ENTRY 14255 20241001 15151425500000001 SUBENT 14255001 20241001 15151425500100001 BIB 13 54 1425500100002 TITLE Feeding of the 11/2- isomers in stable Ir and Au 1425500100003 isotopes 1425500100004 AUTHOR (N.Fotiades,R.O.Nelson,M.Devlin,S.Holloway,T.Kawano, 1425500100005 P.Talou,M.B.Chadwick,J.A.Becker,P.E.Garrett) 1425500100006 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USALRL) 1425500100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,80,044612,2009) 1425500100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.80.044612 1425500100009 (C,2007NICE,1,495,2007) Preliminary data on 197Au 1425500100010 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment performed at WNR 1425500100011 spallation neutron source on the 60R (60deg right) 1425500100012 flight path using GEANIE spectrometer 1425500100013 DETECTOR (HPGE) Spectrometer GEANIE consisting of 11 Compton 1425500100014 suppressed planar Ge detectors (low-energy photon 1425500100015 spectrometer LEPS), nine Compton suppressed coaxial 1425500100016 Ge detectors, and six unsuppressed coaxial Ge 1425500100017 detectors. 1425500100018 (FISCH) The neutron flux on target was measured with 1425500100019 a fission chamber, consisting of 235U and 238U 1425500100020 foils, located 18.5m from the center of the 1425500100021 spallation target. 1425500100022 METHOD (TOF) Energy of incident neutrons determined by time 1425500100023 of flight technique. Proton beam time structure 1425500100024 consisted of 625 mu-s long macropulses, each 1425500100025 macropulse containing sub-nanosecond-wide micropulses, 1425500100026 spaced every 1.8 mu-s(197Au experiment) or 1425500100027 3.6 mu-s(191Ir and 193Ir experiments). 1425500100028 (FPGAM) Gamma ray production cross sections 1425500100029 determined by gamma ray spectrometry 1425500100030 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) strong 846.8 keV, 1425500100031 2+ - 0+ transition of 56Fe, produced in natural Fe 1425500100032 from inelastic scattering was used to normalize the 1425500100033 cross sections 1425500100034 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,S,AIP-769,838,2005) 1425500100035 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) The neutrons were produced in a natural W 1425500100036 spallation target driven by an 800 MeV proton beam 1425500100037 CORRECTION By N.Fotiades (2012-08-23): All transition-cross 1425500100038 sections reported in Phys.Rev.C80(2009)044612 are all 1425500100039 corrected for internal conversion using the values 1425500100040 in Table 1 of the article. 1425500100041 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 1425500100042 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in sample thickness 1425500100043 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty in Fe foil thickness 1425500100044 (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency 1425500100045 (ERR-4) Systematic uncertainty in gamma ray absorption 1425500100046 (ERR-5) Systematic uncertainty in gamma ray 1425500100047 internal conversion 1425500100048 (ERR-6) Systematic uncertainty in neutron flux 1425500100049 HISTORY (20091210C) Compiled by S.H. 1425500100050 (20100328U) Reference to Nice 2007 conference included 1425500100051 (20140417A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subents 2-161425500100052 (20240212A) OS. Isomer extension corr.in subs.14,17 1425500100053 (20240505A) On. Major alteration in 014. 1425500100054 (20240925A) OS. E-NRM added, corrections in subs. 2-13,1425500100055 15, 16 1425500100056 ENDBIB 54 0 1425500100057 COMMON 7 6 1425500100058 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 1425500100059 E-NRM 1425500100060 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1425500100061 KEV 1425500100062 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 0.1 8.0 1425500100063 846.8 1425500100064 ENDCOMMON 6 0 1425500100065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 1425500199999 SUBENT 14255002 20241001 15151425500200001 BIB 5 16 1425500200002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,INL)77-IR-191,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) - Partial 1425500200003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500200004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500200005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.256 1425500200006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-191-M1,4.94SEC) 1425500200007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500200008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500200009 SAMPLE The 191Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500200010 capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500200011 metal powder, enriched in 191Ir to 98.2% with 1425500200012 areal density of 0.54 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500200013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500200014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500200015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF4=Ir-191m -> Ir-191m1, SF8=MSC added 1425500200016 to REACTION code; comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500200017 (20240925A) M1 deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500200018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500200019 COMMON 2 3 1425500200020 E LVL-INI 1425500200021 KEV KEV 1425500200022 219.7 391.0 1425500200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500200024 DATA 4 54 1425500200025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500200026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500200027 0.199 0.007 1.1 1.5 1425500200028 0.229 0.008 10.6 1.5 1425500200029 0.246 0.009 8.9 1.4 1425500200030 0.265 0.011 9.0 1.3 1425500200031 0.287 0.012 2.1 1.0 1425500200032 0.312 0.013 4.5 0.9 1425500200033 0.339 0.015 5.5 0.9 1425500200034 0.371 0.017 4.2 0.8 1425500200035 0.408 0.020 25.0 1.0 1425500200036 0.450 0.023 44.7 1.1 1425500200037 0.499 0.027 66.2 1.1 1425500200038 0.556 0.032 72.8 1.0 1425500200039 0.624 0.038 88.9 1.0 1425500200040 0.705 0.046 127.7 1.0 1425500200041 0.804 0.056 164.4 1.1 1425500200042 0.925 0.069 210.0 1.1 1425500200043 1.075 0.086 243.7 1.1 1425500200044 1.104 0.033 242.7 1.3 1425500200045 1.173 0.058 280.3 1.4 1425500200046 1.300 0.073 303.0 1.4 1425500200047 1.454 0.086 345.3 1.4 1425500200048 1.638 0.103 409.9 1.5 1425500200049 1.859 0.125 474.8 1.5 1425500200050 2.128 0.153 516.9 1.6 1425500200051 2.461 0.190 517.7 1.5 1425500200052 2.879 0.241 493.0 1.5 1425500200053 3.414 0.312 480.2 1.5 1425500200054 4.116 0.414 457.3 1.4 1425500200055 4.290 0.094 417.3 2.7 1425500200056 4.478 0.100 423.4 2.7 1425500200057 4.679 0.107 420.7 2.6 1425500200058 4.894 0.114 397.1 2.5 1425500200059 5.123 0.122 400.1 2.5 1425500200060 5.370 0.131 398.0 2.5 1425500200061 5.634 0.141 410.9 2.6 1425500200062 5.919 0.152 399.6 2.6 1425500200063 6.226 0.164 385.2 2.5 1425500200064 6.558 0.177 374.4 2.4 1425500200065 6.917 0.192 347.6 2.3 1425500200066 7.307 0.208 341.7 2.3 1425500200067 7.731 0.227 335.5 2.4 1425500200068 8.192 0.248 343.3 2.4 1425500200069 8.697 0.271 297.5 2.2 1425500200070 9.250 0.297 225.4 2.0 1425500200071 9.858 0.327 160.8 1.7 1425500200072 10.528 0.362 123.6 1.6 1425500200073 11.269 0.401 88.6 