ENTRY 14197 20240213 15101419700000001 SUBENT 14197001 20240213 15101419700100001 BIB 10 33 1419700100002 TITLE Prompt gamma rays emitted in the 1419700100003 thermal-neutron-induced fission of 235U 1419700100004 AUTHOR (F.Pleasonton,R.L.Ferguson,H.W.Schmitt) 1419700100005 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) 1419700100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,6,1023,1972) 1419700100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.6.1023 1419700100008 FACILITY (REAC,1USAORL) Measurements were performed at the 1419700100009 Oak Ridge research reactor using conventially 1419700100010 collimated neutron beam with a flux of more than 1419700100011 10.0E+8 thermal neutrons/(cm2 sec) 1419700100012 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons 1419700100013 SAMPLE A 1 cm diameter target prepared by vacuum 1419700100014 evaporation of thin deposit (30mug/cm2) of U335 onto 1419700100015 a thin carbon film. Fissile material contained 99.44% 1419700100016 of 235U, 0.0001% of 233U and 0.56% of even uranium 1419700100017 isotopes. 1419700100018 DETECTOR (SIBAR) The fission fragments were detected by two 1419700100019 silicon surface barrier detectors. First detector 1419700100020 with area of 600 mm2 was placed at a distance of 3.5 1419700100021 cm from neutron beam axis was limited by a 1419700100022 collimator with diameter of 7/8 in., the second 1419700100023 detector with area of 400 mm2 was collimated using 1419700100024 collimator with diameter of 5/8 in. 1419700100025 (NAICR) Gamma rays were detected by an NaI(Tl) 1419700100026 crystal with diameter of 5 in. and thickness of 4 1419700100027 in., placed at a distance of 89 cm from the target 1419700100028 center. NaI(Tl) detector was placed in a lead 1419700100029 collimator, limiting its solid angle to 1.602E-2 sr. 1419700100030 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence between fission detector and 1419700100031 NaI(Tl) detector was required. 1419700100032 HISTORY (20081230C) 1419700100033 (20210610A) OS. Corrections in subs.3 and 4 1419700100034 (20240212A) OS. REACTION modified in sub.5 1419700100035 ENDBIB 33 0 1419700100036 COMMON 1 3 1419700100037 EN-DUMMY 1419700100038 EV 1419700100039 0.0253 1419700100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1419700100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1419700199999 SUBENT 14197002 20081230 13541419700200001 BIB 2 3 1419700200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE,FY,,MXW/REL) 1419700200003 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the reference 1419700200004 (points obtained from 4-fold coincidences) 1419700200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1419700200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419700200007 DATA 2 66 1419700200008 MASS DATA 1419700200009 NO-DIM ARB-UNITS 1419700200010 79.0 0.02 1419700200011 80.0 0.03 1419700200012 81.0 0.05 1419700200013 82.0 0.08 1419700200014 83.0 0.13 1419700200015 84.0 0.21 1419700200016 85.0 0.37 1419700200017 86.0 0.54 1419700200018 87.0 0.74 1419700200019 88.0 1.00 1419700200020 89.0 1.37 1419700200021 90.0 1.92 1419700200022 91.0 2.55 1419700200023 92.0 3.01 1419700200024 93.0 3.17 1419700200025 94.0 3.22 1419700200026 95.0 3.25 1419700200027 96.0 3.45 1419700200028 97.0 3.36 1419700200029 98.0 3.09 1419700200030 99.0 3.04 1419700200031 100.0 2.75 1419700200032 101.0 2.73 1419700200033 102.0 2.64 1419700200034 103.0 2.14 1419700200035 104.0 1.81 1419700200036 105.0 1.36 