ENTRY 13371 20220624 15031337100000001 SUBENT 13371001 20220624 15031337100100001 BIB 12 42 1337100100002 TITLE Yield of Xe133 in the thermal neutron fission of U235 1337100100003 AUTHOR (S.Katcoff,W.Rubinson) 1337100100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,91,1458,1953) 1337100100005 #doi:10.1103/physrev.91.1458 1337100100006 (R,BNL-1652,1953) Preliminary results. 1337100100007 REL-REF (O,13426001,S.Katcoff+,R,BNL-1652,1953) 85Kr and 133Xe.1337100100008 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) 1337100100009 FACILITY (REAC,1USABNL) Brookhaven pile. 1337100100010 INC-SPECT A constant (+-2%) flux of ~2x10**11 neutrons/cm2/sec. 1337100100011 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.9372) Five fission foils, each 1337100100012 containing 7.855x10**-3 microg of 93.72 percent U235, 1337100100013 were prepared by the standard method. Two additional 1337100100014 foils were prepared by slight variations of this 1337100100015 method: one, without final ignition, to test whether 1337100100016 ignition affects the escape of fission recoils; and the1337100100017 other, by stippling the foil solution and rinse in 1337100100018 small droplets over the surface of the Pt before 1337100100019 evaporation and ignition, to test whether possible 1337100100020 clumping of the U was great enough to cause loss of 1337100100021 fission recoils. 1337100100022 DETECTOR (PROPC,FISCH) The gas counters were of glass, 2 cm in 1337100100023 diameter and 30 cm long, with chemically deposited 1337100100024 silver cathodes whose volumes had been measured to 1337100100025 within 0.2 percent. 1337100100026 METHOD (CHSEP,INTB) Two slug solutions were prepared 1337100100027 independently of each other by diluting aliquots of 1337100100028 the U235 stock solution. The slug was bombarded in 1337100100029 the space between the two fission foils for an hour. 1337100100030 The total of the recorded fissions of each foil was 1337100100031 then corrected for background and counting-rate loss, 1337100100032 divided by 60 to give the foil fission rate as 1337100100033 fissions per min, and multiplied by the ratio of 1337100100034 slug weight to foil weight to give the slug fission 1337100100035 rate. 1337100100036 COMMENT Surprisingly, modern T1/2 values for 133Xe and 135Xe 1337100100037 are 5.2475 d and 9.14 H, respectively. Almost no 1337100100038 changes in the last 65 years. 1337100100039 HISTORY (19891211C) VM 1337100100040 (20180312A) BP: updated to new date formats, lower 1337100100041 case. corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1337100100042 dict., added doi and minor updates. 1337100100043 (20220624A) BP: Added preliminary reference, REL-REF. 1337100100044 ENDBIB 42 0 1337100100045 COMMON 1 3 1337100100046 EN-DUMMY 1337100100047 EV 1337100100048 0.0253 1337100100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1337100100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1337100199999 SUBENT 13371002 20180312 14391337100200001 BIB 6 19 1337100200002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,MXW)/ 1337100200003 (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) 1337100200004 METHOD (RELFY) In our experimental procedure two identical 1337100200005 uranium samples(~40 microg U235 in each) were sealed 1337100200006 into the usual quartz cells and then irradiated side 1337100200007 by side in one of the pile pneumatic tubes for 0.033 1337100200008 hr. The slugs were dissolved and swept with Xe 1337100200009 carrier and 2 l of helium as rapidly as possible. The 1337100200010 Xe of extract a collected at the bottom of the 1337100200011 charcoal column was probably contaminated with some 1337100200012 short-lived Kr isotopes. Therefore the first 10-15 1337100200013 percent of the Xe desorbed from the column was 1337100200014 discarded. The remainder was collected and put into 1337100200015 counters in the usual manner. 1337100200016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. 1337100200017 RESULT (FRIND) 1337100200018 DECAY-DATA ((1.)54-XE-133-G,5.27D) 1337100200019 ((2.)54-XE-135-G,9.15HR) 1337100200020 STATUS (TABLE) Abstract and page 1467. 1337100200021 ENDBIB 19 0 1337100200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 1337100200023 DATA 6 2 1337100200024 MASS ELEMENT DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX DECAY-FLAG 1337100200025 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1337100200026 133. 54. 0.001 1.1337100200027 135. 54. 0.035 0.010 2.1337100200028 ENDDATA 4 0 1337100200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1337100299999 SUBENT 13371003 20180312 14391337100300001 BIB 6 20 1337100300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)54-XE-133,CUM,FY,,MXW) 1337100300003 METHOD (BSPEC) The Xe from each run was measured into two 1337100300004 counters, designated a and b, each of which was 1337100300005 counted ten times, over a period of two weeks, 1337100300006 starting about 10 days after irradiation, on each of 1337100300007 two electronic circuits, designated 1 and 2. Eight 1337100300008 different counters were used for the five runs. 1337100300009 ANALYSIS The basic Xe activity datum that enters the fission 1337100300010 yield calculation in a given run is the mean of the 1337100300011 corrected a and b averages of that run. This gives 1337100300012 the disintegration rate of the total Xe in the given 1337100300013 slug 253 hr after the end of a 1-hr bombardment. Of 1337100300014 this total activity, about 98.8 percent was 5.27-day 1337100300015 Xe133, one percent was 2.3-day Xe133m, and the 1337100300016 remaining 0.2 percent was 12.0-day Xe131m. 1337100300017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Probable error. 1337100300018 (ERR-1) 1% Slug fission rate. 1337100300019 (ERR-2) 2% Xe disintegration rates. 1337100300020 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-133-G,5.27D) 1337100300021 STATUS (TABLE) Abstract and page 1466. 1337100300022 ENDBIB 20 0 1337100300023 COMMON 2 3 1337100300024 ERR-1 ERR-2 1337100300025 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1337100300026 1.0 2.0 1337100300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1337100300028 DATA 2 1 1337100300029 DATA DATA-ERR 1337100300030 PC/FIS PC/FIS 1337100300031 6.62 0.15 1337100300032 ENDDATA 3 0 1337100300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 1337100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1337199999999