ENTRY 14461 20230707 15071446100000001 SUBENT 14461001 20230707 15071446100100001 BIB 11 32 1446100100002 TITLE Feeding of Rh and Ag isomers in fast-neutron-induced 1446100100003 reactions 1446100100004 AUTHOR (N.Fotiades,M.Devlin,R.O.Nelson,T.Kawano,J.J.Carroll) 1446100100005 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) 1446100100006 (1USAUSA)US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland1446100100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,94,044608,2016) 1446100100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.94.044608 1446100100009 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment performed at Alamos Neutron 1446100100010 spallation neutron source on the 60R flight path. 1446100100011 DETECTOR (HPGE) The gamma rays produced in the bombardment of 1446100100012 the 103Rh and 109Ag targets by neutrons were measured 1446100100013 with the GEANIE spectrometer. GEANIE comprised 10 1446100100014 Compton suppressed planar Ge detectors (low-energy 1446100100015 photon spectrometers) and 10 Compton suppressed 1446100100016 coaxial Ge detectors. Several HPGe detectors were not 1446100100017 used for analysis because of insufficient energy 1446100100018 resolution or frequent gain shift during experiment. 1446100100019 METHOD (TOF) Energy of incident neutrons was determined 1446100100020 using time-of-flight method. The beam time structure 1446100100021 consisted of 625 mu-s long macropulses at 40 Hz rate. 1446100100022 Each macropulse contained approximately 340 1446100100023 micropulses spaced every 1.8 mu-s. At this 1446100100024 micropulse+-spacing, wrap-around problems (time 1446100100025 overlap of high-energy neutrons of one pulse with 1446100100026 lower-energy neutrons of the previous pulse start at 1446100100027 En < 0.6 MeV and below). 1446100100028 PART-DET (G) 1446100100029 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) The neutrons were produced in a natural W 1446100100030 spallation target driven by an 800 MeV proton beam. 1446100100031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties 1446100100032 HISTORY (20161024C) Compiled by S.H. 1446100100033 (20230628A) OS. Correction in sub.21 1446100100034 ENDBIB 32 0 1446100100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 1446100100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 1446100199999 SUBENT 14461002 20161024 14261446100200001 BIB 5 15 1446100200002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,INL)45-RH-103,PAR,SIG,G) 1446100200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of the reference sent 1446100200004 by author (N.F.) 1446100200005 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) During two 1446100200006 days of the experiment, two natural Fe 2.5 cm square 1446100200007 foils, 0.05 mm thick each, were placed, in front and 1446100200008 in back of the 103Rh foils. Known cross section at En 1446100200009 = 14.5 MeV of the strong 846.8-keV gamma ray used to 1446100200010 normalize the cross sections 1446100200011 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,,838,2004) Cross section for 1446100200012 production of 846.8 keV line on natural Fe i.e. sum 1446100200013 56Fe(n,n'g) + 57Fe(n,2ng) with value 705 mb was taken 1446100200014 as monitor cross section 1446100200015 SAMPLE Natural Rh sample consisted of two 2.5cm square foil 1446100200016 of 1.58 g of 103Rh. 1446100200017 ENDBIB 15 0 1446100200018 COMMON 3 3 1446100200019 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100200020 MEV KEV MB 1446100200021 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100200023 DATA 5 116 1446100200024 E EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100200025 KEV MEV MEV MB MB 1446100200026 357.4 0.778 0.043 147.0 1.2 1446100200027 357.4 0.870 0.051 222.0 1.4 1446100200028 357.4 0.979 0.061 283.0 1.4 1446100200029 357.4 1.104 0.033 311.0 1.6 1446100200030 357.4 1.173 0.058 359.0 1.7 1446100200031 357.4 1.300 0.073 375.0 1.7 1446100200032 357.4 1.454 0.086 421.0 1.7 1446100200033 357.4 1.638 0.103 477.0 1.7 1446100200034 357.4 1.859 0.125 499.0 1.6 1446100200035 357.4 2.128 0.153 528.0 1.6 1446100200036 357.4 2.461 0.190 531.0 1.6 1446100200037 357.4 2.879 0.241 533.0 1.5 1446100200038 357.4 3.414 0.312 539.0 1.5 1446100200039 357.4 4.116 0.414 556.6 1.3 1446100200040 357.4 4.290 0.094 574.5 2.9 1446100200041 357.4 4.478 0.100 573.7 2.9 1446100200042 357.4 4.679 0.107 573.6 2.8 1446100200043 357.4 4.894 0.114 534.1 2.7 1446100200044 357.4 5.123 0.122 542.6 2.6 1446100200045 357.4 5.370 0.131 538.6 2.6 1446100200046 357.4 5.634 0.141 567.6 2.7 1446100200047 357.4 5.919 0.152 554.9 2.7 1446100200048 357.4 6.226 0.164 554.4 2.7 1446100200049 357.4 6.558 0.177 556.4 2.7 1446100200050 357.4 6.917 0.192 517.8 2.5 1446100200051 357.4 7.307 0.208 518.2 2.5 1446100200052 357.4 7.731 0.227 505.8 2.6 1446100200053 357.4 8.192 0.248 513.1 2.6 1446100200054 357.4 8.697 0.271 494.3 2.5 1446100200055 357.4 9.250 0.297 485.6 2.5 1446100200056 357.4 9.858 0.327 434.1 2.4 1446100200057 357.4 10.528 0.362 376.3 2.3 1446100200058 357.4 11.269 0.401 283.3 2.0 1446100200059 357.4 12.092 0.446 220.4 1.9 1446100200060 357.4 13.010 0.498 160.8 1.7 1446100200061 357.4 14.037 0.558 123.6 1.5 1446100200062 357.4 15.192 0.629 109.5 1.4 1446100200063 357.4 16.498 0.713 89.9 1.3 1446100200064 357.4 17.981 0.812 95.8 1.4 1446100200065 357.4 19.676 0.931 83.7 1.3 1446100200066 497.1 0.778 0.043 62.1 1.0 1446100200067 497.1 0.870 0.051 103.5 1.2 1446100200068 497.1 0.979 0.061 120.1 1.2 1446100200069 497.1 1.104 0.033 125.4 1.3 1446100200070 497.1 1.173 0.058 133.9 1.3 1446100200071 497.1 1.300 0.073 129.7 1.3 1446100200072 497.1 1.454 0.086 130.1 1.2 1446100200073 497.1 1.638 0.103 138.2 1.2 1446100200074 497.1 1.859 0.125 160.7 1.2 1446100200075 497.1 2.128 0.153 175.6 1.2 1446100200076 497.1 2.461 0.190 190.2 1.2 1446100200077 497.1 2.879 0.241 188.6 1.2 1446100200078 497.1 3.414 0.312 185.0 1.2 1446100200079 497.1 4.116 0.414 169.6 1.1 1446100200080 497.1 4.290 0.094 175.8 2.3 1446100200081 497.1 4.478 0.100 167.9 2.2 1446100200082 497.1 4.679 0.107 174.5 2.2 1446100200083 497.1 4.894 0.114 160.3 2.1 1446100200084 497.1 5.123 0.122 163.9 2.1 1446100200085 497.1 5.370 0.131 159.2 2.1 1446100200086 497.1 5.634 0.141 162.1 2.1 1446100200087 497.1 5.919 0.152 154.2 2.0 1446100200088 497.1 6.226 0.164 153.7 2.1 1446100200089 497.1 6.558 0.177 150.3 2.0 1446100200090 497.1 6.917 0.192 133.9 1.9 1446100200091 497.1 7.307 0.208 134.1 1.9 1446100200092 497.1 7.731 0.227 124.0 1.9 1446100200093 497.1 8.192 0.248 122.3 1.9 1446100200094 497.1 8.697 0.271 118.9 1.8 1446100200095 497.1 9.250 0.297 109.1 1.8 1446100200096 497.1 9.858 0.327 94.6 1.7 1446100200097 497.1 10.528 0.362 72.7 1.6 1446100200098 497.1 11.269 0.401 48.4 1.4 1446100200099 497.1 12.092 0.446 33.2 1.2 1446100200100 497.1 13.010 0.498 15.1 1.0 1446100200101 497.1 14.037 0.558 7.3 0.9 1446100200102 497.1 15.192 0.629 3.8 0.8 1446100200103 610.3 0.778 0.043 30.4 0.9 1446100200104 610.3 0.870 0.051 71.0 1.2 1446100200105 610.3 0.979 0.061 89.7 1.3 1446100200106 610.3 1.104 0.033 94.3 1.5 1446100200107 610.3 1.173 0.058 109.6 1.5 1446100200108 610.3 1.300 0.073 120.3 1.6 