ENTRY 14500 20240403 15111450000000001 SUBENT 14500001 20240403 15111450000100001 BIB 10 69 1450000100002 TITLE Fission Product Yields from 232Th, 238U, and 235U 1450000100003 Using 14 MeV Neutrons 1450000100004 AUTHOR (B.D.Pierson,L.R.Greenwood,M.Flaska,S.A.Pozzi) 1450000100005 REFERENCE (J,NDS,139,171,2017) 1450000100006 #doi:10.1016/j.nds.2017.01.004 1450000100007 INSTITUTE (1USAMHG,1USABNW,1USAPSU) 1450000100008 FACILITY (NGEN,1USAMHG) Thermo-Scientific D711 accelerator- 1450000100009 based fusion neutron generator. 1450000100010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) The total flux above 9 MeV was measured to 1450000100011 be 2.96(17)*10**8 neutrons per cm2 second. 1450000100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) Three coaxial high-purity germanium detectors 1450000100013 were used to acquire data in list-mode in 1450000100014 coincidence using an XIA Pixie-4 digital data 1450000100015 acquisition system to study the delayed gamma 1450000100016 emissions of short-lived fission progeny from the 1450000100017 fissioned actinide targets. All three 40% relative 1450000100018 efficiency HPGe detectors were of the same dimension 1450000100019 (within 0.1 mm). The detectors were 84.5 mm diameter 1450000100020 cylinders that were 32 mm deep with a bevel radius of 1450000100021 8 mm. 1450000100022 METHOD (EXTB,FPGAM) Three separate actinide targets: 232Th, 1450000100023 238U, and 235U were heat sealed in polyethylene and 1450000100024 cyclically irradiated using a neutron generator and a 1450000100025 pneumatic shuttle system to measure the fission 1450000100026 yields of fission products with half-lives greater 1450000100027 than 0.5 seconds. Each cyclic irradiation entailed 1450000100028 sending the target from the radiation detectors to 1450000100029 the face of the neutron generator for a 5 second 1450000100030 irradiation. At the end of the irradiation interval, 1450000100031 the target was sent back to the radiation detection 1450000100032 system using pressurized helium gas for a count 1450000100033 period of 200 seconds before re-irradiation. 1450000100034 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-84,4.2SEC,DG,1454.55,0.89) 1450000100035 ((2.)34-SE-86,14.3SEC,DG,2441.1,0.43) 1450000100036 ((3.)34-SE-86,14.3SEC,DG,1564.64) 1450000100037 ((4.)35-BR-86,55.0SEC,DG,1564.64,0.65) 1450000100038 ((5.)35-BR-87,55.65SEC,DG,1419.71,0.22) 1450000100039 ((6.)35-BR-88,16.29SEC,DG,775.28,0.67) 1450000100040 ((7.)36-KR-89,189.0SEC,DG,220.948,0.201) 1450000100041 ((8.)36-KR-90,32.32SEC,DG,1118.69,0.39) 1450000100042 ((9.)36-KR-92,1.84SEC,DG,1218.6,0.5961) 1450000100043 ((10.)37-RB-94,2.702SEC,DG,836.9,0.61) 1450000100044 ((11.)37-RB-94,2.702SEC,DG,1577.5,0.2227) 1450000100045 ((12.)38-SR-94,75.3SEC,DG,1427.7,0.942) 1450000100046 ((13.)38-SR-95,23.9SEC,DG,685.6,0.226) 1450000100047 ((14.)38-SR-96,1.07SEC,DG,809.4,0.7191) 1450000100048 ((15.)39-Y-96-M,9.6SEC,DG,1750.6,0.88) 1450000100049 ((16.)39-Y-97-M1,1.17SEC,DG,1103.0,0.9235) 1450000100050 ((17.)39-Y-99,1.47SEC,DG,724.4,0.1706) 1450000100051 ((18.)39-Y-99,1.47SEC,DG,469.137) 1450000100052 ((19.)39-Y-99,1.47SEC,DG,546.13) 1450000100053 ((20.)40-ZR-99,2.1SEC,DG,469.137,0.552) 1450000100054 ((21.)40-ZR-99,2.1SEC,DG,546.13,0.4829) 1450000100055 ((22.)52-TE-136,17.5SEC,DG,2077.9,0.2237) 1450000100056 ((23.)53-I-136-G,83.4SEC,DG,1313.02,0.667) 1450000100057 ((24.)53-I-136-M,46.9SEC,DG,1313.02,1.0) 1450000100058 ((25.)54-XE-138,844.8SEC,DG,1768.26,0.1673) 1450000100059 ((26.)54-XE-139,39.68SEC,DG,218.59,0.56) 1450000100060 ((27.)54-XE-140,13.6SEC,DG,1413.66,0.122) 1450000100061 ((28.)55-CS-140,63.7SEC,DG,602.25,0.533) 1450000100062 ((29.)55-CS-142,1.684SEC,DG,359.598,0.272) 1450000100063 ((30.)56-BA-143,14.5SEC,DG,798.79,0.156) 1450000100064 ((31.)56-BA-144,11.5SEC,DG,397.44) 1450000100065 ((32.)57-LA-144,40.8SEC,DG,397.44,0.943) 1450000100066 ((33.)57-LA-146-M,10.0SEC,DG,258.42,0.9525) 1450000100067 ((34.)57-LA-146,6.27SEC,DG,258.47,0.637) 1450000100068 HISTORY (20180404C) BP 1450000100069 (20240402A) OS. DECAY-DATA: B- -> DG; Energy for Sr-95 1450000100070 corrected 1450000100071 ENDBIB 69 0 1450000100072 COMMON 2 3 1450000100073 EN EN-ERR 1450000100074 MEV MEV 1450000100075 14.3 0.3 1450000100076 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1450000100077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 1450000199999 SUBENT 14500002 20180404 14401450000200001 BIB 4 17 1450000200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1450000200003 SAMPLE Oxide-powder with 99.9% purity, 0.1199 grams from 1450000200004 PNNL. 1450000200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Errors include the uncertainty from the 1450000200006 half-life, branching ratio, irradiation time, 1450000200007 dead-time, and counting statistics, branching ratios. 1450000200008 (ERR-1) The detector efficiencies of each HPGe 1450000200009 detector (east, west, and vert). 1450000200010 (ERR-2,1.,10.) Half-life (T1/2). 1450000200011 (ERR-3,0.1,5.) Branching ratio. 1450000200012 (ERR-4) Irradiation time. 1450000200013 (ERR-5) Counting time. 1450000200014 (ERR-6) Target mass. 1450000200015 (ERR-7,1.,10.) Self-shielding (CFSS). 1450000200016 (ERR-8,0.5,2.) Dead-time (CFDT). 1450000200017 (ERR-9) Fission rate. 1450000200018 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV, page 182. 1450000200019 ENDBIB 17 0 1450000200020 COMMON 5 3 1450000200021 ERR-1 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-9 1450000200022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1450000200023 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 9.23 1450000200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1450000200025 DATA 6 34 1450000200026 MASS ELEMENT ISOMER DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG 1450000200027 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 1450000200028 84.0 33.0 0.99 0.12 1.01450000200029 86.0 34.0 2.42 0.30 2.01450000200030 86.0 34.0 2.07 0.29 3.01450000200031 86.0 35.0 3.96 0.42 4.01450000200032 87.0 35.0 4.18 0.49 5.01450000200033 88.0 35.0 3.20 0.37 6.01450000200034 89.0 36.0 5.37 0.67 7.01450000200035 90.0 36.0 5.33 0.66 8.01450000200036 92.0 36.0 2.31 0.30 9.01450000200037 94.0 37.0 2.34 0.29 10.01450000200038 94.0 37.0 2.45 0.35 11.01450000200039 94.0 38.0 4.80 0.53 12.01450000200040 95.0 38.0 4.30 0.53 13.01450000200041 96.0 38.0 2.37 0.31 14.01450000200042 96.0 39.0 1.0 0.49 0.07 15.01450000200043 97.0 39.0 1.0 0.81 0.12 16.01450000200044 99.0 39.0 1.45 0.32 17.01450000200045 99.0 39.0 1.72 0.28 18.01450000200046 