ENTRY 14555 20200101 14611455500000001 SUBENT 14555001 20191217 14611455500100001 BIB 14 153 1455500100002 TITLE Energy dependence of fission product yields from 235U, 1455500100003 238U and 239Pu for incident neutron energies between 1455500100004 0.5 and 14.8 MeV 1455500100005 AUTHOR (M.E.Gooden,C.W.Arnold,J.A.Becker,C.Bhatia,M.Bhike, 1455500100006 E.M.Bond, T.A.Bredeweg,B.Fallin,M.M.Fowler,C.R.Howell, 1455500100007 J.H.Kelley, Krishichayan,R.Macri,G.Rusev,C.Ryan, 1455500100008 S.A.Sheets,M.A.Stoyer, A.P.Tonchev,W.Tornow, 1455500100009 D.J.Vieira,J.B.Wilhelmy) 1455500100010 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USALRL,1CANMCM,1USADKE,1USATNL,1USANCS) 1455500100011 REFERENCE (J,NDS,131,319,2016) 1455500100012 #doi:10.1016/j.nds.2015.12.006 1455500100013 #NSR: 2016GO02 1455500100014 (J,NDS,119,324,2014) Prelim. data for 4.6,9.0,14.5 MeV.1455500100015 #doi:10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.089 1455500100016 #NSR: 2014BH11 1455500100017 (J,EPJ/CS,146,04024,2017) Cumulative fission product 1455500100018 yields for 147Nd (presented in figs.) 1455500100019 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201714604024 1455500100020 #NSR: 2017GOZW 1455500100021 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.91.064604 1455500100022 #NSR: 2015BH09 1455500100023 REL-REF (O,14423001,C.Bhatia+,J,PR/C,91,064604,2015) Data for 1455500100024 8.9 MeV included in Entry 14423. 1455500100025 FACILITY (VDGT,1USATNL) Experiments performed at the Triangle 1455500100026 Universities Nuclear Laboratory on the campus of Duke 1455500100027 University using a 10 MV FN Tandem Van de Graaff 1455500100028 accelerator. 1455500100029 DETECTOR (FISCH) Each measurement used a single dual-fission 1455500100030 chamber placed in close proximity to the neutron 1455500100031 production source. A special mounting was created to 1455500100032 allow fine adjustments of the position of the fission 1455500100033 chamber relative to the end of the beam line. Using a 1455500100034 fixed spacer, 15.8 mm wide, the fission chambers were 1455500100035 set a fixed distance from the end of the beam line. 1455500100036 Finally, a fixed telescope downstream at 0 degree, 1455500100037 was used to adjust the horizontal and vertical 1455500100038 positioning of the chamber so that it was centered on 1455500100039 the same position as the neutron production source. 1455500100040 This enabled reproducible positioning of the fission 1455500100041 chambers between different measurements. Since 235U 1455500100042 and 239Pu have substantial thermal cross sections, a 1455500100043 cadmium cover(hat) was made that fit over the top of 1455500100044 the fission chambers. The Cd-hat reduces the 1455500100045 room-return neutrons by approximately a factor of 2. 1455500100046 A BC-501A liquid scintillator neutron detector was also1455500100047 placed about 3 m downstream from the neutron 1455500100048 production source which served as flux monitor and was 1455500100049 used during neutron time-of-flight measurements. 1455500100050 A single dual-fission chamber (DFC) contains a thick 1455500100051 activation target and two thin reference foils of the 1455500100052 same isotope. The body of each DFC has an outer 1455500100053 diameter of 2.50 cm and an overall thickness of 1455500100054 1.73 cm. The total volume of the DFC is about 3.5 cm3. 1455500100055 The efficiency of the FCs were determined by preparing 1455500100056 252Cf sources in the same configuration as the 1455500100057 reference foils. The fission detection efficiency was 1455500100058 98.5%. 1455500100059 (HPGE) Gamma rays from fission products were measured 1455500100060 using lead-shielded High-Purity Germanium detectors 1455500100061 over a period of 1.5-2 months after activation using 1455500100062 a number of different counting cycles. 1455500100063 METHOD (ACTIV) Fission yields were determined by activation 1455500100064 method using characteristic gamma rays of fission 1455500100065 products. 1455500100066 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) The 7Li(p,n) 7Be reaction was used to achieve 1455500100067 about 0.5 MeV neutrons. For incident proton energies 1455500100068 greater than 2.372 MeV, the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction is no 1455500100069 longer monoenergetic, due to the opening of the neutron1455500100070 emission channel from the first excited state of 7Be 1455500100071 at 429 keV. Neutron production targets for this 1455500100072 reaction were produced by evaporation of lithium 1455500100073 fluoride (LiF) powder onto 19 mm diameter by 0.2 mm 1455500100074 thick aluminum disks. The mass of the LiF varied 1455500100075 between 0.9 and 1.2 mg between the various targets that1455500100076 were produced. The mean incident neutron energy 1455500100077 achieved on target using this reaction was 0.56 MeV 1455500100078 with a total spread in neutron energy of +-30 keV. 1455500100079 (P-T) The 3H(p,n) 3He reaction produces monoenergetic 1455500100080 neutrons up to incident proton energies of 8.348 MeV, 1455500100081 resulting in a maximum neutron energy of 7.7 MeV. For 1455500100082 these measurements, this reaction was used to produce 1455500100083 neutrons at about 1.37, 2.37 and 3.60 MeV, with total 1455500100084 energy spreads of +-120, 70 and 70 keV respectively. 