ENTRY            14451   20220505                             14971445100000001 
SUBENT        14451001   20220505                             14971445100100001 
BIB                 11         44                                 1445100100002 
TITLE      54Fe neutron elastic and inelastic scattering          1445100100003 
           differential cross sections from 2 - 6 MeV             1445100100004 
COMMENT    Original title in EPJ/CS reference:                    1445100100005 
           Studies of 54,56Fe Neutron Scattering Cross Sections   1445100100006 
AUTHOR     (J.R.Vanhoy,S.H.Liu,S.F.Hicks,B.M.Combs,B.P.Crider,    1445100100007 
           A.J.French,E.A.Garza,T.Harrison,S.L.Henderson,         1445100100008 
           T.J.Howard,M.T.McEllistrem,S.Nigam,R.L.Pecha,          1445100100009 
           E.E.Peters,F.M.Prados-Estevez,A.P.D.Ramirez,B.G.Rice,  1445100100010 
           T.J.Ross,Z.C.Santonil,L.C.Sidwell,J.L.Steves,          1445100100011 
           B.K.Thompson,S.W.Yates)                                1445100100012 
           Preliminary EPJ/CS paper author list                   1445100100013 
           S.F.Hicks,J.R.Vanhoy,A.J.French,S.L.Henderson,         1445100100014 
           T.J.Howard,R.L.Pecha,Z.C.Santonil,B.P.Crider,S.Liu,    1445100100015 
           M.T.McEllistrem,E.E.Peters,F.M.Prados-Estevez,         1445100100016 
           T.J.Ross,S.W.Yates                                     1445100100017 
INSTITUTE  (1USADLS,1USAANA,1USAKTY)                              1445100100018 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,972,107,2018) Main reference                   1445100100019 
           (J,EPJ/CS,93,02002,2015) Preliminary data              1445100100020 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USAKTY) Protons or deuterons were accelerated    1445100100021 
           using a 7 MV CN Van de Graaff accelerator at the       1445100100022 
           University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory          1445100100023 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scattered neutrons were detected with an 11.5   1445100100024 
           cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick C6D6 liquid scintillator, 1445100100025 
           which permitted pulse shape discrimination and         1445100100026 
           rejection of gamma rays                                1445100100027 
METHOD     (TOF) Time of flight method was used for determination 1445100100028 
           of incident neutron energy. Chopper and bunching       1445100100029 
           system were used to produce a 1.875 MHz pulsed beam    1445100100030 
           that was bunched to 1 ns.                              1445100100031 
INC-SOURCE (P-T,D-D) Gas cell was used for neutron production.    1445100100032 
           The tritium or deuterium gas is held in a stainless    1445100100033 
           steel gas cell 3cm long and 0.8 cm in diameter. An     1445100100034 
           entrance foil of 3.5 micron molybendum is used to      1445100100035 
           separate the beamline vacuum from the  cca 700torr     1445100100036 
           pressure in the cell. The cell is lined with tantalum  1445100100037 
           foil and stopper to prevent neutron production in      1445100100038 
           the stainless steel.                                   1445100100039 
CORRECTION Cross sections were corrected for multiple scattering  1445100100040 
           and neutron attenuation using MULCAT code.             1445100100041 
HISTORY    (20160727C) Compiled by S.H. preliminary data          1445100100042 
           (20190202A) S.H. Updated from main reference  NP/A     1445100100043 
                            Added subentries 6-8                  1445100100044 
           (20210901A) S.H. In subentries 6-8 changed units       1445100100045 
                       from mb/sr to correct b/sr                 1445100100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 1445100100047 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1445100100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 1445100199999 
SUBENT        14451002   20190522                             14501445100200001 
BIB                  6         10                                 1445100200002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(N,INL)26-FE-54,PAR,SIG,G,REL)                1445100200003 
SAMPLE     (26-FE-54,ENR=0.976)  Enriched sample in form of       1445100200004 
             right circular cylinder with dimensions              1445100200005 
             diameter 1.5 cm, height = 1.5 cm and mass 18.045 g   1445100200006 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) High purity Ge detector was used for gamma ray  1445100200007 
           measurements                                           1445100200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties                      1445100200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of the EPJ/CS         1445100200010 
                   reference sent by author (S.F.H.)              1445100200011 
HISTORY    (20190202A) S.H. BIB section updated                   1445100200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 1445100200013 
COMMON               2          3                                 1445100200014 
E          E-LVL-INI                                              1445100200015 
KEV        KEV                                                    1445100200016 
1129.      2538.                                                  1445100200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1445100200018 
