ENTRY            14368   20130506                             13931436800000001 
SUBENT        14368001   20130506                             13931436800100001 
BIB                 15         65                                 1436800100002 
TITLE      Low-spin states in 86Kr from the (n,n') reaction       1436800100003 
AUTHOR     (N.Fotiades,M.Devlin,R.O.Nelson,T.Granier)             1436800100004 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS,2FR BRC)                                      1436800100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,87,044336,2013)                                1436800100006 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment performed at the white      1436800100007 
           source neutron beam at the LANSCE/WNR facility using   1436800100008 
           gamma-ray spectrometer GEANIE                          1436800100009 
SAMPLE     The target cell containing the 86Kr isotopically       1436800100010 
           enriched gas consisted of one cylinder, 6.261 cm long  1436800100011 
           and with a radius of 1.7975 cm. The cylindrical        1436800100012 
           horizontal walls were 0.525-mm thick and made of       1436800100013 
           aluminum. The planar walls, orthogonal to the neutron  1436800100014 
           beam, were very thin mylar foils. The pressure of the  1436800100015 
           86Kr gas inside the cell was approx. 450 kPa. During   1436800100016 
           two days of the experiment two natural Fe 5-cm         1436800100017 
           circular foils, 0.05 mm thick, were placed in the      1436800100018 
           front and back of the 86Kr gas cell for monitor        1436800100019 
           purposes                                               1436800100020 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) GEANIE was comprised of 10 Compton-suppressed   1436800100021 
           planar Ge detectors (Low Energy Photon Spectrometers - 1436800100022 
            LEPS) and 10 Compton-suppressed coaxial Ge            1436800100023 
           detectors. During experiment only coaxial detectors    1436800100024 
           were used. GEANIE was located 20.34 m from the WNR     1436800100025 
           spallation neutron source on the 60R (60deg-Right)     1436800100026 
           flight path.                                           1436800100027 
METHOD     (TOF) neutron energy determined by time of flight      1436800100028 
           method. Detection time of the "flash" of gamma rays    1436800100029 
           caused by the spallation reaction was used as a        1436800100030 
           reference marker. The detection time of the gamma      1436800100031 
           rays produced by neutrons interacting with the sample  1436800100032 
           was used to calculate the time of flight.              1436800100033 
MONITOR    (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) For normalization  1436800100034 
           purpose the natural Fe 5 cm diameter foil, 0.05 mm     1436800100035 
           thick, was placed in front and back of gas cell.       1436800100036 
           The 846.8 keV, 2+ -> 0+ transition of 56Fe was used to 1436800100037 
           normalize the cross sections.                          1436800100038 
MONIT-REF  (14118002,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,1,838,2004)          1436800100039 
INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Pulsed neutron beam was produced via           1436800100040 
           spallation on a natural W target by an 800-MeV proton  1436800100041 
           linear accelerator beam. The average proton beam       1436800100042 
           current at the spallation target was about 1 - 2       1436800100043 
           mu-A. The neutron beam structure contained 625 mu-s    1436800100044 
           long 'macropulses' driven by two of every three such   1436800100045 
           macropulses from the accelerator for an average rate   1436800100046 
           of 40/s. Each macropulse consisted of 'micropulses'    1436800100047 
           spaced every 1.8 mu-s, each <1 ns long. The pulsed     1436800100048 
           beam allowed incident neutron energies to be           1436800100049 
           determined using the time-of-flight technique.         1436800100050 
CORRECTION Corrections for the finite beam spot size, gamma ray   1436800100051 
           attenuation in the target (both Kr and Fe), and the    1436800100052 
