ENTRY 13923 20230707 15071392300000001 SUBENT 13923001 20230707 15071392300100001 BIB 8 17 1392300100002 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) 1392300100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,285,235,1977) 1392300100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(77)90250-0 1392300100005 AUTHOR (R.F.Casten,R.C.Grennwood,M.R.McPhail,R.E.Chrien, 1392300100006 W.R.Kane,G.J.Smith,J.A.Cizewski) 1392300100007 TITLE Study of 191Os by Average Resonance Neutron Capture 1392300100008 FACILITY (REAC,1USABNL) High-flux Beam Reactor 1392300100009 SAMPLE (76-OS-190,ENR=0.9546) 2.5x2.5 cm osmium powder sample 1392300100010 of 2 g enriched to 95.46% in 190Os. 1392300100011 MONITOR Absolute energy scale is established using the 7.6 MeV 1392300100012 Fe doublet, the ground state transition following 1392300100013 thermal capture in 27Al, the hydrogen capture line at 1392300100014 2223.33 keV and the 1778.9 keV transition occurring 1392300100015 in 28Si following neutron capture in 27Al. 1392300100016 HISTORY (20041116C) DR 1392300100017 (20230604A) OS. E-ERR corrected in sub.3, 1392300100018 STATUS updated, BIB modifications 1392300100019 ENDBIB 17 0 1392300100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 1392300100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 1392300199999 SUBENT 13923002 20230707 15071392300200001 BIB 6 11 1392300200002 REACTION (76-OS-190(N,G)76-OS-191,,SPC,,MXW/REL) 1392300200003 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum 1392300200004 METHOD Intensities are normalized to 1000 for the 527.5 keV 1392300200005 transition. 1392300200006 DETECTOR (GELI) 40-cm3 Ge(Li) detector at 90 degrees to the 1392300200007 beam. Typical resolution is 6.5 keV FWHM at about 1392300200008 6 MeV. 1392300200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative uncertainties given. 1392300200010 (E-ERR) Uncertainty on the absolute gamma-ray energy 1392300200011 scale. 1392300200012 STATUS (TABLE,,R.F.Casten+,J,NP/A,285,235,1977) Table 1 1392300200013 ENDBIB 11 0 1392300200014 COMMON 2 3 1392300200015 EN-DUMMY E-ERR 1392300200016 EV KEV 1392300200017 0.0253 1. 1392300200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1392300200019 DATA 3 34 1392300200020 E DATA DATA-ERR 1392300200021 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 1392300200022 5686.6 858. 61. 1392300200023 5674.6 161. 12. 1392300200024 5617.1 30. 4. 1392300200025 5341.6 392. 28. 1392300200026 5271.1 323. 23. 1392300200027 5250.2 106. 8. 1392300200028 5147.1 1993. 150. 1392300200029 5121.4 35. 10. 1392300200030 5037.7 200. 16. 1392300200031 5010.2 162. 12. 1392300200032 4963.3 27. 12. 1392300200033 4665.0 39. 10. 1392300200034 4556.1 166. 13. 1392300200035 4459.8 102. 9. 1392300200036 4435.0 32. 8. 1392300200037 4401.5 40. 8. 1392300200038 4382.5 134. 11. 1392300200039 4293.0 43. 12. 1392300200040 4257.5 51. 12. 1392300200041 4221.4 117. 10. 1392300200042 4206.6 39. 10. 1392300200043 4186.1 55. 9. 1392300200044 4160.9 30. 8. 1392300200045 4137.0 50. 15. 1392300200046 4129.0 40. 25. 1392300200047 4063.2 48. 9. 1392300200048 3953.7 77. 11. 1392300200049 3939.9 34. 10. 1392300200050 3857.4 31. 9. 1392300200051 3827.9 34. 5. 1392300200052 3815.1 204. 22. 1392300200053 3787.3 141. 26. 1392300200054 3776.4 90. 12. 1392300200055 3675.2 113. 15. 1392300200056 ENDDATA 36 0 1392300200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 1392300299999 SUBENT 13923003 20240314 15071392300300001 BIB 9 22 1392300300002 REACTION (76-OS-190(N,G)76-OS-191,,SPC,,REL) 1392300300003 METHOD (FNB) Scandium filtered beam 1392300300004 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li) detector at 90 degrees to the beam, 1392300300005 surrounded by a bismuth shield. Detector resolution 1392300300006 about 8 keV (FWHM) at a transition energy of 5.6 MeV. 1392300300007 MONITOR Intensities are normalized to 100.0 for the 5149.1 keV 1392300300008 transition. 1392300300009 ANALYSIS Below 4191.1 keV transition energy, the decreasing 1392300300010 transition intensities and presence of some 1392300300011 contaminant lines render analysis difficult and 1392300300012 some transitions may have been missed. 1392300300013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative uncertainties given. In addition, 1392300300014 there is about 1 keV uncertainty in energy scale. 1392300300015 (E-ERR) Uncertainty on the absolute gamma-ray energy 1392300300016 scale. ~+/-1 keV overall energy scale uncertainty is 1392300300017 not included. 1392300300018 FLAG (1.) Observation of transition is questionable. 1392300300019 (2.) Peak may be a multiplet. 1392300300020 STATUS (TABLE,,R.F.Casten+,J,NP/A,285,235,1977) Table 2 1392300300021 HISTORY (20230604A) E-ERR deleted in COMMON, ERR-ANALYS text 1392300300022 updated 1392300300023 (20240314U) On. INC-SPECT -> METHOD(FNB) 1392300300024 ENDBIB 22 0 1392300300025 COMMON 2 3 1392300300026 EN EN-RSL-FW 1392300300027 KEV EV 1392300300028 2. 800. 1392300300029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1392300300030 DATA 5 32 1392300300031 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 1392300300032 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 1392300300033 5687.0 0.6 136. 8. 1392300300034 5676.9 0.6 169. 9. 1392300300035 5619.1 0.6 163. 10. 1392300300036 5344.3 0.6 153. 9. 1392300300037 5326.3 1.2 169. 16. 1392300300038 5273.5 0.6 78.8 5.1 1392300300039 5252.8 0.7 70.2 7.7 1392300300040 5149.1 0.7 100. 1392300300041 5123.7 0.7 56.5 7.7 1392300300042 5068.3 1.0 20.6 7.6 1. 1392300300043 5040.3 0.7 64.1 6.1 1392300300044 5012.7 0.6 82.7 5.2 1392300300045 4967.4 0.8 42.7 16. 1392300300046 4812.2 0.9 20.0 4.6 1392300300047 4802.1 0.7 58.1 5.8 1392300300048 4676.2 1.2 62.7 24. 1392300300049 4667.5 1.5 23. 10. 1392300300050 4617.7 0.7 59.8 6.0 1392300300051 4559.1 2.0 16. 8. 1392300300052 4462.9 0.7 41.7 4.4 1392300300053 4404.6 0.7 54.5 5.5 1392300300054 4385.2 0.7 36.3 4.5 1392300300055 4373.6 1.6 11.1 4.1 1. 1392300300056 4356.4 0.8 29.0 4.5 1392300300057 4294.5 0.9 30.3 5.8 1392300300058 4259.9 0.8 33.1 5.1 1392300300059 4230.2 3.0 21.0 8.6 2. 1392300300060 4209.5 0.9 26.9 4.8 1392300300061 4191.1 0.7 43.5 5.4 1392300300062 4140.0 1.0 26.4 5.3 1392300300063 4131.1 0.8 37.9 5.5 1392300300064 3998.3 1.1 20.9 5.7 1392300300065 ENDDATA 34 0 1392300300066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 1392300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1392399999999