1.5 1425500200074 12.092 0.446 73.2 1.4 1425500200075 13.010 0.498 58.2 1.3 1425500200076 14.037 0.558 49.2 1.3 1425500200077 15.192 0.629 50.0 1.3 1425500200078 16.498 0.713 43.4 1.2 1425500200079 17.981 0.812 41.2 1.2 1425500200080 19.676 0.931 39.0 1.2 1425500200081 ENDDATA 56 0 1425500200082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 1425500299999 SUBENT 14255003 20241001 15151425500300001 BIB 5 16 1425500300002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,INL)77-IR-191,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500300003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500300004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500300005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.148 1425500300006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-191-M1,4.94SEC) 1425500300007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500300008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500300009 SAMPLE The 191Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500300010 capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500300011 metal powder, enriched in 191Ir to 98.2% with 1425500300012 areal density of 0.54 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500300013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500300014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500300015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF4=Ir-191m -> Ir-191m1, SF8=MSC added 1425500300016 to REACTION code; comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500300017 (20240925A) M1 deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500300019 COMMON 2 3 1425500300020 E LVL-INI 1425500300021 KEV KEV 1425500300022 385.5 557.0 1425500300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500300024 DATA 4 46 1425500300025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500300026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500300027 0.408 0.020 1.6 0.8 1425500300028 0.450 0.023 0.9 0.7 1425500300029 0.499 0.027 2.5 0.6 1425500300030 0.556 0.032 0.9 0.5 1425500300031 0.624 0.038 2.5 0.5 1425500300032 0.705 0.046 0.9 0.4 1425500300033 0.804 0.056 2.5 0.4 1425500300034 0.925 0.069 3.6 0.5 1425500300035 1.075 0.086 6.3 0.5 1425500300036 1.104 0.033 6.3 0.6 1425500300037 1.173 0.058 9.3 0.6 1425500300038 1.300 0.073 12.0 0.6 1425500300039 1.454 0.086 16.5 0.6 1425500300040 1.638 0.103 22.5 0.7 1425500300041 1.859 0.125 27.1 0.7 1425500300042 2.128 0.153 37.9 0.8 1425500300043 2.461 0.190 52.0 0.8 1425500300044 2.879 0.241 64.9 0.9 1425500300045 3.414 0.312 86.3 1.0 1425500300046 4.116 0.414 109.4 1.0 1425500300047 4.290 0.094 107.5 2.0 1425500300048 4.478 0.100 116.9 2.1 1425500300049 4.679 0.107 124.5 2.1 1425500300050 4.894 0.114 122.4 2.1 1425500300051 5.123 0.122 131.6 2.1 1425500300052 5.370 0.131 141.3 2.2 1425500300053 5.634 0.141 153.2 2.3 1425500300054 5.919 0.152 153.3 2.3 1425500300055 6.226 0.164 161.4 2.3 1425500300056 6.558 0.177 166.8 2.3 1425500300057 6.917 0.192 161.4 2.2 1425500300058 7.307 0.208 167.7 2.3 1425500300059 7.731 0.227 174.4 2.4 1425500300060 8.192 0.248 187.4 2.5 1425500300061 8.697 0.271 182.7 2.4 1425500300062 9.250 0.297 157.1 2.3 1425500300063 9.858 0.327 113.0 2.0 1425500300064 10.528 0.362 89.5 1.9 1425500300065 11.269 0.401 65.3 1.8 1425500300066 12.092 0.446 51.3 1.7 1425500300067 13.010 0.498 42.7 1.7 1425500300068 14.037 0.558 30.7 1.6 1425500300069 15.192 0.629 30.6 1.6 1425500300070 16.498 0.713 23.9 1.5 1425500300071 17.981 0.812 24.0 1.5 1425500300072 19.676 0.931 24.8 1.5 1425500300073 ENDDATA 48 0 1425500300074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 1425500399999 SUBENT 14255004 20241001 15151425500400001 BIB 5 16 1425500400002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,INL)77-IR-191,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500400003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500400004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500400005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.037 1425500400006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-191-M1,4.94SEC) 1425500400007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500400008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500400009 SAMPLE The 191Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500400010 capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500400011 metal powder, enriched in 191Ir to 98.2% with 1425500400012 areal density of 0.54 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500400013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500400014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500400015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF4=Ir-191m -> Ir-191m1, SF8=MSC added 1425500400016 to REACTION code; comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500400017 (20240925A) M1 deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500400018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500400019 COMMON 2 3 1425500400020 E LVL-INI 1425500400021 KEV KEV 1425500400022 420.1 591.0 1425500400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500400024 DATA 4 44 1425500400025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500400026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500400027 0.371 0.017 2.2 1.1 1425500400028 0.450 0.023 0.4 0.8 1425500400029 0.499 0.027 0.2 0.6 1425500400030 0.556 0.032 0.8 0.6 1425500400031 0.624 0.038 0.9 0.5 1425500400032 0.925 0.069 1.5 0.5 1425500400033 1.075 0.086 2.5 0.5 1425500400034 1.104 0.033 3.1 0.6 1425500400035 1.173 0.058 2.6 0.6 1425500400036 1.300 0.073 3.6 0.6 1425500400037 1.454 0.086 6.5 0.6 1425500400038 1.638 0.103 8.2 0.6 1425500400039 1.859 0.125 11.1 0.6 1425500400040 2.128 0.153 13.6 0.7 1425500400041 2.461 0.190 19.2 0.7 1425500400042 2.879 0.241 29.7 0.8 1425500400043 3.414 0.312 42.6 0.9 1425500400044 4.116 0.414 60.9 0.9 1425500400045 4.290 0.094 63.3 1.8 1425500400046 4.478 0.100 71.1 1.9 1425500400047 4.679 0.107 74.0 1.9 1425500400048 4.894 0.114 81.1 1.9 1425500400049 5.123 0.122 87.4 2.0 1425500400050 5.370 0.131 95.9 2.0 1425500400051 5.634 0.141 105.1 2.1 1425500400052 5.919 0.152 113.2 2.2 1425500400053 6.226 0.164 122.8 2.2 1425500400054 6.558 0.177 128.0 2.2 1425500400055 6.917 0.192 127.2 2.2 1425500400056 7.307 0.208 140.9 2.3 1425500400057 7.731 0.227 154.1 2.5 1425500400058 8.192 0.248 171.0 2.6 1425500400059 8.697 0.271 174.1 2.5 1425500400060 9.250 0.297 152.1 2.4 1425500400061 9.858 0.327 121.9 2.2 1425500400062 10.528 0.362 104.7 2.2 1425500400063 11.269 0.401 79.4 2.1 1425500400064 12.092 0.446 61.8 2.0 1425500400065 13.010 0.498 48.6 1.9 1425500400066 14.037 0.558 40.4 1.8 1425500400067 15.192 0.629 33.6 1.8 1425500400068 16.498 0.713 31.4 1.8 1425500400069 17.981 0.812 32.2 1.8 1425500400070 19.676 0.931 33.7 1.8 1425500400071 ENDDATA 46 0 1425500400072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 1425500499999 SUBENT 14255005 20241001 15151425500500001 BIB 5 16 1425500500002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,INL)77-IR-191,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500500003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500500004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500500005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.081 