           contribution from neutrons produced by scattering and  1436800100053 
           reactions in the targets (secondary effects) were      1436800100054 
           modeled using the MCNPX Monte Carlo radiation          1436800100055 
           transport code.                                        1436800100056 
ANALYSIS   Matrix of gamma-ray energy versus TOF was built for    1436800100057 
           the coaxial detectors. By gating on the TOF axis,      1436800100058 
           gamma ray spectra corresponding to selected neutron    1436800100059 
           energy bins were obtained.                             1436800100060 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        1436800100061 
           (ERR-SYS,10.0,18.0) Total systematic uncertainty       1436800100062 
           (ERR-1,2.0,8.0) Systematic uncertainty in detection    1436800100063 
                           efficiency                             1436800100064 
           (ERR-2,1.0,3.0) Systematic uncertainty in neutron      1436800100065 
                           flux determination                     1436800100066 
HISTORY    (20130506C) Compiled by S.H.                           1436800100067 
ENDBIB              65          0                                 1436800100068 
COMMON               2          3                                 1436800100069 
EN-NRM     E-NRM                                                  1436800100070 
MEV        KEV                                                    1436800100071 
  14.5       846.8                                                1436800100072 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1436800100073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 1436800199999 
SUBENT        14368002   20130506                             13931436800200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 1436800200002 
REACTION   (36-KR-86(N,INL)36-KR-86,PAR,SIG,G)                    1436800200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in figs. 2-4 of the reference   1436800200004 
                   sent by author (N.F.)                          1436800200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 1436800200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1436800200007 
DATA                 6        353                                 1436800200008 
E          LVL-INI    EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-S      1436800200009 
KEV        KEV        MEV        MEV        MB         MB         1436800200010 
   376.8     2727.0      2.879      0.241      8.697      1.262   1436800200011 
   376.8     2727.0      3.414      0.312     22.314      1.448   1436800200012 
   376.8     2727.0      3.507      0.069     22.738      3.313   1436800200013 
   376.8     2727.0      3.645      0.073     20.950      3.176   1436800200014 
   376.8     2727.0      3.792      0.078     17.375      3.063   1436800200015 
   376.8     2727.0      3.948      0.083     20.324      2.876   1436800200016 
   376.8     2727.0      4.114      0.088     20.898      3.256   1436800200017 
   376.8     2727.0      4.290      0.094     19.906      3.224   1436800200018 
   376.8     2727.0      4.478      0.100     14.349      3.117   1436800200019 
   376.8     2727.0      4.679      0.107     14.720      3.009   1436800200020 
   376.8     2727.0      4.894      0.114     13.784      2.940   1436800200021 
   376.8     2727.0      5.123      0.122     12.340      2.954   1436800200022 
   376.8     2727.0      5.370      0.131     11.933      2.986   1436800200023 
   376.8     2727.0      5.634      0.141      7.683      3.057   1436800200024 
   376.8     2727.0      5.919      0.152      8.514      2.945   1436800200025 
   376.8     2727.0      6.226      0.164      6.205      2.928   1436800200026 
   376.8     2727.0      6.558      0.177      9.470      2.921   1436800200027 
   376.8     2727.0      6.917      0.192      6.458      2.912   1436800200028 
   376.8     2727.0      7.731      0.227      2.539      3.265   1436800200029 
   376.8     2727.0      8.192      0.248      7.284      3.303   1436800200030 
   376.8     2727.0      8.697      0.271      6.898      3.197   1436800200031 
   376.8     2727.0      9.250      0.297      9.480      3.262   1436800200032 
   376.8     2727.0      9.858      0.327      6.682      3.291   1436800200033 
   376.8     2727.0     11.269      0.401      0.127      3.315   1436800200034 