1455500100085 The tritiated target consists of a 19 mm diameter by 1455500100086 0.4 mm thick Cu disk on which a 16 mm diameter and 1455500100087 2.2 mg/cm2 thick layer of titanium was evaporated. 1455500100088 Into the Ti layer 2.1 Ci of tritium was absorbed, 1455500100089 giving a ratio of T/Ti >1.5. In order to provide 1455500100090 cooling to the Havar foil and tritiated target, a 1455500100091 helium gas buffer cell (usually pressurized to about 1455500100092 1.5 atm) is used upstream from the production target 1455500100093 foil. The Cu disk and the copper target chamber are 1455500100094 cooled from the outside with separate gas lines of 1455500100095 both compressed and chilled air. For proton beam 1455500100096 currents between 2 and 4 mu-A, a water cooled target 1455500100097 chamber made of copper was used in place of the 1455500100098 stainless steel target chamber. 1455500100099 (D-D) The reaction 2H(d,n) 3He was used to produce 1455500100100 neutrons with energies of 4.56, 5.5 and 8.9 MeV. The 1455500100101 measurements at these energies had spreads (FWHM) in 1455500100102 the neutron energy of +-250, 140 and 100 keV, 1455500100103 respectively. 1455500100104 (D-T) The 3H(d,n) 4He reaction was used to produce 1455500100105 neutrons at the nearby energy of 14.8 MeV with an 1455500100106 energy spread of +-75 keV. 1455500100107 DECAY-DATA ((1.)38-SR-91,9.63HR,DG,1024.3,0.335) 1455500100108 ((2.)38-SR-92,2.611HR,DG,1383.93,0.90) 1455500100109 ((3.)40-ZR-95,64.032D,DG,724.192,0.4427) 1455500100110 ((4.)40-ZR-97,16.749HR,DG,743.36,0.9309) 1455500100111 ((5.)42-MO-99,65.976HR,DG,739.500,0.1226) 1455500100112 ((6.)44-RU-103,39.247D,DG,497.09,0.910) 1455500100113 ((7.)44-RU-105,4.44HR,DG,724.30,0.473) 1455500100114 ((8.)51-SB-127,3.85D,DG,685.7,0.368) 1455500100115 ((9.)53-I-131,8.0252D,DG,364.489,0.815) 1455500100116 ((10.)52-TE-132,3.204D,DG,228.16,0.88) 1455500100117 ((11.)53-I-133-G,20.83HR,DG,529.872,0.870) 1455500100118 ((12.)54-XE-135-G,9.14HR,DG,249.794,0.90) 1455500100119 ((14.)56-BA-140,12.7527D,DG,537.261,0.2439) 1455500100120 ((15.)58-CE-143,33.039HR,DG,293.266,0.428) 1455500100121 ((16.)60-ND-147,10.98D,DG,531.016,0.1337) 1455500100122 ERR-ANALYS The following partial uncertainties are not included in1455500100123 the total uncertainty (<1% for each): 1455500100124 half-life, counting time, decay time, irradiation time1455500100125 room-return neutron backgrounds. 1455500100126 (ERR-T) The total uncertainty is determined by summing 1455500100127 in quadrature the different components listed below. 1455500100128 (ERR-1,0.2,6.) photo-peak area 1455500100129 (ERR-2,0.01,0.5) neutron flux correction 1455500100130 1(ERR-3,2.,5.) HPGe efficiency 1455500100131 (ERR-4) fission chamber efficiency (1.5%) 1455500100132 (ERR-5,0.1,5.4) gamma-ray emission probability 1455500100133 (ERR-6) target positioning correction (~1%) 1455500100134 (ERR-7) gamma-ray absorption (1.06%) 1455500100135 (ERR-8,0.01,0.04) target mass 1455500100136 (ERR-9,2.,4.) coincidence summing 1455500100137 (ERR-10,0.,2.) neutron backgrounds (off-energy) 1455500100138 2(ERR-3,0.1,0.2) efficiency ratio 1455500100139 (ERR-4) gamma-ray absorption (0.2%) 1455500100140 CORRECTION Data were corrected for 1455500100141 1) Dead time correction (1%). 1455500100142 2) The photon self-attenuation correction for each 1455500100143 identified fission product for each target at the far 1455500100144 (5 cm) counting position. 1455500100145 3) An average correction for fluctuations in the 1455500100146 neutron flux during irradiation for each fission 1455500100147 product. 1455500100148 COMMENT In the text in Nucl.Data Sh.,131,319,2016 on p.322 1455500100149 for 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction: 'The mean incident neutron 1455500100150 energy achieved on target using this reaction was 1455500100151 0.56 MeV and marks the lowest energy data point in this1455500100152 set of measurements'. In the tables this energy is 1455500100153 equal 0.58 MeV. This value was used by compiler. 1455500100154 HISTORY (20191210C) OG. 1455500100155 ENDBIB 153 0 1455500100156 COMMON 4 3 1455500100157 ERR-4 1ERR-6 1ERR-7 1ERR-4 2 1455500100158 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1455500100159 1.5 1. 