ENTRY            14350   20121219                             13871435000000001 
SUBENT        14350001   20121219                             13871435000100001 
BIB                 10         35                                 1435000100002 
TITLE      Neutron-induced 235U fission spectrum measurements     1435000100003 
           using liquid organic scintillation detectors           1435000100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Enqvist,B.M.Wieger,L.Huang,M.Flaska,S.A.Pozzi,      1435000100005 
           R.C.Haight,H.Y.Lee,Elaine Kwan,Ch.Y.Wu)                1435000100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USAMSU,1USALAS,1USALRL)                              1435000100007 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,86,064605,2012)                                1435000100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USALAS) Measurement performed using Weapons    1435000100009 
           Neutron Research (WNR) beam at 30. right at the Los    1435000100010 
           Alamos Neutron Science Center LANSCE.                  1435000100011 
SAMPLE     235U deposited on each side of 10 thin foils in PPAC   1435000100012 
           chamber. Total mass of the 235U was 113 mg with        1435000100013 
           target spot of 4 cm in diameter.                       1435000100014 
DETECTOR   (PPAC) Parallel-plate avalanche counter with internal  1435000100015 
           target containing 235U was used for detection of       1435000100016 
           fission fragments. It was located at a distance of     1435000100017 
           22.675 m from the spallation target. Its time          1435000100018 
           resolution was approx. 1 ns.                           1435000100019 
           (SCIN) Neutrons were detected using five EJ-309        1435000100020 
           cylindrical liquid scintillation detectors, with a     1435000100021 
           depth of 13.3 cm and diameter of 13 cm. Detectors      1435000100022 
           were placed at a distance of 80 cm to the center of    1435000100023 
           fission counter. EJ-309 liquid scintillator has a      1435000100024 
           short light-emission component of 3.5 ns, which        1435000100025 
           results in excellent timing properties and pulse shape 1435000100026 
           discrimination.                                        1435000100027 
METHOD     (TOF,PSD) Energy of the primary incident neutrons was  1435000100028 
           determined using time of flight over a distance of     1435000100029 
           22.675 m from the spallation target to the fission     1435000100030 
           chamber. Energy of secondary neutrons was determined   1435000100031 
           using time of flight between fission chamber and       1435000100032 
           neutron detector.                                      1435000100033 
INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons were produced by spallation reaction  1435000100034 
           using 800 MeV protons from linear accelerator          1435000100035 
           impinging on a tungsten target.                        1435000100036 
HISTORY    (20121219C) Compiled by S.H.                           1435000100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1435000100038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1435000100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 1435000199999 
SUBENT        14350002   20121219                             13871435000200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 1435000200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,NU/DE,,AV)                             1435000200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 9 of the reference      1435000200004 
                   sent by author A.E.                            1435000200005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty determined from              1435000200006 
            - statistical uncertainty                             1435000200007 
            - systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency       1435000200008 
            - systematic uncertainty in particle identification   1435000200009 
            - systematic uncertainty in flight path               1435000200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1435000200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1435000200012 