   376.8     2727.0     12.092      0.446      7.014      3.430   1436800200035 
   660.3     3010.0      2.461      0.190      1.855      1.764   1436800200036 
   660.3     3010.0      3.414      0.312     63.252      2.418   1436800200037 
   660.3     3010.0      3.507      0.069     86.706      5.789   1436800200038 
   660.3     3010.0      3.645      0.073     92.448      5.678   1436800200039 
   660.3     3010.0      3.792      0.078     80.288      5.417   1436800200040 
   660.3     3010.0      3.948      0.083     78.162      5.085   1436800200041 
   660.3     3010.0      4.114      0.088     80.454      5.676   1436800200042 
   660.3     3010.0      4.290      0.094     75.178      5.611   1436800200043 
   660.3     3010.0      4.478      0.100     62.555      5.306   1436800200044 
   660.3     3010.0      4.679      0.107     63.883      5.192   1436800200045 
   660.3     3010.0      4.894      0.114     45.742      4.877   1436800200046 
   660.3     3010.0      5.123      0.122     51.800      4.969   1436800200047 
   660.3     3010.0      5.370      0.131     52.039      4.960   1436800200048 
   660.3     3010.0      5.634      0.141     45.644      5.077   1436800200049 
   660.3     3010.0      5.919      0.152     48.813      4.900   1436800200050 
   660.3     3010.0      6.226      0.164     47.048      4.926   1436800200051 
   660.3     3010.0      6.558      0.177     34.246      4.751   1436800200052 
   660.3     3010.0      6.917      0.192     34.065      4.680   1436800200053 
   660.3     3010.0      7.307      0.208     29.578      5.070   1436800200054 
   660.3     3010.0      7.731      0.227     34.760      5.160   1436800200055 
   660.3     3010.0      8.192      0.248     33.751      5.195   1436800200056 
   660.3     3010.0      8.697      0.271     28.711      4.954   1436800200057 
   660.3     3010.0      9.250      0.297     23.747      4.970   1436800200058 
   660.3     3010.0      9.858      0.327     34.304      5.074   1436800200059 
   660.3     3010.0     10.528      0.362     30.509      5.190   1436800200060 
   660.3     3010.0     11.269      0.401     14.853      5.063   1436800200061 
   660.3     3010.0     12.092      0.446     16.786      5.055   1436800200062 
   660.3     3010.0     13.010      0.498      7.777      4.983   1436800200063 
   666.7     2917.0      2.879      0.241      4.792      1.830   1436800200064 
   666.7     2917.0      3.414      0.312    106.285      2.508   1436800200065 
   666.7     2917.0      3.507      0.069    135.910      6.046   1436800200066 
   666.7     2917.0      3.645      0.073    134.379      5.792   1436800200067 
   666.7     2917.0      3.792      0.078    132.956      5.590   1436800200068 
   666.7     2917.0      3.948      0.083    122.329      5.256   1436800200069 
   666.7     2917.0      4.114      0.088    136.642      5.913   1436800200070 
   666.7     2917.0      4.290      0.094    145.775      5.920   1436800200071 
   666.7     2917.0      4.478      0.100    137.732      5.804   1436800200072 
   666.7     2917.0      4.679      0.107    142.787      5.618   1436800200073 
   666.7     2917.0      4.894      0.114    126.603      5.352   1436800200074 
   666.7     2917.0      5.123      0.122    117.533      5.309   1436800200075 
   666.7     2917.0      5.370      0.131    122.916      5.307   1436800200076 
   666.7     2917.0      5.634      0.141    128.982      5.548   1436800200077 
   666.7     2917.0      5.919      0.152    111.960      5.291   1436800200078 
   666.7     2917.0      6.226      0.164    104.429      5.194   1436800200079 
   666.7     2917.0      6.558      0.177     99.151      5.135   1436800200080 
   666.7     2917.0      6.917      0.192     97.823      5.113   1436800200081 
   666.7     2917.0      7.307      0.208     93.044      5.410   1436800200082 
   666.7     2917.0      7.731      0.227     90.415      5.537   1436800200083 
   666.7     2917.0      8.192      0.248    112.584      5.600   1436800200084 
   666.7     2917.0      8.697      0.271     99.946      5.388   1436800200085 
   666.7     2917.0      9.250      0.297     91.129      5.419   1436800200086 
   666.7     2917.0      9.858      0.327     88.063      5.411   1436800200087 
   666.7     2917.0     10.528      0.362     79.216      5.526   1436800200088 
   666.7     2917.0     11.269      0.401     60.358      5.332   1436800200089 
