ENTRY 12989 20240213 15101298900000001 SUBENT 12989001 20240213 15101298900100001 BIB 12 26 1298900100002 INSTITUTE (1CANTMF) 1298900100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,458,637,1986) 1298900100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(86)90191-0 1298900100005 AUTHOR (J.M.Cameron,C.A.Davis,H.Fielding,P.Kitching,J.Pasos, 1298900100006 J.Soukup,J.Uegaki,J.Wesick,H.S.Wilson,R.Abegg, 1298900100007 D.A.Hutcheon,C.A.Miller,A.W.Stetz,I.J.Van Heerden) 1298900100008 TITLE Radiative capture of polarized neutrons by hydrogen 1298900100009 below the PION production threshold 1298900100010 INC-SOURCE (P-D) 1298900100011 FACILITY (ACCEL,1CANTMF) TRIUMF neutron beam facility 1298900100012 DETECTOR (CEREN) Lead glass Cherenkov detectors for gamma-rays 1298900100013 (SCIN) Plastic scintillator, deuteron detector 1298900100014 SAMPLE Liquid hydrogen target cell, 11 cm in diameter, and 1298900100015 thickness chosen to give 0.3 g/sq.cm. for 180 MeV, and 1298900100016 0.7 g/sq.cm. for 270 MeV. 1298900100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Counting statistics. 1298900100018 CORRECTION Losses of protons and deuterons due to scattering 1298900100019 and reactions, photon detector efficiency of 1298900100020 Cherenkov detectors and for photons absorbed 1298900100021 between the target and these detectors. 1298900100022 STATUS (APRVD) J.M.Cameron, 87/2/24. 1298900100023 (TABLE,,J.M.Cameron+,J,NP/A,458,637,1986) Table I 1298900100024 HISTORY (19861217C) 1298900100025 (19880906A) Institute updated. 1298900100026 (20240117A) OS. Changes in subs.2,3; converted to lower1298900100027 and upper case, STATUS updated, BIB improvements 1298900100028 ENDBIB 26 0 1298900100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 1298900100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1298900199999 SUBENT 12989002 20240213 15101298900200001 BIB 4 12 1298900200002 REACTION (1-H-1(N,G)1-H-2,,DA) 1298900200003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) 1298900200004 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty in normalization of data to the np elastic 1298900200005 scattering is not included since renormalization is 1298900200006 possible and would change the uncertainty. 1298900200007 (ERR-SYS) Additional overall scale error of 5.4%, made 1298900200008 up of uncertainties in: 1298900200009 (ERR-1) Solid angle - 2% 1298900200010 (ERR-2) Evaluation of reaction losses of charged 1298900200011 particles in the charged particle detector - 3% 1298900200012 (ERR-3) Efficiency of the Cherenkov detectors - 4% 1298900200013 HISTORY (20240117A) ERR-ANALYS updated 1298900200014 ENDBIB 12 0 1298900200015 COMMON 5 3 1298900200016 ANG-NRM ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 1298900200017 ADEG PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1298900200018 168. 5.4 2. 3. 4. 1298900200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1298900200020 DATA 6 20 1298900200021 EN EN-RSL-FW ANG DATA ERR-S MONIT 1298900200022 MEV MEV ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR MU-B/SR 1298900200023 180. 17. 32.2 0.326 0.017 9.76 1298900200024 180. 17. 37.4 0.511 0.033 9.76 1298900200025 180. 17. 48.8 0.487 0.024 9.76 1298900200026 180. 17. 52.6 0.563 0.020 9.76 1298900200027 180. 17. 76.1 0.822 0.036 9.76 1298900200028 180. 17. 97.4 0.949 0.038 9.76 1298900200029 180. 17. 119.2 0.862 0.032 9.76 1298900200030 180. 17. 124.5 1.021 0.026 9.76 1298900200031 180. 17. 138.0 0.915 0.044 9.76 1298900200032 180. 17. 142.1 0.814 0.030 9.76 1298900200033 270. 13. 31.5 0.483 0.013 8.05 1298900200034 270. 13. 34.2 0.537 0.028 8.05 1298900200035 270. 13. 49.1 0.655 0.012 8.05 1298900200036 270. 13. 55.6 0.824 0.035 8.05 1298900200037 270. 13. 74.0 0.859 0.016 8.05 1298900200038 270. 13. 95.0 0.960 0.018 8.05 1298900200039 270. 13. 116.3 0.988 0.019 8.05 1298900200040 270. 13. 119.8 0.966 0.039 8.05 1298900200041 270. 13. 131.7 0.919 0.027 8.05 1298900200042 270. 13. 144.3 0.778 0.022 8.05 1298900200043 ENDDATA 22 0 1298900200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 1298900299999 SUBENT 12989003 20240213 15101298900300001 BIB 4 9 1298900300002 REACTION (1-H-1(N,G)1-H-2,,POL/DA,,ANA) 1298900300003 MONITOR No information available 1298900300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Overall scale uncertainty for analyzing power1298900300005 data is 2.5%. Made up of uncertainties: 1298900300006 (ERR-1) due to differences between various phase 1298900300007 shift solutions - 1.5% 1298900300008 (ERR-2) in proton beam polarimeter calibration - 2% 1298900300009 HISTORY (20240117A) POL-BM deleted in COMMON; ERR-ANALYS 1298900300010 updated 1298900300011 ENDBIB 9 0 1298900300012 COMMON 4 3 1298900300013 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 POL-BM 1298900300014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 1298900300015 2.5 1.5 2. 0.60 1298900300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1298900300017 DATA 5 18 1298900300018 EN EN-RSL-FW ANG DATA ERR-S 1298900300019 MEV MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 1298900300020 180. 17. 32.2 0.092 0.087 1298900300021 180. 17. 37.4 0.092 0.147 1298900300022 180. 17. 48.8 -0.096 0.086 1298900300023 180. 17. 52.6 -0.039 0.065 1298900300024 180. 17. 76.1 -0.039 0.066 1298900300025 180. 17. 97.4 -0.136 0.056 1298900300026 180. 17. 119.2 -0.253 0.059 1298900300027 180. 17. 124.5 -0.253 0.050 1298900300028 180. 17. 138.0 -0.165 0.172 1298900300029 180. 17. 142.1 -0.169 0.060 1298900300030 270. 13. 31.5 -0.083 0.058 1298900300031 270. 13. 49.1 -0.111 0.037 1298900300032 270. 13. 74.0 -0.145 0.049 1298900300033 270. 13. 95.0 -0.207 0.039 1298900300034 270. 13. 116.3 -0.268 0.043 1298900300035 270. 13. 119.8 -0.340 0.068 1298900300036 270. 13. 131.7 -0.395 0.070 1298900300037 270. 13. 144.3 -0.345 0.055 1298900300038 ENDDATA 20 0 1298900300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1298900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1298999999999