DATA                 6         90                                 1435000200013 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     E          DATA       -ERR-T     +ERR-T     1435000200014 
MEV        MEV        MEV        PT/FIS/MEV PT/FIS/MEV PT/FIS/MEV 1435000200015 
     0.5       10.0       0.55     0.8738     0.0344     0.0583   1435000200016 
     0.5       10.0       0.65     0.9845     0.0294     0.0607   1435000200017 
     0.5       10.0       0.75     0.9796     0.0255     0.0586   1435000200018 
     0.5       10.0       0.85     0.8584     0.0222     0.0513   1435000200019 
     0.5       10.0       0.95     0.8029     0.0207     0.0480   1435000200020 
     0.5       10.0       1.05     0.7427     0.0194     0.0445   1435000200021 
     0.5       10.0       1.15     0.7102     0.0188     0.0427   1435000200022 
     0.5       10.0       1.25     0.7087     0.0188     0.0426   1435000200023 
     0.5       10.0       1.35     0.6403     0.0178     0.0388   1435000200024 
     0.5       10.0       1.45     0.6327     0.0178     0.0385   1435000200025 
     0.5       10.0       1.55     0.5817     0.0171     0.0357   1435000200026 
     0.5       10.0       1.65     0.5286     0.0163     0.0328   1435000200027 
     0.5       10.0       1.75     0.5095     0.0161     0.0318   1435000200028 
     0.5       10.0       1.85     0.4802     0.0157     0.0303   1435000200029 
     0.5       10.0       1.95     0.4192     0.0146     0.0269   1435000200030 
     0.5       10.0       2.10     0.4330     0.0107     0.0257   1435000200031 
     0.5       10.0       2.30     0.3391     0.0096     0.0206   1435000200032 
     0.5       10.0       2.50     0.3258     0.0096     0.0200   1435000200033 
     0.5       10.0       2.70     0.2934     0.0093     0.0184   1435000200034 
     0.5       10.0       2.90     0.2373     0.0085     0.0154   1435000200035 
     0.5       10.0       3.10     0.2165     0.0083     0.0143   1435000200036 
     0.5       10.0       3.30     0.1864     0.0079     0.0128   1435000200037 
     0.5       10.0       3.50     0.1658     0.0075     0.0117   1435000200038 
     0.5       10.0       3.70     0.1454     0.0071     0.0106   1435000200039 
     0.5       10.0       3.90     0.1339     0.0068     0.0099   1435000200040 
     0.5       10.0       4.10     0.1153     0.0064     0.0090   1435000200041 
     0.5       10.0       4.30     0.1109     0.0063     0.0087   1435000200042 
     0.5       10.0       4.50     0.0841     0.0056     0.0072   1435000200043 
     0.5       10.0       4.70     0.0712     0.0052     0.0064   1435000200044 
     0.5       10.0       4.90     0.0623     0.0048     0.0059   1435000200045 
     0.5       10.0       5.10     0.0534     0.0045     0.0054   1435000200046 
     0.5       10.0       5.30     0.0527     0.0046     0.0054   1435000200047 
     0.5       10.0       5.50     0.0440     0.0042     0.0048   1435000200048 
     0.5       10.0       5.70     0.0373     0.0039     0.0044   1435000200049 
     0.5       10.0       5.90     0.0300     0.0035     0.0039   1435000200050 
     0.5       10.0       6.10     0.0231     0.0031     0.0034   1435000200051 
     0.5       10.0       6.30     0.0225     0.0031     0.0033   1435000200052 
     0.5       10.0       6.50     0.0143     0.0025     0.0026   1435000200053 
     0.5       10.0       6.70     0.0125     0.0023     0.0024   1435000200054 
     0.5       10.0       6.90     0.0087     0.0019     0.0020   1435000200055 
     0.5       10.0       7.10     0.0107     0.0022     0.0022   1435000200056 
     0.5       10.0       7.30     0.0140     0.0025     0.0026   1435000200057 
     0.5       10.0       7.50     0.0082     0.0019     0.0020   1435000200058 
     0.5       10.0       7.70     0.0064     0.0017     0.0017   1435000200059 
     0.5       10.0       7.90     0.0083     0.0019     0.0020   1435000200060 
    10.0      600.0       0.55     1.9576     0.0349     0.1111   1435000200061 
    10.0      600.0       0.65     1.9473     0.0287     0.1088   1435000200062 
    10.0      600.0       0.75     1.7320     0.0233     0.0962   1435000200063 
    10.0      600.0       0.85     1.6582     0.0211     0.0918   1435000200064 
    10.0      600.0       0.95     1.5506     0.0198     0.0859   1435000200065 
    10.0      600.0       1.05     1.4948     0.0191     0.0828   1435000200066 
    10.0      600.0       1.15     1.4122     0.0184     0.0783   1435000200067 
    10.0      600.0       1.25     1.3882     0.0182     0.0770   1435000200068 