DATA                 3         11                                 1445100200019 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1445100200020 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   1445100200021 
        2.7      1101.        48.                                 1445100200022 
        2.9      1796.        41.                                 1445100200023 
        3.1      3468.        63.                                 1445100200024 
        3.3      4021.        66.                                 1445100200025 
        3.5      4904.        63.                                 1445100200026 
        3.7      6070.        81.                                 1445100200027 
        3.9      7474.        92.                                 1445100200028 
        4.1      8176.       118.                                 1445100200029 
        4.3      7827.       124.                                 1445100200030 
        4.5      8132.       120.                                 1445100200031 
        4.7      7407.        33.                                 1445100200032 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 1445100200033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 1445100299999 
SUBENT        14451003   20190522                             14501445100300001 
BIB                  7         12                                 1445100300002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(N,EL)26-FE-0,,DA)                             1445100300003 
SAMPLE     Natural Fe sample                                      1445100300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 5 of the EPJ/CS         1445100300005 
                   reference sent by author (S.H.)                1445100300006 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1445100300007 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scattered neutrons were detected with an 11.5   1445100300008 
           cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick C6D6 liquid scintillator, 1445100300009 
           which permitted pulse shape discrimination and         1445100300010 
           rejection of gamma rays                                1445100300011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   1445100300012 
                      Total uncertainty according to author       1445100300013 
HISTORY    (20190202A) S.H. BIB section updated                   1445100300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1445100300015 
COMMON               1          3                                 1445100300016 
EN                                                                1445100300017 
MEV                                                               1445100300018 
1.75                                                              1445100300019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1445100300020 
DATA                 3         12                                 1445100300021 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    1445100300022 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       1445100300023 
        30.      497.9       25.5                                 1445100300024 
        40.      351.6       17.0                                 1445100300025 
        50.      219.1        9.8                                 1445100300026 
        60.      127.8        5.3                                 1445100300027 
        70.       77.8        3.1                                 1445100300028 
        80.       62.3        2.5                                 1445100300029 
        90.       66.8        2.7                                 1445100300030 
       100.       81.6        3.4                                 1445100300031 
       110.      100.2        4.2                                 1445100300032 
       120.      116.9        5.0                                 1445100300033 
       130.      131.9        5.7                                 1445100300034 
       140.      139.8        6.1                                 1445100300035 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 1445100300036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 1445100399999 
SUBENT        14451004   20190522                             14501445100400001 
BIB                  7         12                                 1445100400002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,,DA)                          1445100400003 
SAMPLE     Natural Fe sample                                      1445100400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 6 of EPJ/CS reference   1445100400005 
                   sent by author (S.F.H.)                        1445100400006 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1445100400007 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scattered neutrons were detected with an 11.5   1445100400008 
           cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick C6D6 liquid scintillator, 1445100400009 
           which permitted pulse shape discrimination and         1445100400010 
           rejection of gamma rays                                1445100400011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   1445100400012 
                      Total uncertainty according to author       1445100400013 
HISTORY    (20190202A) S.H. BIB section updated                   1445100400014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1445100400015 
COMMON               1          3                                 1445100400016 
EN                                                                1445100400017 
MEV                                                               1445100400018 