1446100200109 610.3 1.454 0.086 144.0 1.6 1446100200110 610.3 1.638 0.103 154.1 1.6 1446100200111 610.3 1.859 0.125 148.6 1.5 1446100200112 610.3 2.128 0.153 149.6 1.4 1446100200113 610.3 2.461 0.190 146.4 1.3 1446100200114 610.3 2.879 0.241 137.0 1.3 1446100200115 610.3 3.414 0.312 133.6 1.2 1446100200116 610.3 4.116 0.414 123.8 1.1 1446100200117 610.3 4.290 0.094 129.8 2.4 1446100200118 610.3 4.478 0.100 124.5 2.4 1446100200119 610.3 4.679 0.107 129.7 2.3 1446100200120 610.3 4.894 0.114 123.7 2.2 1446100200121 610.3 5.123 0.122 124.3 2.2 1446100200122 610.3 5.370 0.131 124.0 2.2 1446100200123 610.3 5.634 0.141 130.3 2.2 1446100200124 610.3 5.919 0.152 124.5 2.2 1446100200125 610.3 6.226 0.164 122.4 2.2 1446100200126 610.3 6.558 0.177 121.9 2.2 1446100200127 610.3 6.917 0.192 110.5 2.0 1446100200128 610.3 7.307 0.208 106.4 2.1 1446100200129 610.3 7.731 0.227 106.3 2.1 1446100200130 610.3 8.192 0.248 101.4 2.1 1446100200131 610.3 8.697 0.271 97.9 2.0 1446100200132 610.3 9.250 0.297 87.8 1.9 1446100200133 610.3 9.858 0.327 82.6 1.9 1446100200134 610.3 10.528 0.362 65.5 1.8 1446100200135 610.3 11.269 0.401 45.6 1.6 1446100200136 610.3 12.092 0.446 34.0 1.5 1446100200137 610.3 13.010 0.498 19.5 1.4 1446100200138 610.3 14.037 0.558 14.8 1.3 1446100200139 610.3 15.192 0.629 14.8 1.3 1446100200140 610.3 16.498 0.713 12.1 1.3 1446100200141 610.3 17.981 0.812 9.2 1.3 1446100200142 ENDDATA 118 0 1446100200143 ENDSUBENT 142 0 1446100299999 SUBENT 14461003 20161024 14261446100300001 BIB 5 15 1446100300002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,2N)45-RH-102,PAR,SIG,G) 1446100300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of the reference sent 1446100300004 by author (N.F.) 1446100300005 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) During two 1446100300006 days of the experiment, two natural Fe 2.5 cm square 1446100300007 foils, 0.05 mm thick each, were placed, in front and 1446100300008 in back of the 103Rh foils. Known cross section at En 1446100300009 = 14.5 MeV of the strong 846.8-keV gamma ray used to 1446100300010 normalize the cross sections 1446100300011 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,,838,2004) Cross section for 1446100300012 production of 846.8 keV line on natural Fe i.e. sum 1446100300013 56Fe(n,n'g) + 57Fe(n,2ng) with value 705 mb was taken 1446100300014 as monitor cross section 1446100300015 SAMPLE Natural Rh sample consisted of two 2.5cm square foil 1446100300016 of 1.58 g of 103Rh. 1446100300017 ENDBIB 15 0 1446100300018 COMMON 3 3 1446100300019 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100300020 MEV KEV MB 1446100300021 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100300023 DATA 5 60 1446100300024 E EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100300025 KEV MEV MEV MB MB 1446100300026 208.7 9.250 0.297 0.5 0.5 1446100300027 208.7 9.858 0.327 3.6 0.5 1446100300028 208.7 10.528 0.362 11.4 0.6 1446100300029 208.7 11.269 0.401 22.3 0.8 1446100300030 208.7 12.092 0.446 32.8 0.9 1446100300031 208.7 13.010 0.498 36.6 0.9 1446100300032 208.7 14.037 0.558 37.7 0.9 1446100300033 208.7 15.192 0.629 38.6 1.0 1446100300034 208.7 16.498 0.713 33.5 0.9 1446100300035 208.7 17.981 0.812 35.0 0.9 1446100300036 208.7 19.676 0.931 25.9 0.9 1446100300037 208.7 21.626 1.075 16.3 0.8 1446100300038 208.7 23.886 1.251 9.5 0.7 1446100300039 208.7 26.526 1.467 6.3 0.6 1446100300040 208.7 29.639 1.738 5.0 0.5 1446100300041 208.7 33.346 2.081 2.9 0.5 1446100300042 208.7 37.815 2.524 2.4 0.4 1446100300043 208.7 43.274 3.105 2.1 0.4 1446100300044 208.7 50.050 3.887 2.3 0.3 1446100300045 208.7 58.622 4.966 2.7 0.3 1446100300046 237.9 9.858 0.327 0.4 0.5 1446100300047 237.9 10.528 0.362 4.9 0.6 1446100300048 237.9 11.269 0.401 13.0 0.6 1446100300049 237.9 12.092 0.446 21.1 0.7 1446100300050 237.9 13.010 0.498 26.3 0.7 1446100300051 237.9 14.037 0.558 29.5 0.8 1446100300052 237.9 15.192 0.629 33.2 0.8 1446100300053 237.9 16.498 0.713 34.6 0.8 1446100300054 237.9 17.981 0.812 39.1 0.9 1446100300055 237.9 19.676 0.931 33.3 0.8 1446100300056 237.9 21.626 1.075 25.8 0.7 1446100300057 237.9 23.886 1.251 15.8 0.7 1446100300058 237.9 26.526 1.467 10.5 0.6 1446100300059 237.9 29.639 1.738 4.6 0.5 1446100300060 237.9 33.346 2.081 5.2 0.5 1446100300061 237.9 37.815 2.524 3.9 0.5 1446100300062 237.9 43.274 3.105 3.6 0.4 1446100300063 237.9 50.050 3.887 3.6 0.4 1446100300064 237.9 58.622 4.966 1.9 0.3 1446100300065 428.9 8.697 0.271 0.1 0.7 1446100300066 428.9 9.250 0.297 1.6 0.8 1446100300067 428.9 9.858 0.327 2.0 0.7 1446100300068 428.9 10.528 0.362 2.1 0.7 1446100300069 428.9 11.269 0.401 8.6 0.8 1446100300070 428.9 12.092 0.446 17.6 1.0 1446100300071 428.9 13.010 0.498 23.1 1.0 1446100300072 428.9 14.037 0.558 26.6 1.1 1446100300073 428.9 15.192 0.629 34.0 1.2 1446100300074 428.9 16.498 0.713 35.2 1.2 1446100300075 428.9 17.981 0.812 44.2 1.3 1446100300076 428.9 19.676 0.931 41.4 1.3 1446100300077 428.9 21.626 1.075 29.7 1.1 1446100300078 428.9 23.886 1.251 20.5 1.0 1446100300079 428.9 26.526 1.467 13.5 0.9 1446100300080 428.9 29.639 1.738 7.1 0.7 1446100300081 428.9 33.346 2.081 6.7 0.7 1446100300082 428.9 37.815 2.524 4.1 0.6 1446100300083 428.9 43.274 3.105 4.1 0.6 1446100300084 428.9 50.050 3.887 3.3 0.5 1446100300085 428.9 58.622 4.966 3.0 0.5 1446100300086 ENDDATA 62 0 1446100300087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 1446100399999 SUBENT 14461004 20161024 14261446100400001 BIB 5 15 1446100400002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,3N)45-RH-101,PAR,SIG,G) 1446100400003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of the reference sent 1446100400004 by author (N.F.) 1446100400005 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) During two 1446100400006 days of the experiment, two natural Fe 2.5 cm square 1446100400007 foils, 0.05 mm thick each, were placed, in front and 1446100400008 in back of the 103Rh foils. Known cross section at En 1446100400009 = 14.5 MeV of the strong 846.8-keV gamma ray used to 1446100400010 normalize the cross sections 1446100400011 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,,838,2004) Cross section for 1446100400012 production of 846.8 keV line on natural Fe i.e. sum 1446100400013 56Fe(n,n'g) + 57Fe(n,2ng) with value 705 mb was taken 1446100400014 as monitor cross section 1446100400015 SAMPLE Natural Rh sample consisted of two 2.5cm square foil 1446100400016 of 1.58 g of 103Rh. 1446100400017 ENDBIB 15 0 1446100400018 COMMON 3 3 1446100400019 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100400020 MEV KEV MB 1446100400021 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100400023 DATA 5 41 1446100400024 E EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100400025 KEV MEV MEV MB MB 1446100400026 355.3 17.981 0.812 2.4 0.8 1446100400027 355.3 19.676 0.931 34.2 1.1 1446100400028 355.3 21.626 1.075 101.7 1.5 1446100400029 355.3 23.886 1.251 174.1 1.7 1446100400030 355.3 26.526 1.467 217.8 1.9 1446100400031 355.3 29.639 1.738 203.0 1.7 1446100400032 355.3 33.346 2.081 165.6 1.5 1446100400033 355.3 37.815 2.524 97.4 1.1 1446100400034 355.3 43.274 3.105 58.7 0.8 1446100400035 355.3 50.050 3.887 45.0 0.7 1446100400036 355.3 58.622 4.966 