1419700200037 106.0 0.93 1419700200038 107.0 0.50 1419700200039 108.0 0.21 1419700200040 109.0 0.09 1419700200041 110.0 0.05 1419700200042 111.0 0.02 1419700200043 125.0 0.02 1419700200044 126.0 0.03 1419700200045 127.0 0.07 1419700200046 128.0 0.16 1419700200047 129.0 0.39 1419700200048 130.0 0.78 1419700200049 131.0 1.12 1419700200050 132.0 1.54 1419700200051 133.0 2.04 1419700200052 134.0 2.35 1419700200053 135.0 2.55 1419700200054 136.0 2.58 1419700200055 137.0 2.73 1419700200056 138.0 3.00 1419700200057 139.0 3.26 1419700200058 140.0 3.37 1419700200059 141.0 3.34 1419700200060 142.0 3.20 1419700200061 143.0 3.15 1419700200062 144.0 2.95 1419700200063 145.0 2.43 1419700200064 146.0 1.84 1419700200065 147.0 1.29 1419700200066 148.0 0.98 1419700200067 149.0 0.72 1419700200068 150.0 0.51 1419700200069 151.0 0.31 1419700200070 152.0 0.19 1419700200071 153.0 0.12 1419700200072 154.0 0.09 1419700200073 155.0 0.04 1419700200074 156.0 0.03 1419700200075 157.0 0.01 1419700200076 ENDDATA 68 0 1419700200077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 1419700299999 SUBENT 14197003 20210731 14851419700300001 BIB 4 6 1419700300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PR,FY,G,MXW) Average gamma ray 1419700300003 multiplicity per fission. 1419700300004 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the reference 1419700300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given 1419700300006 HISTORY (20210610A) MASS2 deleted (redundant), MASS1 -> MASS, 1419700300007 REACTION SF3-4 changed to PR,FY 1419700300008 ENDBIB 6 0 1419700300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419700300010 DATA 3 34 1419700300011 MASS DATA DATA-ERR 1419700300012 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 1419700300013 124.0 7.54 1.07 1419700300014 125.0 5.47 0.71 1419700300015 126.0 6.05 0.54 1419700300016 127.0 5.38 0.27 1419700300017 128.0 5.73 0.23 1419700300018 129.0 5.77 0.13 1419700300019 130.0 5.87 0.11 1419700300020 131.0 5.66 1419700300021 132.0 5.85 1419700300022 133.0 5.85 1419700300023 134.0 5.85 1419700300024 135.0 5.89 1419700300025 136.0 5.97 1419700300026 137.0 6.11 1419700300027 138.0 6.42 1419700300028 139.0 6.63 1419700300029 140.0 6.86 1419700300030 141.0 6.81 1419700300031 142.0 6.77 1419700300032 143.0 7.02 1419700300033 144.0 7.23 1419700300034 145.0 7.35 1419700300035 146.0 7.24 1419700300036 147.0 7.03 0.06 1419700300037 148.0 7.07 0.13 1419700300038 149.0 6.80 0.15 1419700300039 150.0 6.88 0.19 1419700300040 151.0 6.65 0.17 1419700300041 152.0 6.37 0.21 1419700300042 153.0 6.14 0.25 1419700300043 154.0 6.47 0.31 1419700300044 155.0 5.82 0.42 1419700300045 156.0 5.97 0.59 1419700300046 157.0 7.34 0.77 1419700300047 ENDDATA 36 0 1419700300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1419700399999 SUBENT 14197004 20210731 14851419700400001 BIB 4 5 1419700400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE,KE,G,MXW) 1419700400003 Average gamma energy per fission 1419700400004 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the reference 1419700400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given 1419700400006 HISTORY (20210610A) MASS2 deleted (redundant), MASS1 -> MASS 1419700400007 ENDBIB 5 0 1419700400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419700400009 DATA 3 34 1419700400010 MASS DATA DATA-ERR 1419700400011 NO-DIM MEV MEV 1419700400012 124.0 0.86 0.18 1419700400013 125.0 0.90 0.16 1419700400014 126.0 0.94 0.10 1419700400015 127.0 1.01 0.08 1419700400016 128.0 1.02 0.05 