1425500500006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-191-M1,4.94SEC) 1425500500007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500500008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500500009 SAMPLE The 191Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500500010 capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500500011 metal powder, enriched in 191Ir to 98.2% with 1425500500012 areal density of 0.54 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500500013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500500014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500500015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF4=Ir-191m -> Ir-191m1, SF8=MSC added 1425500500016 to REACTION code; comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500500017 (20240925A) M1 deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500500018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500500019 COMMON 2 3 1425500500020 E LVL-INI 1425500500021 KEV KEV 1425500500022 482.5 654.0 1425500500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500500024 DATA 4 43 1425500500025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500500026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500500027 0.556 0.032 10.7 1.3 1425500500028 0.624 0.038 9.8 1.1 1425500500029 0.705 0.046 8.9 1.0 1425500500030 0.804 0.056 12.1 1.0 1425500500031 0.925 0.069 24.4 1.1 1425500500032 1.075 0.086 32.4 1.1 1425500500033 1.104 0.033 30.6 1.4 1425500500034 1.173 0.058 40.2 1.4 1425500500035 1.300 0.073 42.6 1.4 1425500500036 1.454 0.086 50.5 1.4 1425500500037 1.638 0.103 52.1 1.4 1425500500038 1.859 0.125 54.7 1.4 1425500500039 2.128 0.153 60.5 1.4 1425500500040 2.461 0.190 72.0 1.5 1425500500041 2.879 0.241 73.7 1.5 1425500500042 3.414 0.312 80.3 1.6 1425500500043 4.116 0.414 80.6 1.6 1425500500044 4.290 0.094 80.0 3.0 1425500500045 4.478 0.100 71.7 3.0 1425500500046 4.679 0.107 79.8 3.0 1425500500047 4.894 0.114 78.0 2.9 1425500500048 5.123 0.122 76.4 3.0 1425500500049 5.370 0.131 78.1 3.0 1425500500050 5.634 0.141 90.4 3.1 1425500500051 5.919 0.152 78.8 3.1 1425500500052 6.226 0.164 79.6 3.1 1425500500053 6.558 0.177 75.3 3.0 1425500500054 6.917 0.192 75.9 2.9 1425500500055 7.307 0.208 70.9 3.0 1425500500056 7.731 0.227 68.6 3.2 1425500500057 8.192 0.248 68.6 3.2 1425500500058 8.697 0.271 65.9 3.0 1425500500059 9.250 0.297 54.7 2.8 1425500500060 9.858 0.327 43.1 2.7 1425500500061 10.528 0.362 30.0 2.7 1425500500062 11.269 0.401 23.5 2.8 1425500500063 12.092 0.446 21.6 2.8 1425500500064 13.010 0.498 13.2 2.8 1425500500065 14.037 0.558 16.3 2.8 1425500500066 15.192 0.629 14.9 2.9 1425500500067 16.498 0.713 13.1 2.8 1425500500068 17.981 0.812 12.1 2.8 1425500500069 19.676 0.931 6.5 2.6 1425500500070 ENDDATA 45 0 1425500500071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 1425500599999 SUBENT 14255006 20241001 15151425500600001 BIB 5 16 1425500600002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,INL)77-IR-193,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500600003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500600004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500600005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.257 1425500600006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-193-M,10.53D) 1425500600007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500600008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500600009 SAMPLE The 193Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500600010 capsule, 1.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500600011 metal powder, enriched in 193Ir to 99.6% with 1425500600012 areal density of 1.58 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500600013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500600014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500600015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425500600016 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500600017 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500600018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500600019 COMMON 2 3 1425500600020 E LVL-INI 1425500600021 KEV KEV 1425500600022 219.2 299.0 1425500600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500600024 DATA 4 49 1425500600025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500600026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500600027 0.312 0.013 0.2 0.1 1425500600028 0.339 0.015 6.7 0.5 1425500600029 0.371 0.017 13.5 2.0 1425500600030 0.408 0.020 18.4 3.6 1425500600031 0.450 0.023 31.4 5.0 1425500600032 0.499 0.027 47.0 6.7 1425500600033 0.556 0.032 54.4 6.6 1425500600034 0.624 0.038 85.2 8.1 1425500600035 0.705 0.046 120.6 8.7 1425500600036 0.804 0.056 161.3 9.1 1425500600037 0.925 0.069 205.1 10.1 1425500600038 1.075 0.086 239.0 10.8 1425500600039 1.104 0.033 250.5 9.9 1425500600040 1.173 0.058 295.9 10.8 1425500600041 1.300 0.073 343.9 11.0 1425500600042 1.454 0.086 404.4 11.3 1425500600043 1.638 0.103 479.6 11.8 1425500600044 1.859 0.125 566.7 11.9 1425500600045 2.128 0.153 614.3 12.8 1425500600046 2.461 0.190 612.8 13.6 1425500600047 2.879 0.241 603.6 14.1 1425500600048 3.414 0.312 583.4 15.1 1425500600049 4.116 0.414 552.3 15.1 1425500600050 4.290 0.094 553.5 17.0 1425500600051 4.478 0.100 552.1 16.7 1425500600052 4.679 0.107 562.2 17.6 1425500600053 4.894 0.114 507.3 16.7 1425500600054 5.123 0.122 531.9 16.5 1425500600055 5.370 0.131 527.8 16.9 1425500600056 5.634 0.141 513.6 17.0 1425500600057 5.919 0.152 501.5 16.1 1425500600058 6.226 0.164 495.7 16.5 1425500600059 6.558 0.177 493.4 16.9 1425500600060 6.917 0.192 459.8 15.3 1425500600061 7.307 0.208 457.6 16.0 1425500600062 7.731 0.227 462.7 15.5 1425500600063 8.192 0.248 441.9 16.3 1425500600064 8.697 0.271 367.9 14.8 1425500600065 9.250 0.297 270.7 11.8 1425500600066 9.858 0.327 166.8 9.2 1425500600067 10.528 0.362 120.2 7.2 1425500600068 11.269 0.401 90.7 5.9 1425500600069 12.092 0.446 53.1 5.4 1425500600070 13.010 0.498 37.6 4.7 1425500600071 14.037 0.558 33.0 4.3 1425500600072 15.192 0.629 29.8 4.0 1425500600073 16.498 0.713 24.5 3.5 1425500600074 17.981 0.812 23.4 3.7 1425500600075 19.676 0.931 22.4 3.6 1425500600076 ENDDATA 51 0 1425500600077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 1425500699999 SUBENT 14255007 20241001 15151425500700001 BIB 5 16 1425500700002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,INL)77-IR-193,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500700003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500700004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500700005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.145 1425500700006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-193-M,10.53D) 1425500700007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500700008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500700009 SAMPLE The 193Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500700010 capsule, 1.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500700011 metal powder, enriched in 193Ir to 99.6% with 1425500700012 areal density of 1.58 g/cm2.Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500700013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500700014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500700015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425500700016 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500700017 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500700018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500700019 COMMON 2 3 1425500700020 E LVL-INI 1425500700021 KEV KEV 1425500700022 389.1 469.0 1425500700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500700024 DATA 4 40 1425500700025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500700026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500700027 0.804 0.056 1.8 0.4 1425500700028 0.925 0.069 4.3 0.5 1425500700029 1.075 0.086 8.5 0.6 1425500700030 1.104 0.033 7.7 0.7 1425500700031 1.173 0.058 12.8 0.8 1425500700032 1.300 0.073 15.4 0.8 1425500700033 1.454 0.086 20.0 0.9 1425500700034 1.638 0.103 27.0 0.9 1425500700035 1.859 0.125 36.7 1.0 1425500700036 2.128 0.153 46.3 1.1 1425500700037 2.461 0.190 60.1 1.2 1425500700038 2.879 0.241 73.7 1.3 1425500700039 3.414 0.312 99.3 1.4 1425500700040 4.116 0.414 125.0 1.5 1425500700041 4.290 0.094 139.8 3.4 1425500700042 4.478 0.100 136.5 3.3 1425500700043 4.679 0.107 152.9 3.4 1425500700044 4.894 0.114 146.8 3.4 1425500700045 5.123 0.122 163.6 3.5 1425500700046 5.370 0.131 166.5 3.6 1425500700047 5.634 0.141 175.7 3.6 1425500700048 5.919 0.152 176.2 3.6 1425500700049 6.226 0.164 183.4 3.6 1425500700050 6.558 0.177 199.2 3.9 1425500700051 6.917 0.192 189.4 3.7 1425500700052 7.307 0.208 205.2 3.9 1425500700053 7.731 0.227 207.6 3.9 1425500700054 8.192 0.248 224.8 4.2 1425500700055 8.697 0.271 203.7 4.1 1425500700056 9.250 0.297 164.3 3.8 1425500700057 9.858 0.327 113.1 3.4 1425500700058 10.528 0.362 77.8 3.1 1425500700059 11.269 0.401 56.0 2.7 1425500700060 12.092 0.446 43.3 2.6 1425500700061 13.010 0.498 35.3 2.6 1425500700062 14.037 0.558 29.4 2.5 1425500700063 15.192 0.629 22.2 2.5 1425500700064 16.498 0.713 9.5 2.1 1425500700065 17.981 0.812 8.6 2.1 1425500700066 19.676 0.931 8.3 2.1 1425500700067 ENDDATA 42 0 1425500700068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 1425500799999 SUBENT 14255008 20241001 15151425500800001 BIB 5 16 1425500800002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,INL)77-IR-193,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500800003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500800004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500800005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.0428 1425500800006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-193-M,10.53D) 1425500800007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500800008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500800009 SAMPLE The 193Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500800010 capsule, 1.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500800011 metal powder, enriched in 193Ir to 99.6% with 1425500800012 areal density of 1.58 g/cm2.Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500800013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500800014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500800015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425500800016 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500800017 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500800018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500800019 COMMON 2 3 1425500800020 E LVL-INI 1425500800021 KEV KEV 1425500800022 398.8 479.0 1425500800023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500800024 DATA 4 37 1425500800025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500800026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500800027 1.104 0.033 2.2 0.6 1425500800028 1.173 0.058 3.2 0.6 1425500800029 1.300 0.073 4.1 0.6 1425500800030 1.454 0.086 5.3 0.7 1425500800031 1.638 0.103 7.4 0.7 1425500800032 1.859 0.125 11.1 0.8 1425500800033 2.128 0.153 15.6 0.8 1425500800034 2.461 0.190 25.5 0.9 1425500800035 2.879 0.241 38.1 1.0 1425500800036 3.414 0.312 57.7 1.2 1425500800037 4.116 0.414 82.3 1.3 1425500800038 4.290 0.094 94.4 2.8 1425500800039 4.478 0.100 102.7 2.9 1425500800040 4.679 0.107 113.6 3.0 1425500800041 4.894 0.114 117.7 2.9 1425500800042 5.123 0.122 133.6 3.1 1425500800043 5.370 0.131 139.2 3.2 1425500800044 5.634 0.141 148.2 3.2 1425500800045 5.919 0.152 155.2 3.3 1425500800046 6.226 0.164 171.9 3.4 1425500800047 6.558 0.177 190.4 3.6 1425500800048 6.917 0.192 189.6 3.5 1425500800049 7.307 0.208 212.8 3.8 1425500800050 7.731 0.227 229.8 3.9 1425500800051 8.192 0.248 259.7 4.2 1425500800052 8.697 0.271 252.5 4.3 1425500800053 9.250 0.297 216.1 4.0 1425500800054 9.858 0.327 157.9 3.6 1425500800055 10.528 0.362 115.5 3.3 1425500800056 11.269 0.401 82.4 2.9 1425500800057 12.092 0.446 61.9 2.7 1425500800058 13.010 0.498 50.6 2.7 1425500800059 14.037 0.558 38.8 2.6 1425500800060 15.192 0.629 37.4 2.6 1425500800061 16.498 0.713 32.0 2.3 1425500800062 17.981 0.812 34.5 2.3 1425500800063 19.676 0.931 27.5 2.2 1425500800064 ENDDATA 39 0 1425500800065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 1425500899999 SUBENT 14255009 20241001 15151425500900001 BIB 5 16 1425500900002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,INL)77-IR-193,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425500900003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425500900004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425500900005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.0814 1425500900006 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-193-M,10.53D) 1425500900007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of PR/C,80,044612 1425500900008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425500900009 SAMPLE The 193Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425500900010 capsule, 1.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425500900011 metal powder, enriched in 193Ir to 99.6% with 1425500900012 areal density of 1.58 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425500900013 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425500900014 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425500900015 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425500900016 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425500900017 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425500900018 ENDBIB 16 0 1425500900019 COMMON 2 3 1425500900020 E LVL-INI 1425500900021 KEV KEV 1425500900022 483.2 563.0 1425500900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425500900024 DATA 4 42 1425500900025 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425500900026 MEV MEV MB MB 1425500900027 0.556 0.032 0.4 0.3 1425500900028 0.705 0.046 0.8 0.5 1425500900029 0.804 0.056 4.6 0.6 1425500900030 0.925 0.069 9.3 0.8 1425500900031 1.075 0.086 10.7 0.8 1425500900032 1.104 0.033 9.4 1.0 1425500900033 1.173 0.058 14.1 1.1 1425500900034 1.300 0.073 17.7 1.1 1425500900035 1.454 0.086 22.3 1.2 1425500900036 1.638 0.103 27.6 1.3 1425500900037 1.859 0.125 32.7 1.3 1425500900038 2.128 0.153 39.9 1.4 1425500900039 2.461 0.190 42.1 1.4 1425500900040 2.879 0.241 46.2 1.5 1425500900041 3.414 0.312 50.1 