ENTRY            14143   20070618                             13441414300000001 
SUBENT        14143001   20070618                             13441414300100001 
BIB                 10         16                                 1414300100002 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,67,564,1991)                                    1414300100004 
AUTHOR     (C.M.Frankle,J.D.Bowman,J.E.Bush,P.P.J.Delheij,        1414300100005 
            C.R.Gould,D.G.Haase,J.N.Knudson,G.E.Mitchell,         1414300100006 
            S.Penttila,H.Postma,N.R.Roberson,S.J.Seestrom,        1414300100007 
            J.J.Szymanski,S.H.Yoo,V.W.Yuan,X.Zhu)                 1414300100008 
TITLE      Sign correlations and parity nonconservation for       1414300100009 
            neutron resonances in 232Th                           1414300100010 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USALAS) LANSCE accelerator                     1414300100011 
INC-SOURCE (SPALL) 56 m flight path                               1414300100012 
SAMPLE     The sample consisted of 3.1 cm thick thorium metal     1414300100013 
            0.093 atm/b with trace of gadolinium and              1414300100014 
            tungsten                                              1414300100015 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) 6Li-glass scintillator array                    1414300100016 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  1414300100017 
HISTORY    (20070618C) DR                                         1414300100018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 1414300100019 
COMMON               1          3                                 1414300100020 
ANG-CM                                                            1414300100021 
ADEG                                                              1414300100022 
0.                                                                1414300100023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1414300100024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 1414300199999 
SUBENT        14143002   20070618                             13441414300200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 1414300200002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(N,EL)90-TH-232,,POL/DA,,ANA)                1414300200003 
            Analyzing power given in percent                      1414300200004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        1414300200005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 1                        1414300200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1414300200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1414300200008 
DATA                 3         23                                 1414300200009 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1414300200010 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      1414300200011 
  8.3       1.48      0.25                                        1414300200012 
 13.1       0.74      0.62                                        1414300200013 
 37.0       2.5       1.0                                         1414300200014 
 38.2      10.9       2.3                                         1414300200015 
 41.0      -2.2       2.1                                         1414300200016 
 49.9      -1.0       3.0                                         1414300200017 
 64.5       9.8       2.1                                         1414300200018 
 90.2      -1.05      1.00                                        1414300200019 
 98.1      -0.01      1.38                                        1414300200020 
103.7      -0.43      1.04                                        1414300200021 
128.2       1.31      0.18                                        1414300200022 
145.9      -0.03      0.22                                        1414300200023 
148.1      -4.9       2.8                                         1414300200024 
167.2       3.5       1.25                                        1414300200025 
179.0      -1.47      1.28                                        1414300200026 
196.2       1.10      0.46                                        1414300200027 
202.7       2.2       1.4                                         1414300200028 
211.0       1.76      1.85                                        1414300200029 
242.3      -0.1       1.2                                         1414300200030 
299.8      -1.6       1.7                                         1414300200031 
302.7      -1.8       1.0                                         1414300200032 
380.7       1.1       1.8                                         1414300200033 
391.8      -0.7       1.6                                         1414300200034 
ENDDATA             25          0                                 1414300200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 1414300299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1414399999999