ENTRY 14002 20240627 15131400200000001 SUBENT 14002001 20240627 15131400200100001 BIB 12 36 1400200100002 TITLE Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering in 197Au at 1400200100003 1.5 MeV 1400200100004 AUTHOR (M.O'Connor,G.Yue,J.Chen,C.Narayan,G.H.R.Kegel, 1400200100005 J.J.Egan) 1400200100006 REFERENCE (T,O'CONNOR,1996) Main reference. 1400200100007 (C,94GATLIN,1,260,1994) 1400200100008 INSTITUTE (1USALTI) 1400200100009 FACILITY (VDG,1USALTI) A 5.5-MV type CN Van-de-Graaff 1400200100010 accelerator. 1400200100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Neutrons were generated by thin metallic 1400200100012 lithium targets. 1400200100013 DETECTOR (SCIN) NE102 plastic scintillator 1.25 cm thick, 6.5 1400200100014 cm in diameter. The three neutron TOF spectrometers 1400200100015 are nearly identical. Each detector consists of a 1400200100016 plastic scintillator mounted on a photomultiplier. 1400200100017 SAMPLE The scatterer comprised of two Canadian gold maple 1400200100018 leaf coins of total mass 62.352 g. This unusual 1400200100019 choice of scatterer was chosen because it was 1400200100020 convenient and readily available while meeting our 1400200100021 disk shaped design requirements. With such a small 1400200100022 scatterer, (thickness 0.56 cm, diameter 3.O cm) 1400200100023 multiple scattering corrections were neglected. Where 1400200100024 it should be noted that for the neutron energies 1400200100025 discussed, their mean free path in 197Au is 1400200100026 approximately 3.5 cm. 1400200100027 METHOD (TOF) Two experiments for the differential angular 1400200100028 distributions at 1.0 MeV, 1.5 MeV and 2.0 MeV and the 1400200100029 total neutron cross section measurements. 1400200100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainties were deduced from the 1400200100031 covariances using the Donald Smith prescription. 1400200100032 Mathematical formalism is given but no covariance 1400200100033 matrices, uncertainties are graphically plotted. 1400200100034 CORRECTION Dead time, efficiency corrections. 1400200100035 HISTORY (20050518C) DR 1400200100036 (20240627A) BP: Updated entry by incorporating Ph.D. 1400200100037 Thesis data, added CORRECTION, ERR-ANALYS. 1400200100038 ENDBIB 36 0 1400200100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 1400200100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 1400200199999 SUBENT 14002002 20240627 15131400200200001 BIB 4 8 1400200200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197,PAR,DA) 1400200200003 EN-SEC (E-EXC,79-AU-197) 1400200200004 HISTORY (20240627A) BP: Replaced conference ARB-UNITS data 1400200200005 with the Ph.D. Thesis data, corrected reaction string. 1400200200006 Data for EN=1.0 MeV and EN=2.0 MeV were added. 1400200200007 STATUS (CURVE,,M.O'Connor+,T,O'CONNOR,1996) 1400200200008 Figs.45-46, pages 118-119; Figs.48-49, pages 121-122; 1400200200009 Fig. 51, page 124 of T,O'CONNOR,1996. 1400200200010 ENDBIB 8 0 1400200200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 1400200200012 DATA 6 38 1400200200013 EN E-EXC E-EXC ANG DATA ERR-T 1400200200014 MEV KEV KEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1400200200015 1.0 77.351 40.562 2.283E+01 8.834E+001400200200016 1.0 77.351 55.480 2.355E+01 6.891E+001400200200017 1.0 77.351 70.113 1.420E+01 5.653E+001400200200018 1.0 77.351 90.084 2.341E+01 9.364E+001400200200019 1.0 77.351 105.005 2.325E+01 9.186E+001400200200020 1.0 77.351 124.710 1.620E+01 6.360E+001400200200021 1.0 268.786 278.99 40.728 7.215E+01 1.400E+011400200200022 1.0 268.786 278.99 55.325 6.293E+01 8.979E+001400200200023 1.0 268.786 278.99 70.517 7.246E+01 1.453E+011400200200024 1.0 268.786 278.99 90.494 6.668E+01 1.320E+011400200200025 1.0 268.786 278.99 105.368 7.621E+01 1.505E+011400200200026 1.0 268.786 278.99 125.358 6.409E+01 1.267E+011400200200027 1.5 77.351 36.000 2.764E+01 1.180E+011400200200028 1.5 77.351 45.876 2.623E+01 7.922E+001400200200029 1.5 77.351 56.071 2.482E+01 7.570E+001400200200030 1.5 77.351 75.823 1.039E+01 4.753E+001400200200031 1.5 77.351 90.796 1.831E+01 5.458E+001400200200032 1.5 77.351 105.770 1.514E+01 6.690E+001400200200033 1.5 77.351 115.646 1.884E+01 8.098E+001400200200034 1.5 77.351 125.522 1.584E+01 6.866E+001400200200035 1.5 77.351 135.398 8.450E+00 3.345E+001400200200036 1.5 268.786 278.99 36.765 5.072E+01 1.037E+011400200200037 1.5 268.786 278.99 