    10.0      600.0       1.35     1.2704     0.0173     0.0706   1435000200069 
    10.0      600.0       1.45     1.2670     0.0175     0.0705   1435000200070 
    10.0      600.0       1.55     1.1908     0.0170     0.0664   1435000200071 
    10.0      600.0       1.65     1.1088     0.0163     0.0619   1435000200072 
    10.0      600.0       1.75     1.0691     0.0162     0.0598   1435000200073 
    10.0      600.0       1.85     1.0419     0.0161     0.0584   1435000200074 
    10.0      600.0       1.95     0.9421     0.0152     0.0530   1435000200075 
    10.0      600.0       2.10     0.9003     0.0109     0.0497   1435000200076 
    10.0      600.0       2.30     0.8156     0.0105     0.0452   1435000200077 
    10.0      600.0       2.50     0.7513     0.0103     0.0418   1435000200078 
    10.0      600.0       2.70     0.6815     0.0100     0.0381   1435000200079 
    10.0      600.0       2.90     0.6053     0.0096     0.0340   1435000200080 
    10.0      600.0       3.10     0.5524     0.0094     0.0312   1435000200081 
    10.0      600.0       3.30     0.5232     0.0093     0.0297   1435000200082 
    10.0      600.0       3.50     0.4744     0.0089     0.0271   1435000200083 
    10.0      600.0       3.70     0.4223     0.0084     0.0243   1435000200084 
    10.0      600.0       3.90     0.3866     0.0081     0.0224   1435000200085 
    10.0      600.0       4.10     0.3706     0.0081     0.0215   1435000200086 
    10.0      600.0       4.30     0.3282     0.0076     0.0193   1435000200087 
    10.0      600.0       4.50     0.3024     0.0074     0.0179   1435000200088 
    10.0      600.0       4.70     0.2794     0.0071     0.0167   1435000200089 
    10.0      600.0       4.90     0.2462     0.0067     0.0149   1435000200090 
    10.0      600.0       5.10     0.2368     0.0067     0.0144   1435000200091 
    10.0      600.0       5.30     0.2087     0.0063     0.0129   1435000200092 
    10.0      600.0       5.50     0.1983     0.0062     0.0124   1435000200093 
    10.0      600.0       5.70     0.1733     0.0058     0.0110   1435000200094 
    10.0      600.0       5.90     0.1619     0.0057     0.0104   1435000200095 
    10.0      600.0       6.10     0.1458     0.0054     0.0095   1435000200096 
    10.0      600.0       6.30     0.1256     0.0051     0.0085   1435000200097 
    10.0      600.0       6.50     0.1206     0.0050     0.0082   1435000200098 
    10.0      600.0       6.70     0.1090     0.0047     0.0075   1435000200099 
    10.0      600.0       6.90     0.0958     0.0045     0.0068   1435000200100 
    10.0      600.0       7.10     0.0917     0.0044     0.0066   1435000200101 
    10.0      600.0       7.30     0.0826     0.0041     0.0061   1435000200102 
    10.0      600.0       7.50     0.0724     0.0039     0.0055   1435000200103 
    10.0      600.0       7.70     0.0757     0.0041     0.0058   1435000200104 
    10.0      600.0       7.90     0.0600     0.0036     0.0048   1435000200105 
ENDDATA             92          0                                 1435000200106 
ENDSUBENT          105          0                                 1435000299999 
SUBENT        14350003   20121219                             13871435000300001 
BIB                  3          8                                 1435000300002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),,NU/DE,,AV)                             1435000300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 10 of the reference     1435000300004 
                   sent by author (A.E.)                          1435000300005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty determined from              1435000300006 
            - statistical uncertainty                             1435000300007 
            - systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency       1435000300008 
            - systematic uncertainty in particle identification   1435000300009 
            - systematic uncertainty in flight path               1435000300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1435000300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1435000300012 
DATA                 6        188                                 1435000300013 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     E          DATA       -ERR-T     +ERR-T     1435000300014 
MEV        MEV        MEV        PT/FIS/MEV PT/FIS/MEV PT/FIS/MEV 1435000300015 
    10.0       30.0       0.35     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300016 