34.6 0.6 1446100400037 355.3 69.285 5.964 26.4 0.6 1446100400038 355.3 83.084 9.397 21.6 0.5 1446100400039 590.4 12.092 0.446 0.2 0.9 1446100400040 590.4 15.192 0.629 0.2 1.0 1446100400041 590.4 19.676 0.931 22.5 1.4 1446100400042 590.4 21.626 1.075 73.7 1.9 1446100400043 590.4 23.886 1.251 122.9 2.2 1446100400044 590.4 26.526 1.467 153.0 2.3 1446100400045 590.4 29.639 1.738 141.0 2.1 1446100400046 590.4 33.346 2.081 115.6 1.9 1446100400047 590.4 37.815 2.524 65.9 1.4 1446100400048 590.4 43.274 3.105 38.1 1.1 1446100400049 590.4 50.050 3.887 27.4 1.0 1446100400050 590.4 58.622 4.966 21.6 0.9 1446100400051 590.4 69.285 5.964 17.3 0.8 1446100400052 590.4 83.084 9.397 14.2 0.7 1446100400053 736.0 16.498 0.713 0.5 1.3 1446100400054 736.0 17.981 0.812 1.5 1.4 1446100400055 736.0 19.676 0.931 18.9 1.7 1446100400056 736.0 21.626 1.075 65.2 2.2 1446100400057 736.0 23.886 1.251 135.6 2.7 1446100400058 736.0 26.526 1.467 184.1 3.0 1446100400059 736.0 29.639 1.738 189.1 2.9 1446100400060 736.0 33.346 2.081 167.8 2.6 1446100400061 736.0 37.815 2.524 95.3 2.0 1446100400062 736.0 43.274 3.105 51.5 1.5 1446100400063 736.0 50.050 3.887 31.6 1.2 1446100400064 736.0 58.622 4.966 20.5 1.1 1446100400065 736.0 69.285 5.964 15.6 0.9 1446100400066 736.0 83.084 9.397 12.1 0.8 1446100400067 ENDDATA 43 0 1446100400068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 1446100499999 SUBENT 14461005 20161024 14261446100500001 BIB 5 14 1446100500002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,INL)47-AG-109,PAR,SIG,G) 1446100500003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 5 of the reference sent 1446100500004 by author (N.F.) 1446100500005 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 1446100500006 Two natural Fe 2.5 cm square foils, 0.05 mm thick each,1446100500007 were placed, in front and in back of the 109Ag foil 1446100500008 to normalize measured cross section to 846.8 keV 1446100500009 gamma transition of 56Fe. 1446100500010 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,,838,2004) Cross section for 1446100500011 production of 846.8 keV line on natural Fe i.e. sum 1446100500012 56Fe(n,n'g) + 57Fe(n,2ng) with value 705 mb was taken 1446100500013 as monitor cross section 1446100500014 SAMPLE (47-AG-109,ENR=0.9926) Target consisted of one 2.22 1446100500015 cm square foil of 1.35 g of enriched 109Ag. 1446100500016 ENDBIB 14 0 1446100500017 COMMON 3 3 1446100500018 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100500019 MEV KEV MB 1446100500020 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100500022 DATA 5 123 1446100500023 E EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100500024 KEV MEV MEV MB MB 1446100500025 415.2 1.104 0.033 213.4 1.7 1446100500026 415.2 1.173 0.058 263.3 1.7 1446100500027 415.2 1.300 0.073 292.7 1.7 1446100500028 415.2 1.454 0.086 312.3 1.7 1446100500029 415.2 1.638 0.103 345.1 1.7 1446100500030 415.2 1.859 0.125 349.2 1.7 1446100500031 415.2 2.128 0.153 354.3 1.6 1446100500032 415.2 2.461 0.190 362.1 1.6 1446100500033 415.2 2.879 0.241 355.9 1.5 1446100500034 415.2 3.414 0.312 361.1 1.5 1446100500035 415.2 3.507 0.069 381.9 3.3 1446100500036 415.2 3.645 0.073 366.6 3.2 1446100500037 415.2 3.792 0.078 356.0 3.1 1446100500038 415.2 3.948 0.083 342.8 3.0 1446100500039 415.2 4.114 0.088 361.6 3.0 1446100500040 415.2 4.290 0.094 355.9 3.0 1446100500041 415.2 4.478 0.100 346.6 2.9 1446100500042 415.2 4.679 0.107 336.3 2.8 1446100500043 415.2 4.894 0.114 327.8 2.8 1446100500044 415.2 5.123 0.122 375.3 3.1 1446100500045 415.2 5.370 0.131 376.4 3.1 1446100500046 415.2 5.634 0.141 391.8 3.2 1446100500047 415.2 5.919 0.152 379.9 3.1 1446100500048 415.2 6.226 0.164 372.0 3.1 1446100500049 415.2 6.558 0.177 357.2 3.1 1446100500050 415.2 6.917 0.192 343.2 3.0 1446100500051 415.2 7.307 0.208 348.6 3.1 1446100500052 415.2 7.731 0.227 342.9 3.1 1446100500053 415.2 8.192 0.248 327.4 3.1 1446100500054 415.2 8.697 0.271 304.6 3.0 1446100500055 415.2 9.250 0.297 296.1 3.0 1446100500056 415.2 9.858 0.327 272.3 2.9 1446100500057 415.2 10.528 0.362 240.4 2.8 1446100500058 415.2 11.269 0.401 182.6 2.6 1446100500059 415.2 12.092 0.446 136.2 2.4 1446100500060 415.2 13.010 0.498 88.7 2.0 1446100500061 415.2 14.037 0.558 64.2 1.9 1446100500062 415.2 15.192 0.629 49.5 1.8 1446100500063 415.2 16.498 0.713 38.8 1.7 1446100500064 415.2 17.981 0.812 40.7 1.7 1446100500065 415.2 19.676 0.931 37.3 1.7 1446100500066 701.9 1.104 0.033 119.2 2.4 1446100500067 701.9 1.173 0.058 120.8 2.3 1446100500068 701.9 1.300 0.073 117.2 2.1 1446100500069 701.9 1.454 0.086 100.1 1.9 1446100500070 701.9 1.638 0.103 97.6 1.8 1446100500071 701.9 1.859 0.125 100.3 1.7 1446100500072 701.9 2.128 0.153 94.0 1.6 1446100500073 701.9 2.461 0.190 82.5 1.5 1446100500074 701.9 2.879 0.241 68.9 1.4 1446100500075 701.9 3.414 0.312 64.3 1.3 1446100500076 701.9 3.507 0.069 70.5 3.0 1446100500077 701.9 3.645 0.073 61.8 2.9 1446100500078 701.9 3.792 0.078 65.1 2.8 1446100500079 701.9 3.948 0.083 56.6 2.6 1446100500080 701.9 4.114 0.088 58.7 2.7 1446100500081 701.9 4.290 0.094 52.5 2.7 1446100500082 701.9 4.478 0.100 52.7 2.6 1446100500083 701.9 4.679 0.107 45.3 2.5 1446100500084 701.9 4.894 0.114 47.4 2.4 1446100500085 701.9 5.123 0.122 52.0 2.7 1446100500086 701.9 5.370 0.131 46.7 2.7 1446100500087 701.9 5.634 0.141 50.9 2.8 1446100500088 701.9 5.919 0.152 46.3 2.7 1446100500089 701.9 6.226 0.164 47.0 2.7 1446100500090 701.9 6.558 0.177 43.0 2.6 1446100500091 701.9 6.917 0.192 40.9 2.5 1446100500092 701.9 7.307 0.208 37.5 2.6 1446100500093 701.9 7.731 0.227 36.5 2.7 1446100500094 701.9 8.192 0.248 33.6 2.6 1446100500095 701.9 8.697 0.271 33.2 2.7 1446100500096 701.9 9.250 0.297 30.7 2.7 1446100500097 701.9 9.858 0.327 26.8 2.7 1446100500098 701.9 10.528 0.362 25.9 2.7 1446100500099 701.9 11.269 0.401 20.2 2.6 1446100500100 701.9 12.092 0.446 11.1 2.5 1446100500101 701.9 13.010 0.498 14.6 2.4 1446100500102 701.9 14.037 0.558 7.9 2.3 1446100500103 701.9 15.192 0.629 10.4 2.5 1446100500104 701.9 16.498 0.713 4.1 2.2 1446100500105 701.9 17.981 0.812 4.3 2.5 1446100500106 701.9 19.676 0.931 5.2 2.4 1446100500107 781.4 1.104 0.033 34.7 1.3 1446100500108 781.4 1.173 0.058 48.7 1.3 1446100500109 781.4 1.300 0.073 54.0 1.3 1446100500110 781.4 1.454 0.086 58.3 1.3 1446100500111 781.4 1.638 0.103 66.2 1.4 1446100500112 781.4 1.859 0.125 65.1 1.4 1446100500113 781.4 2.128 0.153 69.6 1.4 1446100500114 781.4 2.461 0.190 69.1 1.4 1446100500115 781.4 2.879 0.241 68.2 1.4 1446100500116 781.4 3.414 0.312 68.9 1.4 1446100500117 781.4 3.507 0.069 72.9 3.2 1446100500118 781.4 3.645 0.073 75.5 3.1 1446100500119 781.4 3.792 0.078 70.4 3.0 1446100500120 781.4 3.948 0.083 68.8 2.9 1446100500121 781.4 4.114 0.088 69.9 2.9 1446100500122 781.4 4.290 0.094 72.7 3.0 1446100500123 781.4 4.478 0.100 71.5 2.9 1446100500124 781.4 4.679 0.107 69.6 2.9 1446100500125 781.4 4.894 0.114 71.9 2.8 1446100500126 781.4 5.123 0.122 83.1 3.2 1446100500127 781.4 5.370 0.131 75.9 3.3 1446100500128 781.4 5.634 0.141 80.3 3.3 1446100500129 781.4 5.919 0.152 83.9 3.3 1446100500130 781.4 6.226 0.164 81.3 3.3 1446100500131 781.4 6.558 0.177 85.0 3.3 1446100500132 781.4 6.917 0.192 76.8 3.2 1446100500133 781.4 7.307 0.208 79.7 3.3 