ENTRY            14069   20051219                             13391406900000001 
SUBENT        14069001   20051219                             13391406900100001 
BIB                 12         22                                 1406900100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAKTY)                                              1406900100003 
REFERENCE  (C,93FRIBOU,,162,1993)                                 1406900100004 
AUTHOR     (D.P.DiPrete,E.M.Baum,E.L.Johnson,C.A.McGrath,         1406900100005 
           L.R.Cross,D.Wang,M.F.Villani,S.W.Yates)                1406900100006 
TITLE      Nuclear Structure of 146Nd from (n,n'gamma)            1406900100007 
            measurements                                          1406900100008 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USAKTY) University of Kentucky's 7.0 MeV        1406900100009 
            Van de Graaff accelerator                             1406900100010 
INC-SOURCE (P-T)                                                  1406900100011 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  1406900100012 
SAMPLE     146Nd sample, 27.8 g of 98 % isotopically enriched     1406900100013 
            Nd2O3 contained in a polyethylene vial of 2.2 cm      1406900100014 
            diameter and 5.0 cm height                            1406900100015 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    1406900100016 
           (G)                                                    1406900100017 
DETECTOR   (GE-IN) BGO Compton suppressed n-type  HPGe detector,  1406900100018 
            52 % efficiency and energy resolution of 2.1 keV at   1406900100019 
            1.33 MeV                                              1406900100020 
CORRECTION Energy and efficiency calibration for the gamma-ray    1406900100021 
            detectors were obtained using 56Co, 60Co, 133Ba,      1406900100022 
            152Eu, and 24Na sources                               1406900100023 
HISTORY    (20051219C) DR                                         1406900100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 1406900100025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1406900100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 1406900199999 
SUBENT        14069002   20051219                             13391406900200001 
BIB                  4          4                                 1406900200002 
REACTION   (60-ND-146(N,INL)60-ND-146,PAR,DA,G,REL)               1406900200003 
EN-SEC     (E,G) Gamma-ray energy                                 1406900200004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information                              1406900200005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data taken from Fig. 2                         1406900200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1406900200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 1406900200008 
EN                                                                1406900200009 
MEV                                                               1406900200010 
3.0                                                               1406900200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1406900200012 
DATA                 4         14                                 1406900200013 
E          ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                         1406900200014 
MEV        ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        1406900200015 
1.977         3.95E+01   1.07E+00   7.66E-02                      1406900200016 
1.977         5.90E+01   9.74E-01   6.50E-02                      1406900200017 
1.977         8.91E+01   8.82E-01   4.33E-02                      1406900200018 
1.977         1.09E+02   1.00E+00   5.99E-02                      1406900200019 
1.977         1.24E+02   1.04E+00   7.16E-02                      1406900200020 
1.977         1.34E+02   1.03E+00   6.33E-02                      1406900200021 
1.977         1.44E+02   1.10E+00   6.66E-02                      1406900200022 
2.681         4.03E+01   9.85E-01   9.33E-02                      1406900200023 
2.681         5.08E+01   1.07E+00   7.66E-02                      1406900200024 
2.681         9.14E+01   1.07E+00   5.33E-02                      1406900200025 
2.681         1.06E+02   1.11E+00   7.83E-02                      1406900200026 
2.681         1.15E+02   1.09E+00   7.66E-02                      1406900200027 
2.681         1.26E+02   1.05E+00   7.33E-02                      1406900200028 
2.681         1.45E+02   9.31E-01   7.16E-02                      1406900200029 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 1406900200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 1406900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1406999999999