ENTRY            14043   20140312                             13981404300000001 
SUBENT        14043001   20140312                             13981404300100001 
BIB                  8         11                                 1404300100002 
TITLE      R-Matrix analysis of the total and (n,a) cross section 1404300100003 
            for neutrons on 16O                                   1404300100004 
AUTHOR     (C.H.Johnson, J.L.Fowler, R.M.Feezel)                  1404300100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USAORL)                                              1404300100006 
REFERENCE  (P,ORNL-4743,37,1972)                                  1404300100007 
REL-REF    (R,C0489002,J.K.Bair+,J,PR/C,7,1356,1973)              1404300100008 
            13C(a,n)16O data given                                1404300100009 
ANALYSIS   (DTBAL) Derived from 13C(a,n)16O cross section         1404300100010 
STATUS     (DEP,C0489002) 13C(a,n)16O cross section               1404300100011 
HISTORY    (20050918C) DR                                         1404300100012 
           (20140312D) On. Not from their own experiment.         1404300100013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 1404300100014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1404300100015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 1404300199999 
NOSUBENT      14043002   20140312                             13981404300200001 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1404399999999