99.0 39.0 0.47 0.19 19.01450000200047 99.0 40.0 2.38 0.29 20.01450000200048 99.0 40.0 2.23 0.26 21.01450000200049 136.0 52.0 1.26 0.19 22.01450000200050 136.0 53.0 0.0 0.68 0.50 23.01450000200051 136.0 53.0 1.0 1.96 0.29 24.01450000200052 138.0 54.0 5.00 0.62 25.01450000200053 139.0 54.0 5.15 0.57 26.01450000200054 140.0 54.0 2.66 0.40 27.01450000200055 140.0 55.0 5.87 0.65 28.01450000200056 142.0 55.0 3.56 0.46 29.01450000200057 143.0 56.0 5.47 0.68 30.01450000200058 144.0 56.0 3.11 0.35 31.01450000200059 144.0 57.0 3.82 0.41 32.01450000200060 146.0 57.0 1.0 0.71 0.13 33.01450000200061 146.0 57.0 1.21 0.22 34.01450000200062 ENDDATA 36 0 1450000200063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 1450000299999 SUBENT 14500003 20180404 14401450000300001 BIB 4 16 1450000300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1450000300003 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.995) Metal, 0.2083 grams, from PNNL. 1450000300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Errors include the uncertainty from the 1450000300005 half-life, branching ratio, irradiation time, 1450000300006 dead-time, and counting statistics, branching ratios. 1450000300007 (ERR-1) The detector efficiencies of each HPGe 1450000300008 detector (east, west, and vert). 1450000300009 (ERR-2,1.,10.) Half-life (T1/2). 1450000300010 (ERR-3,0.1,5.) Branching ratio. 1450000300011 (ERR-4) Irradiation time. 1450000300012 (ERR-5) Counting time. 1450000300013 (ERR-6) Target mass. 1450000300014 (ERR-7,1.,10.) Self-shielding (CFSS). 1450000300015 (ERR-8,0.5,2.) Dead-time (CFDT). 1450000300016 (ERR-9) Fission rate. 1450000300017 STATUS (TABLE) Table V, page 183. 1450000300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1450000300019 COMMON 5 3 1450000300020 ERR-1 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-9 1450000300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1450000300022 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 7.03 1450000300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1450000300024 DATA 6 34 1450000300025 MASS ELEMENT ISOMER DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG 1450000300026 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 1450000300027 84.0 33.0 0.46 0.05 1.01450000300028 86.0 34.0 0.63 0.07 2.01450000300029 86.0 34.0 0.56 0.08 3.01450000300030 86.0 35.0 1.17 0.09 4.01450000300031 87.0 35.0 2.54 0.22 5.01450000300032 88.0 35.0 1.53 0.15 6.01450000300033 89.0 36.0 3.23 0.48 7.01450000300034 90.0 36.0 2.93 0.27 8.01450000300035 92.0 36.0 2.12 0.21 9.01450000300036 94.0 37.0 2.92 0.29 10.01450000300037 94.0 37.0 3.27 0.30 11.01450000300038 94.0 38.0 4.34 0.35 12.01450000300039 95.0 38.0 4.22 0.39 13.01450000300040 96.0 38.0 3.62 0.37 14.01450000300041 96.0 39.0 1.0 0.60 0.06 15.01450000300042 97.0 39.0 1.0 2.01 0.17 16.01450000300043 99.0 39.0 3.84 0.50 17.01450000300044 99.0 39.0 2.90 0.26 18.01450000300045 99.0 39.0 2.51 0.24 19.01450000300046 99.0 40.0 6.84 0.61 20.01450000300047 99.0 40.0 5.86 0.50 21.01450000300048 136.0 52.0 1.29 0.15 22.01450000300049 136.0 53.0 0.0 1.57 0.15 23.01450000300050 136.0 53.0 1.0 1.91 0.16 24.01450000300051 138.0 54.0 5.07 0.42 25.01450000300052 139.0 54.0 4.19 0.60 26.01450000300053 140.0 54.0 2.52 0.30 27.01450000300054 