1.06 0.2 1455500100160 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1455500100161 ENDSUBENT 160 0 1455500199999 SUBENT 14555002 20191217 14611455500200001 BIB 4 39 1455500200002 REACTION 1(92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1455500200003 2((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/ 1455500200004 (92-U-235(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY)) 1455500200005 SAMPLE Enriched 235U sample with mass 233.02+-0.02 mg 1455500200006 and diameter 12.35+-0.05 mm 1455500200007 (92-U-235,ENR=0.9327) 1455500200008 (92-U-234,ENR=0.0105) 1455500200009 (92-U-238,ENR=0.0568) 1455500200010 CORRECTION 1. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500200011 attenuation of the neutron flux through the various 1455500200012 components of the dual-fission chambers: 1455500200013 En=0.56 MeV 0.07%, En=1.37 MeV 0.13%, 1455500200014 En=2.37 MeV 0.16%, En=3.60 MeV 0.19%, 1455500200015 En=4.49 MeV 0.18%, En=14.8 MeV 0.18%. 1455500200016 The uncertainty on these corrections is on the order of1455500200017 0.01%. 1455500200018 2. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500200019 the kinematic focusing of the fission fragments emitted1455500200020 by the monitor foil in each chamber: 1455500200021 En=0.56 MeV 0.4%, En=1.37 MeV 0.6%, 1455500200022 En=2.37 MeV 0.8%, En=3.60 MeV 1.0%, 1455500200023 En=4.49 MeV 1.1%, En=14.8 MeV 1.5%(FC1),2.0%(FC2). 1455500200024 3. Correction factor Rg=Measured eff./Standard eff. 1455500200025 due to errors in positioning of the activated target in1455500200026 the counting setup for gamma-ray spectroscopy: 1455500200027 En=0.58 MeV 1.0307, En=1.37 MeV 1.0096, 1455500200028 En=2.37 MeV 1.0307, En=3.60 MeV 1.0163, 1455500200029 En=4.52 MeV 1.0343, En=14.8 MeV 1.0230. 1455500200030 The uncertainty in R for all values about 1%. 1455500200031 4. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500200032 off-energy neutrons for the 2.37 MeV data point: 1455500200033 R=1.000, FC2 cor.=0.964+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.961+-0.002. 1455500200034 5. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500200035 off-energy neutrons for the 3.60 MeV data point: 1455500200036 R=1.000, FC2 cor.=0.755+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.761+-0.002. 1455500200037 6. The isotopic corrections to the 235U fission 1455500200038 product yields due to the 238U isotopic contribution in1455500200039 the target. 1455500200040 STATUS (TABLE) Tabs.XX and XXIII in Nucl.Data Sh.,131,319,20161455500200041 ENDBIB 39 0 1455500200042 NOCOMMON 0 0 1455500200043 DATA 9 87 1455500200044 EN EN-RSL-FW ELEMENT MASS DATA 1ERR-T 11455500200045 DATA 2ERR-T 2DECAY-FLAG 1455500200046 MEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 1455500200047 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1455500200048 0.58 30. 38. 91. 5.83 0.26 1455500200049 0.985 0.016 1. 1455500200050 0.58 30. 38. 92. 5.96 0.34 1455500200051 1.007 0.020 2. 1455500200052 0.58 30. 40. 95. 6.22 0.25 1455500200053 1.051 0.024 3. 1455500200054 0.58 30. 40. 97. 6.05 0.18 1455500200055 1.022 0.016 4. 1455500200056 0.58 30. 42. 99. 5.92 0.24 1455500200057 5. 1455500200058 0.58 30. 44. 103. 3.18 0.11 1455500200059 0.537 0.010 6. 1455500200060 0.58 30. 44. 105. 1.06 0.08 1455500200061 0.179 0.005 7. 1455500200062 0.58 30. 51. 127. 0.20 0.01 1455500200063 0.033 0.001 8. 1455500200064 0.58 30. 52. 132. 4.8 0.26 1455500200065 0.811 0.050 10. 1455500200066 0.58 30. 53. 131. 3.12 0.11 1455500200067 0.527 0.017 9. 1455500200068 0.58 30. 53. 133. 6.97 0.28 1455500200069 1.178 0.020 11. 1455500200070 0.58 30. 54. 135. 7.01 0.38 1455500200071 1.184 0.070 12. 1455500200072 0.58 30. 56. 140. 5.78 0.19 1455500200073 0.976 0.017 14. 1455500200074 0.58 30. 58. 143. 5.84 0.24 1455500200075 0.986 0.048 15. 1455500200076 0.58 30. 60. 147. 2.16 0.09 1455500200077 0.364 0.009 16. 1455500200078 1.37 120. 38. 91. 4.99 0.22 1455500200079 0.865 0.016 1. 1455500200080 1.37 120. 38. 92. 5.19 0.30 1455500200081 0.900 0.023 2. 1455500200082 1.37 120. 40. 97. 5.65 0.016 1455500200083 0.979 0.016 4. 1455500200084 1.37 120. 42. 99. 5.77 0.023 1455500200085 5. 1455500200086 1.37 120. 44. 105. 0.96 0.06 1455500200087 0.166 0.003 7. 1455500200088 1.37 120. 51. 127. 0.20 0.01 1455500200089 0.035 0.001 8. 1455500200090 1.37 120. 52. 132. 4.49 0.25 1455500200091 0.779 0.048 10. 1455500200092 1.37 120. 53. 131. 3.02 0.11 1455500200093 0.524 0.018 9. 1455500200094 1.37 120. 53. 133. 6.22 0.25 1455500200095 1.079 0.023 11. 1455500200096 1.37 120. 54. 135. 6.46 0.34 1455500200097 1.120 0.067 12. 1455500200098 1.37 120. 56. 140. 5.81 0.18 1455500200099 1.007 0.018 14. 1455500200100 1.37 120. 58. 143. 5.49 0.23 1455500200101 0.952 0.048 15. 1455500200102 1.37 120. 60. 147. 2.17 0.08 1455500200103 0.376 0.007 16. 1455500200104 2.37 70. 38. 91. 5.38 0.25 1455500200105 0.933 0.014 1. 1455500200106 2.37 70. 38. 92. 5.36 0.30 1455500200107 0.930 0.016 2. 1455500200108 2.37 70. 40. 95. 6.10 0.21 1455500200109 1.059 0.016 3. 