1.6 1425500900042 4.116 0.414 47.7 1.5 1425500900043 4.290 0.094 54.0 3.4 1425500900044 4.478 0.100 47.2 3.3 1425500900045 4.679 0.107 54.8 3.4 1425500900046 4.894 0.114 51.1 3.3 1425500900047 5.123 0.122 55.4 3.4 1425500900048 5.370 0.131 61.3 3.4 1425500900049 5.634 0.141 56.7 3.4 1425500900050 5.919 0.152 51.3 3.4 1425500900051 6.226 0.164 56.6 3.4 1425500900052 6.558 0.177 52.2 3.5 1425500900053 6.917 0.192 47.8 3.3 1425500900054 7.307 0.208 50.7 3.5 1425500900055 7.731 0.227 52.6 3.6 1425500900056 8.192 0.248 55.8 3.7 1425500900057 8.697 0.271 48.1 3.6 1425500900058 9.250 0.297 40.4 3.4 1425500900059 9.858 0.327 20.8 2.9 1425500900060 10.528 0.362 18.6 2.8 1425500900061 11.269 0.401 11.9 2.7 1425500900062 12.092 0.446 12.0 2.6 1425500900063 13.010 0.498 11.0 2.7 1425500900064 14.037 0.558 7.9 2.6 1425500900065 15.192 0.629 3.2 4.2 1425500900066 16.498 0.713 1.8 3.7 1425500900067 17.981 0.812 1.5 3.7 1425500900068 19.676 0.931 0.8 3.3 1425500900069 ENDDATA 44 0 1425500900070 ENDSUBENT 69 0 1425500999999 SUBENT 14255010 20241001 15151425501000001 BIB 5 15 1425501000002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425501000003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425501000004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425501000005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.61 1425501000006 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.73SEC) 1425501000007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of PR/C,80,044612 1425501000008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501000009 SAMPLE The 197Au target consisted of one foil, 1.43 g/cm2 1425501000010 thick. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe foils were placed on 1425501000011 the front of the targets and two 0.05 mm foils were 1425501000012 added on the back of the 197Au target 1425501000013 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501000014 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425501000015 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425501000016 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425501000017 ENDBIB 15 0 1425501000018 COMMON 2 3 1425501000019 E LVL-INI 1425501000020 KEV KEV 1425501000021 174.8 584.0 1425501000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425501000023 DATA 4 37 1425501000024 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501000025 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501000026 1.104 0.033 152.5 0.9 1425501000027 1.173 0.058 193.3 1.0 1425501000028 1.300 0.073 233.7 1.0 1425501000029 1.454 0.086 285.6 1.1 1425501000030 1.638 0.103 332.3 1.2 1425501000031 1.859 0.125 385.5 1.2 1425501000032 2.128 0.153 464.6 1.3 1425501000033 2.461 0.190 526.8 1.4 1425501000034 2.879 0.241 547.2 1.4 1425501000035 3.414 0.312 552.9 1.4 1425501000036 4.116 0.414 520.9 1.3 1425501000037 4.290 0.094 514.0 2.8 1425501000038 4.478 0.100 511.7 2.8 1425501000039 4.679 0.107 498.7 2.8 1425501000040 4.894 0.114 461.1 2.6 1425501000041 5.123 0.122 457.4 2.6 1425501000042 5.370 0.131 455.9 2.6 1425501000043 5.634 0.141 449.0 2.6 1425501000044 5.919 0.152 425.9 2.6 1425501000045 6.226 0.164 406.2 2.5 1425501000046 6.558 0.177 392.6 2.5 1425501000047 6.917 0.192 363.6 2.4 1425501000048 7.307 0.208 357.9 2.4 1425501000049 7.731 0.227 353.3 2.4 1425501000050 8.192 0.248 353.0 2.4 1425501000051 8.697 0.271 300.0 2.2 1425501000052 9.250 0.297 233.9 2.0 1425501000053 9.858 0.327 165.8 1.8 1425501000054 10.528 0.362 118.2 1.5 1425501000055 11.269 0.401 81.6 1.4 1425501000056 12.092 0.446 63.5 1.3 1425501000057 13.010 0.498 48.7 1.2 1425501000058 14.037 0.558 41.7 1.1 1425501000059 15.192 0.629 40.1 1.1 1425501000060 16.498 0.713 32.2 1.0 1425501000061 17.981 0.812 32.5 1.0 1425501000062 19.676 0.931 28.7 0.9 1425501000063 ENDDATA 39 0 1425501000064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 1425501099999 SUBENT 14255011 20241001 15151425501100001 BIB 5 15 1425501100002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425501100003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425501100004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425501100005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.062 1425501100006 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.73SEC) 1425501100007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of PR/C,80,044612 1425501100008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501100009 SAMPLE The 197Au target consisted of one foil, 1.43 g/cm2 1425501100010 thick. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe foils were placed on 1425501100011 the front of the targets and two 0.05 mm foils were 1425501100012 added on the back of the 197Au target 1425501100013 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501100014 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425501100015 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425501100016 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425501100017 ENDBIB 15 0 1425501100018 COMMON 2 3 1425501100019 E LVL-INI 1425501100020 KEV KEV 1425501100021 358.0 767.0 1425501100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425501100023 DATA 4 37 1425501100024 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501100025 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501100026 1.104 0.033 1.8 0.3 1425501100027 1.173 0.058 3.7 0.3 1425501100028 1.300 0.073 6.0 0.3 1425501100029 1.454 0.086 9.4 0.3 1425501100030 1.638 0.103 14.4 0.4 1425501100031 1.859 0.125 24.4 0.4 1425501100032 2.128 0.153 36.3 0.5 1425501100033 2.461 0.190 51.2 0.5 1425501100034 2.879 0.241 72.4 0.6 1425501100035 3.414 0.312 106.2 0.7 1425501100036 4.116 0.414 154.5 0.7 1425501100037 4.290 0.094 173.1 1.7 1425501100038 4.478 0.100 187.8 1.7 1425501100039 4.679 0.107 202.0 1.7 1425501100040 4.894 0.114 204.9 1.7 1425501100041 5.123 0.122 219.4 1.8 1425501100042 5.370 0.131 237.9 1.9 1425501100043 5.634 0.141 257.2 1.9 1425501100044 5.919 0.152 269.9 2.0 1425501100045 6.226 0.164 285.0 2.0 1425501100046 6.558 0.177 303.0 2.0 1425501100047 6.917 0.192 308.1 2.0 1425501100048 7.307 0.208 331.7 2.1 1425501100049 7.731 0.227 362.4 2.2 1425501100050 8.192 0.248 401.6 2.3 1425501100051 8.697 0.271 398.8 2.3 1425501100052 9.250 0.297 357.9 2.2 1425501100053 9.858 0.327 284.2 2.0 1425501100054 10.528 0.362 221.7 1.8 1425501100055 11.269 0.401 163.1 1.6 1425501100056 12.092 0.446 123.0 1.5 1425501100057 13.010 0.498 92.7 1.3 1425501100058 14.037 0.558 71.4 1.3 1425501100059 15.192 0.629 63.8 1.2 1425501100060 16.498 0.713 52.5 1.1 1425501100061 17.981 0.812 48.6 1.1 1425501100062 19.676 0.931 38.4 1.0 1425501100063 ENDDATA 39 0 1425501100064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 1425501199999 SUBENT 14255012 20241001 15151425501200001 BIB 5 15 1425501200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425501200003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425501200004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425501200005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.0725 1425501200006 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.73SEC) 1425501200007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of PR/C,80,044612 1425501200008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501200009 SAMPLE The 197Au target consisted of one foil, 1.43 g/cm2 1425501200010 thick. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe foils were placed on 1425501200011 the front of the targets and two 0.05 mm foils were 1425501200012 added on the back of the 197Au target 1425501200013 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501200014 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425501200015 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425501200016 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425501200017 ENDBIB 15 0 1425501200018 COMMON 2 3 1425501200019 E LVL-INI 1425501200020 KEV KEV 1425501200021 538.6 948.0 1425501200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425501200023 DATA 4 37 1425501200024 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501200025 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501200026 1.104 0.033 8.4 0.3 1425501200027 1.173 0.058 13.7 0.4 1425501200028 1.300 0.073 20.4 0.4 1425501200029 1.454 0.086 29.3 0.5 1425501200030 1.638 0.103 37.0 0.5 1425501200031 1.859 0.125 44.1 0.6 1425501200032 2.128 0.153 59.9 0.6 1425501200033 2.461 0.190 71.6 0.7 1425501200034 2.879 0.241 79.8 0.7 1425501200035 3.414 0.312 84.6 0.7 1425501200036 4.116 0.414 84.3 0.7 1425501200037 4.290 0.094 83.7 1.6 1425501200038 4.478 0.100 85.2 1.6 1425501200039 4.679 0.107 85.5 1.6 1425501200040 4.894 0.114 82.0 1.5 1425501200041 5.123 0.122 82.0 1.5 1425501200042 5.370 0.131 83.2 1.5 1425501200043 5.634 0.141 84.8 1.6 1425501200044 5.919 0.152 75.9 1.5 1425501200045 6.226 0.164 78.1 1.5 1425501200046 6.558 0.177 76.2 1.5 1425501200047 6.917 0.192 70.0 1.4 1425501200048 7.307 0.208 70.9 1.5 1425501200049 7.731 0.227 71.1 1.5 1425501200050 8.192 0.248 72.5 1.5 1425501200051 8.697 0.271 62.0 1.4 1425501200052 9.250 0.297 54.3 1.3 1425501200053 9.858 0.327 35.9 1.1 1425501200054 10.528 0.362 29.9 1.1 1425501200055 11.269 0.401 19.5 0.9 1425501200056 12.092 0.446 16.2 0.9 1425501200057 13.010 0.498 11.8 0.9 1425501200058 14.037 0.558 10.4 0.9 1425501200059 15.192 0.629 7.1 0.8 1425501200060 16.498 0.713 5.7 0.8 1425501200061 17.981 0.812 7.0 0.8 1425501200062 19.676 0.931 2.8 0.6 1425501200063 ENDDATA 39 0 1425501200064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 1425501299999 SUBENT 14255013 20241001 15151425501300001 BIB 5 15 1425501300002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197,PAR,SIG,G,MSC) Partial 1425501300003 cross section for gamma ray feeding the isomeric state 1425501300004 - gamma production cross section corrected by the 1425501300005 internal conversion coefficient = 0.056 1425501300006 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.73SEC) 1425501300007 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of PR/C,80,044612 1425501300008 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501300009 SAMPLE The 197Au target consisted of one foil, 1.43 g/cm2 1425501300010 thick. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe foils were placed on 1425501300011 the front of the targets and two 0.05 mm foils were 1425501300012 added on the back of the 197Au target 1425501300013 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501300014 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425501300015 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425501300016 (20240925A) M deleted from REACTION SF4 1425501300017 ENDBIB 15 0 1425501300018 COMMON 2 3 1425501300019 E LVL-INI 1425501300020 KEV KEV 1425501300021 594.4 1000.4 1425501300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1425501300023 DATA 4 32 1425501300024 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501300025 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501300026 1.638 0.103 3.6 0.7 1425501300027 1.859 0.125 11.7 0.8 1425501300028 2.128 0.153 21.5 0.9 1425501300029 2.461 0.190 30.4 0.9 1425501300030 2.879 0.241 43.5 1.0 1425501300031 3.414 0.312 57.2 1.1 1425501300032 4.116 0.414 73.2 1.2 1425501300033 4.290 0.094 79.0 2.6 1425501300034 4.478 0.100 83.3 2.6 1425501300035 4.679 0.107 86.5 2.6 1425501300036 4.894 0.114 85.5 2.6 1425501300037 5.123 0.122 87.1 2.6 1425501300038 5.370 0.131 92.9 2.7 1425501300039 5.634 0.141 101.9 2.7 1425501300040 5.919 0.152 99.4 2.7 1425501300041 6.226 0.164 102.4 2.7 1425501300042 6.558 0.177 104.2 2.8 1425501300043 6.917 0.192 105.5 2.7 1425501300044 7.307 0.208 102.1 2.8 1425501300045 7.731 0.227 109.2 2.8 1425501300046 8.192 0.248 115.5 2.9 1425501300047 8.697 0.271 114.7 2.8 1425501300048 9.250 0.297 92.7 2.6 1425501300049 9.858 0.327 69.5 2.3 1425501300050 10.528 0.362 46.5 2.1 1425501300051 11.269 0.401 28.5 1.9 1425501300052 12.092 0.446 16.6 1.7 1425501300053 13.010 0.498 12.0 1.6 1425501300054 14.037 0.558 6.9 1.5 1425501300055 15.192 0.629 2.2 1.3 1425501300056 16.498 0.713 1.9 1.2 1425501300057 17.981 0.812 0.6 0.8 1425501300058 ENDDATA 34 0 1425501300059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 1425501399999 SUBENT 14255014 20240213 15101425501400001 BIB 6 23 1425501400002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,INL)77-IR-191-M1,(M),SIG,,,DERIV) 1425501400003 ANALYSIS Derived from 219.7, 385.5 and 420.1, and 482.5 keV 1425501400004 prompt gamma production cross sections 1425501400005 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-191-M1,4.94SEC) 1425501400006 STATUS (TABLE) Data from author (N.F.) presented in fig.5. 1425501400007 Sum of cross sect. obtained for the four transitions 1425501400008 that presented in fig. 2 of the PR/C,80,044612 and 1425501400009 in following Subents: 1425501400010 (DEP,14255002) 1425501400011 (DEP,14255003) 1425501400012 (DEP,14255004) 1425501400013 (DEP,14255005) 1425501400014 SAMPLE The 191Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425501400015 capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425501400016 metal powder, enriched in 191Ir to 98.2% with 1425501400017 areal density of 0.54 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425501400018 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425501400019 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501400020 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF1=Ir-193 -> Ir-191; SF4=Ir-193m -> 1425501400021 Ir-191m; SF8=MSC added in REACTION code. 1425501400022 (20240212A) SF4: M -> M1, SF5: (M) added. 1425501400023 DECAY-DATA: M -> M1 1425501400024 (20240505A) On. REACITON revised. COMMON deleted. 