ENTRY 14260 20100809 13671426000000001 SUBENT 14260001 20100809 13671426000100001 BIB 9 27 1426000100002 TITLE Using (d,pg) as a surrogate reaction for (n,g) 1426000100003 AUTHOR (R.Hatarik,L.A.Bernstein,J.T.Burke,D.L.Bleuel, 1426000100004 J.A.Cizewski,J.Gibelin,A.M.Hatarik,S.R.Lesher, 1426000100005 P.D.O'Malley,L.Phair,T.Swan) 1426000100006 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USALRL,1USABRK,2UK SUR) 1426000100007 REFERENCE (S,AIP-1090,445,2009) 1426000100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) Experiment performed at the 88-inch 1426000100009 cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1426000100010 SAMPLE Enriched metallic foils 1426000100011 171Yb with thickness of 982mu-g/cm2 1426000100012 173Yb with thickness of 502mu-g/cm2 1426000100013 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SI) Array of annular segmented silicon 1426000100014 detectors STARS was used to detect charged particles. 1426000100015 STARS consisted of three large area Si detectors 1426000100016 dE detector of 500 mu-m thickness for particle 1426000100017 identification and two 1000 mu-m detectors for total 1426000100018 energy determination. Each detector is separated into 1426000100019 48 rings in front and 16 sectors in the back for 1426000100020 measurement of particle emission angle. Forward angles 1426000100021 from 44deg to 77 deg relative to the beam axis were 1426000100022 covered. 1426000100023 (HPGE) Gamma rays were detected using 6 high purity 1426000100024 germaniun clover detectors of the LiBerACE array 1426000100025 METHOD (EDE) for proton identification 1426000100026 (COINC) Coincidence of emitted protons with 1426000100027 prompt gamma rays was required 1426000100028 HISTORY (20100809C) Compiled by S.H. 1426000100029 ENDBIB 27 0 1426000100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 1426000100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1426000199999 SUBENT 14260002 20100809 13671426000200001 BIB 4 13 1426000200002 REACTION ((70-YB-171(N,G)70-YB-172,,SIG,,AV)/ 1426000200003 (70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174,,SIG,,AV)) 1426000200004 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 2 of the reference 1426000200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 1426000200006 ANALYSIS (SURGT)Measured proton energy was used to determine 1426000200007 excitation energy of the final nucleus. Only part of 1426000200008 the excitation energies, which can be obtained also in 1426000200009 neutron capture reaction were analysed. Cross section 1426000200010 ratios were determined from 4+ -> 2+ yrast transitions.1426000200011 To select the spin distribution closer to that of the 1426000200012 (n,g)reaction, the intensity of the 6+ -> 4+ yrast 1426000200013 transition was subtracted from the intensity of the 1426000200014 4+ -> 2+ yrast transition. 1426000200015 ENDBIB 13 0 1426000200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 1426000200017 DATA 4 5 1426000200018 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S 1426000200019 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1426000200020 0.0 60.0 1.16 0.05 1426000200021 60.0 120.0 1.49 0.08 1426000200022 120.0 180.0 1.85 0.12 1426000200023 180.0 240.0 1.54 0.12 1426000200024 240.0 300.0 1.65 0.17 1426000200025 ENDDATA 7 0 1426000200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 1426000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1426099999999