1.75                                                              1445100400019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1445100400020 
DATA                 3         12                                 1445100400021 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    1445100400022 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       1445100400023 
        30.       51.4        2.0                                 1445100400024 
        40.       51.0        2.0                                 1445100400025 
        50.       50.5        2.0                                 1445100400026 
        60.       47.0        1.8                                 1445100400027 
        70.       46.3        1.8                                 1445100400028 
        80.       49.2        1.9                                 1445100400029 
        90.       46.6        1.8                                 1445100400030 
       100.       42.2        1.7                                 1445100400031 
       110.       40.7        1.6                                 1445100400032 
       120.       40.2        1.6                                 1445100400033 
       130.       38.5        1.5                                 1445100400034 
       140.       36.6        1.4                                 1445100400035 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 1445100400036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 1445100499999 
SUBENT        14451005   20190522                             14501445100500001 
BIB                  8         11                                 1445100500002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG)                      1445100500003 
SAMPLE     Natural Fe sample                                      1445100500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the EPJ/CS         1445100500005 
                   reference sent by author (S.F.H.)              1445100500006 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) High purity Ge detector was used for gamma ray  1445100500007 
           measurements                                           1445100500008 
ANALYSIS   Neutron scattering cross sections were deduced from    1445100500009 
           gamma-ray production cross sections                    1445100500010 
PART-DET   (G)                                                    1445100500011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties                      1445100500012 
HISTORY    (20190202A) S.H. BIB section updated                   1445100500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 1445100500014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1445100500015 
DATA                 4         30                                 1445100500016 
E-LVL      EN         DATA       ERR-S                            1445100500017 
KEV        MEV        B          B                                1445100500018 
       846.        1.5       0.45       0.12                      1445100500019 
       846.        1.7       0.53       0.14                      1445100500020 
       846.        1.9       0.63       0.17                      1445100500021 
       846.        2.1       0.94       0.25                      1445100500022 
       846.        2.3       1.16       0.32                      1445100500023 
       846.        2.5       1.24       0.34                      1445100500024 
       846.        2.7       1.14       0.31                      1445100500025 
       846.        2.9       1.21       0.33                      1445100500026 
       846.        3.1       1.07       0.29                      1445100500027 
       846.        3.3       0.80       0.22                      1445100500028 
       846.        3.5       0.60       0.16                      1445100500029 
       846.        3.7       0.69       0.19                      1445100500030 
       846.        3.9       0.65       0.18                      1445100500031 
       846.        4.1       0.58       0.16                      1445100500032 
       846.        4.3       0.46       0.13                      1445100500033 
       846.        4.5       0.48       0.13                      1445100500034 
       846.        4.7       0.42       0.11                      1445100500035 
      2085.        2.3       0.02       0.01                      1445100500036 
      2085.        2.5       0.07       0.02                      1445100500037 
      2085.        2.7       0.12       0.03                      1445100500038 
      2085.        2.9       0.16       0.04                      1445100500039 
      2085.        3.1       0.19       0.05                      1445100500040 
      2085.        3.3       0.19       0.05                      1445100500041 
      2085.        3.5       0.17       0.05                      1445100500042 
      2085.        3.7       0.18       0.05                      1445100500043 
      2085.        3.9       0.19       0.05                      1445100500044 
      2085.        4.1       0.20       0.05                      1445100500045 
      2085.        4.3       0.19       0.05                      1445100500046 
      2085.        4.5       0.16       0.04                      1445100500047 
      2085.        4.7       0.16       0.04                      1445100500048 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 1445100500049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 1445100599999 
SUBENT        14451006   20220109                             14971445100600001 
