ENTRY            14183   20120816                             13851418300000001 
SUBENT        14183001   20120816                             13851418300100001 
BIB                 11         36                                 1418300100002 
TITLE      Study of the (3He,t) charge transfer reaction as a     1418300100003 
           surrogate for neutron energy between 10 to 20 MeV      1418300100004 
AUTHOR     (M.S.Basunia,R.M.Clark,L.A.Bernstein,B.F.Lyles,        1418300100005 
           J.T.Burke, C.W.Beausang,D.L.Bleuel,B.Darakchieva,      1418300100006 
           F.S.Dietrich,M.Evtimova, P.Fallon,J.Gibelin,           1418300100007 
           S.R.Lesher,M.A.Mcmahan,L.Phair, E.Rodriguez-Vieitez,   1418300100008 
           M.Wiedeking)                                           1418300100009 
INSTITUTE  (1USABRK,1USALRL)                                      1418300100010 
           (1USAUSA) University of Richmond,Virginia,USA          1418300100011 
REFERENCE  (S,AIP-1005,101,2008)                                  1418300100012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USABRK) 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence          1418300100013 
           Berkeley National Laboratory                           1418300100014 
SAMPLE     Self-supporting 99.99% pure metallic 238U foil of      1418300100015 
           thickness 4709 +- 235 A                                1418300100016 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SI,SI) Outgoing charged particles were          1418300100017 
           identified using one 140 mum and one 1000 mum Micron   1418300100018 
           S2 type silicon detectors as a AE+E particle           1418300100019 
           telescope over an angular range of 33deg to 66deg with 1418300100020 
           respect to the beam axis.                              1418300100021 
METHOD     (EDE) EdE method used for identification of light      1418300100022 
           charged particles                                      1418300100023 
           (COINC) Coincidences between tritons identified in EdE 1418300100024 
           telescope and fission fragments detected in additional 1418300100025 
           Si detector was required to identify the reaction      1418300100026 
           channel                                                1418300100027 
ANALYSIS   Surrogate method was used to measure fission           1418300100028 
           probability of 238Np produced in 238U(3He,t)238Np      1418300100029 
           reaction. The measured fission probability was         1418300100030 
           combined with calculated 237U+n compound nucleus       1418300100031 
           cross section to obtain 237Np(n,f) fission             1418300100032 
           cross section.                                         1418300100033 
STATUS     (COREL,C1647001) A relative cross section for          1418300100034 
           U-238(He3,t+f) reaction determined in this work is     1418300100035 
           given in entry C1647                                   1418300100036 
HISTORY    (20080807C) Compiled by S.H.                           1418300100037 
           (20120816U) SD: code "R" changed to "S" in REFERENCE.  1418300100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 1418300100039 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1418300100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 1418300199999 
SUBENT        14183002   20080807                             13511418300200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 1418300200002 
REACTION   (93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG,,,DERIV)                          1418300200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the reference        1418300200004 
           (DEP,C1647002)                                         1418300200005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        1418300200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1418300200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1418300200008 
DATA                 3         82                                 1418300200009 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1418300200010 
MEV        B          B                                           1418300200011 
  1.018E+01  2.199E+00  7.167E-02                                 1418300200012 
  1.031E+01  2.138E+00  6.485E-02                                 1418300200013 
  1.042E+01  2.196E+00  6.485E-02                                 1418300200014 
  1.054E+01  2.158E+00  5.802E-02                                 1418300200015 
  1.066E+01  2.186E+00  5.802E-02                                 1418300200016 
  1.078E+01  2.175E+00  5.461E-02                                 1418300200017 
  1.091E+01  2.152E+00  5.119E-02                                 1418300200018 
  1.102E+01  2.291E+00  5.119E-02                                 1418300200019 
  1.115E+01  2.220E+00  5.119E-02                                 1418300200020 
  1.127E+01  2.196E+00  4.778E-02                                 1418300200021 
  1.138E+01  2.090E+00  4.437E-02                                 1418300200022 
  1.150E+01  2.182E+00  4.437E-02                                 1418300200023 
  1.162E+01  2.141E+00  4.778E-02                                 1418300200024 
  1.175E+01  2.138E+00  3.754E-02                                 1418300200025 
  1.187E+01  2.145E+00  4.778E-02                                 1418300200026 
  1.200E+01  2.141E+00  3.413E-02                                 1418300200027 
  1.211E+01  2.046E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200028 
  1.224E+01  2.114E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200029 
  1.235E+01  2.162E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200030 
  1.247E+01  2.128E+00  4.437E-02                                 1418300200031 
  1.260E+01  2.152E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200032 
  1.271E+01  2.131E+00  3.754E-02                                 1418300200033 
  1.284E+01  2.189E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200034 
  1.295E+01  2.162E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200035 
  1.308E+01  2.206E+00  4.096E-02                                 1418300200036 
