ENTRY 13126 20241001 15151312600000001 SUBENT 13126001 20241001 15151312600100001 BIB 14 26 1312600100002 INSTITUTE (1USAOHO) 1312600100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,462,445,1987) 1312600100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(87)90398-8 1312600100005 AUTHOR (R.Alarcon,J.Rapaport) 1312600100006 TITLE Neutron inelastic scattering from 40Ca at 21.7 and 1312600100007 25.5 MeV 1312600100008 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USAOHO) Ohio University Beam Swinger TOF 1312600100009 Facility 1312600100010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 1312600100011 METHOD (TOF) 1312600100012 DETECTOR (SCIN) NE213 liquid scintillation counters, 10 cm thick1312600100013 by 18.8 cm diameter 1312600100014 SAMPLE Natural calcium right cylinder, 2.6 cm diameter by 1312600100015 2.9 cm high, approximately 14 cm from neutron source 1312600100016 MONITOR No information available 1312600100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information available 1312600100018 CORRECTION Correction for multiple scattering, flux attenuation in1312600100019 the sample, anisotropy in the neutron source reaction 1312600100020 and finite angular geometry due to the size of the 1312600100021 source 1312600100022 STATUS (APRVD) J. Rapaport, 88/4/5. 1312600100023 (TABLE) Data received in letter from Jack Rapaport on 1312600100024 2 Oct. 1987. 1312600100025 HISTORY (19871221C) 1312600100026 (20240910A) OS. Correction in DATA section in sub.2, 1312600100027 STATUS updated, BIB corrections 1312600100028 ENDBIB 26 0 1312600100029 COMMON 1 3 1312600100030 EN-RSL-FW 1312600100031 KEV 1312600100032 450. 1312600100033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1312600100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 1312600199999 SUBENT 13126002 20241001 15151312600200001 BIB 2 3 1312600200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(N,INL)20-CA-40,PAR,DA,,(A)) 1312600200003 HISTORY (20240910A) E-LVL deleted from DATA section, 1312600200004 REACTION SF1 corrected, SF8 added 1312600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1312600200006 COMMON 1 3 1312600200007 E-LVL 1312600200008 MEV 1312600200009 3.74 1312600200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1312600200011 DATA 4 78 1312600200012 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR 1312600200013 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1312600200014 21.7 13.36 3.600 1.47 1312600200015 21.7 16.44 6.220 1.71 1312600200016 21.7 19.51 9.030 .594 1312600200017 21.7 22.59 9.32 .413 1312600200018 21.7 25.67 9.83 .586 1312600200019 21.7 28.74 8.94 .407 1312600200020 21.7 31.81 7.92 .524 1312600200021 21.7 34.88 8.06 .276 1312600200022 21.7 37.95 8.32 .501 1312600200023 21.7 41.01 8.19 .369 1312600200024 21.7 44.08 7.50 .495 1312600200025 21.7 47.14 6.70 .370 1312600200026 21.7 50.19 6.03 .502 1312600200027 21.7 53.24 6.89 .349 1312600200028 21.7 56.29 6.64 .451 1312600200029 21.7 59.34 6.25 .330 1312600200030 21.7 62.38 6.18 .439 1312600200031 21.7 65.42 5.67 .303 1312600200032 21.7 68.45 5.02 .426 1312600200033 21.7 71.48 4.77 .317 1312600200034 21.7 74.51 5.08 .425 1312600200035 21.7 77.53 4.83 .338 1312600200036 21.7 80.55 4.28 .311 1312600200037 21.7 83.56 3.43 .282 1312600200038 21.7 86.57 3.10 .269 1312600200039 21.7 89.68 2.69 .279 1312600200040 21.7 92.58 2.15 .240 1312600200041 21.7 96.57 1.44 .289 1312600200042 21.7 101.65 1.83 .375 1312600200043 21.7 106.52 1.36 .242 1312600200044 21.7 111.48 2.01 .237 1312600200045 21.7 116.43 1.72 .195 1312600200046 21.7 121.37 1.32 .256 1312600200047 21.7 126.29 1.51 .171 1312600200048 21.7 131.21 1.05 .181 1312600200049 21.7 136.12 1.37 .202 1312600200050 21.7 143.95 .980 .131 1312600200051 21.7 150.79 1.30 .144 1312600200052 21.7 158.98 1.33 .192 1312600200053 25.5 18.48 11.55 .768 1312600200054 25.5 21.56 14.92 1.11 1312600200055 25.5 24.63 12.95 0.473 1312600200056 25.5 27.71 13.06 .682 1312600200057 25.5 30.78 11.18 .587 1312600200058 25.5 33.85 11.84 .678 1312600200059 25.5 36.91 10.08 .461 1312600200060 25.5 39.98 7.78 .548 1312600200061 25.5 43.04 8.68 .404 1312600200062 25.5 46.10 7.86 .539 1312600200063 25.5 49.26 5.95 .357 1312600200064 25.5 52.31 6.85 .479 1312600200065 25.5 55.26 5.36 .493 1312600200066 25.5 58.30 4.28 .324 1312600200067 25.5 61.35 5.14 .430 1312600200068 25.5 64.38 4.67 .319 1312600200069 25.5 67.42 4.48 .475 1312600200070 25.5 70.45 2.94 .409 1312600200071 25.5 73.48 3.84 .458 1312600200072 25.5 76.50 4.11 .487 1312600200073 25.5 79.52 2.88 .409 1312600200074 25.5 82.53 3.17 .351 1312600200075 25.5 85.55 2.84 .333 1312600200076 25.5 88.55 2.07 .295 1312600200077 25.5 91.55 1.98 .274 1312600200078 25.5 96.55 1.79 0.231 1312600200079 25.5 101.53 1.30 .198 1312600200080 25.5 106.50 1.25 .210 1312600200081 25.5 111.46 1.07 .189 1312600200082 25.5 116.41 1.39 .161 1312600200083 25.5 121.35 1.11 .148 1312600200084 25.5 126.27 .740 .126 1312600200085 25.5 131.19 .780 .126 1312600200086 25.5 136.10 .630 .0995 1312600200087 25.5 141.00 .600 .0883 1312600200088 25.5 145.89 .320 .0720 1312600200089 25.5 150.78 0.65 .122 1312600200090 25.5 155.66 .540 .126 1312600200091 25.5 159.85 1.23 .258 1312600200092 ENDDATA 80 0 1312600200093 ENDSUBENT 92 0 1312600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1312699999999