    10.0       30.0       0.45     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300017 
    10.0       30.0       0.55     0.7398     0.0468     0.0609   1435000300018 
    10.0       30.0       0.65     1.1630     0.0467     0.0781   1435000300019 
    10.0       30.0       0.75     1.1695     0.0407     0.0750   1435000300020 
    10.0       30.0       0.85     1.2198     0.0385     0.0762   1435000300021 
    10.0       30.0       0.95     1.1855     0.0366     0.0736   1435000300022 
    10.0       30.0       1.05     1.0554     0.0337     0.0661   1435000300023 
    10.0       30.0       1.15     1.0088     0.0327     0.0634   1435000300024 
    10.0       30.0       1.25     1.0221     0.0328     0.0641   1435000300025 
    10.0       30.0       1.35     0.8758     0.0303     0.0561   1435000300026 
    10.0       30.0       1.45     0.8591     0.0302     0.0553   1435000300027 
    10.0       30.0       1.55     0.8019     0.0292     0.0522   1435000300028 
    10.0       30.0       1.65     0.7560     0.0283     0.0496   1435000300029 
    10.0       30.0       1.75     0.7158     0.0278     0.0475   1435000300030 
    10.0       30.0       1.85     0.6658     0.0270     0.0449   1435000300031 
    10.0       30.0       1.95     0.5777     0.0250     0.0399   1435000300032 
    10.0       30.0       2.10     0.5260     0.0172     0.0331   1435000300033 
    10.0       30.0       2.30     0.4903     0.0167     0.0313   1435000300034 
    10.0       30.0       2.50     0.4370     0.0162     0.0286   1435000300035 
    10.0       30.0       2.70     0.4124     0.0161     0.0274   1435000300036 
    10.0       30.0       2.90     0.3233     0.0145     0.0227   1435000300037 
    10.0       30.0       3.10     0.3022     0.0143     0.0217   1435000300038 
    10.0       30.0       3.30     0.2658     0.0137     0.0198   1435000300039 
    10.0       30.0       3.50     0.2532     0.0135     0.0192   1435000300040 
    10.0       30.0       3.70     0.2057     0.0122     0.0165   1435000300041 
    10.0       30.0       3.90     0.1753     0.0114     0.0148   1435000300042 
    10.0       30.0       4.10     0.1521     0.0108     0.0135   1435000300043 
    10.0       30.0       4.30     0.1375     0.0103     0.0127   1435000300044 
    10.0       30.0       4.50     0.1281     0.0100     0.0121   1435000300045 
    10.0       30.0       4.70     0.1189     0.0097     0.0116   1435000300046 
    10.0       30.0       4.90     0.0897     0.0085     0.0097   1435000300047 
    10.0       30.0       5.10     0.0869     0.0084     0.0097   1435000300048 
    10.0       30.0       5.30     0.0778     0.0081     0.0091   1435000300049 
    10.0       30.0       5.50     0.0671     0.0076     0.0084   1435000300050 
    10.0       30.0       5.70     0.0527     0.0068     0.0073   1435000300051 
    10.0       30.0       5.90     0.0483     0.0065     0.0070   1435000300052 
    10.0       30.0       6.10     0.0541     0.0069     0.0075   1435000300053 
    10.0       30.0       6.30     0.0422     0.0062     0.0066   1435000300054 
    10.0       30.0       6.50     0.0402     0.0060     0.0064   1435000300055 
    10.0       30.0       6.70     0.0248     0.0047     0.0049   1435000300056 
    10.0       30.0       6.90     0.0213     0.0044     0.0046   1435000300057 
    10.0       30.0       7.10     0.0219     0.0045     0.0046   1435000300058 
    10.0       30.0       7.30     0.0244     0.0047     0.0049   1435000300059 
    10.0       30.0       7.50     0.0121     0.0034     0.0034   1435000300060 
    10.0       30.0       7.70     0.0208     0.0045     0.0046   1435000300061 
    10.0       30.0       7.90     0.0143     0.0037     0.0038   1435000300062 
    30.0       50.0       0.35     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300063 
    30.0       50.0       0.45     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300064 
    30.0       50.0       0.55     2.0827     0.1001     0.1504   1435000300065 
    30.0       50.0       0.65     1.9651     0.0784     0.1318   1435000300066 
    30.0       50.0       0.75     1.8365     0.0659     0.1189   1435000300067 
    30.0       50.0       0.85     1.5937     0.0569     0.1031   1435000300068 
    30.0       50.0       0.95     1.4543     0.0525     0.0943   1435000300069 
    30.0       50.0       1.05     1.4082     0.0505     0.0912   1435000300070 
    30.0       50.0       1.15     1.3276     0.0486     0.0865   1435000300071 
