ENTRY            14384   20140403                             13991438400000001 
SUBENT        14384001   20140403                             13991438400100001 
BIB                 10         39                                 1438400100002 
TITLE      A new neutron counter for fission research             1438400100003 
AUTHOR     (B.Laurent,T.Granier,G.Belier,A.Chatillon,J.-F.Martin, 1438400100004 
           J.Taieb,F.-J.Hambsch,F.Tovesson,A.B.Laptev,R.C.Haight, 1438400100005 
           R.O.Nelson,J.M.O'Donnell)                              1438400100006 
INSTITUTE  (2FR BRC,2ZZZGEL,1USALAS)                              1438400100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/A,745,99,2014)                                  1438400100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment performed at the 800 MeV    1438400100009 
           proton linac of the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center    1438400100010 
           at LANSCE                                              1438400100011 
SAMPLE     Thin deposit containing 1mg of 238U. Sample was        1438400100012 
           placed inside of the ionization chamber.               1438400100013 
DETECTOR   (HE3SP) Neutron detector consists of 30 cylindrical 3He1438400100014 
           proportional counters arranged in two concentric       1438400100015 
           rings within a high-density polyethylene matrix.       1438400100016 
           Twelve 3He tubes with a diameter of 2.54cm,an active   1438400100017 
           length of 30 cm and 10 bar of gas pressure, and        1438400100018 
           eighteen tubes with a diameter of 2.54cm, an active    1438400100019 
           length of 45cm and 4 bar of gas pressure were used in  1438400100020 
           this setup. The inner detector ring corresponds to a   1438400100021 
           13.5 cm radius and is composed of twelve high          1438400100022 
           pressure and six low pressure tubes.The twelve         1438400100023 
           remaining lower pressure tubes constitute the second   1438400100024 
           ring which has a 19 cm radius. The polyethylene        1438400100025 
           matrix is a rectangular block with a square section    1438400100026 
           of 50 cm side and 75 cm long                           1438400100027 
           (IOCH) Both fission fragments were detected by a       1438400100028 
           double Frisch- gridded ionization chamber, with        1438400100029 
           contained 238U sample                                  1438400100030 
METHOD     (TOF) Energy of primary neutrons was determined by time1438400100031 
           of flight. Neutron flight path was about 10 m. The     1438400100032 
           proton beam was delivered in subnanosecond micropulses 1438400100033 
           emitted every 1.8 mu-s within macropulses of 625 mu-s  1438400100034 
           long at a 40Hz repetition rate                         1438400100035 
INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Spallation neutrons were produced by a pulsed  1438400100036 
           800 MeV proton beam with a repetition rate of 20 Hz    1438400100037 
           impinging on a pair of tungsten targets. Neutrons are  1438400100038 
           reflected by the moderator and travel down a 20.2-m    1438400100039 
           flight path to the target location.                    1438400100040 
HISTORY    (20140403C) Compiled by S.H.                           1438400100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 1438400100042 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1438400100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 1438400199999 
SUBENT        14384002   20140403                             13991438400200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 1438400200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F),PR,NU)                                  1438400200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 13 of the reference     1438400200004 
                sent by author (B.L.)                             1438400200005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        1438400200006 
ANALYSIS   Prompt fission neutron multiplicity is given by the    1438400200007 
           integral of the background subtracted spectrum         1438400200008 
           divided by the detection efficiency.                   1438400200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1438400200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1438400200011 
DATA                 3         21                                 1438400200012 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1438400200013 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     1438400200014 
    1.39057    2.50296   0.355338                                 1438400200015 
    1.58525    2.89963   0.249436                                 1438400200016 
    1.80719    2.47254   0.208494                                 1438400200017 
    2.06019    2.77328   0.196131                                 1438400200018 
    2.34862    2.76306   0.185854                                 1438400200019 
    2.67743    2.64286   0.185945                                 1438400200020 
    3.05227    2.61352   0.181496                                 1438400200021 
    3.47958    2.33066   0.186384                                 1438400200022 
    3.96673    2.78304   0.171980                                 1438400200023 
    4.52207    2.92825   0.167301                                 1438400200024 
    5.15516    2.87890   0.159823                                 1438400200025 
    5.87688    3.19902   0.154175                                 1438400200026 
    6.69964    3.29485   0.128396                                 1438400200027 
    7.63759    3.52655   0.134278                                 1438400200028 
    8.70686    3.68242   0.136136                                 1438400200029 
    9.92582    3.86793   0.145246                                 1438400200030 
    11.3154    3.81355   0.155891                                 1438400200031 
    12.8996    4.39874   0.160402                                 1438400200032 
    14.7055    4.69169   0.158944                                 1438400200033 
    16.7643    4.87619   0.154534                                 1438400200034 
    19.1113    5.20817   0.153385                                 1438400200035 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 1438400200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 1438400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1438499999999