ENTRY 14351 20241001 15151435100000001 SUBENT 14351001 20241001 15151435100100001 BIB 11 35 1435100100002 TITLE Cross section measurements at neutron energies 71 and 1435100100003 112 MeV and energy integrated cross section 1435100100004 measurements (0.1 < En < 750 MeV) for the neutron 1435100100005 induced reactions O(n,x)10Be, Si(n,x)10Be, and 1435100100006 Si(n,x)26Al 1435100100007 AUTHOR (M.W.Caffee,K.Nishiizumi,J.M.Sisterson,J.Ullmann, 1435100100008 K.C.Welten) 1435100100009 INSTITUTE (1USAPUR,1USAMGH,1USALAS,1USAUCX) 1435100100010 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,294,479,2013) 1435100100011 MONIT-REF (14010001,J.M.Sisterson+,J,NIM/B,234,419,2005) 1435100100012 Monitor reaction cross section data at Los Alamos 1435100100013 energies 0.1-750 MeV 1435100100014 (14056001,J.M.Sisterson+,J,NIM/B,240,617,2005) 1435100100015 Monitor reaction cross section data at 71 and 112 MeV 1435100100016 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) Energy integrated cross sections were 1435100100017 measured at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, 1435100100018 Los Alamos National Laboratory New Mexico using 1435100100019 white neutron beams 1435100100020 (CYCLO,3SAFITH) Measurements with quasi-monoenergetic 1435100100021 neutrons were performed at iThemba LABS cyclotron, 1435100100022 Somerset West, South Africa 1435100100023 DETECTOR (HPGE) Short lived nuclides were measured using high 1435100100024 purity Ge detectors. 1435100100025 METHOD (ACTIV) 1435100100026 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 1435100100027 (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) 1435100100028 (29-CU-63(N,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) 1435100100029 (79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG) 1435100100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) 1 sigma uncertainty in AMS measurement covering1435100100031 samples, blanks and standards. 1435100100032 (ERR-2,2.0,3.0) Systematic uncertainty in AMS 1435100100033 measurement not included in ERR-1 1435100100034 HISTORY (20121221C) Compiled by S.H. 1435100100035 (20240329A) OS. REACTION updated in subs.4,7 1435100100036 (20240930A) OS. REACTION updated in subs.5,6 1435100100037 ENDBIB 35 0 1435100100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 1435100100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1435100199999 SUBENT 14351002 20121221 13871435100200001 BIB 5 12 1435100200002 REACTION (8-O-16(N,X)4-BE-10,,SIG) 1435100200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference 1435100200004 SAMPLE SiO2 sample with 99.9% purity and dimensions 5 x 5 cm2 1435100200005 INC-SOURCE (P-BE) Irradiations performed at 0 deg and 16 deg. At 1435100200006 0 deg there are two components in neutron spectrum - 1435100200007 a high energy peak and a low energy tail. The 1435100200008 spectrum at 16 deg has only low energy tail, similar 1435100200009 to the tail at 0 deg. 1435100200010 METHOD Irradiations at iTL were made simultaneously at 0 deg 1435100200011 and 16 deg. Cross section at specific energy was 1435100200012 obtained by subtracting the yield measured at 16 deg 1435100200013 (after normalization) from the yield measured at 0deg.1435100200014 ENDBIB 12 0 1435100200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1435100200016 DATA 3 2 1435100200017 EN DATA ERR-1 1435100200018 MEV MB MB 1435100200019 70.7 1.52 0.15 1435100200020 110.8 1.68 0.25 1435100200021 ENDDATA 4 0 1435100200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1435100299999 SUBENT 14351003 20121221 13871435100300001 BIB 5 13 1435100300002 REACTION (14-SI-0(N,X)4-BE-10,,SIG) 1435100300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference 1435100300004 SAMPLE Si samples with 99.999% purity and 1.5 cm or 5 cm 1435100300005 in diameter 1435100300006 INC-SOURCE (P-BE) Irradiations performed at 0 deg and 16 deg. At 1435100300007 0 deg there are two components in neutron spectrum - 1435100300008 a high energy peak and a low energy tail. The 1435100300009 spectrum at 16 deg has only low energy tail, similar 1435100300010 to the tail at 0 deg. 1435100300011 METHOD Irradiations at iTL were made simultaneously at 0 deg 1435100300012 and 16 deg. Cross section at specific energy was 1435100300013 obtained by subtracting the yield measured at 16 deg 1435100300014 (after normalization) from the yield measured at 0 deg1435100300015 ENDBIB 13 0 1435100300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 1435100300017 DATA 3 1 1435100300018 EN DATA ERR-1 1435100300019 MEV MB MB 1435100300020 112.0 0.08 0.03 1435100300021 ENDDATA 3 0 1435100300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1435100399999 SUBENT 14351004 20240403 15111435100400001 BIB 7 17 1435100400002 REACTION (14-SI-0(N,X)13-AL-26-G,,SIG) 1435100400003 SAMPLE Si samples with 99.999% purity and 1.5 cm or 5 cm 1435100400004 in diameter 1435100400005 SiO2 sample with 99.9% purity and dimensions 5 x 5 cm2 1435100400006 FLAG (1.) Si sample 