  1.319E+01  2.175E+00  3.413E-02                                 1418300200037 
  1.331E+01  2.134E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200038 
  1.343E+01  2.179E+00  3.413E-02                                 1418300200039 
  1.355E+01  2.155E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200040 
  1.368E+01  2.124E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200041 
  1.379E+01  2.189E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200042 
  1.393E+01  2.192E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200043 
  1.403E+01  2.148E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200044 
  1.417E+01  2.199E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200045 
  1.428E+01  2.199E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200046 
  1.440E+01  2.196E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200047 
  1.452E+01  2.210E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200048 
  1.465E+01  2.244E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200049 
  1.476E+01  2.305E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200050 
  1.488E+01  2.288E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200051 
  1.501E+01  2.261E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200052 
  1.512E+01  2.291E+00  1.706E-02                                 1418300200053 
  1.524E+01  2.322E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200054 
  1.536E+01  2.302E+00  1.706E-02                                 1418300200055 
  1.548E+01  2.298E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200056 
  1.561E+01  2.401E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200057 
  1.573E+01  2.363E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200058 
  1.585E+01  2.418E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200059 
  1.596E+01  2.356E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200060 
  1.608E+01  2.356E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200061 
  1.621E+01  2.377E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200062 
  1.633E+01  2.346E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200063 
  1.646E+01  2.431E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200064 
  1.657E+01  2.360E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200065 
  1.670E+01  2.428E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200066 
  1.681E+01  2.370E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200067 
  1.695E+01  2.380E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200068 
  1.706E+01  2.411E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200069 
  1.716E+01  2.302E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200070 
  1.729E+01  2.404E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200071 
  1.740E+01  2.339E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200072 
  1.754E+01  2.363E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200073 
  1.765E+01  2.353E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200074 
  1.778E+01  2.346E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200075 
  1.790E+01  2.349E+00  3.413E-02                                 1418300200076 
  1.801E+01  2.295E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200077 
  1.814E+01  2.264E+00  1.706E-02                                 1418300200078 
  1.825E+01  2.312E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200079 
  1.838E+01  2.356E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200080 
  1.848E+01  2.278E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200081 
  1.860E+01  2.281E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200082 
  1.874E+01  2.285E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200083 
  1.885E+01  2.237E+00  2.389E-02                                 1418300200084 
  1.899E+01  2.261E+00  2.048E-02                                 1418300200085 
  1.910E+01  2.227E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200086 
  1.922E+01  2.179E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200087 
  1.934E+01  2.175E+00  3.754E-02                                 1418300200088 
  1.946E+01  2.182E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200089 
  1.959E+01  2.216E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200090 
  1.970E+01  2.155E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200091 
  1.983E+01  2.152E+00  2.730E-02                                 1418300200092 
  1.994E+01  2.172E+00  3.072E-02                                 1418300200093 
ENDDATA             84          0                                 1418300200094 
ENDSUBENT           93          0                                 1418300299999 
SUBENT        14183003   20080807                             13511418300300001 
BIB                  4          6                                 1418300300002 
REACTION   ((93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG,,,DERIV)/                        1418300300003 
           (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,,EVAL))                           1418300300004 
ASSUMED     U-235 cross section taken from ENDF/B-VII.0           1418300300005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the reference        1418300300006 
           (DEP,14183002)                                         1418300300007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        1418300300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 1418300300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1418300300010 
DATA                 3         82                                 1418300300011 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1418300300012 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      1418300300013 
  1.019E+01  1.256E+00  7.074E-02                                 1418300300014 
  1.031E+01  1.220E+00  6.479E-02                                 1418300300015 
  1.043E+01  1.261E+00  6.987E-02                                 1418300300016 
  1.054E+01  1.240E+00  5.858E-02                                 1418300300017 
  1.067E+01  1.253E+00  5.112E-02                                 1418300300018 
  1.078E+01  1.251E+00  6.106E-02                                 1418300300019 
  1.091E+01  1.240E+00  4.802E-02                                 1418300300020 