   666.7     2917.0     12.092      0.446     45.803      5.162   1436800200090 
   685.3     2250.0      2.128      0.153      4.889      2.084   1436800200091 
   685.3     2250.0      2.461      0.190    150.200      3.500   1436800200092 
   685.3     2250.0      2.879      0.241    330.900      4.400   1436800200093 
   685.3     2250.0      3.414      0.312    423.100      4.800   1436800200094 
   685.3     2250.0      3.507      0.069    448.500     10.900   1436800200095 
   685.3     2250.0      3.645      0.073    404.000     10.400   1436800200096 
   685.3     2250.0      3.792      0.078    417.400     10.100   1436800200097 
   685.3     2250.0      3.948      0.083    409.800      9.700   1436800200098 
   685.3     2250.0      4.114      0.088    471.100     10.400   1436800200099 
   685.3     2250.0      4.290      0.094    486.800     10.100   1436800200100 
   685.3     2250.0      4.478      0.100    519.600     10.200   1436800200101 
   685.3     2250.0      4.679      0.107    514.700      9.900   1436800200102 
   685.3     2250.0      4.894      0.114    496.800      9.500   1436800200103 
   685.3     2250.0      5.123      0.122    517.153      9.607   1436800200104 
   685.3     2250.0      5.370      0.131    529.821      9.768   1436800200105 
   685.3     2250.0      5.634      0.141    593.375     10.090   1436800200106 
   685.3     2250.0      5.919      0.152    573.367      9.987   1436800200107 
   685.3     2250.0      6.226      0.164    622.853     10.105   1436800200108 
   685.3     2250.0      6.558      0.177    669.063     10.313   1436800200109 
   685.3     2250.0      6.917      0.192    678.972     10.414   1436800200110 
   685.3     2250.0      7.307      0.208    735.185     11.074   1436800200111 
   685.3     2250.0      7.731      0.227    761.234     11.472   1436800200112 
   685.3     2250.0      8.192      0.248    819.979     11.783   1436800200113 
   685.3     2250.0      8.697      0.271    808.470     11.599   1436800200114 
   685.3     2250.0      9.250      0.297    834.690     11.897   1436800200115 
   685.3     2250.0      9.858      0.327    818.992     11.861   1436800200116 
   685.3     2250.0     10.528      0.362    728.141     11.738   1436800200117 
   685.3     2250.0     11.269      0.401    570.848     10.932   1436800200118 
   685.3     2250.0     12.092      0.446    431.158     10.264   1436800200119 
   685.3     2250.0     13.010      0.498    274.652      9.312   1436800200120 
   685.3     2250.0     14.037      0.558    205.787      8.651   1436800200121 
   685.3     2250.0     15.192      0.629    175.263      8.490   1436800200122 
   685.3     2250.0     16.498      0.713    123.270      8.092   1436800200123 
   685.3     2250.0     17.981      0.812    122.506      8.353   1436800200124 
   685.3     2250.0     19.676      0.931    111.135      7.914   1436800200125 
  1162.0     2727.0      2.879      0.241     15.405      2.310   1436800200126 
  1162.0     2727.0      3.414      0.312     27.684      2.806   1436800200127 
  1162.0     2727.0      3.507      0.069     29.443      6.552   1436800200128 
  1162.0     2727.0      3.645      0.073     24.305      6.289   1436800200129 
  1162.0     2727.0      3.792      0.078     26.030      6.166   1436800200130 
  1162.0     2727.0      3.948      0.083     24.661      5.866   1436800200131 
  1162.0     2727.0      4.114      0.088     32.483      6.663   1436800200132 
  1162.0     2727.0      4.290      0.094     23.455      6.559   1436800200133 
  1162.0     2727.0      4.478      0.100     20.005      6.496   1436800200134 
  1162.0     2727.0      4.679      0.107     15.239      6.271   1436800200135 
  1162.0     2727.0      4.894      0.114     21.464      6.030   1436800200136 
  1162.0     2727.0      5.123      0.122     20.693      6.206   1436800200137 
  1162.0     2727.0      5.370      0.131      1.458      6.179   1436800200138 
  1162.0     2727.0      5.634      0.141     18.312      6.387   1436800200139 
  1162.0     2727.0      5.919      0.152     18.397      6.194   1436800200140 
  1162.0     2727.0      6.226      0.164     21.504      6.325   1436800200141 
  1162.0     2727.0      6.558      0.177     16.224      6.165   1436800200142 
  1162.0     2727.0      6.917      0.192     16.811      6.234   1436800200143 
  1162.0     2727.0      7.307      0.208      9.229      6.705   1436800200144 