1435100400007 (2.) SiO2 sample 1435100400008 INC-SOURCE (P-BE) Irradiations performed at 0 deg and 16 deg. At 1435100400009 0 deg there are two components in neutron spectrum - 1435100400010 a high energy peak and a low energy tail. The 1435100400011 spectrum at 16 deg has only low energy tail, similar 1435100400012 to the tail at 0 deg. 1435100400013 METHOD (AMS) Irradiations at iTL were made simultaneously at 1435100400014 0 deg and 16 deg. Cross section at specific energy was 1435100400015 obtained by subtracting the yield measured at 16 deg 1435100400016 (after normalization) from the yield measured at 0 deg1435100400017 STATUS (TABLE,,M.W.Caffee+,J,NIM/B,294,479,2013) Table 3 1435100400018 HISTORY (20240329A) Added -G to REACTION SF4, updated METHOD 1435100400019 ENDBIB 17 0 1435100400020 NOCOMMON 0 0 1435100400021 DATA 4 3 1435100400022 EN DATA ERR-1 FLAG 1435100400023 MEV MB MB NO-DIM 1435100400024 70.7 14.7 2.4 2. 1435100400025 110.8 19.7 2.6 2. 1435100400026 112.0 26.8 3.4 1. 1435100400027 ENDDATA 5 0 1435100400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1435100499999 SUBENT 14351005 20241001 15151435100500001 BIB 6 12 1435100500002 REACTION (8-O-16(N,X)4-BE-10,,SIG,,SPA) 1435100500003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.W.Caffee+,J,NIM/B,294,479,2013) 1435100500004 Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference 1435100500005 SAMPLE SiO2 sample with 99.9% purity and dimensions 5 x 5 cm2 1435100500006 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons were produced by spallation reaction 1435100500007 using 800 MeV protons from linear accelerator 1435100500008 impinging on a tungsten target. Polyethylene filter 1435100500009 of different thickness was inserted after spallation 1435100500010 target to filter low energy neutrons 1435100500011 FLAG (1.) 5.1 cm polyethylene filter 1435100500012 (2.) 15.2 cm polyethylene filter 1435100500013 HISTORY (20240930A) REACTION SF8 corrected 1435100500014 ENDBIB 12 0 1435100500015 COMMON 2 3 1435100500016 EN-MIN EN-MAX 1435100500017 MEV MEV 1435100500018 0.1 750.0 1435100500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1435100500020 DATA 3 2 1435100500021 DATA ERR-1 FLAG 1435100500022 MB MB NO-DIM 1435100500023 1.57 0.17 1. 1435100500024 1.54 0.17 2. 1435100500025 ENDDATA 4 0 1435100500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 1435100599999 SUBENT 14351006 20241001 15151435100600001 BIB 5 11 1435100600002 REACTION (14-SI-0(N,X)4-BE-10,,SIG,,SPA) 1435100600003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.W.Caffee+,J,NIM/B,294,479,2013) 1435100600004 Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference 1435100600005 SAMPLE Si samples with 99.999% purity and 1.5 cm or 5 cm 1435100600006 in diameter 1435100600007 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons were produced by spallation reaction 1435100600008 using 800 MeV protons from linear accelerator 1435100600009 impinging on a tungsten target. Polyethylene filter 1435100600010 of different thickness was inserted after spallation 1435100600011 target to filter low energy neutrons 1435100600012 HISTORY (20240930A) REACTION SF8 corrected 1435100600013 ENDBIB 11 0 1435100600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1435100600015 DATA 4 1 1435100600016 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-1 1435100600017 MEV MEV MB MB 1435100600018 0.1 750.0 0.21 0.03 1435100600019 ENDDATA 3 0 1435100600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 1435100699999 SUBENT 14351007 20240403 15111435100700001 BIB 7 15 1435100700002 REACTION (14-SI-0(N,X)13-AL-26-G,,SIG,,SPA) 1435100700003 SAMPLE Si samples with 99.999% purity and 1.5 cm or 5 cm 1435100700004 in diameter 1435100700005 SiO2 sample with 99.9% purity and dimensions 5 x 5 cm2 1435100700006 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons were produced by spallation reaction 1435100700007 using 800 MeV protons from linear accelerator 1435100700008 impinging on a tungsten target. Polyethylene filter 1435100700009 of different thickness was inserted after spallation 1435100700010 target to filter low energy neutrons 1435100700011 METHOD (AMS) 1435100700012 FLAG (1.) Si sample, 2.5 cm polyethylene filter 1435100700013 (2.) SiO2 sample, 5.1 cm polyethylene filter 1435100700014 (3.) SiO2 sample, 15.2 cm polyethylene filter 1435100700015 STATUS (TABLE,,M.W.Caffee+,J,NIM/B,294,479,2013) Table 3 1435100700016 HISTORY (20240329A) Added -G to REACTION SF4, added METHOD 1435100700017 ENDBIB 15 0 1435100700018 COMMON 2 3 1435100700019 EN-MIN EN-MAX 1435100700020 MEV MEV 1435100700021 0.1 750.0 1435100700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1435100700023 DATA 3 3 1435100700024 DATA ERR-1 FLAG 1435100700025 MB MB NO-DIM 1435100700026 14.7 1.6 1. 1435100700027 15.1 1.5 2. 1435100700028 14.0 1.4 3. 1435100700029 ENDDATA 5 0 1435100700030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1435100799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 1435199999999