1446100500134 781.4 7.731 0.227 84.9 3.5 1446100500135 781.4 8.192 0.248 82.2 3.5 1446100500136 781.4 8.697 0.271 79.3 3.4 1446100500137 781.4 9.250 0.297 82.0 3.6 1446100500138 781.4 9.858 0.327 75.7 3.5 1446100500139 781.4 10.528 0.362 70.8 3.5 1446100500140 781.4 11.269 0.401 57.8 3.3 1446100500141 781.4 12.092 0.446 38.2 3.1 1446100500142 781.4 13.010 0.498 33.7 2.9 1446100500143 781.4 14.037 0.558 21.1 2.7 1446100500144 781.4 15.192 0.629 7.9 2.7 1446100500145 781.4 16.498 0.713 9.1 2.6 1446100500146 781.4 17.981 0.812 12.8 2.8 1446100500147 781.4 19.676 0.931 5.7 2.6 1446100500148 ENDDATA 125 0 1446100500149 ENDSUBENT 148 0 1446100599999 SUBENT 14461006 20161024 14261446100600001 BIB 5 14 1446100600002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,2N)47-AG-108,PAR,SIG,G) 1446100600003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 5 of the reference sent 1446100600004 by author (N.F.) 1446100600005 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 1446100600006 Two natural Fe 2.5 cm square foils, 0.05 mm thick each,1446100600007 were placed, in front and in back of the 109Ag foil 1446100600008 to normalize measured cross section to 846.8 keV 1446100600009 gamma transition of 56Fe. 1446100600010 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,,838,2004) Cross section for 1446100600011 production of 846.8 keV line on natural Fe i.e. sum 1446100600012 56Fe(n,n'g) + 57Fe(n,2ng) with value 705 mb was taken 1446100600013 as monitor cross section 1446100600014 SAMPLE (47-AG-109,ENR=0.9926) Target consisted of one 2.22 1446100600015 cm square foil of 1.35 g of enriched 109Ag. 1446100600016 ENDBIB 14 0 1446100600017 COMMON 3 3 1446100600018 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100600019 MEV KEV MB 1446100600020 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100600022 DATA 5 61 1446100600023 E EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100600024 KEV MEV MEV MB MB 1446100600025 206.6 8.697 0.271 10.1 0.7 1446100600026 206.6 9.250 0.297 14.6 0.7 1446100600027 206.6 9.858 0.327 29.6 0.8 1446100600028 206.6 10.528 0.362 70.6 1.1 1446100600029 206.6 11.269 0.401 114.6 1.3 1446100600030 206.6 12.092 0.446 148.1 1.5 1446100600031 206.6 13.010 0.498 158.4 1.5 1446100600032 206.6 14.037 0.558 159.7 1.5 1446100600033 206.6 15.192 0.629 165.4 1.6 1446100600034 206.6 16.498 0.713 150.7 1.5 1446100600035 206.6 17.981 0.812 144.9 1.5 1446100600036 206.6 19.676 0.931 106.0 1.3 1446100600037 206.6 21.626 1.075 66.5 1.1 1446100600038 206.6 23.886 1.251 43.1 0.9 1446100600039 206.6 26.526 1.467 33.7 0.9 1446100600040 206.6 29.639 1.738 27.1 0.8 1446100600041 206.6 33.346 2.081 26.2 0.8 1446100600042 206.6 37.815 2.524 21.6 0.7 1446100600043 206.6 43.274 3.105 17.8 0.6 1446100600044 206.6 50.050 3.887 16.8 0.6 1446100600045 206.6 58.622 4.966 15.1 0.5 1446100600046 265.3 8.697 0.271 0.4 0.9 1446100600047 265.3 9.858 0.327 0.6 0.9 1446100600048 265.3 10.528 0.362 10.1 1.0 1446100600049 265.3 11.269 0.401 24.7 1.2 1446100600050 265.3 12.092 0.446 39.7 1.3 1446100600051 265.3 13.010 0.498 49.7 1.4 1446100600052 265.3 14.037 0.558 59.1 1.5 1446100600053 265.3 15.192 0.629 73.2 1.6 1446100600054 265.3 16.498 0.713 75.9 1.6 1446100600055 265.3 17.981 0.812 87.1 1.7 1446100600056 265.3 19.676 0.931 78.0 1.7 1446100600057 265.3 21.626 1.075 57.4 1.5 1446100600058 265.3 23.886 1.251 39.9 1.3 1446100600059 265.3 26.526 1.467 21.6 1.1 1446100600060 265.3 29.639 1.738 14.8 1.0 1446100600061 265.3 33.346 2.081 10.5 0.9 1446100600062 265.3 37.815 2.524 8.0 0.9 1446100600063 265.3 43.274 3.105 6.9 0.8 1446100600064 265.3 50.050 3.887 6.3 0.7 1446100600065 265.3 58.622 4.966 5.5 0.6 1446100600066 294.6 9.250 0.297 1.2 0.8 1446100600067 294.6 9.858 0.327 2.6 1.0 1446100600068 294.6 10.528 0.362 12.1 1.1 1446100600069 294.6 11.269 0.401 28.9 1.2 1446100600070 294.6 12.092 0.446 41.0 1.3 1446100600071 294.6 13.010 0.498 46.7 1.3 1446100600072 294.6 14.037 0.558 48.1 1.3 1446100600073 294.6 15.192 0.629 50.4 1.3 1446100600074 294.6 16.498 0.713 46.1 1.3 1446100600075 294.6 17.981 0.812 43.1 1.2 1446100600076 294.6 19.676 0.931 34.3 1.0 1446100600077 294.6 21.626 1.075 21.3 1.0 1446100600078 294.6 23.886 1.251 14.1 0.9 1446100600079 294.6 26.526 1.467 8.5 0.8 1446100600080 294.6 29.639 1.738 6.0 0.8 1446100600081 294.6 33.346 2.081 5.4 0.7 1446100600082 294.6 37.815 2.524 6.3 0.7 1446100600083 294.6 43.274 3.105 5.0 0.7 1446100600084 294.6 50.050 3.887 5.5 0.6 1446100600085 294.6 58.622 4.966 3.9 0.6 1446100600086 ENDDATA 63 0 1446100600087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 1446100699999 SUBENT 14461007 20161024 14261446100700001 BIB 5 14 1446100700002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,3N)47-AG-107,PAR,SIG,G) 1446100700003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 5 of the reference sent 1446100700004 by author (N.F.) 1446100700005 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 1446100700006 Two natural Fe 2.5 cm square foils, 0.05 mm thick each,1446100700007 were placed, in front and in back of the 109Ag foil 1446100700008 to normalize measured cross section to 846.8 keV 1446100700009 gamma transition of 56Fe. 1446100700010 MONIT-REF (,R.O.Nelson+,C,2004SANTA,,838,2004) Cross section for 1446100700011 production of 846.8 keV line on natural Fe i.e. sum 1446100700012 56Fe(n,n'g) + 57Fe(n,2ng) with value 705 mb was taken 1446100700013 as monitor cross section 1446100700014 SAMPLE (47-AG-109,ENR=0.9926) Target consisted of one 2.22 1446100700015 cm square foil of 1.35 g of enriched 109Ag. 1446100700016 ENDBIB 14 0 1446100700017 COMMON 3 3 1446100700018 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100700019 MEV KEV MB 1446100700020 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100700022 DATA 5 37 1446100700023 E EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100700024 KEV MEV MEV MB MB 1446100700025 423.1 16.498 0.713 0.2 1.3 1446100700026 423.1 19.676 0.931 18.4 1.5 1446100700027 423.1 21.626 1.075 52.7 1.8 1446100700028 423.1 23.886 1.251 85.2 2.0 1446100700029 423.1 26.526 1.467 107.5 2.1 1446100700030 423.1 29.639 1.738 97.9 1.9 1446100700031 423.1 33.346 2.081 82.8 1.8 1446100700032 423.1 37.815 2.524 52.0 1.5 1446100700033 423.1 43.274 3.105 33.5 1.3 1446100700034 423.1 50.050 3.887 24.5 1.1 1446100700035 423.1 58.622 4.966 17.9 1.0 1446100700036 423.1 69.285 5.964 14.6 0.9 1446100700037 647.7 16.498 0.713 6.8 2.0 1446100700038 647.7 17.981 0.812 7.9 2.1 1446100700039 647.7 19.676 0.931 16.8 2.2 1446100700040 647.7 21.626 1.075 47.0 2.5 1446100700041 647.7 23.886 1.251 89.0 3.0 1446100700042 647.7 26.526 1.467 116.7 3.1 1446100700043 647.7 29.639 1.738 129.2 3.0 1446100700044 647.7 33.346 2.081 115.8 2.9 1446100700045 647.7 37.815 2.524 74.5 2.3 1446100700046 647.7 43.274 3.105 48.9 1.9 1446100700047 647.7 50.050 3.887 29.9 1.7 1446100700048 647.7 58.622 4.966 20.4 1.6 1446100700049 647.7 69.285 5.964 14.8 1.4 1446100700050 865.4 16.498 0.713 0.9 0.8 1446100700051 865.4 19.676 0.931 9.5 2.2 1446100700052 865.4 21.626 1.075 26.6 2.4 1446100700053 865.4 23.886 1.251 53.9 2.7 1446100700054 865.4 26.526 1.467 83.8 3.1 1446100700055 865.4 29.639 1.738 86.4 3.3 1446100700056 865.4 33.346 