ENTRY 14190 20181203 14451419000000001 SUBENT 14190001 20181203 14451419000100001 BIB 12 39 1419000100002 TITLE Fast neutron fission of 241Am 1419000100003 AUTHOR (R.A.Sigg,M.V.Kantelo,D.H.Sisson,A.L.Prindle, 1419000100004 D.R.Nethaway) 1419000100005 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) 1419000100006 (1USAUSA) Central Laboratory,McClellan AFB,California 1419000100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,27,245,1983) 1419000100008 FACILITY (CRASS,1USALAS) Irradiations were made using FLATTOP 1419000100009 critical assembly of the Los Alamos Nat. Laboratory. 1419000100010 FLATTOP is natural uranium reflected 239Pu 1419000100011 239Pu-94.95%, 240Pu-4.8%,241Pu-0.30% and 1.1 wt% 1419000100012 Ga. The assembly has a neutron output capable of 1419000100013 producing approx. 10E+12 fissions/g*h in 235U target 1419000100014 material 1419000100015 SAMPLE Each target consisted of 2.3 to 7.5 mg of 241Am as 1419000100016 Am(NO3)3 cold welded between two sheets 0.025 mm Al 1419000100017 foil. Target consisted of an 241Am target either 1419000100018 alone or sandwiched between monitor foils 1419000100019 encapsulated in Al. Pair of either 235U 1419000100020 (235U-93.2%,238U-5.2%,234U-1.0%,236U-0.67%) or 1419000100021 238U(238U-99.8%,235U-0.2%). Fission catcher foil 1419000100022 electroplated targets contained about 100mug/cm2 of 1419000100023 241Am within diameter of 9.5mm on 0.025mm thick Pt 1419000100024 discs. 1419000100025 DETECTOR (GELI) Catcher foils measurements were made directly by1419000100026 Ge(Li) gamma ray detector. 241Am targets were first 1419000100027 separated from to achieve complete 241Am removal 1419000100028 METHOD (CHSEP,REC,GSPEC,BSPEC) Radiochemical separation and 1419000100029 catcher foil techniques were used. Activity was 1419000100030 determined either by Ge(Li) spectrometry or by 1419000100031 beta-counting techniques. 1419000100032 MONITOR ((MONIT1)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 1419000100033 ((MONIT2)92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 1419000100034 INC-SPECT Neutron energy at target position is somewhat degraded 1419000100035 from the fission spectrum 1419000100036 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 1419000100037 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 1419000100038 HISTORY (20080905C) Compiled by S.H. 1419000100039 (20120815U) SD: Small correction in SAMPLE was made. 1419000100040 (20181202U) OS. Minor BIB correction 1419000100041 ENDBIB 39 0 1419000100042 COMMON 5 3 1419000100043 EN-DUMMY MONIT1 MONIT1-ERR MONIT2 MONIT2-ERR 1419000100044 MEV B B B B 1419000100045 0.5 1.29 0.06 0.222 0.016 1419000100046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1419000100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 1419000199999 SUBENT 14190002 20080905 13511419000200001 BIB 4 38 1419000200002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST) 1419000200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Tab. 1 of the reference 1419000200004 DECAY-DATA ((1.)40-ZR-95,5.62E+6SEC,DG,756.72,0.546) 1419000200005 ((2.)40-ZR-97,6.06E+4SEC,DG,743.37,0.940) 1419000200006 ((3.)42-MO-99,2.38E+5SEC,DG,140.514,0.886) 1419000200007 ((4.)44-RU-103,3.42E+6SEC,DG,497.09,0.900) 1419000200008 ((5.)44-RU-106,3.19E+7SEC,DG,622.10,0.098) 1419000200009 ((6.)45-RH-105,1.28E+5SEC,DG,319.24,0.196) 1419000200010 ((7.)46-PD-109,4.85E+4SEC,DG,88.04,0.0379) 1419000200011 ((8.)46-PD-112,4.85E+4SEC,DG,88.04,0.0379) 1419000200012 ((9.)47-AG-111,6.42E+5SEC,DG,342.14,0.0668) 1419000200013 ((10.)48-CD-115-G,1.91E+5SEC,DG,492.29,0.0826, 1419000200014 