1283500400082 1.509 0.350E+01 0.311E+00 0.357E-01 1283500400083 1.509 0.355E+01 0.278E+00 0.278E-01 1283500400084 1.509 0.362E+01 0.265E+00 0.265E-01 1283500400085 1.509 0.369E+01 0.250E+00 0.300E-01 1283500400086 1.509 0.375E+01 0.234E+00 0.281E-01 1283500400087 1.509 0.382E+01 0.221E+00 0.309E-01 1283500400088 1.509 0.389E+01 0.218E+00 0.326E-01 1283500400089 1.509 0.392E+01 0.177E+00 0.177E-01 1283500400090 1.509 0.396E+01 0.189E+00 0.231E-01 1283500400091 1.748 0.248E+01 0.570E+00 0.114E+00 1283500400092 1.748 0.255E+01 0.554E+00 0.998E-01 1283500400093 1.748 0.262E+01 0.571E+00 0.913E-01 1283500400094 1.748 0.266E+01 0.584E+00 0.817E-01 1283500400095 1.748 0.273E+01 0.544E+00 0.609E-01 1283500400096 1.748 0.278E+01 0.542E+00 0.535E-01 1283500400097 1.748 0.281E+01 0.490E+00 0.490E-01 1283500400098 1.748 0.288E+01 0.539E+00 0.540E-01 1283500400099 1.748 0.292E+01 0.555E+00 0.555E-01 1283500400100 1.748 0.296E+01 0.536E+00 0.536E-01 1283500400101 1.748 0.303E+01 0.530E+00 0.530E-01 1283500400102 1.748 0.309E+01 0.516E+00 0.516E-01 1283500400103 1.748 0.314E+01 0.507E+00 0.507E-01 1283500400104 1.748 0.320E+01 0.495E+00 0.490E-01 1283500400105 1.748 0.322E+01 0.478E+00 0.478E-01 1283500400106 1.748 0.330E+01 0.422E+00 0.423E-01 1283500400107 1.748 0.335E+01 0.418E+00 0.418E-01 1283500400108 1.748 0.342E+01 0.373E+00 0.373E-01 1283500400109 1.748 0.350E+01 0.337E+00 0.333E-01 1283500400110 1.748 0.355E+01 0.303E+00 0.303E-01 1283500400111 1.748 0.363E+01 0.283E+00 0.295E-01 1283500400112 1.748 0.369E+01 0.260E+00 0.312E-01 1283500400113 1.748 0.375E+01 0.241E+00 0.313E-01 1283500400114 1.748 0.382E+01 0.227E+00 0.318E-01 1283500400115 1.748 0.388E+01 0.223E+00 0.283E-01 1283500400116 1.748 0.392E+01 0.194E+00 0.291E-01 1283500400117 1.748 0.396E+01 0.207E+00 0.311E-01 1283500400118 2.225 0.296E+01 0.141E+00 0.424E-01 1283500400119 2.225 0.304E+01 0.133E+00 0.400E-01 1283500400120 2.225 0.308E+01 0.147E+00 0.442E-01 1283500400121 2.225 0.314E+01 0.149E+00 0.456E-01 1283500400122 2.225 0.322E+01 0.186E+00 0.466E-01 1283500400123 2.225 0.329E+01 0.175E+00 0.437E-01 1283500400124 2.225 0.335E+01 0.175E+00 0.438E-01 1283500400125 2.225 0.342E+01 0.161E+00 0.403E-01 1283500400126 2.225 0.349E+01 0.147E+00 0.368E-01 1283500400127 2.225 0.355E+01 0.125E+00 0.313E-01 1283500400128 2.225 0.362E+01 0.127E+00 0.317E-01 1283500400129 2.225 0.369E+01 0.130E+00 0.326E-01 1283500400130 2.225 0.375E+01 0.140E+00 0.350E-01 1283500400131 2.225 0.382E+01 0.130E+00 0.326E-01 1283500400132 2.225 0.388E+01 0.131E+00 0.327E-01 1283500400133 2.225 0.392E+01 0.101E+00 0.253E-01 1283500400134 2.225 0.397E+01 0.105E+00 0.315E-01 1283500400135 2.568 0.328E+01 0.169E+00 0.508E-01 1283500400136 2.568 0.339E+01 0.160E+00 0.359E-01 1283500400137 2.568 0.349E+01 0.166E+00 0.385E-01 1283500400138 2.568 0.358E+01 0.186E+00 0.465E-01 1283500400139 2.568 0.368E+01 0.190E+00 0.476E-01 1283500400140 2.568 0.375E+01 0.189E+00 0.378E-01 1283500400141 2.568 0.382E+01 