1455500200110 2.37 70. 40. 97. 5.94 0.20 1455500200111 1.032 0.017 4. 1455500200112 2.37 70. 42. 99. 5.76 0.24 1455500200113 0.546 0.010 5. 1455500200114 2.37 70. 44. 103. 3.15 0.12 1455500200115 0.546 0.010 6. 1455500200116 2.37 70. 44. 105. 1.51 0.16 1455500200117 0.263 0.005 7. 1455500200118 2.37 70. 51. 127. 0.33 0.02 1455500200119 0.057 0.001 8. 1455500200120 2.37 70. 52. 132. 4.79 0.26 1455500200121 0.831 0.051 10. 1455500200122 2.37 70. 53. 131. 3.23 0.12 1455500200123 0.560 0.018 9. 1455500200124 2.37 70. 53. 133. 6.42 0.27 1455500200125 1.113 0.019 11. 1455500200126 2.37 70. 54. 135. 6.48 0.36 1455500200127 1.125 0.067 12. 1455500200128 2.37 70. 56. 140. 5.57 0.19 1455500200129 0.966 0.016 14. 1455500200130 2.37 70. 58. 143. 5.36 0.23 1455500200131 0.930 0.045 15. 1455500200132 2.37 70. 60. 147. 2.20 0.11 1455500200133 0.382 0.008 16. 1455500200134 3.60 70. 38. 91. 5.42 0.24 1455500200135 0.900 0.011 1. 1455500200136 3.60 70. 38. 92. 5.74 0.34 1455500200137 0.952 0.013 2. 1455500200138 3.60 70. 40. 95. 6.02 0.18 1455500200139 1.000 0.028 3. 1455500200140 3.60 70. 40. 97. 6.06 0.17 1455500200141 1.006 0.028 4. 1455500200142 3.60 70. 42. 99. 6.03 0.25 1455500200143 5. 1455500200144 3.60 70. 44. 103. 3.15 0.12 1455500200145 0.517 0.017 6. 1455500200146 3.60 70. 44. 105. 1.63 0.07 1455500200147 0.270 0.008 7. 1455500200148 3.60 70. 51. 127. 0.49 0.03 1455500200149 0.082 0.003 8. 1455500200150 3.60 70. 52. 132. 4.84 0.27 1455500200151 0.803 0.065 10. 1455500200152 3.60 70. 53. 131. 3.42 0.15 1455500200153 0.568 0.034 9. 1455500200154 3.60 70. 53. 133. 6.49 0.26 1455500200155 1.078 0.033 11. 1455500200156 3.60 70. 54. 135. 6.20 0.36 1455500200157 1.029 0.087 12. 1455500200158 3.60 70. 56. 140. 5.36 0.22 1455500200159 0.889 0.027 14. 1455500200160 3.60 70. 58. 143. 5.07 0.25 1455500200161 0.841 0.068 15. 1455500200162 3.60 70. 60. 147. 1.96 0.08 1455500200163 0.326 0.010 16. 1455500200164 4.49 250. 38. 91. 5.00 0.25 1455500200165 0.889 0.014 1. 1455500200166 4.49 250. 38. 92. 5.11 0.31 1455500200167 0.909 0.017 2. 1455500200168 4.49 250. 40. 97. 5.92 0.23 1455500200169 1.052 0.017 4. 1455500200170 4.49 250. 42. 99. 5.63 0.28 1455500200171 0.586 0.010 5. 1455500200172 4.49 250. 44. 103. 3.30 0.18 1455500200173 0.255 0.004 6. 1455500200174 4.49 250. 44. 105. 1.44 0.13 1455500200175 0.122 0.002 7. 1455500200176 4.49 250. 51. 127. 0.69 0.05 1455500200177 0.662 0.021 8. 1455500200178 4.49 250. 52. 132. 4.90 0.30 1455500200179 0.870 0.053 10. 1455500200180 4.49 250. 53. 131. 3.72 0.16 1455500200181 0.662 0.021 9. 1455500200182 4.49 250. 53. 133. 6.27 0.30 1455500200183 1.114 0.019 11. 1455500200184 4.49 250. 54. 135. 6.45 0.39 1455500200185 1.147 0.068 12. 1455500200186 4.49 250. 56. 140. 5.29 0.21 1455500200187 0.940 0.016 14. 1455500200188 4.49 250. 58. 143. 4.71 0.23 1455500200189 0.837 0.041 15. 1455500200190 4.49 250. 60. 147. 2.06 0.11 1455500200191 0.367 0.009 16. 1455500200192 14.8 75. 38. 91. 4.34 0.22 1455500200193 0.940 0.021 1. 1455500200194 14.8 75. 38. 92. 4.37 0.27 1455500200195 0.947 0.025 2. 1455500200196 14.8 75. 40. 95. 4.95 0.19 1455500200197 1.074 0.024 3. 1455500200198 14.8 75. 40. 97. 4.88 0.20 1455500200199 1.057 0.028 4. 1455500200200 14.8 75. 42. 99. 4.61 0.24 1455500200201 5. 1455500200202 14.8 75. 44. 103. 2.94 0.14 1455500200203 0.636 0.015 6. 1455500200204 14.8 75. 44. 105. 1.92 0.10 1455500200205 0.417 0.009 7. 1455500200206 14.8 75. 51. 127. 1.64 0.11 1455500200207 0.355 0.008 8. 1455500200208 14.8 75. 52. 132. 3.89 0.24 1455500200209 0.843 0.053 10. 1455500200210 14.8 75. 53. 131. 4.43 0.19 1455500200211 0.959 0.034 9. 1455500200212 14.8 75. 53. 133. 4.91 0.24 1455500200213 1.064 0.025 11. 1455500200214 14.8 75. 54. 135. 5.36 0.32 1455500200215 1.162 0.071 12. 1455500200216 14.8 75. 56. 140. 4.20 0.17 1455500200217 0.911 0.021 14. 1455500200218 14.8 75. 58. 143. 3.67 0.18 1455500200219 0.796 0.041 15. 1455500200220 14.8 75. 60. 147. 1.47 0.07 1455500200221 0.318 0.008 16. 1455500200222 ENDDATA 178 0 1455500200223 ENDSUBENT 222 0 1455500299999 SUBENT 14555003 20191217 14611455500300001 BIB 4 35 1455500300002 REACTION 1(92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1455500300003 2((92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/ 1455500300004 (92-U-238(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY)) 1455500300005 SAMPLE Enriched 238U sample with mass 441.9+-0.6 mg 1455500300006 and diameter 12.42+-0.05 mm 1455500300007 (92-U-238,ENR=0.99974) 1455500300008 (92-U-235,ENR=0.00026) 1455500300009 CORRECTION 1. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500300010 attenuation of the neutron flux through the various 1455500300011 components of the dual-fission chambers: 1455500300012 En=1.37 MeV 0.20%, 1455500300013 En=2.37 MeV 0.24%, En=3.60 MeV 0.25%, 1455500300014 En=4.49 MeV 0.25%, En=14.8 MeV 0.24%. 