DG,527.86,0.28) 1419000200015 ((11.)51-SB-127,3.34E+5SEC,DG,473.20,0.248, 1419000200016 DG,684.90,0.368) 1419000200017 ((12.)52-TE-132,2.80E+5SEC,DG,228.2,0.88) 1419000200018 ((13.)53-I-131,6.93E+5SEC,DG,364.46,0.79) 1419000200019 ((14.)53-I-133,7.56E+4SEC,DG,529.91,0.86) 1419000200020 ((15.)54-XE-133,4.52E+5SEC,DG,81.00,0.364) 1419000200021 ((16.)54-XE-135,3.28E+4SEC,DG,249.65,0.92) 1419000200022 ((18.)55-CS-137,9.47E+8SEC,DG,661.62,0.850) 1419000200023 ((19.)56-BA-140,1.11E+6SEC,DG,537.26,0.2446) 1419000200024 ((20.)58-CE-141,2.80E+6SEC,DG,145.44,0.493) 1419000200025 ((21.)58-CE-143,1.19E+5SEC,DG,293.20,0.435) 1419000200026 ((22.)58-CE-144,2.46E+7SEC,DG,133.50,0.110) 1419000200027 ((23.)60-ND-147,9.54E+5SEC,DG,531.00,0.1295) 1419000200028 ((24.)61-PM-149,2.77E+5SEC,DG,285.90,0.031) 1419000200029 ((25.)61-PM-151,1.02E+5SEC,DG,167.73,0.092, 1419000200030 DG,240.08,0.036, 1419000200031 DG,340.08,0.224) 1419000200032 ((26.)62-SM-153,1.67E+5SEC,DG,103.17,0.284) 1419000200033 ((27.)63-EU-155,1.48E+8SEC,DG,86.55,0.335, 1419000200034 DG,105.32,0.224) 1419000200035 ((28.)64-GD-159,6.68E+4SEC,DG,363.56,0.103) 1419000200036 MISC-COL (MISC) Estimated fraction of total chain yield, based 1419000200037 on tabulated values of Z(P) taken from an extended 1419000200038 version of report UCRL-51640 (1974) by one of the 1419000200039 authors (Nethaway). 1419000200040 ENDBIB 38 0 1419000200041 COMMON 1 3 1419000200042 ERR-SYS 1419000200043 PER-CENT 1419000200044 5.0 1419000200045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1419000200046 DATA 8 31 1419000200047 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-S MISC 1419000200048 MISC-ERR DECAY-FLAG 1419000200049 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PRD/FIS PER-CENT NO-DIM 1419000200050 NO-DIM NO-DIM 1419000200051 39. 91. 0.0211 3.0 1.0 1419000200052 1419000200053 40. 95. 0.0371 3.0 1.0 1419000200054 1. 1419000200055 40. 97. 0.0450 3.0 0.986 1419000200056 0.006 2. 1419000200057 42. 99. 0.0536 3.0 1.0 1419000200058 3. 1419000200059 44. 103. 0.0642 3.0 1.0 1419000200060 4. 1419000200061 44. 106. 0.0476 4.2 0.999 1419000200062 0.001 5. 1419000200063 45. 105. 0.0529 3.0 1.0 1419000200064 6. 1419000200065 46. 109. 0.0230 3.0 1.0 1419000200066 7. 1419000200067 46. 112. 7.44E-3 4.5 0.991 1419000200068 0.008 8. 1419000200069 47. 111. 9.87E-3 3.0 1.0 1419000200070 9. 1419000200071 48. 115. 0. 1.50E-3 3.0 1.0 1419000200072 10. 1419000200073 48. 115. 1. 9.70E-5 3.0 1.0 1419000200074 1419000200075 51. 127. 7.71E-3 3.0 0.998 1419000200076 0.002 11. 1419000200077 52. 132. 0.0390 3.0 0.906 1419000200078 0.021 12. 1419000200079 53. 131. 0.0415 3.0 1.0 1419000200080 13. 1419000200081 53. 133. 0.0561 3.0 0.990 1419000200082 0.003 14. 1419000200083 54. 133. 0.0573 3.0 1.0 1419000200084 15. 1419000200085 54. 135. 0.0607 4.8 0.994 1419000200086 0.0029 16. 1419000200087 55. 137. 0.0570 3.2 0.997 1419000200088 0.001 18. 1419000200089 56. 140. 0.0482 3.0 1.0 1419000200090 19. 1419000200091 58. 141. 0.0468 3.0 1.0 1419000200092 20. 1419000200093 58. 143. 0.0385 3.0 1.0 1419000200094 21. 1419000200095 58. 144. 0.0337 3.5 0.999 1419000200096 0.001 22. 1419000200097 60. 147. 0.0213 3.0 1.0 1419000200098 23. 1419000200099 61. 149. 0.0156 3.0 1.0 1419000200100 24. 1419000200101 61. 151. 9.39E-3 3.0 1.0 1419000200102 25. 1419000200103 62. 153. 6.26E-3 3.0 1.0 1419000200104 26. 1419000200105 63. 155. 4.09E-3 3.6 1.0 1419000200106 27. 1419000200107 63. 156. 2.62E-3 3.0 1.0 1419000200108 1419000200109 64. 159. 7.94E-4 3.0 1.0 1419000200110 28. 1419000200111 65. 161. 