0.188E+00 0.376E-01 1283500400142 2.568 0.387E+01 0.168E+00 0.336E-01 1283500400143 2.568 0.392E+01 0.168E+00 0.421E-01 1283500400144 2.568 0.397E+01 0.188E+00 0.563E-01 1283500400145 2.895 0.348E+01 0.214E+00 0.400E-01 1283500400146 2.895 0.358E+01 0.165E+00 0.494E-01 1283500400147 2.895 0.368E+01 0.230E+00 0.464E-01 1283500400148 2.895 0.378E+01 0.221E+00 0.552E-01 1283500400149 2.895 0.388E+01 0.231E+00 0.579E-01 1283500400150 2.895 0.392E+01 0.215E+00 0.538E-01 1283500400151 2.895 0.397E+01 0.218E+00 0.544E-01 1283500400152 3.108 0.378E+01 0.392E+00 0.118E+00 1283500400153 3.108 0.387E+01 0.400E+00 0.110E+00 1283500400154 3.108 0.396E+01 0.390E+00 0.973E-01 1283500400155 ENDDATA 127 0 1283500400156 ENDSUBENT 155 0 1283500499999 SUBENT 12835005 20110727 13741283500500001 BIB 13 61 1283500500002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,INL)39-Y-89,PAR,SIG) 1283500500003 FACILITY (VDG,3SAFSUN) 6 MeV Van-de-Graaff. 1283500500004 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1283500500005 ANALYSIS (4PI1A) Inelastic scattering cross sections were 1283500500006 derived from the sum derived from of the partial 1283500500007 125-degree differential-scattering cross sections for 1283500500008 all observed decay channels, corrected for feeding of 1283500500009 the respective levels by transitions from higher 1283500500010 energy levels, and then multiplied by 4Pi to obtain 1283500500011 the angle-integrated inelastic excitation cross 1283500500012 section. 1283500500013 METHOD Absolute cross sections were derived by comparison of 1283500500014 the observed photopeak yields with those from a 1283500500015 "reference" sample having a known gamma-ray production 1283500500016 cross section. The photopeak yield of the 478 keV 1283500500017 gamma-ray resulting from inelastic-neutron scattering 1283500500018 from a 22.103g sample of 99.99% 7Li provided the 1283500500019 reference standard. 1283500500020 Distortion introduced by the second Li-7(p,n) group 1283500500021 was eliminated with appropriate corrections. 1283500500022 PART-DET (G) The following table lists the gammas measured which1283500500023 were used to deduce the cross sections for the various 1283500500024 levels (all energies in keV) 1283500500025 =======================================================1283500500026 Level Gammas observed 1283500500027 -------------------------------------------------------1283500500028 1507.4 1507.4 1283500500029 1744.5 1744.5 1283500500030 2222.6 1313.9; 715.0 1283500500031 2530.2 1621.2 1283500500032 2566.4 1657.4 1283500500033 2622.5 1713.5; 1115. 1283500500034 2871.9 1962.9 1283500500035 2880.6 2880. 1283500500036 3067.0 3067.; 1560. 1283500500037 3107. 3107.; 1600.; 1362. 1283500500038 3140. 3139.; 1633.; 917. 1283500500039 -------------------------------------------------------1283500500040 DETECTOR (GELI) Gamma-rays were detected in a time-gated Ge(Li) 1283500500041 detector having a 15 % efficiency for 1,332keV gamma- 1283500500042 rays, relative to a 7.6 by 7.6cm NaI(T1) detector. 