2.081 90.9 3.2 1446100700057 865.4 37.815 2.524 62.5 3.2 1446100700058 865.4 43.274 3.105 44.2 2.6 1446100700059 865.4 50.050 3.887 36.1 2.2 1446100700060 865.4 58.622 4.966 23.4 2.2 1446100700061 865.4 69.285 5.964 15.1 2.0 1446100700062 ENDDATA 39 0 1446100700063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 1446100799999 SUBENT 14461008 20161024 14261446100800001 BIB 3 5 1446100800002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,INL)47-AG-109-M,,SIG) 1446100800003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the isomer 1446100800004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 5 of the reference sent 1446100800005 by author (N.F.) 1446100800006 (DEP,14461005) Gamma production cross section 1446100800007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446100800008 COMMON 3 3 1446100800009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100800010 MEV KEV MB 1446100800011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100800012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100800013 DATA 4 41 1446100800014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100800015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446100800016 1.104 0.033 352.6 16.1 1446100800017 1.173 0.058 428.4 16.2 1446100800018 1.300 0.073 460.2 15.9 1446100800019 1.454 0.086 514.3 15.3 1446100800020 1.638 0.103 561.4 15.7 1446100800021 1.859 0.125 611.9 15.4 1446100800022 2.128 0.153 609.6 15.5 1446100800023 2.461 0.190 672.6 15.8 1446100800024 2.879 0.241 736.0 16.4 1446100800025 3.414 0.312 812.0 17.1 1446100800026 3.507 0.069 895.4 38.8 1446100800027 3.645 0.073 943.5 37.9 1446100800028 3.792 0.078 893.9 36.6 1446100800029 3.948 0.083 880.0 34.8 1446100800030 4.114 0.088 1057.9 36.3 1446100800031 4.290 0.094 1005.5 36.2 1446100800032 4.478 0.100 937.0 34.9 1446100800033 4.679 0.107 1030.5 34.2 1446100800034 4.894 0.114 938.9 33.3 1446100800035 5.123 0.122 1044.5 37.3 1446100800036 5.370 0.131 1165.3 38.2 1446100800037 5.634 0.141 1158.5 38.6 1446100800038 5.919 0.152 1252.7 38.2 1446100800039 6.226 0.164 1138.2 37.6 1446100800040 6.558 0.177 1101.8 37.0 1446100800041 6.917 0.192 1060.0 35.2 1446100800042 7.307 0.208 1130.7 36.8 1446100800043 7.731 0.227 1169.1 38.1 1446100800044 8.192 0.248 1138.5 38.1 1446100800045 8.697 0.271 983.4 35.8 1446100800046 9.250 0.297 735.5 35.7 1446100800047 9.858 0.327 525.3 33.7 1446100800048 10.528 0.362 416.9 34.0 1446100800049 11.269 0.401 383.4 34.9 1446100800050 12.092 0.446 213.1 35.1 1446100800051 13.010 0.498 271.8 35.0 1446100800052 14.037 0.558 188.4 35.1 1446100800053 15.192 0.629 113.3 36.0 1446100800054 16.498 0.713 91.5 34.7 1446100800055 17.981 0.812 104.1 37.2 1446100800056 19.676 0.931 81.8 35.9 1446100800057 ENDDATA 43 0 1446100800058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 1446100899999 SUBENT 14461009 20161024 14261446100900001 BIB 3 5 1446100900002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,INL)47-AG-109-G,,SIG) 1446100900003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the ground state 1446100900004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 5 of the reference sent 1446100900005 by author (N.F.) 1446100900006 (DEP,14461005) Gamma production cross section 1446100900007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446100900008 COMMON 3 3 1446100900009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446100900010 MEV KEV MB 1446100900011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446100900012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446100900013 DATA 4 41 1446100900014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446100900015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446100900016 1.100 0.033 756.1 4.1 1446100900017 1.170 0.058 833.4 4.0 1446100900018 1.300 0.073 851.5 3.8 1446100900019 1.454 0.086 864.9 3.6 1446100900020 1.638 0.103 929.8 3.5 1446100900021 1.859 0.125 938.0 3.4 1446100900022 2.128 0.153 938.7 3.3 1446100900023 2.461 0.190 911.0 3.2 1446100900024 2.879 0.241 848.9 3.0 1446100900025 3.414 0.312 813.9 3.0 1446100900026 3.507 0.069 832.3 6.3 1446100900027 3.645 0.073 782.0 6.0 1446100900028 3.792 0.078 786.8 6.4 1446100900029 3.948 0.083 736.1 6.0 1446100900030 4.114 0.088 785.3 6.2 1446100900031 4.290 0.094 765.2 6.2 1446100900032 4.478 0.100 739.1 6.0 1446100900033 4.679 0.107 721.8 5.8 1446100900034 4.894 0.114 688.9 5.6 1446100900035 5.123 0.122 780.7 6.3 1446100900036 5.370 0.131 775.5 6.4 1446100900037 5.634 0.141 799.1 6.5 1446100900038 5.919 0.152 762.0 6.4 1446100900039 6.226 0.164 746.7 6.4 1446100900040 6.558 0.177 706.0 6.3 1446100900041 6.917 0.192 678.8 6.1 1446100900042 7.307 0.208 676.4 6.3 1446100900043 7.731 0.227 645.3 6.5 1446100900044 8.192 0.248 632.6 6.5 1446100900045 8.697 0.271 582.4 6.3 1446100900046 9.250 0.297 555.8 6.4 1446100900047 9.858 0.327 491.4 6.3 1446100900048 10.528 0.362 424.6 5.9 1446100900049 11.269 0.401 311.8 5.8 1446100900050 12.092 0.446 228.8 5.4 1446100900051 13.010 0.498 158.0 5.1 1446100900052 14.037 0.558 110.5 4.5 1446100900053 15.192 0.629 94.6 4.6 1446100900054 16.498 0.713 71.3 4.3 1446100900055 17.981 0.812 75.2 4.3 1446100900056 19.676 0.931 74.4 4.5 1446100900057 ENDDATA 43 0 1446100900058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 1446100999999 SUBENT 14461010 20161024 14261446101000001 BIB 3 5 1446101000002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,INL)45-RH-103-M,,SIG) 1446101000003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the isomer 1446101000004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 6 of the reference sent 1446101000005 by author (N.F.) 1446101000006 (DEP,14461002) Gamma production cross section 1446101000007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101000008 COMMON 3 3 1446101000009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101000010 MEV KEV MB 1446101000011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101000012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101000013 DATA 4 40 1446101000014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101000015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101000016 0.780 0.040 284.1 3.9 1446101000017 0.870 0.050 444.9 4.1 1446101000018 0.980 0.060 471.9 3.8 1446101000019 1.100 0.033 470.8 4.2 1446101000020 1.170 0.058 504.2 4.2 1446101000021 1.300 0.073 545.7 4.4 1446101000022 1.450 0.086 650.3 4.4 1446101000023 1.640 0.103 738.4 4.4 1446101000024 1.860 0.125 827.1 4.3 1446101000025 2.130 0.153 882.8 4.3 1446101000026 2.460 0.190 918.3 4.3 1446101000027 2.880 0.241 920.2 4.5 1446101000028 3.410 0.312 954.0 4.6 1446101000029 4.120 0.414 999.1 4.5 1446101000030 4.290 0.094 1082.5 10.1 1446101000031 4.480 0.100 1063.6 9.8 1446101000032 4.680 0.107 1094.5 9.7 1446101000033 4.890 0.114 1045.3 9.3 1446101000034 5.120 0.122 1081.4 9.4 1446101000035 5.370 0.131 1102.1 9.5 1446101000036 5.630 0.141 1136.5 9.7 1446101000037 5.920 0.152 1110.5 9.6 1446101000038 6.230 0.164 1128.4 9.7 1446101000039 6.560 0.177 1101.6 9.5 1446101000040 6.920 0.192 1008.1 8.8 1446101000041 7.310 0.208 1045.1 9.2 1446101000042 7.730 0.227 1069.8 9.7 1446101000043 8.190 0.248 1040.5 9.6 1446101000044 8.700 0.271 929.2 8.9 1446101000045 9.250 