    30.0       50.0       1.25     1.2904     0.0478     0.0844   1435000300072 
    30.0       50.0       1.35     1.1658     0.0452     0.0774   1435000300073 
    30.0       50.0       1.45     1.1816     0.0459     0.0785   1435000300074 
    30.0       50.0       1.55     1.0504     0.0434     0.0713   1435000300075 
    30.0       50.0       1.65     1.0192     0.0426     0.0695   1435000300076 
    30.0       50.0       1.75     0.9303     0.0411     0.0648   1435000300077 
    30.0       50.0       1.85     0.9614     0.0420     0.0667   1435000300078 
    30.0       50.0       1.95     0.8583     0.0395     0.0608   1435000300079 
    30.0       50.0       2.10     0.8153     0.0277     0.0520   1435000300080 
    30.0       50.0       2.30     0.6820     0.0256     0.0448   1435000300081 
    30.0       50.0       2.50     0.6353     0.0253     0.0425   1435000300082 
    30.0       50.0       2.70     0.5448     0.0239     0.0379   1435000300083 
    30.0       50.0       2.90     0.4910     0.0231     0.0352   1435000300084 
    30.0       50.0       3.10     0.4338     0.0222     0.0323   1435000300085 
    30.0       50.0       3.30     0.3991     0.0217     0.0306   1435000300086 
    30.0       50.0       3.50     0.3690     0.0211     0.0290   1435000300087 
    30.0       50.0       3.70     0.3026     0.0193     0.0252   1435000300088 
    30.0       50.0       3.90     0.2622     0.0181     0.0229   1435000300089 
    30.0       50.0       4.10     0.2909     0.0193     0.0249   1435000300090 
    30.0       50.0       4.30     0.1966     0.0160     0.0191   1435000300091 
    30.0       50.0       4.50     0.2066     0.0164     0.0198   1435000300092 
    30.0       50.0       4.70     0.1954     0.0162     0.0193   1435000300093 
    30.0       50.0       4.90     0.1522     0.0143     0.0165   1435000300094 
    30.0       50.0       5.10     0.1802     0.0158     0.0185   1435000300095 
    30.0       50.0       5.30     0.1285     0.0134     0.0151   1435000300096 
    30.0       50.0       5.50     0.1275     0.0135     0.0152   1435000300097 
    30.0       50.0       5.70     0.0889     0.0114     0.0123   1435000300098 
    30.0       50.0       5.90     0.1171     0.0132     0.0146   1435000300099 
    30.0       50.0       6.10     0.0839     0.0112     0.0121   1435000300100 
    30.0       50.0       6.30     0.0808     0.0111     0.0119   1435000300101 
    30.0       50.0       6.50     0.0642     0.0099     0.0105   1435000300102 
    30.0       50.0       6.70     0.0616     0.0097     0.0102   1435000300103 
    30.0       50.0       6.90     0.0551     0.0092     0.0097   1435000300104 
    30.0       50.0       7.10     0.0566     0.0094     0.0099   1435000300105 
    30.0       50.0       7.30     0.0537     0.0091     0.0096   1435000300106 
    30.0       50.0       7.50     0.0451     0.0084     0.0088   1435000300107 
    30.0       50.0       7.70     0.0516     0.0092     0.0096   1435000300108 
    30.0       50.0       7.90     0.0333     0.0073     0.0075   1435000300109 
    50.0       70.0       0.35     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300110 
    50.0       70.0       0.45     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300111 
    50.0       70.0       0.55     2.0959     0.1166     0.1623   1435000300112 
    50.0       70.0       0.65     2.3147     0.0988     0.1591   1435000300113 
    50.0       70.0       0.75     1.9096     0.0780     0.1291   1435000300114 
    50.0       70.0       0.85     1.7811     0.0698     0.1187   1435000300115 
    50.0       70.0       0.95     1.6286     0.0644     0.1089   1435000300116 
    50.0       70.0       1.05     1.5474     0.0614     0.1036   1435000300117 
    50.0       70.0       1.15     1.4382     0.0587     0.0972   1435000300118 
    50.0       70.0       1.25     1.3669     0.0571     0.0932   1435000300119 
    50.0       70.0       1.35     1.4215     0.0580     0.0961   1435000300120 
    50.0       70.0       1.45     1.2881     0.0556     0.0890   1435000300121 
    50.0       70.0       1.55     1.1918     0.0536     0.0836   1435000300122 
    50.0       70.0       1.65     1.0833     0.0509     0.0775   1435000300123 
    50.0       70.0       1.75     1.0480     0.0506     0.0758   1435000300124 
    50.0       70.0       1.85     1.0256     0.0503     0.0747   1435000300125 
    50.0       70.0       1.95     0.9349     0.0478     0.0695   1435000300126 