BIB                  7         15                                 1445100600002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(N,INL)26-FE-54,PAR,DA)                       1445100600003 
SAMPLE     (26-FE-54,ENR=0.976)  Enriched sample in form of       1445100600004 
             right circular cylinder with dimensions              1445100600005 
             diameter 1.5 cm, height = 1.5 cm and mass 18.045 g   1445100600006 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1445100600007 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scattered neutrons were detected with an 11.5   1445100600008 
           cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick C6D6 liquid scintillator, 1445100600009 
           which permitted pulse shape discrimination and         1445100600010 
           rejection of gamma rays                                1445100600011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   1445100600012 
                      Total uncertainty according to author       1445100600013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 6 of the main reference 1445100600014 
                   sent by author (J.V.)                          1445100600015 
HISTORY    (20190202C) S.H.                                       1445100600016 
           (20210901A) S.H. units changed from mb/s to b/sr       1445100600017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 1445100600018 
COMMON               1          3                                 1445100600019 
E-LVL                                                             1445100600020 
MEV                                                               1445100600021 
1.408                                                             1445100600022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1445100600023 
DATA                 4        107                                 1445100600024 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         1445100600025 
MEV        ADEG       B/SR       B/SR                             1445100600026 
       2.25       30.9     0.0509     0.0042                      1445100600027 
       2.25       36.0     0.0484     0.0040                      1445100600028 
       2.25       41.1     0.0484     0.0040                      1445100600029 
       2.25       51.4     0.0496     0.0041                      1445100600030 
       2.25       61.5     0.0458     0.0038                      1445100600031 
       2.25       71.7     0.0445     0.0037                      1445100600032 
       2.25       81.8     0.0485     0.0040                      1445100600033 
       2.25       91.8     0.0435     0.0036                      1445100600034 
       2.25      101.8     0.0406     0.0034                      1445100600035 
       2.25      111.7     0.0429     0.0036                      1445100600036 
       2.25      121.5     0.0419     0.0035                      1445100600037 
       2.25      131.4     0.0408     0.0034                      1445100600038 
       2.25      141.1     0.0449     0.0038                      1445100600039 
       2.25      150.9     0.0488     0.0040                      1445100600040 
        2.5       30.5     0.0456     0.0040                      1445100600041 
        2.5       35.6     0.0456     0.0040                      1445100600042 
        2.5       40.7     0.0469     0.0041                      1445100600043 
        2.5       50.8     0.0509     0.0045                      1445100600044 
        2.5       60.9     0.0513     0.0045                      1445100600045 
        2.5       71.0     0.0522     0.0046                      1445100600046 
        2.5       81.1     0.0530     0.0047                      1445100600047 
        2.5       91.1     0.0535     0.0047                      1445100600048 
        2.5      101.1     0.0547     0.0048                      1445100600049 
        2.5      111.0     0.0546     0.0048                      1445100600050 
        2.5      120.9     0.0552     0.0049                      1445100600051 
        2.5      130.8     0.0522     0.0046                      1445100600052 
        2.5      140.7     0.0512     0.0045                      1445100600053 
        2.5      150.5     0.0498     0.0044                      1445100600054 
       2.75       30.5     0.0513     0.0043                      1445100600055 
       2.75       35.6     0.0511     0.0043                      1445100600056 
       2.75       40.7     0.0533     0.0044                      1445100600057 
       2.75       45.8     0.0539     0.0045                      1445100600058 
       2.75       50.8     0.0528     0.0044                      1445100600059 
       2.75       60.9     0.0503     0.0042                      1445100600060 
       2.75       81.1     0.0502     0.0042                      1445100600061 
       2.75       91.1     0.0503     0.0042                      1445100600062 
       2.75      101.1     0.0523     0.0044                      1445100600063 
       2.75      111.0     0.0546     0.0045                      1445100600064 
       2.75      120.9     0.0574     0.0048                      1445100600065 
       2.75      130.8     0.0554     0.0046                      1445100600066 
       2.75      140.7     0.0605     0.0050                      1445100600067 
       2.75      150.5     0.0593     0.0049                      1445100600068 
         3.       61.3     0.0483     0.0044                      1445100600069 
         3.       71.4     0.0481     0.0044                      1445100600070 
         3.       81.5     0.0472     0.0043                      1445100600071 