140.0 55.0 6.21 0.54 28.01450000300055 142.0 55.0 2.55 0.29 29.01450000300056 143.0 56.0 6.44 0.57 30.01450000300057 144.0 56.0 2.46 0.24 31.01450000300058 144.0 57.0 3.64 0.34 32.01450000300059 146.0 57.0 1.0 0.69 0.15 33.01450000300060 146.0 57.0 1.69 0.25 34.01450000300061 ENDDATA 36 0 1450000300062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 1450000399999 SUBENT 14500004 20180404 14401450000400001 BIB 4 16 1450000400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1450000400003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.9995) Metal, 0.2113 grams, from PNNL. 1450000400004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Errors include the uncertainty from the 1450000400005 half-life, branching ratio, irradiation time, 1450000400006 dead-time, and counting statistics, branching ratios. 1450000400007 (ERR-1) The detector efficiencies of each HPGe 1450000400008 detector (east, west, and vert). 1450000400009 (ERR-2,1.,10.) Half-life (T1/2). 1450000400010 (ERR-3,0.1,5.) Branching ratio. 1450000400011 (ERR-4) Irradiation time. 1450000400012 (ERR-5) Counting time. 1450000400013 (ERR-6) Target mass. 1450000400014 (ERR-7,1.,10.) Self-shielding (CFSS). 1450000400015 (ERR-8,0.5,2.) Dead-time (CFDT). 1450000400016 (ERR-9) Fission rate. 1450000400017 STATUS (TABLE) Table VI, page 184. 1450000400018 ENDBIB 16 0 1450000400019 COMMON 5 3 1450000400020 ERR-1 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-9 1450000400021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1450000400022 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.75 1450000400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1450000400024 DATA 6 33 1450000400025 MASS ELEMENT ISOMER DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG 1450000400026 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 1450000400027 84.0 33.0 0.21 0.03 1.01450000400028 86.0 34.0 0.40 0.06 2.01450000400029 86.0 34.0 0.34 0.06 3.01450000400030 86.0 35.0 1.31 0.14 4.01450000400031 87.0 35.0 1.95 0.23 5.01450000400032 88.0 35.0 0.94 0.12 6.01450000400033 89.0 36.0 4.38 0.72 7.01450000400034 90.0 36.0 3.53 0.43 8.01450000400035 92.0 36.0 0.96 0.12 9.01450000400036 94.0 37.0 0.98 0.13 10.01450000400037 94.0 37.0 1.37 0.18 11.01450000400038 94.0 38.0 4.10 0.46 12.01450000400039 95.0 38.0 3.46 0.44 13.01450000400040 96.0 38.0 1.87 0.24 14.01450000400041 96.0 39.0 1.0 1.05 0.13 15.01450000400042 97.0 39.0 1.0 1.82 0.22 16.01450000400043 99.0 39.0 1.83 0.33 17.01450000400044 99.0 39.0 0.33 0.09 18.01450000400045 99.0 39.0 0.00 0.06 19.01450000400046 99.0 40.0 4.35 0.53 20.01450000400047 99.0 40.0 4.36 0.51 21.01450000400048 136.0 52.0 0.40 0.06 22.01450000400049 136.0 53.0 0.0 0.05 0.05 23.01450000400050 136.0 53.0 1.0 1.47 0.17 24.01450000400051 138.0 54.0 3.30 0.39 25.01450000400052 139.0 54.0 2.92 0.49 26.01450000400053 140.0 54.0 0.62 0.11 27.01450000400054 140.0 55.0 3.41 0.40 28.01450000400055 143.0 56.0 2.22 0.29 30.01450000400056 144.0 56.0 1.18 0.16 31.01450000400057 144.0 57.0 2.61 0.33 32.01450000400058 146.0 57.0 1.0 0.60 0.11 33.01450000400059 146.0 57.0 0.49 0.13 34.01450000400060 ENDDATA 35 0 1450000400061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 1450000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 1450099999999