ENTRY 14283 20240807 15131428300000001 SUBENT 14283001 20240807 15131428300100001 BIB 10 34 1428300100002 TITLE Decay properties of heavy mendelevium isotopes 1428300100003 AUTHOR (K.J.Moody,R.W.Lougheed,J.F.Wild,R.J.Dougan,E.K.Hulet, 1428300100004 R.W.Hoff,C.M.Henderson,R.J.Dupzyk,R.L.Hahn,K.Summerer, 1428300100005 G.D.O'Kelley,G.R.Bethune) 1428300100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,563,21,1993) 1428300100007 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(93)90010-U 1428300100008 REL-REF (O,C0937001,K.J.Moody+,J,NP/A,563,21,1993) Charged 1428300100009 particle reaction data from this experiment. 1428300100010 INSTITUTE (1USALRL,2GERGSI,1USAORL) 1428300100011 (1USAUSA) Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach,FL,USA1428300100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 88- 1428300100013 inch cyclotron. 1428300100014 METHOD (EXTB,REC,FPGAM) We bombarded targets containing 1428300100015 approximately 10**17 atoms/cm2 of 254Esg with 180 and 1428300100016 22Ne ions at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 88-inch 1428300100017 cyclotron. We counted a single mass-256 fraction for 1428300100018 gamma rays. Reaction products recoiled from the 1428300100019 target and passed through a 50 microg/cm2 aluminum 1428300100020 cover foil and approximately 1 cm of 10 torr helium 1428300100021 cooling gas before they were collected with 3.6 1428300100022 mg/cm2 tantalum or 4.6 mg/cm2 molybdenum foils. The 1428300100023 start of the first data accumulation was 110 min 1428300100024 after the end of the 180 irradiation. The decay of 1428300100025 the sample was followed for 30 h. We observed not 1428300100026 only gamma-ray peaks associated with the decay of 1428300100027 256Esm, but also many gamma rays emitted by the 256Fm 1428300100028 SF fragments. Using known gamma-ray intensities and 1428300100029 decay-curve analysis, we reproduced the mass-yield 1428300100030 curve of the SF decay of 256Fm. 1428300100031 RAD-DET (100-FM-256,DG) 1428300100032 DECAY-DATA (100-FM-256,2.627HR,DG) 1428300100033 (101-MD-256,78.1MIN) 1428300100034 HISTORY (20170602C) BP 1428300100035 (20240807A) BP: Updated subentry 1 per WP2021-07. 1428300100036 ENDBIB 34 0 1428300100037 NOCOMMON 0 0 1428300100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 1428300199999 SUBENT 14283002 20170602 14291428300200001 BIB 3 3 1428300200002 REACTION (100-FM-256(0,F)MASS,SEC,FY) 1428300200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. 1428300200004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 31. 1428300200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1428300200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1428300200007 DATA 3 23 1428300200008 MASS DATA DATA-ERR 1428300200009 NO-DIM PRD/FIS PRD/FIS 1428300200010 105.0 2.865E-02 4.108E-03 1428300200011 109.0 3.346E-02 8.750E-03 1428300200012 111.0 4.928E-02 3.669E-03 1428300200013 112.0 4.361E-02 5.768E-03 1428300200014 115.0 5.466E-02 5.042E-03 1428300200015 118.0 5.193E-02 8.857E-03 1428300200016 121.0 2.474E-02 2.711E-03 1428300200017 125.0 5.542E-03 1.991E-03 1428300200018 127.0 4.094E-03 6.766E-04 1428300200019 129.0 8.164E-03 1.349E-03 1428300200020 131.0 2.367E-02 4.904E-03 1428300200021 132.0 3.531E-02 4.670E-03 1428300200022 133.0 3.531E-02 6.953E-03 1428300200023 135.0 4.876E-02 9.346E-03 1428300200024 139.0 5.658E-02 7.167E-03 1428300200025 140.0 5.479E-02 4.079E-03 1428300200026 141.0 6.438E-02 1.367E-02 1428300200027 143.0 5.660E-02 4.552E-03 1428300200028 145.0 4.756E-02 9.856E-03 1428300200029 149.0 2.464E-02 3.938E-03 1428300200030 151.0 1.967E-02 2.601E-03 1428300200031 153.0 1.277E-02 2.711E-03 1428300200032 156.0 6.447E-03 2.069E-03 1428300200033 ENDDATA 25 0 1428300200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 1428300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1428399999999