         3.       91.5     0.0465     0.0042                      1445100600072 
         3.      101.5     0.0474     0.0043                      1445100600073 
         3.      111.4     0.0470     0.0043                      1445100600074 
         3.      121.3     0.0455     0.0041                      1445100600075 
         3.      131.1     0.0476     0.0043                      1445100600076 
         3.      141.0     0.0478     0.0044                      1445100600077 
         3.      153.7     0.0496     0.0045                      1445100600078 
        3.5       30.7     0.0324     0.0023                      1445100600079 
        3.5       40.9     0.0323     0.0023                      1445100600080 
        3.5       51.1     0.0308     0.0021                      1445100600081 
        3.5       61.2     0.0287     0.0020                      1445100600082 
        3.5       71.3     0.0296     0.0021                      1445100600083 
        3.5       81.4     0.0290     0.0020                      1445100600084 
        3.5       91.4     0.0282     0.0020                      1445100600085 
        3.5      101.4     0.0305     0.0021                      1445100600086 
        3.5      111.3     0.0294     0.0020                      1445100600087 
        3.5      121.2     0.0299     0.0021                      1445100600088 
        3.5      131.1     0.0286     0.0020                      1445100600089 
        3.5      140.9     0.0260     0.0018                      1445100600090 
        3.5      150.7     0.0280     0.0026                      1445100600091 
         4.       30.5     0.0241     0.0020                      1445100600092 
         4.       35.6     0.0254     0.0021                      1445100600093 
         4.       40.7     0.0278     0.0023                      1445100600094 
         4.       50.8     0.0255     0.0021                      1445100600095 
         4.       60.9     0.0269     0.0022                      1445100600096 
         4.       66.0     0.0264     0.0022                      1445100600097 
         4.       71.0     0.0263     0.0022                      1445100600098 
         4.       81.1     0.0258     0.0021                      1445100600099 
         4.       91.1     0.0249     0.0021                      1445100600100 
         4.      101.1     0.0242     0.0020                      1445100600101 
         4.      111.0     0.0256     0.0021                      1445100600102 
         4.      120.9     0.0259     0.0022                      1445100600103 
         4.      130.8     0.0266     0.0022                      1445100600104 
         4.      140.7     0.0262     0.0022                      1445100600105 
         4.      153.5     0.0271     0.0023                      1445100600106 
         5.       30.5     0.0268     0.0048                      1445100600107 
         5.       35.6     0.0215     0.0027                      1445100600108 
         5.       40.7     0.0207     0.0020                      1445100600109 
         5.       50.8     0.0193     0.0016                      1445100600110 
         5.       60.9     0.0168     0.0017                      1445100600111 
         5.       71.0     0.0157     0.0017                      1445100600112 
         5.       81.1     0.0153     0.0015                      1445100600113 
         5.       91.1     0.0159     0.0013                      1445100600114 
         5.      101.1     0.0169     0.0014                      1445100600115 
         5.      111.0     0.0190     0.0016                      1445100600116 
         5.      120.9     0.0212     0.0018                      1445100600117 
         5.      130.8     0.0195     0.0016                      1445100600118 
         5.      140.7     0.0200     0.0017                      1445100600119 
         5.      150.5     0.0191     0.0016                      1445100600120 
         6.       30.5     0.0225     0.0027                      1445100600121 
         6.       35.6     0.0192     0.0015                      1445100600122 
         6.       45.8     0.0149     0.0012                      1445100600123 
         6.       50.8     0.0124     0.0010                      1445100600124 
         6.       60.9     0.0095     0.0008                      1445100600125 
         6.       76.0     0.0082     0.0007                      1445100600126 
         6.       91.1     0.0085     0.0007                      1445100600127 
         6.      101.1     0.0097     0.0008                      1445100600128 
         6.      111.0     0.0112     0.0009                      1445100600129 
         6.      120.9     0.0116     0.0010                      1445100600130 
         6.      130.8     0.0116     0.0010                      1445100600131 
         6.      140.7     0.0104     0.0009                      1445100600132 
         6.      150.5     0.0092     0.0008                      1445100600133 
ENDDATA            109          0                                 1445100600134 
ENDSUBENT          133          0                                 1445100699999 
SUBENT        14451007   20220109                             14971445100700001 
BIB                  7         15                                 1445100700002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(N,INL)26-FE-54,PAR,DA)                       1445100700003 
SAMPLE     (26-FE-54,ENR=0.976)  Enriched sample in form of       1445100700004 
             right circular cylinder with dimensions              1445100700005 