46.577 4.877E+01 7.207E+001400200200038 1.5 268.786 278.99 56.358 4.207E+01 6.151E+001400200200039 1.5 268.786 278.99 76.659 4.502E+01 6.502E+001400200200040 1.5 268.786 278.99 91.568 4.745E+01 7.383E+001400200200041 1.5 268.786 278.99 106.150 4.812E+01 1.002E+011400200200042 1.5 268.786 278.99 116.271 4.494E+01 9.489E+001400200200043 1.5 268.786 278.99 126.127 5.002E+01 1.037E+011400200200044 1.5 268.786 278.99 135.818 2.908E+01 6.150E+001400200200045 2.0 268.786 278.99 35.493 3.950E+01 7.760E+001400200200046 2.0 268.786 278.99 45.317 3.474E+01 6.878E+001400200200047 2.0 268.786 278.99 55.458 3.457E+01 6.702E+001400200200048 2.0 268.786 278.99 75.423 3.386E+01 4.762E+001400200200049 2.0 268.786 278.99 90.317 4.356E+01 5.996E+001400200200050 2.0 268.786 278.99 115.035 3.950E+01 7.583E+001400200200051 2.0 268.786 278.99 124.859 4.550E+01 6.173E+001400200200052 2.0 268.786 278.99 145.141 3.933E+01 7.760E+001400200200053 ENDDATA 40 0 1400200200054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 1400200299999 SUBENT 14002003 20240627 15131400200300001 BIB 3 6 1400200300002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,EL)79-AU-197,,DA) 1400200300003 HISTORY (20240627A) BP: Replaced conference ARB-UNITS data 1400200300004 with the Ph.D. Thesis data, corrected reaction string. 1400200300005 Data for EN=1.0 MeV were added. 1400200300006 STATUS (CURVE,,M.O'Connor+,T,O'CONNOR,1996) 1400200300007 Fig.47, p. 120; Fig. 44, p. 117 of T,O'CONNOR,1996. 1400200300008 ENDBIB 6 0 1400200300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1400200300010 DATA 4 15 1400200300011 EN ANG DATA ERR-T 1400200300012 MEV ADEG B/SR B/SR 1400200300013 1.0 41.440 1.094E+00 1.619E-01 1400200300014 1.0 55.697 3.704E-01 3.809E-02 1400200300015 1.0 70.693 1.988E-01 2.857E-02 1400200300016 1.0 90.519 2.174E-01 3.175E-02 1400200300017 1.0 105.562 3.092E-01 4.446E-02 1400200300018 1.0 125.379 2.803E-01 4.127E-02 1400200300019 1.5 36.326 2.055E+00 3.048E-01 1400200300020 1.5 46.194 1.188E+00 1.270E-01 1400200300021 1.5 55.965 5.669E-01 6.349E-02 1400200300022 1.5 75.514 1.027E-01 1.689E-02 1400200300023 1.5 90.391 2.138E-01 2.544E-02 1400200300024 1.5 105.249 3.714E-01 5.926E-02 1400200300025 1.5 115.088 3.764E-01 5.507E-02 1400200300026 1.5 125.269 3.221E-01 4.233E-02 1400200300027 1.5 135.152 2.169E-01 3.388E-02 1400200300028 ENDDATA 17 0 1400200300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1400200399999 SUBENT 14002004 20241005 15131400200400001 BIB 3 4 1400200400002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,SCT)79-AU-197,PAR,DA) 1400200400003 STATUS (CURVE,,M.O'Connor+,T,O'CONNOR,1996) 1400200400004 Fig. 50, pages 123 of T,O'CONNOR,1996. 1400200400005 HISTORY (20240627C) BP 1400200400006 ENDBIB 4 0 1400200400007 COMMON 3 3 1400200400008 EN E-LVL E-LVL 1400200400009 MEV KEV KEV 1400200400010 2.0 0. 77.351 1400200400011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1400200400012 DATA 3 8 1400200400013 ANG DATA ERR-T 1400200400014 ADEG B/SR B/SR 1400200400015 36.207 2.982E+00 4.710E-01 1400200400016 45.841 1.387E+00 2.179E-01 1400200400017 55.088 6.630E-01 1.125E-01 1400200400018 74.781 9.432E-02 2.108E-02 1400200400019 89.980 2.566E-01 2.814E-02 1400200400020 114.689 3.700E-01 5.620E-02 1400200400021 124.521 2.650E-01 2.812E-02 1400200400022 144.816 9.706E-02 2.813E-02 1400200400023 ENDDATA 10 0 1400200400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1400200499999 SUBENT 14002005 20241005 15131400200500001 BIB 3 4 1400200500002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,TOT),,SIG) 1400200500003 STATUS (CURVE,,M.O'Connor+,T,O'CONNOR,1996) 1400200500004 Fig. 52, pages 125 of T,O'CONNOR,1996. 1400200500005 HISTORY (20240627C) BP 1400200500006 ENDBIB 4 0 1400200500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 1400200500008 DATA 3 9 1400200500009 EN DATA ERR-T 1400200500010 MEV B B 1400200500011 0.810 4.061E+00 3.104E-01 1400200500012 0.862 4.950E+00 5.079E-01 1400200500013 0.911 3.821E+00 4.514E-01 1400200500014 0.964 5.090E+00 3.809E-01 1400200500015 1.162 4.298E+00 4.514E-01 1400200500016 1.215 4.777E+00 3.667E-01 1400200500017 1.311 4.663E+00 5.080E-01 1400200500018 1.411 4.507E+00 4.655E-01 1400200500019 1.510 4.407E+00 2.821E-01 1400200500020 ENDDATA 11 0 1400200500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 1400200599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 1400299999999