0.297 838.5 8.7 1446101000046 9.860 0.327 681.3 8.2 1446101000047 10.530 0.362 556.8 7.9 1446101000048 11.270 0.401 394.5 7.3 1446101000049 12.090 0.446 300.8 7.3 1446101000050 13.010 0.498 198.7 7.0 1446101000051 14.040 0.558 163.7 7.0 1446101000052 15.190 0.629 138.8 7.0 1446101000053 16.500 0.713 119.2 6.8 1446101000054 17.980 0.812 108.8 6.8 1446101000055 19.680 0.931 100.9 6.6 1446101000056 ENDDATA 42 0 1446101000057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 1446101099999 SUBENT 14461011 20161024 14261446101100001 BIB 3 5 1446101100002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,INL)45-RH-103-G,,SIG) 1446101100003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the ground state 1446101100004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 6 of the reference sent 1446101100005 by author (N.F.) 1446101100006 (DEP,14461002) Gamma production cross section 1446101100007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101100008 COMMON 3 3 1446101100009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101100010 MEV KEV MB 1446101100011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101100012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101100013 DATA 4 40 1446101100014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101100015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101100016 0.780 0.040 420.4 1.9 1446101100017 0.870 0.050 620.0 2.4 1446101100018 0.980 0.060 819.1 2.7 1446101100019 1.100 0.030 865.1 3.1 1446101100020 1.170 0.060 945.2 3.2 1446101100021 1.300 0.070 932.3 3.2 1446101100022 1.450 0.090 1044.3 3.1 1446101100023 1.640 0.103 1165.1 3.2 1446101100024 1.860 0.125 1199.1 3.1 1446101100025 2.130 0.153 1248.4 3.2 1446101100026 2.460 0.190 1214.1 3.2 1446101100027 2.880 0.241 1150.2 3.2 1446101100028 3.410 0.312 1100.1 3.2 1446101100029 4.120 0.414 1092.2 3.0 1446101100030 4.290 0.094 1131.4 6.7 1446101100031 4.480 0.100 1113.1 6.3 1446101100032 4.680 0.107 1097.3 6.2 1446101100033 4.890 0.114 1026.5 6.0 1446101100034 5.120 0.122 1029.9 6.2 1446101100035 5.370 0.131 1012.9 6.2 1446101100036 5.630 0.141 1051.8 6.4 1446101100037 5.920 0.152 1027.4 6.4 1446101100038 6.230 0.164 1010.0 6.5 1446101100039 6.560 0.177 996.3 6.4 1446101100040 6.920 0.192 924.5 6.0 1446101100041 7.310 0.208 912.5 6.2 1446101100042 7.730 0.227 901.2 6.5 1446101100043 8.190 0.248 891.0 6.5 1446101100044 8.700 0.271 840.1 6.3 1446101100045 9.250 0.297 824.7 6.4 1446101100046 9.860 0.327 721.5 6.0 1446101100047 10.530 0.362 615.8 6.1 1446101100048 11.270 0.401 465.8 5.6 1446101100049 12.090 0.446 373.3 5.5 1446101100050 13.010 0.498 279.1 5.1 1446101100051 14.040 0.558 231.0 4.7 1446101100052 15.190 0.629 209.0 4.2 1446101100053 16.500 0.713 186.4 4.4 1446101100054 17.980 0.812 194.3 5.0 1446101100055 19.680 0.931 177.3 4.6 1446101100056 ENDDATA 42 0 1446101100057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 1446101199999 SUBENT 14461012 20161024 14261446101200001 BIB 3 5 1446101200002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,2N)47-AG-108-M,,SIG) 1446101200003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the isomer 1446101200004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference sent 1446101200005 by author (N.F.) 1446101200006 (DEP,14461006) Gamma production cross section 1446101200007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101200008 COMMON 3 3 1446101200009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101200010 MEV KEV MB 1446101200011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101200013 DATA 4 16 1446101200014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101200015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101200016 9.250 0.297 3.4 1.4 1446101200017 9.860 0.327 9.2 1.7 1446101200018 10.528 0.362 60.3 2.5 1446101200019 11.269 0.401 143.8 2.8 1446101200020 12.092 0.446 237.2 3.1 1446101200021 13.010 0.498 291.7 3.3 1446101200022 14.037 0.558 330.5 3.5 1446101200023 15.192 0.629 390.4 3.7 1446101200024 16.498 0.713 395.6 3.7 1446101200025 17.981 0.812 437.4 4.0 1446101200026 19.676 0.931 390.6 3.8 1446101200027 21.626 1.075 287.4 3.3 1446101200028 23.886 1.251 196.3 3.0 1446101200029 26.526 1.467 123.0 2.6 1446101200030 29.639 1.738 80.5 2.3 1446101200031 33.346 2.081 61.3 2.2 1446101200032 ENDDATA 18 0 1446101200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 1446101299999 SUBENT 14461013 20161024 14261446101300001 BIB 3 5 1446101300002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,2N)47-AG-108-G,,SIG) 1446101300003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the ground state 1446101300004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference sent 1446101300005 by author (N.F.) 1446101300006 (DEP,14461006) Gamma production cross section 1446101300007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101300008 COMMON 3 3 1446101300009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101300010 MEV KEV MB 1446101300011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101300013 DATA 4 18 1446101300014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101300015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101300016 8.190 0.248 85.7 2.1 1446101300017 8.700 0.271 102.8 2.1 1446101300018 9.250 0.297 149.3 2.4 1446101300019 9.858 0.327 227.2 2.7 1446101300020 10.528 0.362 369.4 3.2 1446101300021 11.269 0.401 487.4 3.5 1446101300022 12.092 0.446 571.9 3.7 1446101300023 13.010 0.498 568.6 3.8 1446101300024 14.037 0.558 552.0 3.7 1446101300025 15.192 0.629 555.2 3.9 1446101300026 16.498 0.713 483.0 3.7 1446101300027 17.981 0.812 444.3 3.7 1446101300028 19.676 0.931 319.7 3.3 1446101300029 21.626 1.075 211.0 2.9 1446101300030 23.886 1.251 154.2 2.6 1446101300031 26.526 1.467 125.2 2.5 1446101300032 29.639 1.738 103.5 2.3 1446101300033 33.346 2.081 100.7 2.2 1446101300034 ENDDATA 20 0 1446101300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 1446101399999 SUBENT 14461014 20161024 14261446101400001 BIB 3 5 1446101400002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,2N)45-RH-102-M,,SIG) 1446101400003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the isomer 1446101400004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference sent 1446101400005 by author (N.F.) 1446101400006 (DEP,14461003) Gamma production cross section 1446101400007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101400008 COMMON 3 3 1446101400009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101400010 MEV KEV MB 1446101400011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101400013 DATA 4 16 1446101400014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101400015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101400016 9.250 0.297 3.1 1.1 1446101400017 9.858 0.327 6.6 1.3 1446101400018 10.528 0.362 30.1 1.5 1446101400019 11.269 0.401 86.8 2.9 1446101400020 12.092 0.446 176.5 3.2 1446101400021 13.010 0.498 239.3 3.3 1446101400022 14.037 0.558 279.8 3.4 1446101400023 15.192 0.629 335.9 3.6 1446101400024 16.498 0.713 342.4 3.5 1446101400025 17.981 0.812 402.2 3.7 1446101400026 19.676 0.931 361.5 3.4 1446101400027 21.626 1.075 271.4 3.0 1446101400028 23.886 1.251 171.3 2.8 1446101400029 26.526 1.467 106.1 2.6 1446101400030 