             diameter 1.5 cm, height = 1.5 cm and mass 18.045 g   1445100700006 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1445100700007 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scattered neutrons were detected with an 11.5   1445100700008 
           cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick C6D6 liquid scintillator, 1445100700009 
           which permitted pulse shape discrimination and         1445100700010 
           rejection of gamma rays                                1445100700011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   1445100700012 
                      Total uncertainty according to author       1445100700013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data not shown in references,                  1445100700014 
                   sent by author (J.V.)                          1445100700015 
HISTORY    (20190202C) S.H.                                       1445100700016 
           (20210901A) S.H. units changed from mb/s to b/sr       1445100700017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 1445100700018 
COMMON               2          3                                 1445100700019 
E-LVL      E-LVL                                                  1445100700020 
MEV        MEV                                                    1445100700021 
2.538       2.561                                                 1445100700022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1445100700023 
DATA                 4         41                                 1445100700024 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         1445100700025 
MEV        ADEG       B/SR       B/SR                             1445100700026 
         4.       30.5     0.0105     0.0009                      1445100700027 
         4.       35.6     0.0112     0.0010                      1445100700028 
         4.       40.7     0.0108     0.0009                      1445100700029 
         4.       50.8     0.0097     0.0008                      1445100700030 
         4.       60.9     0.0109     0.0009                      1445100700031 
         4.       66.0     0.0106     0.0009                      1445100700032 
         4.       71.0     0.0108     0.0009                      1445100700033 
         4.       81.1     0.0108     0.0009                      1445100700034 
         4.       91.1     0.0117     0.0010                      1445100700035 
         4.      101.1     0.0116     0.0010                      1445100700036 
         4.      111.0     0.0114     0.0010                      1445100700037 
         4.      120.9     0.0115     0.0010                      1445100700038 
         4.      130.8     0.0102     0.0009                      1445100700039 
         4.      140.7     0.0154     0.0013                      1445100700040 
         4.      153.5     0.0151     0.0013                      1445100700041 
         5.       30.5     0.0113     0.0009                      1445100700042 
         5.       35.6     0.0111     0.0009                      1445100700043 
         5.       40.7     0.0112     0.0009                      1445100700044 
         5.       50.8     0.0099     0.0008                      1445100700045 
         5.       60.9     0.0090     0.0007                      1445100700046 
         5.       71.0     0.0107     0.0009                      1445100700047 
         5.       81.1     0.0100     0.0008                      1445100700048 
         5.       91.1     0.0100     0.0008                      1445100700049 
         5.      101.1     0.0105     0.0009                      1445100700050 
         5.      111.0     0.0108     0.0009                      1445100700051 
         5.      120.9     0.0111     0.0009                      1445100700052 
         5.      130.8     0.0103     0.0008                      1445100700053 
         5.      140.7     0.0129     0.0011                      1445100700054 
         5.      150.5     0.0135     0.0011                      1445100700055 
         6.       30.5     0.0058     0.0019                      1445100700056 
         6.       35.6     0.0056     0.0017                      1445100700057 
         6.       45.8     0.0056     0.0017                      1445100700058 
         6.       50.8     0.0051     0.0004                      1445100700059 
         6.       60.9     0.0057     0.0005                      1445100700060 
         6.       91.1     0.0061     0.0005                      1445100700061 
         6.      101.1     0.0069     0.0006                      1445100700062 
         6.      111.0     0.0060     0.0005                      1445100700063 
         6.      120.9     0.0071     0.0006                      1445100700064 
         6.      130.8     0.0072     0.0006                      1445100700065 
         6.      140.7     0.0057     0.0005                      1445100700066 
         6.      150.5     0.0073     0.0006                      1445100700067 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 1445100700068 
ENDSUBENT           67          0                                 1445100799999 
SUBENT        14451008   20220109                             14971445100800001 
BIB                  7         16                                 1445100800002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(N,EL)26-FE-54,,DA)                           1445100800003 
SAMPLE     (26-FE-54,ENR=0.976)  Enriched sample in form of       1445100800004 
             right circular cylinder with dimensions              1445100800005 
             diameter 1.5 cm, height = 1.5 cm and mass 18.045 g   1445100800006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in figs. 2,3,4,5 of the main    1445100800007 