1283500500043 Reference gamma-ray sources (152Eu and 56Co) were used 1283500500044 to calibrate the detector for energy and for relative 1283500500045 efficiency as a function of energy over the range 1283500500046 0.12 to 3.45 MeV. 1283500500047 CORRECTION Data were corrected for feeding from higher-energy 1283500500048 levels. 1283500500049 Not corrected for multiple scattering or neutron 1283500500050 attenuation effects within sample, found to have 1283500500051 produced opposite and nearly equal corrections. 1283500500052 REL-REF (M,,W.R.McMurray,J,NP/A,225,37,1974) - Details of 1283500500053 the gamma-ray-measurement apparatus and method 1283500500054 MONITOR (3-LI-7(N,INL)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG) 1283500500055 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1978) 1283500500056 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 1283500500057 (ERR-S,,6.) Statistical uncertainty generally 1283500500058 less than 6%. 1283500500059 (MONIT-ERR) Normalization uncertainty 1283500500060 HISTORY (19851106A) Reaction corrected. 1283500500061 (20110727A) Reaction and Monitor corrected, 1283500500062 ANG deleted, BIB recompiled 1283500500063 ENDBIB 61 0 1283500500064 COMMON 3 3 1283500500065 EN-RSL E-NRM MONIT-ERR 1283500500066 KEV MEV PER-CENT 1283500500067 50. 6.0 0.478 1283500500068 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1283500500069 DATA 4 136 1283500500070 E-LVL EN DATA ERR-T 1283500500071 MEV MEV B B 1283500500072 1.5074 0.1600E+01 0.1595E+00 0.1595E-01 1283500500073 1.5074 0.1700E+01 0.3387E+00 0.3387E-01 1283500500074 1.5074 0.1800E+01 0.4737E+00 0.4737E-01 1283500500075 1.5074 0.1900E+01 0.4970E+00 0.4970E-01 1283500500076 1.5074 0.2000E+01 0.5003E+00 0.5003E-01 1283500500077 1.5074 0.2100E+01 0.4993E+00 0.4993E-01 1283500500078 1.5074 0.2200E+01 0.4639E+00 0.4639E-01 1283500500079 1.5074 0.2300E+01 0.4994E+00 0.4994E-01 1283500500080 1.5074 0.2400E+01 0.4601E+00 0.4601E-01 1283500500081 1.5074 0.2500E+01 0.4656E+00 0.4656E-01 1283500500082 1.5074 0.2600E+01 0.4622E+00 0.4622E-01 1283500500083 1.5074 0.2700E+01 0.4601E+00 0.4601E-01 1283500500084 1.5074 0.2800E+01 0.4414E+00 0.4414E-01 1283500500085 1.5074 0.2900E+01 0.4651E+00 0.4651E-01 1283500500086 1.5074 0.3000E+01 0.4099E+00 0.4099E-01 1283500500087 1.5074 0.3100E+01 0.3952E+00 0.3952E-01 1283500500088 1.5074 0.3200E+01 0.3784E+00 0.3784E-01 1283500500089 1.5074 0.3300E+01 0.3461E+00 0.3461E-01 1283500500090 1.5074 0.3400E+01 0.3259E+00 0.3259E-01 1283500500091 1.5074 0.3500E+01 0.3185E+00 0.3185E-01 1283500500092 1.5074 0.3600E+01 0.3094E+00 0.3094E-01 1283500500093 1.5074 0.3700E+01 0.3017E+00 0.3017E-01 1283500500094 1.5074 0.3800E+01 0.2997E+00 0.2997E-01 1283500500095 1.7445 0.1800E+01 0.5690E-01 0.5690E-02 1283500500096 1.7445 0.1900E+01 0.2140E+00 0.2140E-01 1283500500097 1.7445 0.2000E+01 0.3365E+00 0.3365E-01 1283500500098 1.7445 0.2100E+01 0.4203E+00 