1455500300015 The uncertainty on these corrections is on the order of1455500300016 0.01%. 1455500300017 2. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500300018 the kinematic focusing of the fission fragments emitted1455500300019 by the monitor foil in each chamber: 1455500300020 En=1.37 MeV 0.6%, 1455500300021 En=2.37 MeV 0.8%, En=3.60 MeV 1.0%, 1455500300022 En=4.49 MeV 1.1%, En=14.8 MeV 1.5%(FC1),2.0%(FC2). 1455500300023 3. Correction factor Rg=Measured eff./Standard eff. 1455500300024 due to errors in positioning of the activated target in1455500300025 the counting setup for gamma-ray spectroscopy: 1455500300026 En=1.37 MeV 0.9605, 1455500300027 En=2.37 MeV 1.0159, En=3.60 MeV 1.0163, 1455500300028 En=4.52 MeV 0.9895, En=14.8 MeV 0.9842. 1455500300029 The uncertainty in R for all values about 1%. 1455500300030 4. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500300031 off-energy neutrons for the 2.37 MeV data point: 1455500300032 R=0.081, FC2 cor.=1.000, FC1 cor.=1.000. 1455500300033 5. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500300034 off-energy neutrons for the 3.60 MeV data point: 1455500300035 R=0.919, FC2 cor.=0.755+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.780+-0.002. 1455500300036 STATUS (TABLE) Tabs.XXI and XXIV in Nucl.Data Sh.,131,319,20161455500300037 ENDBIB 35 0 1455500300038 NOCOMMON 0 0 1455500300039 DATA 9 68 1455500300040 EN EN-RSL-FW ELEMENT MASS DATA 1ERR-T 11455500300041 DATA 2ERR-T 2DECAY-FLAG 1455500300042 MEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 1455500300043 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1455500300044 1.37 120. 38. 91. 4.31 0.20 1455500300045 0.718 0.016 1. 1455500300046 1.37 120. 38. 92. 4.95 0.29 1455500300047 0.823 0.019 2. 1455500300048 1.37 120. 40. 97. 5.67 0.17 1455500300049 0.944 0.015 4. 1455500300050 1.37 120. 42. 99. 6.01 0.26 1455500300051 5. 1455500300052 1.37 120. 44. 105. 3.93 0.19 1455500300053 0.655 0.018 7. 1455500300054 1.37 120. 52. 132. 4.76 0.30 1455500300055 0.792 0.051 10. 1455500300056 1.37 120. 53. 131. 2.97 0.11 1455500300057 0.495 0.018 9. 1455500300058 1.37 120. 53. 133. 7.14 0.29 1455500300059 1.188 0.028 11. 1455500300060 1.37 120. 54. 135. 7.21 0.57 1455500300061 1.200 0.102 12. 1455500300062 1.37 120. 56. 140. 5.84 0.19 1455500300063 0.973 0.025 14. 1455500300064 1.37 120. 58. 143. 4.60 0.22 1455500300065 0.765 0.043 15. 1455500300066 1.37 120. 60. 147. 2.62 0.13 1455500300067 0.435 0.017 16. 1455500300068 2.37 70. 38. 91. 4.17 0.19 1455500300069 0.645 0.010 1. 1455500300070 2.37 70. 38. 92. 4.40 0.24 1455500300071 0.681 0.012 2. 1455500300072 2.37 70. 40. 95. 5.13 0.16 1455500300073 0.795 0.012 3. 1455500300074 2.37 70. 40. 97. 5.62 0.17 1455500300075 0.871 0.013 4. 1455500300076 2.37 70. 42. 99. 6.46 0.26 1455500300077 5. 1455500300078 2.37 70. 44. 103. 6.36 0.21 1455500300079 0.985 0.017 6. 1455500300080 2.37 70. 44. 105. 4.62 0.20 1455500300081 0.715 0.012 7. 1455500300082 2.37 70. 52. 132. 5.40 0.33 1455500300083 0.837 0.051 10. 1455500300084 2.37 70. 53. 131. 3.18 0.11 1455500300085 0.492 0.016 9. 1455500300086 2.37 70. 53. 133. 6.94 0.28 1455500300087 1.076 0.018 11. 1455500300088 2.37 70. 54. 135. 7.77 0.41 1455500300089 1.203 0.071 12. 1455500300090 2.37 70. 56. 140. 6.06 0.19 1455500300091 0.938 0.016 14. 1455500300092 2.37 70. 58. 143. 4.87 0.23 1455500300093 0.755 0.037 15. 1455500300094 2.37 70. 60. 147. 2.68 0.10 1455500300095 0.415 0.008 16. 1455500300096 3.60 70. 38. 91. 4.31 0.18 1455500300097 0.653 0.013 1. 1455500300098 3.60 70. 38. 92. 4.91 0.28 1455500300099 0.763 0.019 2. 1455500300100 3.60 70. 40. 95. 5.14 0.14 1455500300101 0.799 0.015 3. 1455500300102 3.60 70. 40. 97. 6.00 0.16 1455500300103 0.932 0.017 4. 1455500300104 3.60 70. 42. 99. 6.44 0.27 1455500300105 5. 1455500300106 3.60 70. 44. 103. 5.73 0.19 1455500300107 0.890 0.022 6. 1455500300108 3.60 70. 44. 105. 4.75 0.17 1455500300109 0.735 0.015 7. 1455500300110 3.60 70. 52. 132. 5.02 0.33 1455500300111 0.780 0.061 10. 1455500300112 3.60 70. 53. 131. 3.38 0.14 1455500300113 0.525 0.029 9. 1455500300114 3.60 70. 53. 133. 6.91 0.27 1455500300115 1.074 0.023 11. 1455500300116 3.60 70. 54. 135. 6.38 0.38 1455500300117 0.992 0.082 12. 1455500300118 3.60 70. 56. 140. 5.84 0.17 1455500300119 0.907 0.019 14. 1455500300120 3.60 70. 58. 143. 4.51 0.22 1455500300121 0.700 0.055 15. 1455500300122 3.60 70. 60. 147. 2.81 0.10 1455500300123 0.436 0.010 16. 1455500300124 4.49 250. 38. 91. 3.95 0.18 1455500300125 0.602 0.012 1. 1455500300126 4.49 250. 38. 92. 4.13 0.25 1455500300127 0.629 0.016 2. 1455500300128 4.49 250. 40. 95. 5.26 0.17 1455500300129 0.802 0.015 3. 1455500300130 4.49 250. 40. 97. 5.83 0.18 1455500300131 0.888 0.016 4. 1455500300132 4.49 250. 42. 99. 6.56 0.29 1455500300133 5. 1455500300134 4.49 250. 44. 103. 5.73 0.21 1455500300135 0.873 0.021 6. 1455500300136 4.49 250. 44. 105. 4.65 0.17 1455500300137 0.709 0.015 7. 