                   reference sent by author (J.V.)                1445100800008 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1445100800009 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scattered neutrons were detected with an 11.5   1445100800010 
           cm diameter and 2.5 cm thick C6D6 liquid scintillator, 1445100800011 
           which permitted pulse shape discrimination and         1445100800012 
           rejection of gamma rays                                1445100800013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   1445100800014 
                      Total uncertainty according to author       1445100800015 
HISTORY    (20190202C) S.H. Included elastic data from            1445100800016 
                       the main reference                         1445100800017 
           (20210901A) S.H. units changed from mb/s to b/sr       1445100800018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 1445100800019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1445100800020 
DATA                 4        121                                 1445100800021 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         1445100800022 
MEV        ADEG       B/SR       B/SR                             1445100800023 
         2.       30.5     0.6190     0.0537                      1445100800024 
         2.       35.6     0.5121     0.0444                      1445100800025 
         2.       40.7     0.4029     0.0349                      1445100800026 
         2.       60.9     0.1169     0.0101                      1445100800027 
         2.       81.1     0.0504     0.0044                      1445100800028 
         2.       91.1     0.0656     0.0057                      1445100800029 
         2.      101.1     0.0950     0.0082                      1445100800030 
         2.      120.9     0.1407     0.0122                      1445100800031 
         2.      140.7     0.1832     0.0159                      1445100800032 
         2.      150.5     0.2004     0.0174                      1445100800033 
       2.25       30.9     0.7329     0.0595                      1445100800034 
       2.25       36.0     0.6003     0.0487                      1445100800035 
       2.25       41.1     0.4844     0.0393                      1445100800036 
       2.25       51.4     0.2675     0.0217                      1445100800037 
       2.25       61.5     0.1440     0.0117                      1445100800038 
       2.25       71.7     0.0718     0.0058                      1445100800039 
       2.25       81.8     0.0591     0.0048                      1445100800040 
       2.25       91.8     0.0723     0.0059                      1445100800041 
       2.25      101.8     0.0923     0.0075                      1445100800042 
       2.25      111.7     0.1175     0.0095                      1445100800043 
       2.25      121.5     0.1331     0.0108                      1445100800044 
       2.25      131.4     0.1415     0.0115                      1445100800045 
       2.25      141.1     0.1558     0.0127                      1445100800046 
       2.25      150.9     0.1692     0.0137                      1445100800047 
        2.5       30.5     1.0000     0.0877                      1445100800048 
        2.5       35.6     0.7622     0.0668                      1445100800049 
        2.5       40.7     0.5887     0.0516                      1445100800050 
        2.5       50.8     0.3360     0.0295                      1445100800051 
        2.5       60.9     0.1586     0.0139                      1445100800052 
        2.5       71.0     0.0774     0.0068                      1445100800053 
        2.5       81.1     0.0632     0.0056                      1445100800054 
        2.5       91.1     0.0865     0.0076                      1445100800055 
        2.5      101.1     0.1114     0.0098                      1445100800056 
        2.5      111.0     0.1331     0.0117                      1445100800057 
        2.5      120.9     0.1403     0.0123                      1445100800058 
        2.5      130.8     0.1449     0.0127                      1445100800059 
        2.5      140.7     0.1603     0.0141                      1445100800060 
        2.5      150.5     0.1911     0.0168                      1445100800061 
       2.75       30.5     0.8620     0.0715                      1445100800062 
       2.75       35.6     0.6700     0.0556                      1445100800063 
       2.75       40.7     0.5650     0.0469                      1445100800064 
       2.75       45.8     0.4160     0.0345                      1445100800065 
       2.75       50.8     0.2720     0.0226                      1445100800066 
       2.75       60.9     0.1190     0.0099                      1445100800067 
       2.75       81.1     0.0446     0.0037                      1445100800068 
       2.75       91.1     0.0675     0.0056                      1445100800069 
       2.75      101.1     0.0948     0.0079                      1445100800070 
       2.75      111.0     0.1156     0.0096                      1445100800071 
       2.75      120.9     0.1166     0.0097                      1445100800072 
       2.75      130.8     0.1084     0.0090                      1445100800073 
       2.75      140.7     0.1024     0.0085                      1445100800074 
       2.75      150.5     0.0950     0.0079                      1445100800075 
         3.       30.7     0.7945     0.0722                      1445100800076 
         3.       35.9     0.6783     0.0616                      1445100800077 
