ENTRY 14306 20240213 15101430600000001 SUBENT 14306001 20240213 15101430600100001 BIB 11 36 1430600100002 TITLE Spin measurements for 147Sm + n resonances: further 1430600100003 evidence for nonstatistical effects 1430600100004 AUTHOR (P.E.Koehler,J.L.Ullmann,T.A.Bredeweg,J.M.O'Donnell, 1430600100005 R.Reifarth,R.S.Rundberg,D.J.Vieira,J.M.Wouters, 1430600100006 F.Becvar, M.Krticka,G.E.Mitchell) 1430600100007 INSTITUTE (1USAORL,1USALAS,3CZRCHU,1USATNL,1USANCS) 1430600100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,76,025804,2007) 1430600100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.76.025804 1430600100010 (J,NIM/A,647,73,2011) Subsequent re-analysis. 1430600100011 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.04.026 1430600100012 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment was performed using DANCE, 1430600100013 located on flight path 14 at the Manuel Lujan, Jr. 1430600100014 Neutron scattering center at LANSCE. 1430600100015 SAMPLE (62-SM-147,ENR=0.9793) Three samples of metallic 1430600100016 samarium, enriched to 97.93% in 147 Sm, 1 cm in 1430600100017 diameter, and weighed 1.444, 3.208, and 10.410 Mg 1430600100018 were used. 1430600100019 DETECTOR (BAF2) DANCE is a 4pi array of 160 BaF2 crystals 1430600100020 designed for studying neutron capture cross sections 1430600100021 on small samples. DANCE was located on flight path 14, 1430600100022 positioned 20 m from the ambient-temperature water 1430600100023 moderator. 1430600100024 METHOD (TOF) Incident neutron energy was determined by time 1430600100025 of flight. Width of the proton pulses was 125 ns and 1430600100026 flight path was 20 m. 1430600100027 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons are generated at LANSCE via 1430600100028 spallation reactions when an 800 MeV proton beam 1430600100029 strikes a tungsten target. The resulting neutron flux 1430600100030 peaks near thermal energy and is approximately 1430600100031 proportional to 1/En over the range of measurements. 1430600100032 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainty 1430600100033 HISTORY (20110928C) Compiled by S.H. 1430600100034 (20201102A) BP: Added subsequent analysis reference 1430600100035 and authors, updated data on 147Sm, added doi and 1430600100036 149Sm spins. 1430600100037 (20240212A) OS. REACTION corrected in subs.2,4 1430600100038 ENDBIB 36 0 1430600100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 1430600100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 1430600199999 SUBENT 14306002 20240213 15101430600200001 BIB 4 6 1430600200002 REACTION (62-SM-147(N,0),,J) 1430600200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Phys.Rev.C,76,025804,2007 and 1430600200004 Table 2 of Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A,647,73,2011. 1430600200005 FLAG (1.) Tentative assignment. 1430600200006 HISTORY (20201102A) BP: Updated data using NIM/A. 1430600200007 (20240212A) REACTION SF3: G -> 0 1430600200008 ENDBIB 6 0 1430600200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1430600200010 DATA 3 145 1430600200011 EN-RES DATA FLAG 1430600200012 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1430600200013 3.397 3.0 1430600200014 18.36 4.0 1430600200015 27.16 3.0 1430600200016 29.76 3.0 1430600200017 32.14 4.0 1430600200018 39.52 3.0 1430600200019 39.70 4.0 1430600200020 40.72 3.0 1430600200021 49.36 4.0 1430600200022 58.09 3.0 1430600200023 64.96 3.0 1430600200024 65.13 4.0 1430600200025 76.15 4.0 1430600200026 79.89 4.0 1430600200027 83.60 3.0 1430600200028 99.54 4.0 1430600200029 102.69 3.0 1430600200030 106.93 4.0 1430600200031 108.58 4.0 1430600200032 123.71 3.0 1430600200033 140.00 3.0 1430600200034 140.10 4.0 1430600200035 143.27 4.0 1430600200036 151.54 3.0 1430600200037 161.03 3.0 1430600200038 161.88 4.0 1430600200039 163.62 4.0 1430600200040 171.80 4.0 1430600200041 179.68 3.0 1430600200042 184.14 3.0 1430600200043 191.07 3.0 1430600200044 193.61 4.0 1430600200045 198.03 3.0 1430600200046 206.03 4.0 1430600200047 221.65 3.0 1430600200048 225.28 3.0 1430600200049 227.90 4.0 1. 