1425501400025 ENDBIB 23 0 1425501400026 NOCOMMON 0 0 1425501400027 DATA 4 44 1425501400028 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501400029 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501400030 0.50 0.03 68.1 1.3 1425501400031 0.56 0.03 84.2 1.8 1425501400032 0.62 0.04 100.8 1.6 1425501400033 0.70 0.05 135.8 1.5 1425501400034 0.80 0.06 176.9 1.5 1425501400035 0.93 0.07 236.7 1.6 1425501400036 1.08 0.09 281.6 1.7 1425501400037 1.10 0.03 279.3 2.1 1425501400038 1.17 0.06 328.5 2.1 1425501400039 1.30 0.07 357.0 2.1 1425501400040 1.45 0.09 413.9 2.1 1425501400041 1.64 0.10 486.9 2.2 1425501400042 1.86 0.12 560.8 2.3 1425501400043 2.13 0.15 621.4 2.3 1425501400044 2.46 0.19 653.1 2.4 1425501400045 2.88 0.24 653.3 2.4 1425501400046 3.41 0.31 681.2 2.5 1425501400047 4.12 0.41 699.8 2.5 1425501400048 4.29 0.09 660.2 4.8 1425501400049 4.48 0.10 675.0 4.8 1425501400050 4.68 0.11 690.8 4.8 1425501400051 4.89 0.11 670.6 4.8 1425501400052 5.12 0.12 687.2 4.8 1425501400053 5.37 0.13 704.8 4.9 1425501400054 5.63 0.14 750.5 5.0 1425501400055 5.92 0.15 736.1 5.1 1425501400056 6.23 0.16 740.1 5.1 1425501400057 6.56 0.18 735.8 5.0 1425501400058 6.92 0.19 703.6 4.8 1425501400059 7.31 0.21 712.6 5.0 1425501400060 7.73 0.23 723.9 5.2 1425501400061 8.19 0.25 761.2 5.3 1425501400062 8.70 0.27 711.7 5.1 1425501400063 9.25 0.30 582.3 4.7 1425501400064 9.86 0.33 433.5 4.3 1425501400065 10.53 0.36 343.7 4.3 1425501400066 11.27 0.40 253.7 4.1 1425501400067 12.09 0.45 205.5 4.1 1425501400068 13.01 0.50 160.8 3.9 1425501400069 14.04 0.56 135.1 3.9 1425501400070 15.19 0.63 127.5 3.9 1425501400071 16.50 0.71 110.4 3.8 1425501400072 17.98 0.81 108.3 3.8 1425501400073 19.68 0.93 102.8 3.7 1425501400074 ENDDATA 46 0 1425501400075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 1425501499999 SUBENT 14255015 20241001 15151425501500001 BIB 6 23 1425501500002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,INL)77-IR-193-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) 1425501500003 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-193-M,10.53D) 1425501500004 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections for 219.2, 389.1, 398.8 and 1425501500005 483.2 keV gamma transitions to the 10.53 d metastable 1425501500006 state, corrected by the internal conversion coefficient1425501500007 STATUS (TABLE) Data from author (N.F.) presented in fig.5. 1425501500008 Sum of cross sect. obtained for the four transitions 1425501500009 that presented in fig. 3 of the PR/C,80,044612 and 1425501500010 in following Subents: 1425501500011 (DEP,14255006) 1425501500012 (DEP,14255007) 1425501500013 (DEP,14255008) 1425501500014 (DEP,14255009) 1425501500015 SAMPLE The 193Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425501500016 capsule, 1.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425501500017 metal powder, enriched in 193Ir to 99.6% with 1425501500018 areal density of 1.58 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425501500019 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425501500020 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501500021 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425501500022 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425501500023 (20240925A) REACTION corrected, added ANALYSIS, 1425501500024 deleted COMMON 1425501500025 ENDBIB 23 0 1425501500026 NOCOMMON 0 0 1425501500027 DATA 4 49 1425501500028 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501500029 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501500030 0.31 0.01 0.2 0.1 1425501500031 0.34 0.01 6.7 0.5 1425501500032 0.37 0.02 13.5 2.0 1425501500033 0.41 0.02 18.4 3.6 1425501500034 0.45 0.02 31.4 5.0 1425501500035 0.50 0.03 47.0 6.7 1425501500036 0.56 0.03 54.8 6.6 1425501500037 0.62 0.04 85.2 8.1 1425501500038 0.70 0.05 121.4 8.7 1425501500039 0.80 0.06 167.7 9.2 1425501500040 0.93 0.07 218.7 10.1 1425501500041 1.08 0.09 258.2 10.8 1425501500042 1.10 0.03 269.8 10.0 1425501500043 1.17 0.06 326.0 10.9 1425501500044 1.30 0.07 381.1 11.1 1425501500045 1.45 0.09 452.0 11.4 1425501500046 1.64 0.10 541.6 11.9 1425501500047 1.86 0.12 647.2 12.0 1425501500048 2.13 0.15 716.1 12.9 1425501500049 2.46 0.19 740.5 13.8 1425501500050 2.88 0.24 761.5 14.3 1425501500051 3.41 0.31 790.5 15.3 1425501500052 4.12 0.41 807.3 15.3 1425501500053 4.29 0.09 841.6 17.9 1425501500054 4.48 0.10 838.4 17.5 1425501500055 4.68 0.11 883.5 18.5 1425501500056 4.89 0.11 822.8 17.6 1425501500057 5.12 0.12 884.6 17.5 1425501500058 5.37 0.13 894.9 17.9 1425501500059 5.63 0.14 894.2 18.0 1425501500060 5.92 0.15 884.1 17.2 1425501500061 6.23 0.16 907.6 17.6 1425501500062 6.56 0.18 935.3 18.0 1425501500063 6.92 0.19 886.7 16.5 1425501500064 7.31 0.21 926.3 17.2 1425501500065 7.73 0.23 952.7 16.8 1425501500066 8.19 0.25 982.2 17.7 1425501500067 8.70 0.27 872.2 16.4 1425501500068 9.25 0.30 691.5 13.5 1425501500069 9.86 0.33 458.7 10.9 1425501500070 10.53 0.36 332.1 9.0 1425501500071 11.27 0.40 240.9 7.6 1425501500072 12.09 0.45 170.2 7.1 1425501500073 13.01 0.50 134.6 6.6 1425501500074 14.04 0.56 109.1 6.2 1425501500075 15.19 0.63 92.6 6.8 1425501500076 16.50 0.71 67.9 6.0 1425501500077 17.98 0.81 67.9 6.1 1425501500078 19.68 0.93 59.1 5.8 1425501500079 ENDDATA 51 0 1425501500080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 1425501599999 SUBENT 14255016 20241001 15151425501600001 BIB 6 22 1425501600002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) 1425501600003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.73SEC) 1425501600004 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections for 174.8, 358.0, 538.6 and 1425501600005 594.4 keV gamma transitions to the 7.73 sec metastable 1425501600006 state corrected by the internal conversion coefficient 1425501600007 STATUS (TABLE) Data from author (N.F.) presented in fig.5. 1425501600008 Sum of cross sect. obtained for the four transitions 1425501600009 that presented in fig. 4 of the PR/C,80,044612 and 1425501600010 in following Subents: 1425501600011 (DEP,14255010) 1425501600012 (DEP,14255011) 1425501600013 (DEP,14255012) 1425501600014 (DEP,14255013) 1425501600015 SAMPLE The 197Au target consisted of one foil, 1.43 g/cm2 1425501600016 thick. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe foils were placed on 1425501600017 the front of the targets and two 0.05 mm foils were 1425501600018 added on the back of the 197Au target 1425501600019 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501600020 HISTORY (20140417A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code; 1425501600021 comment to REACTION code was added. 1425501600022 (20240925A) REACTION corrected, added ANALYSIS, 1425501600023 deleted COMMON 1425501600024 ENDBIB 22 0 1425501600025 NOCOMMON 0 0 1425501600026 DATA 4 50 1425501600027 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 1425501600028 MEV MEV MB MB 1425501600029 0.78 0.04 75.9 0.7 1425501600030 0.87 0.05 108.2 0.8 1425501600031 0.98 0.06 131.7 0.8 1425501600032 1.10 0.03 162.7 1.0 1425501600033 1.17 0.06 210.7 1.1 1425501600034 1.30 0.07 260.1 1.2 1425501600035 1.45 0.09 324.4 1.3 1425501600036 1.64 0.10 387.2 1.5 1425501600037 1.86 0.12 465.7 1.6 1425501600038 2.13 0.15 582.4 1.8 1425501600039 2.46 0.19 680.0 1.9 1425501600040 2.88 0.24 743.0 2.0 1425501600041 3.41 0.31 800.9 2.0 1425501600042 4.12 0.41 833.0 2.1 1425501600043 4.29 0.09 849.8 4.4 1425501600044 4.48 0.10 867.9 4.5 1425501600045 4.68 0.11 872.8 4.5 1425501600046 4.89 0.11 833.5 4.3 1425501600047 5.12 0.12 845.9 4.4 1425501600048 5.37 0.13 869.9 4.5 1425501600049 5.63 0.14 892.9 4.5 1425501600050 5.92 0.15 871.0 4.5 1425501600051 6.23 0.16 871.7 4.5 1425501600052 6.56 0.18 875.9 4.5 1425501600053 6.92 0.19 847.2 4.4 1425501600054 7.31 0.21 862.6 4.4 1425501600055 7.73 0.23 896.0 4.5 1425501600056 8.19 0.25 942.5 4.7 1425501600057 8.70 0.27 875.5 4.5 1425501600058 9.25 0.30 738.8 4.2 1425501600059 9.86 0.33 555.4 3.7 1425501600060 10.53 0.36 416.4 3.3 1425501600061 11.27 0.40 292.6 3.0 1425501600062 12.09 0.45 219.3 2.8 1425501600063 13.01 0.50 165.3 2.6 1425501600064 14.04 0.56 130.5 2.4 1425501600065 