  1162.0     2727.0      7.731      0.227     14.283      6.803   1436800200145 
  1162.0     2727.0      8.192      0.248      9.513      6.952   1436800200146 
  1162.0     2727.0      8.697      0.271      7.545      6.602   1436800200147 
  1162.0     2727.0      9.250      0.297      1.625      6.722   1436800200148 
  1162.0     2727.0      9.858      0.327      4.534      6.769   1436800200149 
  1162.0     2727.0     10.528      0.362      0.810      6.925   1436800200150 
  1162.0     2727.0     12.092      0.446      5.923      6.614   1436800200151 
  1191.6     3542.0      3.414      0.312      5.514      2.324   1436800200152 
  1191.6     3542.0      3.507      0.069      6.439      5.457   1436800200153 
  1191.6     3542.0      3.645      0.073     12.144      5.334   1436800200154 
  1191.6     3542.0      3.792      0.078     12.427      5.352   1436800200155 
  1191.6     3542.0      3.948      0.083     23.910      5.284   1436800200156 
  1191.6     3542.0      4.114      0.088     31.186      5.962   1436800200157 
  1191.6     3542.0      4.290      0.094     37.982      6.061   1436800200158 
  1191.6     3542.0      4.478      0.100     36.761      6.001   1436800200159 
  1191.6     3542.0      4.679      0.107     46.569      5.989   1436800200160 
  1191.6     3542.0      4.894      0.114     19.449      5.479   1436800200161 
  1191.6     3542.0      5.123      0.122     29.736      5.736   1436800200162 
  1191.6     3542.0      5.370      0.131     24.971      5.819   1436800200163 
  1191.6     3542.0      5.634      0.141     33.521      5.933   1436800200164 
  1191.6     3542.0      5.919      0.152     10.572      5.568   1436800200165 
  1191.6     3542.0      6.226      0.164     12.768      5.697   1436800200166 
  1191.6     3542.0      6.558      0.177     13.590      5.704   1436800200167 
  1191.6     3542.0      6.917      0.192     15.636      5.695   1436800200168 
  1191.6     3542.0      7.307      0.208      7.963      6.049   1436800200169 
  1191.6     3542.0      7.731      0.227     11.124      6.142   1436800200170 
  1191.6     3542.0      8.192      0.248     19.154      6.183   1436800200171 
  1191.6     3542.0      8.697      0.271     14.380      6.055   1436800200172 
  1191.6     3542.0      9.250      0.297     16.190      6.100   1436800200173 
  1191.6     3542.0      9.858      0.327      7.271      6.167   1436800200174 
  1191.6     3542.0     10.528      0.362     10.738      6.233   1436800200175 
  1191.6     3542.0     11.269      0.401      4.790      6.097   1436800200176 
  1352.1     2917.0      2.879      0.241      2.295      2.343   1436800200177 
  1352.1     2917.0      3.414      0.312     28.260      2.849   1436800200178 
  1352.1     2917.0      3.507      0.069     27.517      6.725   1436800200179 
  1352.1     2917.0      3.645      0.073     36.345      6.573   1436800200180 
  1352.1     2917.0      3.792      0.078     36.024      6.446   1436800200181 
  1352.1     2917.0      3.948      0.083     35.829      6.230   1436800200182 
  1352.1     2917.0      4.114      0.088     39.943      6.986   1436800200183 
  1352.1     2917.0      4.290      0.094     35.070      6.990   1436800200184 
  1352.1     2917.0      4.478      0.100     31.412      6.929   1436800200185 
  1352.1     2917.0      4.679      0.107     37.841      6.892   1436800200186 
  1352.1     2917.0      4.894      0.114     42.991      6.626   1436800200187 
  1352.1     2917.0      5.123      0.122     25.045      6.606   1436800200188 
  1352.1     2917.0      5.370      0.131     19.689      6.699   1436800200189 
  1352.1     2917.0      5.634      0.141     30.240      6.909   1436800200190 
  1352.1     2917.0      5.919      0.152     24.464      6.807   1436800200191 
  1352.1     2917.0      6.226      0.164     24.736      6.761   1436800200192 
  1352.1     2917.0      6.558      0.177     16.649      6.673   1436800200193 
  1352.1     2917.0      6.917      0.192     19.566      6.668   1436800200194 
  1352.1     2917.0      7.307      0.208     29.352      7.245   1436800200195 
  1352.1     2917.0      7.731      0.227     10.215      7.290   1436800200196 
  1352.1     2917.0      8.192      0.248     36.948      7.540   1436800200197 
  1352.1     2917.0      8.697      0.271     22.804      7.365   1436800200198 
  1352.1     2917.0      9.250      0.297     12.634      7.396   1436800200199 
  1352.1     2917.0      9.858      0.327     19.375      7.301   1436800200200 