1430600200050 228.53 4.0 1430600200051 240.76 4.0 1430600200052 247.62 4.0 1430600200053 257.13 3.0 1430600200054 258.00 4.0 1430600200055 263.57 3.0 1430600200056 266.26 4.0 1430600200057 270.72 3.0 1430600200058 274.40 3.0 1430600200059 283.28 4.0 1430600200060 290.10 4.0 1430600200061 290.30 3.0 1430600200062 308.30 3.0 1430600200063 312.06 4.0 1430600200064 321.13 3.0 1430600200065 330.10 3.0 1430600200066 332.10 4.0 1430600200067 340.40 4.0 1430600200068 349.86 3.0 1430600200069 350.8 4.0 1430600200070 358.2 3.0 1430600200071 359.32 4.0 1430600200072 362.15 4.0 1430600200073 379.2 4.0 1430600200074 382.4 3.0 1430600200075 390.5 4.0 1430600200076 396.5 4.0 1430600200077 398.6 3.0 1430600200078 405.1 3.0 1430600200079 412.0 3.0 1430600200080 417.6 3.0 1430600200081 419.2 4.0 1430600200082 421.8 4.0 1430600200083 433.1 4.0 1430600200084 435.7 3.0 1430600200085 440.2 4.0 1430600200086 446.9 3.0 1. 1430600200087 458.6 4.0 1430600200088 462.9 3.0 1430600200089 463.7 4.0 1430600200090 476.0 4.0 1430600200091 479.8 3.0 1430600200092 486.4 3.0 1430600200093 486.6 4.0 1430600200094 496.2 4.0 1430600200095 498.6 3.0 1430600200096 513.5 3.0 1430600200097 515.4 4.0 1430600200098 528.9 4.0 1430600200099 532.5 3.0 1430600200100 538.1 4.0 1430600200101 546.0 3.0 1. 1430600200102 546.2 4.0 1. 1430600200103 553.2 3.0 1430600200104 554.5 4.0 1430600200105 559.7 3.0 1430600200106 563.4 4.0 1430600200107 567.6 3.0 1430600200108 574.3 4.0 1430600200109 580.2 3.0 1430600200110 587.8 3.0 1430600200111 597.4 4.0 1430600200112 606.0 4.0 1430600200113 612.6 3.0 1430600200114 617.2 4.0 1430600200115 622.6 4.0 1430600200116 625.3 3.0 1430600200117 634.0 3.0 1430600200118 644.7 4.0 1430600200119 648.5 4.0 1430600200120 651.9 3.0 1430600200121 659.5 3.0 1430600200122 668.8 4.0 1430600200123 677.5 3.0 1430600200124 683.1 4.0 1430600200125 687.4 4.0 1430600200126 697.0 4.0 1430600200127 702.0 3.0 1430600200128 714.0 3.0 1430600200129 724.0 3.0 1430600200130 729.0 4.0 1430600200131 734.0 3.0 1430600200132 744.3 4.0 1430600200133 754.0 4.0 1430600200134 758.0 3.0 1430600200135 764.0 4.0 1430600200136 766.0 3.0 1430600200137 796.2 3.0 1430600200138 808.0 4.0 1430600200139 821.0 4.0 1430600200140 836.1 4.0 1. 1430600200141 847.0 4.0 1430600200142 850.0 3.0 1. 1430600200143 854.0 4.0 1. 1430600200144 858.0 4.0 1430600200145 864.0 3.0 1430600200146 875.2 3.0 1430600200147 880.0 4.0 1430600200148 896.1 4.0 1. 1430600200149 911.0 3.0 1430600200150 922.0 4.0 1430600200151 930.0 3.0 1430600200152 935.0 4.0 1430600200153 943.0 4.0 1430600200154 953.0 3.0 1. 1430600200155 962.0 3.0 1430600200156 984.0 3.0 1430600200157 991.0 4.0 1430600200158 ENDDATA 147 0 1430600200159 ENDSUBENT 158 0 1430600299999 SUBENT 14306003 20201102 14741430600300001 BIB 3 4 1430600300002 REACTION 1(62-SM-147(N,0),,D) 1430600300003 2(62-SM-147(N,EL),,STF) 1430600300004 STATUS (TABLE) Pages 7,10 of Phys.Rev.C,76,025804,2007. 1430600300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. 1430600300006 ENDBIB 4 0 1430600300007 COMMON 2 3 1430600300008 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX 1430600300009 EV EV 1430600300010 0. 700.0 1430600300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1430600300012 DATA 5 2 1430600300013 SPIN J DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 1430600300014 NO-DIM EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1430600300015 3.0 11.76 0.93 4.70E-04 0.91E-04 1430600300016 4.0 11.21 0.85 4.93E-04 0.92E-04 1430600300017 ENDDATA 4 0 1430600300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 1430600399999 SUBENT 14306004 20240213 15101430600400001 BIB 5 9 1430600400002 REACTION (62-SM-149(N,0),,J) 1430600400003 ANALYSIS Spin assignment of parasitic 149Sm resonances seen 1430600400004 from the DANCE data accumulated from the 1430600400005 147Sm(n,gamma)148Sm experiment. Values of energies 1430600400006 are taken from the ENDF/B-VII.0 database. 1430600400007 STATUS (TABLE,,F.Becvar+,J,NIM/A,647,73,2011) Table 1 1430600400008 FLAG (1.) Tentative assignment. 1430600400009 HISTORY (20201102C) BP 1430600400010 (20240212A) REACTION SF3: G -> 0 1430600400011 ENDBIB 9 0 1430600400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 1430600400013 DATA 3 8 1430600400014 EN-RES DATA FLAG 1430600400015 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1430600400016 44.3 4.0 1430600400017 45.1 4.0 1430600400018 51.6 4.0 1430600400019 62.1 4.0 1430600400020 68.3 4.0 1. 1430600400021 70.7 3.0 1430600400022 71.1 4.0 1430600400023 90.8 4.0 1. 1430600400024 ENDDATA 10 0 1430600400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1430600499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 1430699999999