    50.0       70.0       2.10     0.9144     0.0340     0.0599   1435000300127 
    50.0       70.0       2.30     0.7966     0.0321     0.0536   1435000300128 
    50.0       70.0       2.50     0.6698     0.0301     0.0470   1435000300129 
    50.0       70.0       2.70     0.6731     0.0309     0.0476   1435000300130 
    50.0       70.0       2.90     0.5688     0.0289     0.0421   1435000300131 
    50.0       70.0       3.10     0.5149     0.0281     0.0395   1435000300132 
    50.0       70.0       3.30     0.5464     0.0295     0.0417   1435000300133 
    50.0       70.0       3.50     0.3990     0.0254     0.0333   1435000300134 
    50.0       70.0       3.70     0.3884     0.0253     0.0328   1435000300135 
    50.0       70.0       3.90     0.3603     0.0246     0.0313   1435000300136 
    50.0       70.0       4.10     0.3005     0.0228     0.0280   1435000300137 
    50.0       70.0       4.30     0.3103     0.0232     0.0286   1435000300138 
    50.0       70.0       4.50     0.2678     0.0217     0.0261   1435000300139 
    50.0       70.0       4.70     0.2452     0.0210     0.0248   1435000300140 
    50.0       70.0       4.90     0.2085     0.0194     0.0224   1435000300141 
    50.0       70.0       5.10     0.1663     0.0176     0.0197   1435000300142 
    50.0       70.0       5.30     0.1614     0.0174     0.0195   1435000300143 
    50.0       70.0       5.50     0.1636     0.0178     0.0198   1435000300144 
    50.0       70.0       5.70     0.1251     0.0157     0.0171   1435000300145 
    50.0       70.0       5.90     0.1372     0.0165     0.0181   1435000300146 
    50.0       70.0       6.10     0.1346     0.0165     0.0180   1435000300147 
    50.0       70.0       6.30     0.1183     0.0155     0.0168   1435000300148 
    50.0       70.0       6.50     0.0654     0.0115     0.0121   1435000300149 
    50.0       70.0       6.70     0.0883     0.0135     0.0143   1435000300150 
    50.0       70.0       6.90     0.0524     0.0105     0.0108   1435000300151 
    50.0       70.0       7.10     0.0649     0.0116     0.0122   1435000300152 
    50.0       70.0       7.30     0.0609     0.0113     0.0117   1435000300153 
    50.0       70.0       7.50     0.0725     0.0124     0.0130   1435000300154 
    50.0       70.0       7.70     0.0465     0.0101     0.0104   1435000300155 
    50.0       70.0       7.90     0.0351     0.0087     0.0089   1435000300156 
    70.0      600.0       0.35     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300157 
    70.0      600.0       0.45     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000   1435000300158 
    70.0      600.0       0.55     2.3750     0.0517     0.1379   1435000300159 
    70.0      600.0       0.65     2.1831     0.0404     0.1243   1435000300160 
    70.0      600.0       0.75     1.8947     0.0324     0.1071   1435000300161 
    70.0      600.0       0.85     1.8213     0.0295     0.1025   1435000300162 
    70.0      600.0       0.95     1.7003     0.0275     0.0957   1435000300163 
    70.0      600.0       1.05     1.6752     0.0268     0.0942   1435000300164 
    70.0      600.0       1.15     1.5828     0.0258     0.0891   1435000300165 
    70.0      600.0       1.25     1.5555     0.0256     0.0876   1435000300166 
    70.0      600.0       1.35     1.4209     0.0243     0.0803   1435000300167 
    70.0      600.0       1.45     1.4404     0.0247     0.0815   1435000300168 
    70.0      600.0       1.55     1.3730     0.0241     0.0778   1435000300169 
    70.0      600.0       1.65     1.2698     0.0231     0.0722   1435000300170 
    70.0      600.0       1.75     1.2408     0.0231     0.0707   1435000300171 
    70.0      600.0       1.85     1.2083     0.0229     0.0690   1435000300172 
    70.0      600.0       1.95     1.1031     0.0218     0.0633   1435000300173 
    70.0      600.0       2.10     1.0618     0.0156     0.0593   1435000300174 
    70.0      600.0       2.30     0.9749     0.0151     0.0547   1435000300175 
    70.0      600.0       2.50     0.9131     0.0150     0.0514   1435000300176 
    70.0      600.0       2.70     0.8181     0.0145     0.0464   1435000300177 
    70.0      600.0       2.90     0.7466     0.0141     0.0426   1435000300178 
    70.0      600.0       3.10     0.6826     0.0137     0.0393   1435000300179 
    70.0      600.0       3.30     0.6471     0.0136     0.0374   1435000300180 
    70.0      600.0       3.50     0.5967     0.0132     0.0348   1435000300181 
