ENTRY            14253   20120316                             13791425300000001 
SUBENT        14253001   20120316                             13791425300100001 
BIB                  7         14                                 1425300100002 
TITLE      Cross sections of the 143Nd(n,alpha)140Ce and          1425300100003 
           147Sm(n,alpha)144Nd reactions in the MeV neutron       1425300100004 
           energy region                                          1425300100005 
AUTHOR     (Yu.M.Gledenov,M.V.Sedysheva,V.A.Stolupin,G.Zhang,     1425300100006 
            J.Zhang,H.Wu,J.Liu,J.Chen,G.Khuukhenkhuu,P.E.Koehler, 1425300100007 
            P.J.Szalanski)                                        1425300100008 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB,3CPRBJG,3MGLNUM,1USAORL,3POLLOU)              1425300100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,80,044602,2009)                                1425300100010 
REL-REF    (O,31648002,Guohui Zhang+,J,PR/C,80,044602,2009)       1425300100011 
            147Sm data given                                      1425300100012 
FACILITY   (VDG,3CPRBJG) Experiments were performed at the 4.5    1425300100013 
            MV Van de Graaff accelerator of Peking University     1425300100014 
HISTORY    (20091211C) Compiled by S.H.                           1425300100015 
           (20120316D) Deleted. Duplication of EXFOR 32681        1425300100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 1425300100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1425300100018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 1425300199999 
NOSUBENT      14253002   20120316                             13791425300200001 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1425399999999