  1352.1     2917.0     10.528      0.362     26.633      7.552   1436800200201 
  1352.1     2917.0     11.269      0.401     14.318      7.159   1436800200202 
  1352.1     2917.0     12.092      0.446     18.772      7.053   1436800200203 
  1564.8     1565.0      1.454      0.086      4.222      1.113   1436800200204 
  1564.8     1565.0      1.638      0.103    292.500      4.200   1436800200205 
  1564.8     1565.0      1.859      0.125    880.500      6.600   1436800200206 
  1564.8     1565.0      2.128      0.153   1070.900      6.800   1436800200207 
  1564.8     1565.0      2.461      0.190   1466.700      7.700   1436800200208 
  1564.8     1565.0      2.879      0.241   1634.500      7.900   1436800200209 
  1564.8     1565.0      3.414      0.312   1785.200      8.100   1436800200210 
  1564.8     1565.0      3.645      0.073   1816.800     17.500   1436800200211 
  1564.8     1565.0      3.792      0.078   1731.400     16.300   1436800200212 
  1564.8     1565.0      3.948      0.083   1700.200     15.800   1436800200213 
  1564.8     1565.0      4.114      0.088   1945.900     17.200   1436800200214 
  1564.8     1565.0      4.290      0.094   1881.900     16.900   1436800200215 
  1564.8     1565.0      4.478      0.100   1908.615     16.813   1436800200216 
  1564.8     1565.0      4.679      0.107   1827.743     16.359   1436800200217 
  1564.8     1565.0      4.894      0.114   1715.595     15.528   1436800200218 
  1564.8     1565.0      5.123      0.122   1750.568     15.672   1436800200219 
  1564.8     1565.0      5.370      0.131   1793.596     15.858   1436800200220 
  1564.8     1565.0      5.634      0.141   1875.094     16.324   1436800200221 
  1564.8     1565.0      5.919      0.152   1745.542     15.645   1436800200222 
  1564.8     1565.0      6.226      0.164   1754.801     15.756   1436800200223 
  1564.8     1565.0      6.558      0.177   1767.544     15.747   1436800200224 
  1564.8     1565.0      6.917      0.192   1763.143     15.717   1436800200225 
  1564.8     1565.0      7.307      0.208   1834.108     16.553   1436800200226 
  1564.8     1565.0      7.731      0.227   1854.428     16.852   1436800200227 
  1564.8     1565.0      8.192      0.248   1950.645     17.150   1436800200228 
  1564.8     1565.0      8.697      0.271   1915.674     16.894   1436800200229 
  1564.8     1565.0      9.250      0.297   1935.101     17.279   1436800200230 
  1564.8     1565.0      9.858      0.327   1813.176     17.086   1436800200231 
  1564.8     1565.0     10.528      0.362   1712.777     17.115   1436800200232 
  1564.8     1565.0     11.269      0.401   1315.194     15.557   1436800200233 
  1564.8     1565.0     12.092      0.446    944.044     13.793   1436800200234 
  1564.8     1565.0     13.010      0.498    675.502     12.364   1436800200235 
  1564.8     1565.0     14.037      0.558    493.615     11.017   1436800200236 
  1564.8     1565.0     15.192      0.629    388.902     10.234   1436800200237 
  1564.8     1565.0     16.498      0.713    328.082      9.788   1436800200238 
  1564.8     1565.0     17.981      0.812    306.978      9.845   1436800200239 
  1564.8     1565.0     19.676      0.931    256.972      9.231   1436800200240 
  1763.5     3328.0      2.879      0.241      1.370      1.684   1436800200241 
  1763.5     3328.0      3.414      0.312      8.424      2.358   1436800200242 
  1763.5     3328.0      3.507      0.069     20.440      5.936   1436800200243 
  1763.5     3328.0      3.645      0.073     37.342      6.085   1436800200244 
  1763.5     3328.0      3.792      0.078     44.942      6.266   1436800200245 
  1763.5     3328.0      3.948      0.083     40.924      6.311   1436800200246 
  1763.5     3328.0      4.114      0.088     48.758      7.146   1436800200247 
  1763.5     3328.0      4.290      0.094     34.624      7.036   1436800200248 
  1763.5     3328.0      4.478      0.100     52.672      7.097   1436800200249 
  1763.5     3328.0      4.679      0.107     33.829      6.699   1436800200250 
  1763.5     3328.0      4.894      0.114     34.989      6.559   1436800200251 
  1763.5     3328.0      5.123      0.122     46.714      6.781   1436800200252 
  1763.5     3328.0      5.370      0.131     50.519      7.119   1436800200253 
  1763.5     3328.0      5.634      0.141     42.257      7.246   1436800200254 
  1763.5     3328.0      5.919      0.152     47.082      7.280   1436800200255 