29.639 1.738 56.3 2.2 1446101400031 33.346 2.081 44.3 2.2 1446101400032 ENDDATA 18 0 1446101400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 1446101499999 SUBENT 14461015 20161024 14261446101500001 BIB 3 5 1446101500002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,2N)45-RH-102-G,,SIG) 1446101500003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the ground state 1446101500004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference sent 1446101500005 by author (N.F.) 1446101500006 (DEP,14461003) Gamma production cross section 1446101500007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101500008 COMMON 3 3 1446101500009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101500010 MEV KEV MB 1446101500011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101500012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101500013 DATA 4 17 1446101500014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101500015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101500016 8.697 0.271 16.8 1.7 1446101500017 9.250 0.297 52.9 2.1 1446101500018 9.858 0.327 139.8 2.4 1446101500019 10.528 0.362 308.3 2.9 1446101500020 11.269 0.401 501.7 4.0 1446101500021 12.092 0.446 690.4 4.5 1446101500022 13.010 0.498 766.4 4.7 1446101500023 14.037 0.558 788.9 4.8 1446101500024 15.192 0.629 838.1 5.0 1446101500025 16.498 0.713 759.0 4.7 1446101500026 17.981 0.812 774.1 4.8 1446101500027 19.676 0.931 595.9 4.4 1446101500028 21.626 1.075 413.5 3.8 1446101500029 23.886 1.251 262.5 3.4 1446101500030 26.526 1.467 185.9 3.3 1446101500031 29.639 1.738 131.1 2.9 1446101500032 33.346 2.081 111.5 2.8 1446101500033 ENDDATA 19 0 1446101500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 1446101599999 SUBENT 14461016 20161024 14261446101600001 BIB 3 5 1446101600002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,3N)47-AG-107-M,,SIG) 1446101600003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the isomer 1446101600004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 8 of the reference sent 1446101600005 by author (N.F.) 1446101600006 (DEP,14461007) Gamma production cross section 1446101600007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101600008 COMMON 3 3 1446101600009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101600010 MEV KEV MB 1446101600011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101600012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101600013 DATA 4 8 1446101600014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101600015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101600016 16.498 0.713 7.7 2.9 1446101600017 17.980 0.812 7.9 2.1 1446101600018 19.676 0.931 26.3 3.3 1446101600019 21.626 1.075 73.5 3.7 1446101600020 23.886 1.251 142.9 4.3 1446101600021 26.526 1.467 200.5 4.6 1446101600022 29.639 1.738 215.5 4.4 1446101600023 33.346 2.081 206.7 4.3 1446101600024 ENDDATA 10 0 1446101600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1446101699999 SUBENT 14461017 20161024 14261446101700001 BIB 3 5 1446101700002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,3N)47-AG-107-G,,SIG) 1446101700003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the ground state 1446101700004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 8 of the reference sent 1446101700005 by author (N.F.) 1446101700006 (DEP,14461007) Gamma production cross section 1446101700007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101700008 COMMON 3 3 1446101700009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101700010 MEV KEV MB 1446101700011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101700012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101700013 DATA 4 7 1446101700014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101700015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101700016 17.980 0.812 3.5 1.2 1446101700017 19.676 0.931 31.5 2.0 1446101700018 21.626 1.075 83.3 2.3 1446101700019 23.886 1.251 131.5 2.5 1446101700020 26.526 1.467 156.9 2.6 1446101700021 29.639 1.738 139.9 2.4 1446101700022 33.346 2.081 118.7 2.2 1446101700023 ENDDATA 9 0 1446101700024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1446101799999 SUBENT 14461018 20161024 14261446101800001 BIB 3 5 1446101800002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,3N)45-RH-101-M,,SIG) 1446101800003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the isomer 1446101800004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 8 of the reference sent 1446101800005 by author (N.F.) 1446101800006 (DEP,14461004) Gamma production cross section 1446101800007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101800008 COMMON 3 3 1446101800009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101800010 MEV KEV MB 1446101800011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101800012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101800013 DATA 4 8 1446101800014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101800015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101800016 16.498 0.710 4.4 2.6 1446101800017 17.980 0.812 15.1 1.7 1446101800018 19.676 0.931 72.8 3.3 1446101800019 21.626 1.075 199.1 3.9 1446101800020 23.886 1.251 343.2 4.5 1446101800021 26.526 1.467 432.4 4.8 1446101800022 29.639 1.738 413.8 4.4 1446101800023 33.346 2.081 350.8 4.0 1446101800024 ENDDATA 10 0 1446101800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1446101899999 SUBENT 14461019 20161024 14261446101900001 BIB 3 5 1446101900002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,3N)45-RH-101-G,,SIG) 1446101900003 ANALYSIS Sum of cross sections feeding the ground state 1446101900004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 8 of the reference sent 1446101900005 by author (N.F.) 1446101900006 (DEP,14461004) Gamma production cross section 1446101900007 ENDBIB 5 0 1446101900008 COMMON 3 3 1446101900009 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1446101900010 MEV KEV MB 1446101900011 14.5 846.7 705.0 1446101900012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1446101900013 DATA 4 7 1446101900014 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446101900015 MEV MEV MB MB 1446101900016 17.981 0.810 2.4 0.8 1446101900017 19.676 0.931 49.9 1.4 1446101900018 21.626 1.075 142.2 1.7 1446101900019 23.886 1.251 231.6 2.0 1446101900020 26.526 1.467 283.3 2.1 1446101900021 29.639 1.738 259.7 1.9 1446101900022 33.346 2.081 210.0 1.7 1446101900023 ENDDATA 9 0 1446101900024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1446101999999 SUBENT 14461020 20161024 14261446102000001 BIB 3 6 1446102000002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,INL)47-AG-109-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 1446102000003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 9 of the reference sent 1446102000004 by author (N.F.) 1446102000005 (DEP,14461008) Metastable state production cross sect. 1446102000006 (DEP,14461009) Ground state production cross section 1446102000007 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-109-M,39.6SEC) 1446102000008 ENDBIB 6 0 1446102000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1446102000010 DATA 4 35 1446102000011 