         3.       41.0     0.4994     0.0454                      1445100800078 
         3.       51.1     0.2695     0.0245                      1445100800079 
         3.       61.3     0.1087     0.0099                      1445100800080 
         3.       71.4     0.0475     0.0043                      1445100800081 
         3.       81.5     0.0418     0.0038                      1445100800082 
         3.       91.5     0.0665     0.0060                      1445100800083 
         3.      101.5     0.0981     0.0089                      1445100800084 
         3.      111.4     0.1143     0.0104                      1445100800085 
         3.      121.3     0.1133     0.0103                      1445100800086 
         3.      131.1     0.1100     0.0100                      1445100800087 
         3.      141.0     0.1033     0.0094                      1445100800088 
         3.      153.7     0.1094     0.0099                      1445100800089 
        3.5       30.7     0.9176     0.0627                      1445100800090 
        3.5       40.9     0.5924     0.0405                      1445100800091 
        3.5       51.1     0.3170     0.0217                      1445100800092 
        3.5       61.2     0.1339     0.0092                      1445100800093 
        3.5       71.3     0.0543     0.0037                      1445100800094 
        3.5       81.4     0.0352     0.0024                      1445100800095 
        3.5       91.4     0.0461     0.0032                      1445100800096 
        3.5      101.4     0.0724     0.0050                      1445100800097 
        3.5      111.3     0.0837     0.0057                      1445100800098 
        3.5      121.2     0.0743     0.0051                      1445100800099 
        3.5      131.1     0.0600     0.0041                      1445100800100 
        3.5      140.9     0.0487     0.0034                      1445100800101 
        3.5      150.7     0.0457     0.0034                      1445100800102 
         4.       30.5     0.6810     0.0563                      1445100800103 
         4.       35.6     0.5130     0.0424                      1445100800104 
         4.       40.7     0.3960     0.0327                      1445100800105 
         4.       50.8     0.1760     0.0145                      1445100800106 
         4.       60.9     0.0588     0.0049                      1445100800107 
         4.       66.0     0.0282     0.0023                      1445100800108 
         4.       71.0     0.0161     0.0013                      1445100800109 
         4.       81.1     0.0200     0.0017                      1445100800110 
         4.       91.1     0.0404     0.0033                      1445100800111 
         4.      101.1     0.0549     0.0045                      1445100800112 
         4.      111.0     0.0617     0.0051                      1445100800113 
         4.      120.9     0.0529     0.0044                      1445100800114 
         4.      130.8     0.0417     0.0035                      1445100800115 
         4.      140.7     0.0297     0.0025                      1445100800116 
         4.      153.5     0.0265     0.0022                      1445100800117 
         5.       30.5     0.8135     0.0656                      1445100800118 
         5.       35.6     0.5622     0.0454                      1445100800119 
         5.       40.7     0.3989     0.0322                      1445100800120 
         5.       50.8     0.1509     0.0122                      1445100800121 
         5.       60.9     0.0358     0.0029                      1445100800122 
         5.       71.0     0.0112     0.0009                      1445100800123 
         5.       81.1     0.0240     0.0019                      1445100800124 
         5.       91.1     0.0385     0.0031                      1445100800125 
         5.      101.1     0.0456     0.0037                      1445100800126 
         5.      111.0     0.0440     0.0036                      1445100800127 
         5.      120.9     0.0352     0.0029                      1445100800128 
         5.      130.8     0.0238     0.0019                      1445100800129 
         5.      140.7     0.0187     0.0015                      1445100800130 
         5.      150.5     0.0182     0.0015                      1445100800131 
         6.       30.5     0.7019     0.0584                      1445100800132 
         6.       35.6     0.5660     0.0471                      1445100800133 
         6.       45.8     0.1933     0.0161                      1445100800134 
         6.       50.8     0.1027     0.0086                      1445100800135 
         6.       60.9     0.0219     0.0018                      1445100800136 
         6.       76.0     0.0305     0.0025                      1445100800137 
         6.       91.1     0.0311     0.0026                      1445100800138 
         6.      101.1     0.0332     0.0028                      1445100800139 
         6.      111.0     0.0299     0.0025                      1445100800140 
         6.      120.9     0.0224     0.0019                      1445100800141 
         6.      130.8     0.0061     0.0005                      1445100800142 
         6.      140.7     0.0093     0.0008                      1445100800143 
         6.      150.5     0.0134     0.0011                      1445100800144 
ENDDATA            123          0                                 1445100800145 
ENDSUBENT          144          0                                 1445100899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 1445199999999