  1763.5     3328.0      6.226      0.164     37.978      7.204   1436800200256 
  1763.5     3328.0      6.558      0.177     48.243      7.213   1436800200257 
  1763.5     3328.0      6.917      0.192     45.508      7.329   1436800200258 
  1763.5     3328.0      7.307      0.208     38.149      7.891   1436800200259 
  1763.5     3328.0      7.731      0.227     31.172      8.037   1436800200260 
  1763.5     3328.0      8.192      0.248     37.211      8.054   1436800200261 
  1763.5     3328.0      8.697      0.271     48.298      7.911   1436800200262 
  1763.5     3328.0      9.250      0.297     49.882      8.145   1436800200263 
  1763.5     3328.0      9.858      0.327     53.118      8.292   1436800200264 
  1763.5     3328.0     10.528      0.362     55.172      8.546   1436800200265 
  1763.5     3328.0     11.269      0.401     45.169      8.263   1436800200266 
  1763.5     3328.0     12.092      0.446     23.983      7.994   1436800200267 
  1814.1     4064.0      5.123      0.122      1.750      5.400   1436800200268 
  1814.1     4064.0      5.370      0.131      5.950      5.720   1436800200269 
  1814.1     4064.0      5.634      0.141     12.756      5.937   1436800200270 
  1814.1     4064.0      5.919      0.152      7.811      5.723   1436800200271 
  1814.1     4064.0      6.226      0.164      9.225      5.903   1436800200272 
  1814.1     4064.0      6.558      0.177     26.316      6.047   1436800200273 
  1814.1     4064.0      6.917      0.192     19.973      6.177   1436800200274 
  1814.1     4064.0      7.307      0.208     41.391      6.967   1436800200275 
  1814.1     4064.0      7.731      0.227     38.097      7.068   1436800200276 
  1814.1     4064.0      8.192      0.248     42.607      7.091   1436800200277 
  1814.1     4064.0      8.697      0.271     37.400      6.953   1436800200278 
  1814.1     4064.0      9.250      0.297     47.899      7.170   1436800200279 
  1814.1     4064.0      9.858      0.327     65.153      7.384   1436800200280 
  1814.1     4064.0     10.528      0.362     53.053      7.636   1436800200281 
  1814.1     4064.0     11.269      0.401     51.292      7.461   1436800200282 
  1814.1     4064.0     12.092      0.446     39.209      7.251   1436800200283 
  1814.1     4064.0     13.010      0.498     19.563      7.043   1436800200284 
  1814.1     4064.0     14.037      0.558     28.291      6.896   1436800200285 
  1814.1     4064.0     15.192      0.629     21.945      6.920   1436800200286 
  1814.1     4064.0     16.498      0.713     14.505      6.918   1436800200287 
  1814.1     4064.0     17.981      0.812     30.616      7.399   1436800200288 
  1814.1     4064.0     19.676      0.931      0.789      6.781   1436800200289 
  1976.9     3542.0      3.414      0.312      0.902      1.599   1436800200290 
  1976.9     3542.0      3.645      0.073      3.821      3.979   1436800200291 
  1976.9     3542.0      3.792      0.078     14.716      4.142   1436800200292 
  1976.9     3542.0      3.948      0.083     19.682      4.231   1436800200293 
  1976.9     3542.0      4.114      0.088     21.594      4.889   1436800200294 
  1976.9     3542.0      4.290      0.094     21.765      4.905   1436800200295 
  1976.9     3542.0      4.478      0.100     26.608      4.862   1436800200296 
  1976.9     3542.0      4.679      0.107     21.715      4.774   1436800200297 
  1976.9     3542.0      4.894      0.114     17.042      4.570   1436800200298 
  1976.9     3542.0      5.123      0.122     17.141      4.769   1436800200299 
  1976.9     3542.0      5.370      0.131     20.196      4.754   1436800200300 
  1976.9     3542.0      5.634      0.141     11.234      4.924   1436800200301 
  1976.9     3542.0      5.919      0.152     15.104      4.858   1436800200302 
  1976.9     3542.0      6.226      0.164     12.413      5.010   1436800200303 
  1976.9     3542.0      6.558      0.177      5.628      4.824   1436800200304 
  1976.9     3542.0      6.917      0.192      7.158      4.806   1436800200305 
  1976.9     3542.0      7.307      0.208     13.362      5.287   1436800200306 
  1976.9     3542.0      7.731      0.227      6.191      5.344   1436800200307 
  1976.9     3542.0      8.697      0.271     10.183      5.206   1436800200308 
  1976.9     3542.0      9.858      0.327      3.152      5.319   1436800200309 
  1976.9     3542.0     10.528      0.362      1.936      5.581   1436800200310 