    70.0      600.0       3.70     0.5391     0.0126     0.0317   1435000300182 
    70.0      600.0       3.90     0.5011     0.0123     0.0297   1435000300183 
    70.0      600.0       4.10     0.4851     0.0123     0.0289   1435000300184 
    70.0      600.0       4.30     0.4351     0.0117     0.0262   1435000300185 
    70.0      600.0       4.50     0.3975     0.0112     0.0242   1435000300186 
    70.0      600.0       4.70     0.3664     0.0108     0.0225   1435000300187 
    70.0      600.0       4.90     0.3346     0.0104     0.0208   1435000300188 
    70.0      600.0       5.10     0.3196     0.0103     0.0201   1435000300189 
    70.0      600.0       5.30     0.2857     0.0098     0.0182   1435000300190 
    70.0      600.0       5.50     0.2710     0.0097     0.0175   1435000300191 
    70.0      600.0       5.70     0.2474     0.0093     0.0162   1435000300192 
    70.0      600.0       5.90     0.2202     0.0088     0.0148   1435000300193 
    70.0      600.0       6.10     0.1973     0.0084     0.0135   1435000300194 
    70.0      600.0       6.30     0.1693     0.0078     0.0120   1435000300195 
    70.0      600.0       6.50     0.1740     0.0079     0.0123   1435000300196 
    70.0      600.0       6.70     0.1558     0.0075     0.0113   1435000300197 
    70.0      600.0       6.90     0.1412     0.0072     0.0105   1435000300198 
    70.0      600.0       7.10     0.1312     0.0069     0.0099   1435000300199 
    70.0      600.0       7.30     0.1154     0.0065     0.0090   1435000300200 
    70.0      600.0       7.50     0.1019     0.0062     0.0083   1435000300201 
    70.0      600.0       7.70     0.1073     0.0064     0.0087   1435000300202 
    70.0      600.0       7.90     0.0880     0.0058     0.0075   1435000300203 
ENDDATA            190          0                                 1435000300204 
ENDSUBENT          203          0                                 1435000399999 
SUBENT        14350004   20121219                             13871435000400001 
BIB                  3          6                                 1435000400002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F)0-NN-1,,KE)                              1435000400003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 11 of the reference     1435000400004 
                   sent by author (A.E.)                          1435000400005 
           Range of incident energies is larger than in fig. 11   1435000400006 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Determined from tof bin width                 1435000400007 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              1435000400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 1435000400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1435000400010 
DATA                 5         15                                 1435000400011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       -ERR-T     +ERR-T                1435000400012 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV                   1435000400013 
    0.75       0.38     2.0336     0.0838     0.0898              1435000400014 
    1.50       0.50     2.0702     0.0860     0.0922              1435000400015 
    2.50       0.50     2.0486     0.0848     0.0909              1435000400016 
    3.50       0.50     2.0950     0.0876     0.0940              1435000400017 
    4.50       0.50     2.0403     0.0840     0.0899              1435000400018 
    5.50       0.50     2.0316     0.0838     0.0898              1435000400019 
    6.50       0.50     1.9865     0.0815     0.0873              1435000400020 
    7.50       0.50     1.9787     0.0808     0.0865              1435000400021 
    8.50       0.50     2.0509     0.0852     0.0913              1435000400022 
    9.50       0.50     2.0336     0.0839     0.0899              1435000400023 
   10.50       0.75     2.0757     0.0870     0.0934              1435000400024 
   12.00       1.00     2.0289     0.0833     0.0892              1435000400025 
   14.00       1.00     2.0145     0.0831     0.0890              1435000400026 
   16.00       1.00     2.0623     0.0859     0.0921              1435000400027 
   18.00       1.00     2.1229     0.0898     0.0964              1435000400028 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 1435000400029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 1435000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 1435099999999