0.4203E-01 1283500500099 1.7445 0.2200E+01 0.4731E+00 0.4731E-01 1283500500100 1.7445 0.2300E+01 0.4888E+00 0.4888E-01 1283500500101 1.7445 0.2400E+01 0.4949E+00 0.4949E-01 1283500500102 1.7445 0.2500E+01 0.4786E+00 0.4786E-01 1283500500103 1.7445 0.2600E+01 0.5131E+00 0.5131E-01 1283500500104 1.7445 0.2700E+01 0.4999E+00 0.4999E-01 1283500500105 1.7445 0.2800E+01 0.4852E+00 0.4852E-01 1283500500106 1.7445 0.2900E+01 0.5099E+00 0.5099E-01 1283500500107 1.7445 0.3000E+01 0.4544E+00 0.4544E-01 1283500500108 1.7445 0.3100E+01 0.4334E+00 0.4334E-01 1283500500109 1.7445 0.3200E+01 0.4147E+00 0.4147E-01 1283500500110 1.7445 0.3300E+01 0.3717E+00 0.3717E-01 1283500500111 1.7445 0.3400E+01 0.3484E+00 0.3484E-01 1283500500112 1.7445 0.3500E+01 0.3435E+00 0.3435E-01 1283500500113 1.7445 0.3600E+01 0.3243E+00 0.3243E-01 1283500500114 1.7445 0.3700E+01 0.2891E+00 0.2891E-01 1283500500115 1.7445 0.3800E+01 0.2635E+00 0.2635E-01 1283500500116 2.2226 0.2300E+01 0.1830E-01 0.1830E-02 1283500500117 2.2226 0.2400E+01 0.6580E-01 0.6580E-02 1283500500118 2.2226 0.2500E+01 0.9700E-01 0.9700E-02 1283500500119 2.2226 0.2600E+01 0.1271E+00 0.1271E-01 1283500500120 2.2226 0.2700E+01 0.1305E+00 0.1305E-01 1283500500121 2.2226 0.2800E+01 0.1368E+00 0.1368E-01 1283500500122 2.2226 0.2900E+01 0.1481E+00 0.1481E-01 1283500500123 2.2226 0.3000E+01 0.1293E+00 0.1293E-01 1283500500124 2.2226 0.3100E+01 0.1272E+00 0.1272E-01 1283500500125 2.2226 0.3200E+01 0.1313E+00 0.1313E-01 1283500500126 2.2226 0.3300E+01 0.1250E+00 0.1250E-01 1283500500127 2.2226 0.3400E+01 0.1174E+00 0.1174E-01 1283500500128 2.2226 0.3500E+01 0.1136E+00 0.1136E-01 1283500500129 2.2226 0.3600E+01 0.1120E+00 0.1120E-01 1283500500130 2.2226 0.3700E+01 0.1091E+00 0.1091E-01 1283500500131 2.2226 0.3800E+01 0.1042E+00 0.1042E-01 1283500500132 2.530 0.2600E+01 0.1180E-01 0.1180E-02 1283500500133 2.530 0.2700E+01 0.4330E-01 0.4330E-02 1283500500134 2.530 0.2800E+01 0.6290E-01 0.6290E-02 1283500500135 2.530 0.2900E+01 0.7920E-01 0.7920E-02 1283500500136 2.530 0.3000E+01 0.7390E-01 0.7390E-02 1283500500137 2.530 0.3100E+01 0.8170E-01 0.8170E-02 1283500500138 2.530 0.3200E+01 0.8660E-01 0.8660E-02 1283500500139 2.530 0.3300E+01 0.8520E-01 0.8520E-02 1283500500140 2.530 0.3400E+01 0.8180E-01 0.8180E-02 1283500500141 2.530 0.3500E+01 0.8720E-01 0.8720E-02 1283500500142 2.530 0.3600E+01 0.8600E-01 0.8600E-02 1283500500143 2.530 0.3700E+01 0.8500E-01 0.8500E-02 1283500500144 2.530 0.3800E+01 0.8340E-01 0.8340E-02 1283500500145 2.566 0.2700E+01 0.2900E-02 0.2900E-03 1283500500146 2.566 0.2800E+01 0.4900E-02 0.4900E-03 1283500500147 2.566 0.2900E+01 0.7200E-02 0.7200E-03 1283500500148 2.566 0.3000E+01 0.8500E-02 0.8500E-03 1283500500149 2.566 0.3100E+01 0.9800E-02 0.9800E-03 1283500500150 2.566 0.3200E+01 0.1100E-01 0.1100E-02 1283500500151 2.566 0.3300E+01 0.1240E-01 0.1240E-02 1283500500152 2.566 0.3400E+01 0.1330E-01 0.1330E-02 1283500500153 2.566 0.3500E+01 0.1710E-01 0.1710E-02 1283500500154 2.566 