3.04E-4 3.0 1.0 1419000200112 1419000200113 ENDDATA 66 0 1419000200114 ENDSUBENT 113 0 1419000299999 SUBENT 14190003 20080905 13511419000300001 BIB 3 7 1419000300002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY,,FST) 1419000300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Tab. 1 of the reference 1419000300004 COMMENT See subentry 2 for data for many more mass chains. 1419000300005 In most cases, the measured cumulative yields listed 1419000300006 there are assumed to be equal to the respective chain 1419000300007 yield or close to it within 1% (see factor given there 1419000300008 under MISC). 1419000300009 ENDBIB 7 0 1419000300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419000300011 DATA 3 2 1419000300012 MASS DATA ERR-S 1419000300013 NO-DIM PRD/FIS PRD/FIS 1419000300014 115. 1.60E-3 0.05E-3 1419000300015 133. 0.0570 0.0012 1419000300016 ENDDATA 4 0 1419000300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 1419000399999 SUBENT 14190004 20080905 13511419000400001 BIB 3 7 1419000400002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FST) 1419000400003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Tab. 1 of the reference 1419000400004 DECAY-DATA ((1.)41-NB-96,8.42E+4SEC,DG,568.86,0.558, 1419000400005 DG,778.22,0.968, 1419000400006 DG,1091.31,0.495) 1419000400007 ((2.)55-CS-136,1.12E+6SEC,DG,818.48,1.000, 1419000400008 DG,1048.10,0.805) 1419000400009 ENDBIB 7 0 1419000400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419000400011 DATA 6 3 1419000400012 ELEMENT MASS DATA ERR-S DATA-MAX DECAY-FLAG 1419000400013 NO-DIM NO-DIM PRD/FIS PER-CENT PRD/FIS NO-DIM 1419000400014 41. 96. 9.76E-5 4.9 1. 1419000400015 55. 136. 4.52E-3 3.0 2. 1419000400016 65. 160. 1.02E-5 1419000400017 ENDDATA 5 0 1419000400018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 1419000499999 SUBENT 14190005 20080905 13511419000500001 BIB 4 11 1419000500002 REACTION ((95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FST)/ 1419000500003 (95-AM-241(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY,,FST)) 1419000500004 RESULT (FRIND) 1419000500005 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Tab. 4 of the reference 1419000500006 (DEP,14190004) 1419000500007 (DEP,14190003) 1419000500008 DECAY-DATA ((1.)41-NB-96,8.42E+4SEC,DG,568.86,0.558, 1419000500009 DG,778.22,0.968, 1419000500010 DG,1091.31,0.495) 1419000500011 ((2.)55-CS-136,1.12E+6SEC,DG,818.48,1.000, 1419000500012 DG,1048.10,0.805) 1419000500013 ENDBIB 11 0 1419000500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419000500015 DATA 6 3 1419000500016 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-MAX DATA-ERR DECAY-FLAG 1419000500017 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1419000500018 41. 96. 2.39E-3 0.14E-3 1. 1419000500019 55. 136. 0.072 0.003 2. 1419000500020 65. 160. 0.019 1419000500021 ENDDATA 5 0 1419000500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1419000599999 SUBENT 14190006 20080905 13511419000600001 BIB 2 3 1419000600002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)MASS,,ZP,,FST) 1419000600003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Tab. 4 of the reference 1419000600004 (DEP,14190005) 1419000600005 ENDBIB 3 0 1419000600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419000600007 DATA 4 3 1419000600008 MASS DATA DATA-MAX DATA-ERR 1419000600009 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1419000600010 96.0 38.92 0.18 1419000600011 136.0 53.68 0.10 1419000600012 160.0 63.34 0.12 1419000600013 ENDDATA 5 0 1419000600014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1419000699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 1419099999999