ENTRY            13661   19970718                             00001366100000001 
SUBENT        13661001   19970718                             00001366100100001 
BIB                 13         20                                 1366100100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAANL)                                              1366100100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,162,1112,6712)                                   1366100100004 
AUTHOR     (W.V.PRESTWICH,R.E.COTE)                               1366100100005 
TITLE      Spectrum of high-energy gamma rays following thermal-  1366100100006 
            neutron capture by 166Er                              1366100100007 
FACILITY   (REAC) CP-5 reactor, through-hole position             1366100100008 
INC-SPECT  Reactor spectrum                                       1366100100009 
SAMPLE     Er2O3 enriched in 166Er                                1366100100010 
METHOD     (GSPEC) Pulse spectrum amplified in a low-noise,       1366100100011 
            single-differentiating, linear system and distribution1366100100012 
            accumulated in 4096-channel analyzer with a channel   1366100100013 
            width corresponding to 1.74 keV                       1366100100014 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 1366100100015 
           The resolution width for a counting period of 72 hr    1366100100016 
            was 6.7 keV (FWHM) at 6.2 MeV                         1366100100017 
CORRECTION Corrected for the energy dependence of the GeLi        1366100100018 
            detector efficency.                                   1366100100019 
ERR-ANALYS Major uncertainty is the GeLi detector efficency.      1366100100020 
STATUS     Data taken from article                                1366100100021 
HISTORY    (970616C)YH                                            1366100100022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 1366100100023 
COMMON               1          3                                 1366100100024 
EN-DUMMY                                                          1366100100025 
EV                                                                1366100100026 
0.0253                                                            1366100100027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1366100100028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 1366100199999 
SUBENT        13661002   19970718                             00001366100200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 1366100200002 
REACTION   (68-ER-166(N,G)68-ER-167,,SPC,,SPA)                    1366100200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 1366100200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1366100200005 
DATA                 2         25                                 1366100200006 
E          DATA                                                   1366100200007 
KEV        GAM/100N                                               1366100200008 
6228.        10.                                                  1366100200009 
6171.        2.3                                                  1366100200010 
5904.        0.087                                                1366100200011 
5683.        0.17                                                 1366100200012 
5670.        0.058                                                1366100200013 
5634.        0.082                                                1366100200014 
5351.        0.33                                                 1366100200015 
5259.        0.35                                                 1366100200016 
5210.        1.21                                                 1366100200017 
5053.        0.37                                                 1366100200018 
4891.        0.095                                                1366100200019 
4872.        0.16                                                 1366100200020 
4795.        0.13                                                 1366100200021 
4789.        0.33                                                 1366100200022 
4775.        0.62                                                 1366100200023 
4719.        0.74                                                 1366100200024 
4682.        0.51                                                 1366100200025 
4644.        0.07                                                 1366100200026 
4625.        0.083                                                1366100200027 
4569.        0.15                                                 1366100200028 
4513.        0.074                                                1366100200029 
4486.        0.39                                                 1366100200030 
4369.        0.19                                                 1366100200031 
4339.        0.12                                                 1366100200032 
4330.        0.21                                                 1366100200033 
ENDDATA             27          0                                 1366100200034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 1366100299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1366199999999