ENTRY            14480   20170926                             14381448000000001 
SUBENT        14480001   20170926                             14381448000100001 
BIB                 15         71                                 1448000100002 
TITLE      Measurement of the 209Bi(n,4n)206Bi and                1448000100003 
           169Tm(n,3n)167Tm cross sections between 23.5 and 30.5  1448000100004 
           MeV relevant to reaction-in-flight neutron studies at  1448000100005 
           the National Ignition Facility                         1448000100006 
AUTHOR     (M.E.Gooden,T.A.Bredeweg,B.Champine,D.C.Combs,S.Finch, 1448000100007 
           A.Hayes-Sterbenz,E.Henry,Krishichayan,R.Rundberg,      1448000100008 
           W.Tornow,J.Wilhelmy,C.Yeamans)                         1448000100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,96,024622,2017)                                1448000100011 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USATNL)The measurements were performed using    1448000100012 
           the 10 MV FN tandem Van De Graaff accelerator at the   1448000100013 
           Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory               1448000100014 
SAMPLE     The bismuth targets were 0.9525mm in diameter and 1mm  1448000100015 
           thick, while the thulium foils were the same diameter  1448000100016 
           but 0.1 mm thick. The foils were stacked (Tm/Bi) and   1448000100017 
           placed approx. 16 mm from the outer flange of the      1448000100018 
           gas-cell assembly, with the thulium foil nearest the   1448000100019 
           neutron production target. Following foils were used   1448000100020 
           in measurement                                         1448000100021 
                    Energy (MeV)    Bi(mg)     Tm(mg)             1448000100022 
                    23.5+-0.105     0.7393     0.0681             1448000100023 
                    24.9+-0.130     0.7436     0.0680             1448000100024 
                    25.6+-0.133     0.7355     0.0670             1448000100025 
                    26.5+-0.138     0.7416     0.0684             1448000100026 
                    27.5+-0.142     0.7386     0.0688             1448000100027 
                    28.5+-0.147     0.7393     0.0683             1448000100028 
                    29.5+-0.156     0.6833     0.0695             1448000100029 
                    30.5+-0.165     0.6833     0.0684             1448000100030 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)After irradiation, the foils were mounted in     1448000100031 
           front of lead-shielded high-purity germanium (HPGe)    1448000100032 
           detectors for gamma-ray counting for approx. 24 h. The 1448000100033 
           bismuth foils were counted at 2.5 cm from the face of  1448000100034 
           one HPGe detector, while the Tm foils were counted at  1448000100035 
           5 cm on a separate, but nearly identical, HPGe         1448000100036 
           detector.                                              1448000100037 
           (HPGE)Due to the long half-life of the reference       1448000100038 
           reaction used (31.55 yr), the bismuth samples were     1448000100039 
           returned to LANL and counted on the Compton            1448000100040 
           suppressed dual-clover HPGe detector system, which     1448000100041 
           has significantly higher efficiency than the other     1448000100042 
           HPGe detectors.                                        1448000100043 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                1448000100044 
MONITOR    (83-BI-209(N,3N)83-BI-207,,SIG)                        1448000100045 
DECAY-MON  (83-BI-207,31.55YR)                                    1448000100046 
MONIT-REF  (,E.M.Zsolnay+,R,INDC(NDS)-0616,2012)                  1448000100047 
           (,K.I.Zolotarev,R,INDC(NDS)-0584,2010)                 1448000100048 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) Quasimonoenergetic neutrons were produced with   1448000100049 
           the 3H(d,n)4He reaction. Accelerated deuterons were    1448000100050 
           incident onto a neutron production target consisting   1448000100051 
           of 2.1 Ci tritium absorbed onto a 19 mm diameter       1448000100052 
           deposit of titanium on a 0.4 mm thick Cu backing.      1448000100053 
           Neutron energy was measured using neutron              1448000100054 
           time-of-flight. Neutron spectrum showed main peak and  1448000100055 
           a group of low energy off-energy neutrons.             1448000100056 
CORRECTION Corrected for contribution of off-energy neutrons.     1448000100057 
           Corrections ranged from 0.1% for 23 MeV neutrons and   1448000100058 
           almost 50% for 30 MeV neutrons                         1448000100059 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,0.02) Syst. uncertainty in target mass         1448000100060 
           (ERR-2,0.1,3.5)Syst. uncertainty in peak area          1448000100061 
           (ERR-3,1.19,1.42)Syst. uncertainty in gamma            1448000100062 
                            ray efficiency                        1448000100063 
           (ERR-4) Syst. uncertainty in neutron intensity         1448000100064 
                            fluctuation                           1448000100065 
           (ERR-5,3.,5.)Syst. uncertainty in Neutron monitor      1448000100066 
                            efficiency                            1448000100067 
           (ERR-6,0.1,3.8)Syst. uncertainty in gamma-ray emission 1448000100068 
                            probability                           1448000100069 
           (ERR-7,0.1,3.8)Syst. uncertainty in flux monitor cross 1448000100070 
                            sections                              1448000100071 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty at 1 sigma level             1448000100072 
HISTORY    (20170926C) Compiled by S.H.                           1448000100073 
ENDBIB              71          0                                 1448000100074 
COMMON               1          3                                 1448000100075 
ERR-4                                                             1448000100076 
PER-CENT                                                          1448000100077 
0.1                                                               1448000100078 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1448000100079 
ENDSUBENT           78          0                                 1448000199999 
SUBENT        14480002   20170926                             14381448000200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 1448000200002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,4N)83-BI-206,,SIG)                        1448000200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 4. of the reference       1448000200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 1448000200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1448000200006 
DATA                 4          8                                 1448000200007 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            1448000200008 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                1448000200009 
       23.9      0.105    0.00022    0.00002                      1448000200010 
       24.9      0.130      0.015      0.001                      1448000200011 
       25.5      0.133      0.047      0.004                      1448000200012 
       26.5      0.138      0.182      0.016                      1448000200013 
       27.5      0.142      0.438      0.041                      1448000200014 
       28.5      0.147      0.785      0.107                      1448000200015 
       29.5      0.156      0.826      0.095                      1448000200016 
       30.5      0.165      0.995      0.162                      1448000200017 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 1448000200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 1448000299999 
SUBENT        14480003   20170926                             14381448000300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 1448000300002 
REACTION   (69-TM-169(N,3N)69-TM-167,,SIG)                        1448000300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 4. of the reference       1448000300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 1448000300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1448000300006 
DATA                 4          8                                 1448000300007 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            1448000300008 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                1448000300009 
       23.9      0.105       1.78       0.12                      1448000300010 
       24.9      0.130       1.65       0.07                      1448000300011 
       25.5      0.133       1.73       0.08                      1448000300012 
       26.5      0.138       1.78       0.08                      1448000300013 
       27.5      0.142       1.86       0.09                      1448000300014 
       28.5      0.147       1.74       0.09                      1448000300015 
       29.5      0.156       1.21       0.08                      1448000300016 
       30.5      0.165       1.24       0.21                      1448000300017 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 1448000300018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 1448000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 1448099999999