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446102000012 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1446102000013 1.100 0.033 0.466 0.021 1446102000014 1.170 0.058 0.514 0.020 1446102000015 1.300 0.073 0.540 0.019 1446102000016 1.454 0.086 0.595 0.018 1446102000017 1.638 0.103 0.604 0.017 1446102000018 1.859 0.125 0.652 0.017 1446102000019 2.128 0.153 0.649 0.017 1446102000020 2.461 0.190 0.738 0.018 1446102000021 2.879 0.241 0.867 0.020 1446102000022 3.414 0.312 0.998 0.021 1446102000023 3.507 0.069 1.076 0.047 1446102000024 3.645 0.073 1.207 0.049 1446102000025 3.792 0.078 1.136 0.047 1446102000026 3.948 0.083 1.196 0.048 1446102000027 4.114 0.088 1.347 0.047 1446102000028 4.290 0.094 1.314 0.048 1446102000029 4.478 0.100 1.268 0.048 1446102000030 4.679 0.107 1.428 0.049 1446102000031 4.894 0.114 1.363 0.050 1446102000032 5.123 0.122 1.338 0.049 1446102000033 5.370 0.131 1.503 0.051 1446102000034 5.634 0.141 1.450 0.050 1446102000035 5.919 0.152 1.644 0.052 1446102000036 6.226 0.164 1.524 0.052 1446102000037 6.558 0.177 1.561 0.054 1446102000038 6.917 0.192 1.562 0.054 1446102000039 7.307 0.208 1.672 0.057 1446102000040 7.731 0.227 1.812 0.062 1446102000041 8.192 0.248 1.800 0.063 1446102000042 8.697 0.271 1.689 0.064 1446102000043 9.250 0.297 1.323 0.066 1446102000044 9.858 0.327 1.069 0.070 1446102000045 10.528 0.362 0.982 0.081 1446102000046 11.269 0.401 1.230 0.114 1446102000047 12.092 0.446 0.932 0.155 1446102000048 ENDDATA 37 0 1446102000049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1446102099999 SUBENT 14461021 20230707 15071446102100001 BIB 4 7 1446102100002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,INL)45-RH-103-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 1446102100003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 9 of the reference sent 1446102100004 by author (N.F.) 1446102100005 (DEP,14461010) Metastable state production cross sect. 1446102100006 (DEP,14461011) Ground state production cross section 1446102100007 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-103-M,56.114MIN) 1446102100008 HISTORY (20230628A) DATA-ERR values divided by 100 1446102100009 ENDBIB 7 0 1446102100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1446102100011 DATA 4 31 1446102100012 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446102100013 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1446102100014 1.100 0.033 0.544 0.00428 1446102100015 1.170 0.058 0.533 0.00386 1446102100016 1.300 0.073 0.586 0.00411 1446102100017 1.450 0.086 0.623 0.00317 1446102100018 1.640 0.103 0.634 0.00336 1446102100019 1.860 0.125 0.690 0.00324 1446102100020 2.130 0.153 0.707 0.00311 1446102100021 2.460 0.190 0.756 0.00327 1446102100022 2.880 0.241 0.800 0.00377 1446102100023 3.410 0.312 0.867 0.00434 1446102100024 4.120 0.414 0.915 0.00486 1446102100025 4.290 0.094 0.957 0.01054 1446102100026 4.480 0.100 0.956 0.01038 1446102100027 4.680 0.107 0.997 0.01053 1446102100028 4.890 0.114 1.018 0.01089 1446102100029 5.120 0.122 1.050 0.01111 1446102100030 5.370 0.131 1.088 0.01152 1446102100031 5.630 0.141 1.081 0.01134 1446102100032 5.920 0.152 1.081 0.01147 1446102100033 6.230 0.164 1.117 0.01201 1446102100034 6.560 0.177 1.106 0.01192 1446102100035 6.920 0.192 1.090 0.01190 1446102100036 7.310 0.208 1.145 0.01279 1446102100037 7.730 0.227 1.187 0.01377 1446102100038 8.190 0.248 1.168 0.01369 1446102100039 8.700 0.271 1.106 0.01344 1446102100040 9.250 0.297 1.017 0.01318 1446102100041 9.860 0.327 0.944 0.01382 1446102100042 10.530 0.362 0.904 0.01556 1446102100043 11.270 0.401 0.847 0.01869 1446102100044 12.090 0.446 0.806 0.02284 1446102100045 ENDDATA 33 0 1446102100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 1446102199999 SUBENT 14461022 20161024 14261446102200001 BIB 3 7 1446102200002 REACTION (47-AG-109(N,2N)47-AG-108-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 1446102200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 9 of the reference sent 1446102200004 by author (N.F.) 1446102200005 (DEP,14461012) Metastable state production cross sect. 1446102200006 (DEP,14461013) Ground state production cross section 1446102200007 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-108-M,438.YR) 1446102200008 (47-AG-108-G,2.382MIN) 1446102200009 ENDBIB 7 0 1446102200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1446102200011 DATA 4 23 1446102200012 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446102200013 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1446102200014 8.190 0.248 0.028 0.011 1446102200015 8.700 0.270 0.004 0.008 1446102200016 9.250 0.297 0.023 0.009 1446102200017 9.858 0.327 0.040 0.007 1446102200018 10.528 0.362 0.163 0.007 1446102200019 11.269 0.401 0.295 0.006 1446102200020 12.092 0.446 0.415 0.006 1446102200021 13.010 0.498 0.513 0.007 1446102200022 14.037 0.558 0.599 0.007 1446102200023 15.192 0.629 0.703 0.008 1446102200024 16.498 0.713 0.819 0.010 1446102200025 17.981 0.812 0.984 0.012 1446102200026 19.676 0.931 1.222 0.017 1446102200027 21.626 1.075 1.362 0.024 1446102200028 23.886 1.251 1.273 0.029 1446102200029 26.526 1.467 0.982 0.029 1446102200030 29.639 1.738 0.778 0.028 1446102200031 33.346 2.081 0.608 0.026 1446102200032 37.815 2.524 0.629 0.029 1446102200033 43.274 3.105 0.527 0.028 1446102200034 50.050 3.887 0.573 0.030 1446102200035 58.622 4.966 0.580 0.034 1446102200036 69.285 5.964 0.561 0.036 1446102200037 ENDDATA 25 0 1446102200038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 1446102299999 SUBENT 14461023 20161024 14261446102300001 BIB 3 7 1446102300002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,2N)45-RH-102-M/G,,SIG/RAT) 1446102300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 10 of the reference 1446102300004 sent by author (N.F.) 1446102300005 (DEP,14461014) Metastable state production cross sect. 1446102300006 (DEP,14461015) Ground state production cross section 1446102300007 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-M,3.742YR) 1446102300008 (45-RH-102-G,207.3D) 1446102300009 ENDBIB 7 0 1446102300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1446102300011 DATA 4 21 1446102300012 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1446102300013 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1446102300014 9.250 0.297 0.059 0.022 1446102300015 9.858 0.327 0.047 0.009 1446102300016 10.528 0.362 0.098 0.005 1446102300017 11.269 0.401 0.173 0.006 1446102300018 12.092 0.446 0.256 0.005 1446102300019 13.010 0.498 0.312 0.005 1446102300020 14.037 0.558 0.355 0.005 1446102300021 15.192 0.629 0.401 0.005 1446102300022 16.498 0.713 0.451 0.005 1446102300023 17.981 0.812 0.520 0.006 1446102300024 19.676 0.931 0.607 0.007 1446102300025 21.626 1.075 0.656 0.009 1446102300026 23.886 1.251 0.653 0.014 1446102300027 26.526 1.467 0.570 0.017 1446102300028 29.639 1.738 0.429 0.019 1446102300029 33.346 2.081 0.397 0.022 1446102300030 37.815 2.524 0.333 0.022 1446102300031 43.274 3.105 0.369 0.024 1446102300032 50.050 3.887 0.366 0.024 1446102300033 58.622 4.966 0.318 0.026 1446102300034 69.285 5.964 0.391 0.029 1446102300035 ENDDATA 23 0 1446102300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 1446102399999 ENDENTRY 23 0 1446199999999