  1976.9     3542.0     11.269      0.401      4.891      5.287   1436800200311 
  1976.9     3542.0     12.092      0.446      5.481      5.329   1436800200312 
  2018.8     3584.0      3.414      0.312      0.144      2.441   1436800200313 
  2018.8     3584.0      3.507      0.069      5.114      5.985   1436800200314 
  2018.8     3584.0      3.645      0.073      5.077      5.892   1436800200315 
  2018.8     3584.0      3.792      0.078     26.982      6.317   1436800200316 
  2018.8     3584.0      3.948      0.083     51.484      6.598   1436800200317 
  2018.8     3584.0      4.114      0.088     71.936      7.568   1436800200318 
  2018.8     3584.0      4.290      0.094     73.262      7.579   1436800200319 
  2018.8     3584.0      4.478      0.100     87.968      7.831   1436800200320 
  2018.8     3584.0      4.679      0.107     57.906      7.361   1436800200321 
  2018.8     3584.0      4.894      0.114     72.907      7.389   1436800200322 
  2018.8     3584.0      5.123      0.122     62.831      7.523   1436800200323 
  2018.8     3584.0      5.370      0.131     51.330      7.659   1436800200324 
  2018.8     3584.0      5.634      0.141     53.427      7.808   1436800200325 
  2018.8     3584.0      5.919      0.152     71.744      7.864   1436800200326 
  2018.8     3584.0      6.226      0.164     73.347      8.038   1436800200327 
  2018.8     3584.0      6.558      0.177     56.665      7.942   1436800200328 
  2018.8     3584.0      6.917      0.192     57.520      7.901   1436800200329 
  2018.8     3584.0      7.307      0.208     56.974      8.738   1436800200330 
  2018.8     3584.0      7.731      0.227     63.442      8.862   1436800200331 
  2018.8     3584.0      8.192      0.248     91.202      9.084   1436800200332 
  2018.8     3584.0      8.697      0.271     70.668      8.834   1436800200333 
  2018.8     3584.0      9.250      0.297     70.931      9.089   1436800200334 
  2018.8     3584.0      9.858      0.327     66.070      9.134   1436800200335 
  2018.8     3584.0     10.528      0.362     80.529      9.391   1436800200336 
  2018.8     3584.0     11.269      0.401     65.235      8.989   1436800200337 
  2018.8     3584.0     12.092      0.446     29.961      8.784   1436800200338 
  3010.0     3010.0      3.414      0.312     70.760      2.662   1436800200339 
  3010.0     3010.0      3.645      0.073    109.883      6.953   1436800200340 
  3010.0     3010.0      3.792      0.078     92.957      6.924   1436800200341 
  3010.0     3010.0      3.948      0.083     97.177      7.156   1436800200342 
  3010.0     3010.0      4.114      0.088     93.359      7.753   1436800200343 
  3010.0     3010.0      4.290      0.094     71.865      7.960   1436800200344 
  3010.0     3010.0      4.478      0.100     72.486      8.296   1436800200345 
  3010.0     3010.0      4.679      0.107     71.940      8.124   1436800200346 
  3010.0     3010.0      4.894      0.114     78.502      8.414   1436800200347 
  3010.0     3010.0      5.123      0.122     86.227      8.659   1436800200348 
  3010.0     3010.0      5.370      0.131     66.727      9.037   1436800200349 
  3010.0     3010.0      5.634      0.141     59.939      9.411   1436800200350 
  3010.0     3010.0      5.919      0.152     67.394      9.261   1436800200351 
  3010.0     3010.0      6.226      0.164     48.165      9.694   1436800200352 
  3010.0     3010.0      6.558      0.177     46.797      9.760   1436800200353 
  3010.0     3010.0      6.917      0.192     55.484     10.133   1436800200354 
  3010.0     3010.0      7.307      0.208     49.463     10.956   1436800200355 
  3010.0     3010.0      7.731      0.227     43.283     11.311   1436800200356 
  3010.0     3010.0      8.192      0.248     23.713     11.664   1436800200357 
  3010.0     3010.0      8.697      0.271     60.059     11.510   1436800200358 
  3010.0     3010.0      9.250      0.297     59.815     11.939   1436800200359 
  3010.0     3010.0      9.858      0.327     19.922     12.115   1436800200360 
  3010.0     3010.0     10.528      0.362     39.552     12.457   1436800200361 
  3010.0     3010.0     11.269      0.401     33.782     12.284   1436800200362 
  3010.0     3010.0     12.092      0.446      0.234     11.465   1436800200363 
ENDDATA            355          0                                 1436800200364 
ENDSUBENT          363          0                                 1436800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1436899999999