0.3600E+01 0.1840E-01 0.1840E-02 1283500500155 2.566 0.3700E+01 0.1760E-01 0.1760E-02 1283500500156 2.566 0.3800E+01 0.2080E-01 0.2080E-02 1283500500157 2.622 0.2700E+01 0.8600E-02 0.8600E-03 1283500500158 2.622 0.2800E+01 0.2210E-01 0.2210E-02 1283500500159 2.622 0.2900E+01 0.2910E-01 0.2910E-02 1283500500160 2.622 0.3000E+01 0.3000E-01 0.3000E-02 1283500500161 2.622 0.3100E+01 0.3400E-01 0.3400E-02 1283500500162 2.622 0.3200E+01 0.4140E-01 0.4140E-02 1283500500163 2.622 0.3300E+01 0.4140E-01 0.4140E-02 1283500500164 2.622 0.3400E+01 0.4520E-01 0.4520E-02 1283500500165 2.622 0.3500E+01 0.4690E-01 0.4690E-02 1283500500166 2.622 0.3600E+01 0.4890E-01 0.4890E-02 1283500500167 2.622 0.3700E+01 0.4750E-01 0.4750E-02 1283500500168 2.622 0.3800E+01 0.4810E-01 0.4810E-02 1283500500169 2.8719 0.3000E+01 0.1290E-01 0.1290E-02 1283500500170 2.8719 0.3100E+01 0.2890E-01 0.2890E-02 1283500500171 2.8719 0.3200E+01 0.3890E-01 0.3890E-02 1283500500172 2.8719 0.3300E+01 0.4420E-01 0.4420E-02 1283500500173 2.8719 0.3400E+01 0.4760E-01 0.4760E-02 1283500500174 2.8719 0.3500E+01 0.5000E-01 0.5000E-02 1283500500175 2.8719 0.3600E+01 0.5180E-01 0.5180E-02 1283500500176 2.8719 0.3700E+01 0.5060E-01 0.5060E-02 1283500500177 2.8719 0.3800E+01 0.4860E-01 0.4860E-02 1283500500178 2.880 0.3000E+01 0.2540E-01 0.2540E-02 1283500500179 2.880 0.3100E+01 0.7970E-01 0.7970E-02 1283500500180 2.880 0.3200E+01 0.1180E+00 0.1180E-01 1283500500181 2.880 0.3300E+01 0.1326E+00 0.1326E-01 1283500500182 2.880 0.3400E+01 0.1310E+00 0.1310E-01 1283500500183 2.880 0.3500E+01 0.1366E+00 0.1366E-01 1283500500184 2.880 0.3600E+01 0.1327E+00 0.1327E-01 1283500500185 2.880 0.3700E+01 0.1252E+00 0.1252E-01 1283500500186 2.880 0.3800E+01 0.1152E+00 0.1152E-01 1283500500187 3.067 0.3200E+01 0.2410E-01 0.2410E-02 1283500500188 3.067 0.3300E+01 0.5740E-01 0.5740E-02 1283500500189 3.067 0.3400E+01 0.8090E-01 0.8090E-02 1283500500190 3.067 0.3500E+01 0.9280E-01 0.9280E-02 1283500500191 3.067 0.3600E+01 0.1034E+00 0.1034E-01 1283500500192 3.067 0.3700E+01 0.9720E-01 0.9720E-02 1283500500193 3.067 0.3800E+01 0.9490E-01 0.9490E-02 1283500500194 3.107 0.3200E+01 0.1830E-01 0.1830E-02 1283500500195 3.107 0.3300E+01 0.4550E-01 0.4550E-02 1283500500196 3.107 0.3400E+01 0.8690E-01 0.8690E-02 1283500500197 3.107 0.3500E+01 0.1091E+00 0.1091E-01 1283500500198 3.107 0.3600E+01 0.1240E+00 0.1240E-01 1283500500199 3.107 0.3700E+01 0.1206E+00 0.1206E-01 1283500500200 3.107 0.3800E+01 0.1142E+00 0.1142E-01 1283500500201 3.140 0.3200E+01 0.4300E-02 0.4300E-03 1283500500202 3.140 0.3300E+01 0.3520E-01 0.3520E-02 1283500500203 3.140 0.3400E+01 0.7510E-01 0.7510E-02 1283500500204 3.140 0.3500E+01 0.9580E-01 0.9580E-02 1283500500205 3.140 0.3600E+01 0.1170E+00 0.1170E-01 1283500500206 3.140 0.3700E+01 0.1118E+00 0.1118E-01 1283500500207 3.140 0.3800E+01 0.1052E+00 0.1052E-01 1283500500208 ENDDATA 138 0 1283500500209 ENDSUBENT 208 0 1283500599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 1283599999999