1419700400017 129.0 1.02 0.03 1419700400018 130.0 1.00 0.02 1419700400019 131.0 1.07 0.02 1419700400020 132.0 1.08 0.02 1419700400021 133.0 1.09 0.01 1419700400022 134.0 1.06 0.01 1419700400023 135.0 1.05 0.02 1419700400024 136.0 1.03 0.01 1419700400025 137.0 1.00 0.01 1419700400026 138.0 0.98 0.01 1419700400027 139.0 0.97 0.01 1419700400028 140.0 0.97 0.01 1419700400029 141.0 0.97 0.01 1419700400030 142.0 0.96 0.01 1419700400031 143.0 0.95 0.01 1419700400032 144.0 0.94 0.01 1419700400033 145.0 0.93 0.01 1419700400034 146.0 0.94 0.02 1419700400035 147.0 0.90 0.02 1419700400036 148.0 0.94 0.02 1419700400037 149.0 0.92 0.02 1419700400038 150.0 0.96 0.03 1419700400039 151.0 1.00 0.04 1419700400040 152.0 0.98 0.05 1419700400041 153.0 1.06 0.06 1419700400042 154.0 1.11 0.09 1419700400043 155.0 1.10 0.11 1419700400044 156.0 0.99 0.14 1419700400045 157.0 1.19 0.21 1419700400046 ENDDATA 36 0 1419700400047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 1419700499999 SUBENT 14197005 20240213 15101419700500001 BIB 4 6 1419700500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PRE/PR/FRG,FY,G,MXW) 1419700500003 Average multiplicity of gamma rays per fragment 1419700500004 STATUS (CURVE,,F.Pleasonton+,J,PR/C,6,1023,1972) Fig.8 1419700500005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given 1419700500006 HISTORY (20240212A) REACTION SF5-8 changed to 1419700500007 PRE/PR/FRG,FY,G,MXW 1419700500008 ENDBIB 6 0 1419700500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1419700500010 DATA 3 58 1419700500011 MASS DATA DATA-ERR 1419700500012 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 1419700500013 81.0 1.82 2.45 1419700500014 82.0 -0.36 1.36 1419700500015 83.0 1.28 1.57 1419700500016 84.0 1.14 1.19 1419700500017 85.0 2.65 0.95 1419700500018 86.0 2.58 0.89 1419700500019 87.0 1.35 0.65 1419700500020 88.0 1.90 0.61 1419700500021 89.0 2.75 0.61 1419700500022 90.0 2.68 0.51 1419700500023 91.0 2.62 0.41 1419700500024 92.0 3.40 0.31 1419700500025 93.0 3.23 0.38 1419700500026 94.0 3.20 0.31 1419700500027 95.0 2.96 0.34 1419700500028 96.0 3.91 0.38 1419700500029 97.0 3.71 0.27 1419700500030 98.0 3.85 0.34 1419700500031 99.0 3.37 0.34 1419700500032 100.0 3.88 0.31 1419700500033 101.0 4.05 0.31 1419700500034 102.0 4.12 0.58 1419700500035 103.0 3.78 0.31 1419700500036 104.0 4.77 0.41 1419700500037 105.0 5.46 0.41 1419700500038 106.0 4.60 0.61 1419700500039 107.0 5.52 0.68 1419700500040 108.0 6.00 1.02 1419700500041 109.0 4.61 1.60 1419700500042 127.0 0.70 1.60 1419700500043 128.0 0.43 1.26 1419700500044 129.0 0.09 0.72 1419700500045 130.0 1.14 0.61 1419700500046 131.0 0.05 0.75 1419700500047 132.0 0.97 0.41 1419700500048 133.0 1.96 0.37 1419700500049 134.0 1.42 0.41 1419700500050 135.0 1.69 0.37 1419700500051 136.0 2.00 0.37 1419700500052 137.0 2.65 0.31 1419700500053 138.0 2.55 0.31 1419700500054 139.0 2.75 0.34 1419700500055 140.0 2.89 0.34 1419700500056 141.0 3.81 0.38 1419700500057 142.0 3.54 0.38 1419700500058 143.0 3.74 0.34 1419700500059 144.0 3.81 0.41 1419700500060 145.0 4.63 0.37 1419700500061 146.0 4.50 0.51 1419700500062 147.0 4.19 0.61 1419700500063 148.0 5.01 0.61 1419700500064 149.0 5.38 0.68 1419700500065 150.0 4.23 0.85 1419700500066 151.0 3.99 1.09 1419700500067 152.0 5.11 1.30 1419700500068 153.0 4.81 1.70 1419700500069 154.0 7.02 1.91 1419700500070 155.0 4.20 2.56 1419700500071 ENDDATA 60 0 1419700500072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 1419700599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 1419799999999