ENTRY            13130   20181203                             14451313000000001 
SUBENT        13130001   20181203                             14451313000100001 
BIB                 15         39                                 1313000100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS)                                              1313000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,36,1896,1987)                                  1313000100004 
AUTHOR     (W.L.Talbert Jr,J.W.Starner,R.J.Estep,S.J.Balestrini,  1313000100005 
           M.Attrep Jr,D.W.Efurd,F.R.Roensch)                     1313000100006 
TITLE      Thermal-neutron fission cross section of 26.1-min      1313000100007 
           U-235M                                                 1313000100008 
FACILITY   (REAC,1USALAS) Los Alamos Omega West Reactor           1313000100009 
INC-SOURCE (THCOL)                                                1313000100010 
INC-SPECT  Peak energy of Maxwellian normal energy distribution   1313000100011 
            is 26 milli-eV, the energy of the most probable flux  1313000100012 
            in the wavelength representation of the Maxwellian    1313000100013 
            flux is 75.5 milli-eV.                                1313000100014 
           The neutron spectrum is approximated by a Maxwellian   1313000100015 
            distribution of temperature 350 deg-K.                1313000100016 
SAMPLE     6.E+10 to 3.E+11 atoms deposited on 9.5-mm diameter    1313000100017 
            platinum disk. Samples obtained by chemical separation1313000100018 
            of uranium grown in a 15-min period by alpha decay    1313000100019 
            of plutonium solution (200-400 mg Pu).                1313000100020 
DETECTOR   (FISCH)                                                1313000100021 
DECAY-DATA (92-U-235-M,26.1MIN)                                   1313000100022 
ANALYSIS   Multiscale spectrum fitted to a + b x exp(-lambda T)   1313000100023 
           where a is normalized fission rate for 235-U-g in the  1313000100024 
                   deposit at long times after separation,        1313000100025 
                   including background and possible fissions     1313000100026 
                   from plutonium                                 1313000100027 
                 B is related to ratio of the isomeric to the     1313000100028 
                   ground state cross sections                    1313000100029 
                 T is the time elapsed since the end of the       1313000100030 
                   grow-in period during chemical separation      1313000100031 
            lambda is the isomeric state decay constant, 0.02656  1313000100032 
                   minutes(-1).                                   1313000100033 
CORRECTION Correction made for fissions due to any plutonium      1313000100034 
            found in the deposit by later alpha counting the disk.1313000100035 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is one standard deviation of the eight     1313000100036 
            individual samples results                            1313000100037 
STATUS     (APRVD) W.L.Talbert, 88/10/28                          1313000100038 
HISTORY    (19880413C)                                            1313000100039 
           (20181130U) OS. Minor correction in AUTHOR, converted  1313000100040 
            to lower and upper case.                              1313000100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 1313000100042 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1313000100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 1313000199999 
SUBENT        13130002   19881221                             00001313000200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 1313000200002 
REACTION   ((92-U-235-M(N,F),,SIG,,MXW)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,MXW))1313000200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 1313000200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1313000200005 
DATA                 3          1                                 1313000200006 
EN-MEAN    DATA       DATA-ERR                                    1313000200007 
MILLI-EV   NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      1313000200008 
 26.        1.42       0.04                                       1313000200009 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1313000200010 
ENDSUBENT            9          0                                 1313000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1313099999999