  1.103E+01  1.324E+00  5.246E-02                                 1418300300021 
  1.116E+01  1.289E+00  5.707E-02                                 1418300300022 
  1.128E+01  1.278E+00  4.192E-02                                 1418300300023 
  1.140E+01  1.217E+00  3.799E-02                                 1418300300024 
  1.152E+01  1.283E+00  3.915E-02                                 1418300300025 
  1.164E+01  1.272E+00  3.952E-02                                 1418300300026 
  1.176E+01  1.253E+00  3.542E-02                                 1418300300027 
  1.188E+01  1.251E+00  4.026E-02                                 1418300300028 
  1.200E+01  1.242E+00  3.790E-02                                 1418300300029 
  1.211E+01  1.177E+00  4.010E-02                                 1418300300030 
  1.222E+01  1.207E+00  3.214E-02                                 1418300300031 
  1.236E+01  1.215E+00  4.034E-02                                 1418300300032 
  1.247E+01  1.185E+00  3.563E-02                                 1418300300033 
  1.260E+01  1.185E+00  3.563E-02                                 1418300300034 
  1.273E+01  1.160E+00  3.166E-02                                 1418300300035 
  1.286E+01  1.180E+00  3.439E-02                                 1418300300036 
  1.295E+01  1.144E+00  3.699E-02                                 1418300300037 
  1.308E+01  1.152E+00  3.664E-02                                 1418300300038 
  1.320E+01  1.120E+00  3.166E-02                                 1418300300039 
  1.332E+01  1.092E+00  2.512E-02                                 1418300300040 
  1.345E+01  1.098E+00  3.269E-02                                 1418300300041 
  1.356E+01  1.073E+00  2.711E-02                                 1418300300042 
  1.367E+01  1.050E+00  2.955E-02                                 1418300300043 
  1.381E+01  1.070E+00  2.860E-02                                 1418300300044 
  1.392E+01  1.062E+00  3.096E-02                                 1418300300045 
  1.402E+01  1.035E+00  2.899E-02                                 1418300300046 
  1.416E+01  1.057E+00  2.972E-02                                 1418300300047 
  1.429E+01  1.048E+00  2.575E-02                                 1418300300048 
  1.440E+01  1.046E+00  2.936E-02                                 1418300300049 
  1.452E+01  1.054E+00  3.122E-02                                 1418300300050 
  1.464E+01  1.070E+00  2.860E-02                                 1418300300051 
  1.476E+01  1.098E+00  2.635E-02                                 1418300300052 
  1.489E+01  1.078E+00  2.413E-02                                 1418300300053 
  1.501E+01  1.068E+00  2.798E-02                                 1418300300054 
  1.512E+01  1.078E+00  2.624E-02                                 1418300300055 
  1.524E+01  1.087E+00  2.388E-02                                 1418300300056 
  1.536E+01  1.078E+00  2.442E-02                                 1418300300057 
  1.549E+01  1.073E+00  2.500E-02                                 1418300300058 
  1.561E+01  1.117E+00  2.858E-02                                 1418300300059 
  1.573E+01  1.100E+00  2.275E-02                                 1418300300060 
  1.585E+01  1.122E+00  2.771E-02                                 1418300300061 
  1.598E+01  1.100E+00  3.120E-02                                 1418300300062 
  1.609E+01  1.106E+00  3.244E-02                                 1418300300063 
  1.621E+01  1.117E+00  2.647E-02                                 1418300300064 
  1.634E+01  1.103E+00  2.970E-02                                 1418300300065 
  1.645E+01  1.147E+00  3.118E-02                                 1418300300066 
  1.658E+01  1.117E+00  2.647E-02                                 1418300300067 
  1.670E+01  1.152E+00  2.819E-02                                 1418300300068 
  1.681E+01  1.128E+00  2.684E-02                                 1418300300069 
  1.694E+01  1.136E+00  2.448E-02                                 1418300300070 
  1.705E+01  1.152E+00  2.608E-02                                 1418300300071 
  1.718E+01  1.103E+00  2.126E-02                                 1418300300072 
  1.730E+01  1.155E+00  2.881E-02                                 1418300300073 
  1.740E+01  1.128E+00  2.895E-02                                 1418300300074 
  1.754E+01  1.139E+00  2.721E-02                                 1418300300075 
  1.766E+01  1.135E+00  2.322E-02                                 1418300300076 
  1.778E+01  1.136E+00  2.659E-02                                 1418300300077 
  1.789E+01  1.143E+00  2.744E-02                                 1418300300078 
  1.802E+01  1.117E+00  2.647E-02                                 1418300300079 
  1.815E+01  1.109E+00  2.250E-02                                 1418300300080 
  1.825E+01  1.133E+00  2.597E-02                                 1418300300081 
  1.838E+01  1.155E+00  2.881E-02                                 1418300300082 
  1.850E+01  1.119E+00  3.131E-02                                 1418300300083 
  1.863E+01  1.122E+00  2.982E-02                                 1418300300084 
  1.875E+01  1.125E+00  2.833E-02                                 1418300300085 
  1.885E+01  1.103E+00  2.548E-02                                 1418300300086 
  1.899E+01  1.114E+00  2.796E-02                                 1418300300087 
  1.911E+01  1.101E+00  2.533E-02                                 1418300300088 
  1.923E+01  1.078E+00  2.835E-02                                 1418300300089 
  1.934E+01  1.073E+00  2.922E-02                                 1418300300090 
  1.947E+01  1.081E+00  3.108E-02                                 1418300300091 
  1.959E+01  1.092E+00  2.089E-02                                 1418300300092 
  1.971E+01  1.070E+00  2.860E-02                                 1418300300093 
  1.983E+01  1.068E+00  3.009E-02                                 1418300300094 
  1.995E+01  1.073E+00  2.500E-02                                 1418300300095 
ENDDATA             84          0                                 1418300300096 
ENDSUBENT           95          0                                 1418300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 1418399999999