15.19 0.63 113.1 2.3 1425501600066 16.50 0.71 92.2 2.1 1425501600067 17.98 0.81 88.7 1.9 1425501600068 19.68 0.93 69.9 1.5 1425501600069 21.63 1.08 59.5 1.4 1425501600070 23.89 1.25 53.5 1.3 1425501600071 26.53 1.47 47.8 1.3 1425501600072 29.64 1.74 35.1 0.9 1425501600073 33.35 2.08 36.3 1.0 1425501600074 37.81 2.52 29.6 0.8 1425501600075 43.27 3.11 27.3 1.0 1425501600076 50.05 3.89 25.2 0.6 1425501600077 58.62 4.97 19.6 0.6 1425501600078 69.29 5.96 18.0 0.5 1425501600079 ENDDATA 52 0 1425501600080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 1425501699999 SUBENT 14255017 20240213 15101425501700001 BIB 5 15 1425501700002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,INL)77-IR-191-M1/G,,SIG/RAT) 1425501700003 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-191-M1,4.94SEC) 1425501700004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference 1425501700005 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501700006 (DEP,14255002) 1425501700007 (DEP,14255003) 1425501700008 (DEP,14255004) 1425501700009 (DEP,14255005) 1425501700010 SAMPLE The 191Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425501700011 capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425501700012 metal powder, enriched in 191Ir to 98.2% with 1425501700013 areal density of 0.54 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425501700014 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425501700015 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501700016 HISTORY (20240212A) REACTION SF4 and DECAY-DATA: M -> M1 1425501700017 ENDBIB 15 0 1425501700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 1425501700019 DATA 2 44 1425501700020 EN DATA 1425501700021 MEV NO-DIM 1425501700022 0.50 0.063 1425501700023 0.56 0.082 1425501700024 0.62 0.084 1425501700025 0.70 0.109 1425501700026 0.80 0.139 1425501700027 0.93 0.173 1425501700028 1.08 0.206 1425501700029 1.10 0.203 1425501700030 1.17 0.227 1425501700031 1.30 0.250 1425501700032 1.45 0.287 1425501700033 1.64 0.327 1425501700034 1.86 0.376 1425501700035 2.13 0.416 1425501700036 2.46 0.438 1425501700037 2.88 0.437 1425501700038 3.41 0.465 1425501700039 4.12 0.507 1425501700040 4.29 0.524 1425501700041 4.48 0.527 1425501700042 4.68 0.552 1425501700043 4.89 0.552 1425501700044 5.12 0.551 1425501700045 5.37 0.565 1425501700046 5.63 0.586 1425501700047 5.92 0.596 1425501700048 6.23 0.598 1425501700049 6.56 0.615 1425501700050 6.92 0.642 1425501700051 7.31 0.668 1425501700052 7.73 0.684 1425501700053 8.19 0.718 1425501700054 8.70 0.768 1425501700055 9.25 0.761 1425501700056 9.86 0.741 1425501700057 10.53 0.691 1425501700058 11.27 0.598 1425501700059 12.09 0.549 1425501700060 13.01 0.467 1425501700061 14.04 0.510 1425501700062 15.19 0.511 1425501700063 16.50 0.499 1425501700064 17.98 0.535 1425501700065 19.68 0.524 1425501700066 ENDDATA 46 0 1425501700067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 1425501799999 SUBENT 14255018 20091210 13591425501800001 BIB 4 14 1425501800002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,INL)77-IR-193-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 1425501800003 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-193-M,10.53D) 1425501800004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference 1425501800005 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501800006 (DEP,14255006) 1425501800007 (DEP,14255007) 1425501800008 (DEP,14255008) 1425501800009 (DEP,14255009) 1425501800010 SAMPLE The 193Ir target consisted of thin-walled polystyrene 1425501800011 capsule, 1.3 cm in diameter, containing 2.0 g of Ir 1425501800012 metal powder, enriched in 193Ir to 99.6% with 1425501800013 areal density of 1.58 g/cm2. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe 1425501800014 foils were placed on the front of the targets 1425501800015 during part of the experiments for normalization. 1425501800016 ENDBIB 14 0 1425501800017 NOCOMMON 0 0 1425501800018 DATA 2 49 1425501800019 EN DATA 1425501800020 MEV NO-DIM 1425501800021 0.31 0.000 1425501800022 0.34 0.013 1425501800023 0.37 0.021 1425501800024 0.41 0.026 1425501800025 0.45 0.036 1425501800026 0.50 0.043 1425501800027 0.56 0.050 1425501800028 0.62 0.064 1425501800029 0.70 0.086 1425501800030 0.80 0.113 1425501800031 0.93 0.135 1425501800032 1.08 0.159 1425501800033 1.10 0.164 1425501800034 1.17 0.193 1425501800035 1.30 0.225 1425501800036 1.45 0.269 1425501800037 1.64 0.317 1425501800038 1.86 0.384 1425501800039 2.13 0.421 1425501800040 2.46 0.434 1425501800041 2.88 0.446 1425501800042 3.41 0.463 1425501800043 4.12 0.502 1425501800044 4.29 0.530 1425501800045 4.48 0.530 1425501800046 4.68 0.553 1425501800047 4.89 0.533 1425501800048 5.12 0.552 1425501800049 5.37 0.546 1425501800050 5.63 0.571 1425501800051 5.92 0.592 1425501800052 6.23 0.605 1425501800053 6.56 0.606 1425501800054 6.92 0.633 1425501800055 7.31 0.680 1425501800056 7.73 0.681 1425501800057 8.19 0.728 1425501800058 8.70 0.725 1425501800059 9.25 0.750 1425501800060 9.86 0.668 1425501800061 10.53 0.653 1425501800062 11.27 0.660 1425501800063 12.09 0.502 1425501800064 13.01 0.460 1425501800065 14.04 0.406 1425501800066 15.19 0.430 1425501800067 16.50 0.436 1425501800068 17.98 0.442 1425501800069 19.68 0.397 1425501800070 ENDDATA 51 0 1425501800071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 1425501899999 SUBENT 14255019 20091210 13591425501900001 BIB 4 13 1425501900002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 1425501900003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.73SEC) 1425501900004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference 1425501900005 sent by author (N.F.) 1425501900006 (DEP,14255010) 1425501900007 (DEP,14255011) 1425501900008 (DEP,14255012) 1425501900009 (DEP,14255013) 1425501900010 SAMPLE The 197Au target consisted of one foil, 1.43 g/cm2 1425501900011 thick. Two 0.05 mm natural Fe foils were placed on 1425501900012 the front of the targets and two 0.05 mm foils were 1425501900013 added on the back of the 197Au target during part 1425501900014 of the experiments for normalization. 1425501900015 ENDBIB 13 0 1425501900016 NOCOMMON 0 0 1425501900017 DATA 2 37 1425501900018 EN DATA 1425501900019 MEV NO-DIM 1425501900020 1.10 0.100 1425501900021 1.17 0.126 1425501900022 1.30 0.152 1425501900023 1.45 0.183 1425501900024 1.64 0.211 1425501900025 1.86 0.244 1425501900026 2.13 0.295 1425501900027 2.46 0.343 1425501900028 2.88 0.385 1425501900029 3.41 0.395 1425501900030 4.12 0.443 1425501900031 4.29 0.437 1425501900032 4.48 0.441 1425501900033 4.68 0.498 1425501900034 4.89 0.463 1425501900035 5.12 0.478 1425501900036 5.37 0.455 1425501900037 5.63 0.457 1425501900038 5.92 0.477 1425501900039 6.23 0.509 1425501900040 6.56 0.507 1425501900041 6.92 0.486 1425501900042 7.31 0.500 1425501900043 7.73 0.529 1425501900044 8.19 0.569 1425501900045 8.70 0.610 1425501900046 9.25 0.657 1425501900047 9.86 0.621 1425501900048 10.53 0.566 1425501900049 11.27 0.504 1425501900050 12.09 0.407 1425501900051 13.01 0.372 1425501900052 14.04 0.350 1425501900053 15.19 0.336 1425501900054 16.50 0.287 1425501900055 17.98 0.273 1425501900056 19.68 0.262 1425501900057 ENDDATA 39 0 1425501900058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 1425501999999 ENDENTRY 19 0 1425599999999