1455500300138 4.49 250. 52. 132. 5.03 0.29 1455500300139 0.767 0.060 10. 1455500300140 4.49 250. 53. 131. 3.38 0.15 1455500300141 0.516 0.029 9. 1455500300142 4.49 250. 53. 133. 6.70 0.28 1455500300143 1.021 0.022 11. 1455500300144 4.49 250. 54. 135. 6.52 0.38 1455500300145 0.994 0.082 12. 1455500300146 4.49 250. 56. 140. 5.78 0.20 1455500300147 0.882 0.019 14. 1455500300148 4.49 250. 58. 143. 4.71 0.24 1455500300149 0.718 0.056 15. 1455500300150 4.49 250. 60. 147. 2.66 0.11 1455500300151 0.406 0.011 16. 1455500300152 14.8 75. 38. 91. 3.65 0.16 1455500300153 0.645 0.010 1. 1455500300154 14.8 75. 38. 92. 3.82 0.21 1455500300155 0.674 0.012 2. 1455500300156 14.8 75. 40. 95. 4.87 0.14 1455500300157 0.859 0.013 3. 1455500300158 14.8 75. 40. 97. 4.97 0.14 1455500300159 0.877 0.013 4. 1455500300160 14.8 75. 42. 99. 5.66 0.22 1455500300161 5. 1455500300162 14.8 75. 44. 103. 4.72 0.15 1455500300163 0.834 0.015 6. 1455500300164 14.8 75. 44. 105. 3.26 0.10 1455500300165 0.560 0.008 7. 1455500300166 14.8 75. 52. 132. 4.96 0.28 1455500300167 0.875 0.054 10. 1455500300168 14.8 75. 53. 131. 3.94 0.14 1455500300169 0.696 0.022 9. 1455500300170 14.8 75. 53. 133. 5.83 0.23 1455500300171 1.029 0.017 11. 1455500300172 14.8 75. 54. 135. 5.74 0.30 1455500300173 1.013 0.060 12. 1455500300174 14.8 75. 56. 140. 4.69 0.14 1455500300175 0.828 0.013 14. 1455500300176 14.8 75. 58. 143. 4.02 0.16 1455500300177 0.710 0.034 15. 1455500300178 14.8 75. 60. 147. 2.10 0.07 1455500300179 0.371 0.006 16. 1455500300180 ENDDATA 140 0 1455500300181 ENDSUBENT 180 0 1455500399999 SUBENT 14555004 20191217 14611455500400001 BIB 4 39 1455500400002 REACTION 1(94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1455500400003 2((94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/ 1455500400004 (94-PU-239(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY)) 1455500400005 SAMPLE Enriched 239PU samples: with mass 233.0+-0.2 mg 1455500400006 and diameter 12.39+-0.05 mm (#3), with mass 1455500400007 233.7+-0.2 mg and diameter 12.40+-0.05 mm (#8). 1455500400008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9841) 1455500400009 (94-PU-240,ENR=0.0158) 1455500400010 (94-PU-241,ENR=0.00003) 1455500400011 (94-PU-242,ENR=0.00003) 1455500400012 CORRECTION 1. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500400013 attenuation of the neutron flux through the various 1455500400014 components of the dual-fission chambers: 1455500400015 En=0.56 MeV 0.08%, En=1.37 MeV 0.24%, 1455500400016 En=2.37 MeV 0.29%, En=3.60 MeV 0.34%, 1455500400017 En=4.49 MeV 0.33%, En=5.5 MeV 0.33%, 1455500400018 En=14.8 MeV 0.34%. The uncertainty on these 1455500400019 corrections is on the order of 0.01%. 1455500400020 2. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500400021 the kinematic focusing of the fission fragments emitted1455500400022 by the monitor foil in each chamber: 1455500400023 En=0.56 MeV 0.4%, En=1.37 MeV 0.6%, 1455500400024 En=2.37 MeV 0.8%, En=3.60 MeV 1.0%, 1455500400025 En=4.49 MeV 1.1%, En=5.5 MeV 1.1%, 1455500400026 En=14.8 MeV 1.5%(FC1),2.0%(FC2). 1455500400027 3. Correction factor Rg=Measured eff./Standard eff. 1455500400028 due to errors in positioning of the activated target in1455500400029 the counting setup for gamma-ray spectroscopy: 1455500400030 En=0.58 MeV 0.9926, En=1.37 MeV 0.9938, 1455500400031 En=2.37 MeV 1.0089, En=3.60 MeV 1.0166, 1455500400032 En=4.52 MeV 1.0052, En=14.8 MeV 1.0199. 1455500400033 The uncertainty in R for all values about 1%. 1455500400034 4. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500400035 off-energy neutrons for the 2.37 MeV data point: 1455500400036 R=1.007, FC2 cor.=0.964+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.961+-0.002. 1455500400037 5. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500400038 off-energy neutrons for the 3.60 MeV data point: 1455500400039 R=0.986, FC2 cor.=0.758+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.764+-0.002. 1455500400040 STATUS (TABLE) Tabs.XXII and XXV in Nucl.Data Sh.,131,319,20161455500400041 ENDBIB 39 0 1455500400042 NOCOMMON 0 0 1455500400043 DATA 9 98 1455500400044 EN EN-RSL-FW ELEMENT MASS DATA 1ERR-T 11455500400045 DATA 2ERR-T 2DECAY-FLAG 1455500400046 MEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 1455500400047 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1455500400048 0.58 30. 38. 91. 2.78 0.13 1455500400049 0.410 0.008 1. 1455500400050 0.58 30. 38. 92. 3.16 0.18 1455500400051 0.465 0.010 2. 1455500400052 0.58 30. 40. 95. 4.87 0.15 1455500400053 0.717 0.011 3. 1455500400054 0.58 30. 40. 97. 5.47 0.17 1455500400055 0.806 0.013 4. 1455500400056 0.58 30. 42. 99. 6.79 0.31 1455500400057 5. 1455500400058 0.58 30. 44. 103. 6.68 0.23 1455500400059 0.984 0.018 6. 1455500400060 0.58 30. 44. 105. 5.79 0.20 1455500400061 0.867 0.015 7. 1455500400062 0.58 30. 51. 127. 0.48 0.03 1455500400063 0.070 0.002 8. 