ENTRY 14544 20211109 14891454400000001 SUBENT 14544001 20211107 14891454400100001 BIB 8 39 1454400100002 TITLE Search for high energy gamma-rays from the 1454400100003 spontaneous fission of 252Cf 1454400100004 AUTHOR (S.J.Luke,C.A.Gossett,R.Vandenbosch) 1454400100005 INSTITUTE (1USAWAU) 1454400100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,44,1548,1991) 1454400100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.44.1548 1454400100008 (P,A-WAU-1990,7,1990) Preliminary result 1454400100009 #NSR: 1990GOZW 1454400100010 (J,BAP,36,1348(J10-2),1991) 1454400100011 #NSR: 1991LUZX Abstract, no data 1454400100012 INC-SOURCE The source had isotopically pure 252Cf 1454400100013 electrodeposited on a platinum disk. The Cf source 1454400100014 was placed in the center of a scattering chamber at a 1454400100015 distance of 1.2 cm from a silicon surface barrier 1454400100016 detector. 1454400100017 DETECTOR (SIBAR) The silicon detectors were collimated to 1454400100018 yield a half angle of between 22 degrees and 38 1454400100019 degrees, depending on the size of the detector. 1454400100020 Several of these detectors were used in the course of 1454400100021 the measurement; the detectors lasted two to three 1454400100022 days before they be came severely radiation damaged. 1454400100023 (NAICR) A 25.4 cm x 38.1 cm NaI detector (50 cm away 1454400100024 from the source) surrounded by a passive lead shield 1454400100025 and an active anticoincidence shield to minimize the 1454400100026 cosmic-ray background. The NaI detector was calibrated 1454400100027 up to a gamma-ray energy of 30 MeV using low energy 1454400100028 sources and gamma rays from 11B(p,gamma) at Ep = 7.25 1454400100029 and 14.3 MeV. 1454400100030 The solid-state detector was placed at an angle of 120 1454400100031 degrees with respect to the axis of the NaI detector. 1454400100032 The time of flight between events in the 1454400100033 fission-fragment detector and in the NaI detector was 1454400100034 recorded. The gate in the time-difference spectrum was 1454400100035 narrow enough to allow the discrimination against 1454400100036 neutrons of 25 MeV or less. 1454400100037 METHOD (COINC) Measurement in the fission-fragment/gamma ray 1454400100038 coincidence mode 1454400100039 HISTORY (20190625C) OG. 1454400100040 (20211107A) OG. The 1-st ref. replaced, Sub002 updated.1454400100041 ENDBIB 39 0 1454400100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 1454400100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 1454400199999 SUBENT 14544002 20210826 14891454400200001 BIB 4 6 1454400200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE) 1454400200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty. 1454400200004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 (p.1551) in Phys.Rev/C,44,1548,1991 was 1454400200005 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. 1454400200006 HISTORY (20211107A) OG. Preliminary data replaced by final 1454400200007 results from Phys.Rev/C,44,1548,1991. 1454400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 1454400200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1454400200010 DATA 3 14 1454400200011 E DATA DATA-ERR 1454400200012 MEV PT/FIS/MEV PT/FIS/MEV 1454400200013 5.320 7.330E-03 1454400200014 6.475 4.289E-03 1454400200015 7.644 5.888E-04 1454400200016 8.811 1.012E-04 1454400200017 9.990 3.907E-05 1454400200018 11.147 1.953E-05 2.322E-06 1454400200019 12.321 1.251E-05 1.486E-06 1454400200020 13.458 6.045E-06 1454400200021 14.715 2.672E-06 3.863E-07 1454400200022 15.970 1.445E-06 3.043E-07 1454400200023 17.212 4.214E-07 1.691E-07 1454400200024 18.467 2.131E-07 1.210E-07 1454400200025 19.700 1.428E-07 9.988E-08 1454400200026 20.995 7.469E-08 7.023E-08 1454400200027 ENDDATA 16 0 1454400200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1454400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1454499999999