1455500400064 0.58 30. 52. 132. 5.11 0.26 1455500400065 0.753 0.026 10. 1455500400066 0.58 30. 53. 133. 6.84 0.28 1455500400067 1.008 0.017 11. 1455500400068 0.58 30. 54. 135. 7.56 0.36 1455500400069 1.113 0.034 12. 1455500400070 0.58 30. 56. 140. 5.49 0.20 1455500400071 0.809 0.021 14. 1455500400072 0.58 30. 58. 143. 4.38 0.16 1455500400073 0.646 0.020 15. 1455500400074 0.58 30. 60. 147. 2.01 0.08 1455500400075 0.296 0.007 16. 1455500400076 1.37 120. 38. 91. 2.89 0.13 1455500400077 0.416 0.07 1. 1455500400078 1.37 120. 38. 92. 3.21 0.18 1455500400079 0.461 0.010 2. 1455500400080 1.37 120. 40. 95. 5.05 0.16 1455500400081 0.726 0.011 3. 1455500400082 1.37 120. 40. 97. 5.56 0.17 1455500400083 0.799 0.012 4. 1455500400084 1.37 120. 42. 99. 6.95 0.32 1455500400085 5. 1455500400086 1.37 120. 44. 103. 6.73 0.23 1455500400087 0.968 0.017 6. 1455500400088 1.37 120. 44. 105. 5.61 0.19 1455500400089 0.834 0.013 7. 1455500400090 1.37 120. 51. 127. 0.53 0.03 1455500400091 0.077 0.001 8. 1455500400092 1.37 120. 52. 132. 5.41 0.27 1455500400093 0.779 0.025 10. 1455500400094 1.37 120. 53. 133. 6.93 0.28 1455500400095 0.997 0.017 11. 1455500400096 1.37 120. 54. 135. 7.77 0.37 1455500400097 1.118 0.034 12. 1455500400098 1.37 120. 56. 140. 5.38 0.17 1455500400099 0.774 0.013 14. 1455500400100 1.37 120. 58. 143. 4.46 0.16 1455500400101 0.642 0.021 15. 1455500400102 1.37 120. 60. 147. 2.13 0.09 1455500400103 0.307 0.009 16. 1455500400104 2.37 70. 38. 91. 3.19 0.15 1455500400105 0.449 0.008 1. 1455500400106 2.37 70. 38. 92. 3.41 0.20 1455500400107 0.480 0.010 2. 1455500400108 2.37 70. 40. 95. 5.41 0.17 1455500400109 0.761 0.012 3. 1455500400110 2.37 70. 40. 97. 5.93 0.18 1455500400111 0.834 0.013 4. 1455500400112 2.37 70. 42. 99. 7.11 0.33 1455500400113 5. 1455500400114 2.37 70. 44. 103. 6.90 0.24 1455500400115 0.971 0.018 6. 1455500400116 2.37 70. 44. 105. 5.51 0.19 1455500400117 0.799 0.014 7. 1455500400118 2.37 70. 51. 127. 0.73 0.05 1455500400119 0.103 0.002 8. 1455500400120 2.37 70. 52. 132. 5.48 0.28 1455500400121 0.771 0.027 10. 1455500400122 2.37 70. 53. 133. 7.20 0.30 1455500400123 1.012 0.018 11. 1455500400124 2.37 70. 54. 135. 8.44 0.41 1455500400125 1.187 0.036 12. 1455500400126 2.37 70. 56. 140. 5.52 0.18 1455500400127 0.776 0.014 14. 1455500400128 2.37 70. 58. 143. 4.48 0.17 1455500400129 0.630 0.021 15. 1455500400130 2.37 70. 60. 147. 2.29 0.11 1455500400131 0.322 0.011 16. 1455500400132 3.60 70. 38. 91. 3.16 0.14 1455500400133 0.461 0.008 1. 1455500400134 3.60 70. 38. 92. 3.30 0.18 1455500400135 0.481 0.010 2. 1455500400136 3.60 70. 40. 95. 5.43 0.15 1455500400137 0.790 0.012 3. 1455500400138 3.60 70. 40. 97. 5.90 0.15 1455500400139 0.859 0.013 4. 1455500400140 3.60 70. 42. 99. 6.87 0.33 1455500400141 5. 1455500400142 3.60 70. 44. 103. 6.90 0.22 1455500400143 1.004 0.021 6. 1455500400144 3.60 70. 44. 105. 5.51 0.16 1455500400145 0.799 0.013 7. 1455500400146 3.60 70. 51. 127. 0.92 0.02 1455500400147 0.133 0.003 8. 1455500400148 3.60 70. 52. 132. 5.42 0.27 1455500400149 0.789 0.035 10. 1455500400150 3.60 70. 53. 133. 7.14 0.27 1455500400151 1.040 0.019 11. 1455500400152 3.60 70. 54. 135. 8.01 0.40 1455500400153 1.166 0.055 12. 1455500400154 3.60 70. 56. 140. 5.52 0.16 1455500400155 0.804 0.015 14. 1455500400156 3.60 70. 58. 143. 4.58 0.18 1455500400157 0.666 0.033 15. 1455500400158 3.60 70. 60. 147. 2.39 0.10 1455500400159 0.347 0.010 16. 1455500400160 4.49 250. 38. 91. 3.08 0.14 1455500400161 0.457 0.008 1. 1455500400162 4.49 250. 38. 92. 3.25 0.19 1455500400163 0.483 0.011 2. 1455500400164 4.49 250. 40. 95. 5.21 0.16 1455500400165 0.774 0.013 3. 1455500400166 4.49 250. 40. 97. 5.77 0.18 1455500400167 0.857 0.014 4. 1455500400168 4.49 250. 42. 99. 6.73 0.29 1455500400169 5. 1455500400170 4.49 250. 44. 103. 6.55 0.23 1455500400171 0.973 0.020 6. 1455500400172 4.49 250. 44. 105. 5.29 0.21 1455500400173 0.808 0.020 7. 1455500400174 4.49 250. 51. 127. 1.17 0.06 1455500400175 0.175 0.006 8. 1455500400176 4.49 250. 52. 132. 5.23 0.27 1455500400177 0.777 0.034 10. 1455500400178 4.49 250. 53. 133. 6.60 0.27 1455500400179 0.981 0.019 11. 1455500400180 4.49 250. 54. 135. 7.28 0.38 1455500400181 1.082 0.051 12. 1455500400182 4.49 250. 56. 140. 5.23 0.19 1455500400183 0.777 0.020 14. 1455500400184 4.49 250. 58. 143. 4.34 0.22 1455500400185 0.645 0.036 15. 1455500400186 4.49 250. 60. 147. 2.34 0.10 1455500400187 0.348 0.010 16. 1455500400188 5.50 140. 38. 91. 3.12 0.13 1455500400189 0.470 0.015 1. 1455500400190 5.50 140. 38. 92. 3.18 0.22 1455500400191 0.480 0.019 2. 1455500400192 5.50 140. 40. 95. 5.25 0.15 1455500400193 0.792 0.016 3. 1455500400194 5.50 140. 40. 97. 5.83 0.17 1455500400195 0.880 0.019 4. 1455500400196 5.50 140. 42. 99. 6.63 0.29 1455500400197 5. 1455500400198 5.50 140. 44. 103. 6.37 0.19 1455500400199 0.961 0.019 6. 1455500400200 5.50 140. 44. 105. 5.43 0.16 1455500400201 0.853 0.018 7. 1455500400202 5.50 140. 51. 127. 1.33 0.04 1455500400203 0.201 0.004 8. 1455500400204 5.50 140. 52. 132. 4.90 0.23 1455500400205 0.739 0.024 10. 1455500400206 5.50 140. 53. 133. 6.59 0.25 1455500400207 0.994 0.020 11. 1455500400208 5.50 140. 54. 135. 7.30 0.34 1455500400209 1.101 0.037 12. 1455500400210 5.50 140. 56. 140. 5.07 0.15 1455500400211 0.766 0.016 14. 1455500400212 5.50 140. 58. 143. 4.06 0.15 1455500400213 0.613 0.021 15. 1455500400214 5.50 140. 60. 147. 2.33 0.11 1455500400215 0.351 0.013 16. 1455500400216 14.8 75. 38. 91. 2.62 0.12 1455500400217 0.505 0.020 1. 1455500400218 14.8 75. 38. 92. 2.66 0.16 1455500400219 0.491 0.014 2. 1455500400220 14.8 75. 40. 95. 4.32 0.14 1455500400221 0.796 0.018 3. 1455500400222 14.8 75. 40. 97. 4.74 0.17 1455500400223 0.875 0.025 4. 1455500400224 14.8 75. 42. 99. 5.42 0.26 1455500400225 5. 1455500400226 14.8 75. 44. 103. 5.38 0.19 1455500400227 0.991 0.026 6. 1455500400228 14.8 75. 44. 105. 4.23 0.17 1455500400229 0.787 0.020 7. 1455500400230 14.8 75. 51. 127. 2.27 0.14 1455500400231 0.419 0.010 8. 1455500400232 14.8 75. 52. 132. 3.18 0.18 1455500400233 0.586 0.029 10. 1455500400234 14.8 75. 53. 133. 4.69 0.20 1455500400235 0.863 0.021 11. 1455500400236 14.8 75. 54. 135. 5.27 0.28 1455500400237 0.972 0.049 12. 1455500400238 14.8 75. 56. 140. 3.95 0.17 1455500400239 0.729 0.025 14. 1455500400240 14.8 75. 58. 143. 2.90 0.14 1455500400241 0.534 0.029 15. 1455500400242 14.8 75. 60. 147. 1.67 0.08 1455500400243 0.308 0.011 16. 1455500400244 ENDDATA 200 0 1455500400245 ENDSUBENT 244 0 1455500499999 SUBENT 14555005 20191217 14611455500500001 BIB 5 40 1455500500002 REACTION 1(94-PU-239(N,F)55-CS-136,IND,FY) 1455500500003 2((94-PU-239(N,F)55-CS-136,IND,FY)/ 1455500500004 (94-PU-239(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY)) 1455500500005 SAMPLE Enriched 239PU samples: with mass 233.0+-0.2 mg 1455500500006 and diameter 12.39+-0.05 mm (#3), with mass 1455500500007 233.7+-0.2 mg and diameter 12.40+-0.05 mm (#8). 1455500500008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9841) 1455500500009 (94-PU-240,ENR=0.0158) 1455500500010 (94-PU-241,ENR=0.00003) 1455500500011 (94-PU-242,ENR=0.00003) 1455500500012 DECAY-DATA (55-CS-136-G,13.16D,DG,1048.07,0.80) 1455500500013 CORRECTION 1. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500500014 attenuation of the neutron flux through the various 1455500500015 components of the dual-fission chambers: 1455500500016 En=0.56 MeV 0.08%, En=1.37 MeV 0.24%, 1455500500017 En=2.37 MeV 0.29%, En=3.60 MeV 0.34%, 1455500500018 En=4.49 MeV 0.33%, En=5.5 MeV 0.33%, 1455500500019 En=14.8 MeV 0.34%. The uncertainty on these 1455500500020 corrections is on the order of 0.01%. 1455500500021 2. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500500022 the kinematic focusing of the fission fragments emitted1455500500023 by the monitor foil in each chamber: 1455500500024 En=0.56 MeV 0.4%, En=1.37 MeV 0.6%, 1455500500025 En=2.37 MeV 0.8%, En=3.60 MeV 1.0%, 1455500500026 En=4.49 MeV 1.1%, En=5.5 MeV 1.1%, 1455500500027 En=14.8 MeV 1.5%(FC1),2.0%(FC2). 1455500500028 3. Correction factor Rg=Measured eff./Standard eff. 1455500500029 due to errors in positioning of the activated target in1455500500030 the counting setup for gamma-ray spectroscopy: 1455500500031 En=0.58 MeV 0.9926, En=1.37 MeV 0.9938, 1455500500032 En=2.37 MeV 1.0089, En=3.60 MeV 1.0166, 1455500500033 En=4.52 MeV 1.0052, En=14.8 MeV 1.0199. 1455500500034 The uncertainty in R for all values about 1%. 1455500500035 4. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500500036 off-energy neutrons for the 2.37 MeV data point: 1455500500037 R=1.007, FC2 cor.=0.964+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.961+-0.002. 1455500500038 5. Corrections to the fission chamber counts due to 1455500500039 off-energy neutrons for the 3.60 MeV data point: 1455500500040 R=0.986, FC2 cor.=0.758+-0.002, FC1 cor.=0.764+-0.002. 1455500500041 STATUS (TABLE) Tabs.XXII and XXV in Nucl.Data Sh.,131,319,20161455500500042 ENDBIB 40 0 1455500500043 COMMON 2 3 1455500500044 ELEMENT MASS 1455500500045 NO-DIM NO-DIM 1455500500046 55. 136. 1455500500047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1455500500048 DATA 6 7 1455500500049 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 21455500500050 MEV KEV PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM NO-DIM 1455500500051 0.58 30. 0.087 0.005 0.013 0.001 1455500500052 1.37 120. 0.13 0.01 0.018 0.001 1455500500053 2.37 70. 0.16 0.01 0.024 0.001 1455500500054 3.60 70. 0.24 0.01 0.035 0.001 1455500500055 4.49 250. 0.31 0.02 0.046 0.001 1455500500056 5.50 140. 0.35 0.02 0.053 0.001 1455500500057 14.8 75. 0.82 0.04 0.152 0.004 1455500500058 ENDDATA 9 0 1455500500059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 1455500599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 1455599999999