ENTRY            14570   20200421                             14881457000000001 
SUBENT        14570001   20200421                             14881457000100001 
BIB                 10         37                                 1457000100002 
TITLE      Expansion of the surrogate method to measure the       1457000100003 
           prompt fission neutron multiplicity for 241Pu          1457000100004 
AUTHOR     (O.A.Akindele,B.S.Alan,J.T.Burke,R.J.Casperson,        1457000100005 
           R.O.Hughes,J.D.Koglin,K.Kolos,E.B.Norman,S.Ota,        1457000100006 
           A.Saastamoinen)                                        1457000100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USAUCX,1USALRL,1USATAM)                              1457000100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,99,054601,2019)                                1457000100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USATAM) Experiment was performed at the Texas  1457000100010 
           A&M University Cyclotron Institute                     1457000100011 
SAMPLE     (94-PU-238,ENR=0.00003)                                1457000100012 
           (94-PU-239,ENR=0.00005)                                1457000100013 
           (94-PU-240,ENR=0.00021)                                1457000100014 
           (94-PU-241,ENR=0.00006)                                1457000100015 
           (94-PU-242,ENR=0.99952)                                1457000100016 
           (94-PU-240,ENR=0.00021)                                1457000100017 
           (95-AM-241,ENR=0.00013) Target was made by             1457000100018 
           electroplating of 242Pu onto 100 mu-g/cm2 thick        1457000100019 
           natural carbon backing. Target thickness was           1457000100020 
           140 mu-g/cm2.                                          1457000100021 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SI,SI) Scattered alpha particles were detected  1457000100022 
           using dE-E silicon telescope located downstream of the 1457000100023 
           242Pu target.                                          1457000100024 
           (SI) Another Si detector was located upstream of the   1457000100025 
           target to identify fission events.                     1457000100026 
           (SCIN) A large cylindrical tank containing 2.2 tons    1457000100027 
           of EJ-335 liquid scintillator was used to detect       1457000100028 
           neutrons. Tank was segmented into four quadrants.      1457000100029 
           Neutron detection efficiency was determined to be      1457000100030 
              (50.81+-0.15)%                                      1457000100031 
METHOD     Surrogate method was used. Reaction                    1457000100032 
              n + 241Pu -> 242Pu* -> FL + FH + nu*N               1457000100033 
           was replaced by reaction                               1457000100034 
              a + 242Pu -> 242Pu* + a' -> FL + FH + nu*N          1457000100035 
               (a' -> inelastically scattered alpha particle)     1457000100036 
           assuming Bohr independence hypothesis                  1457000100037 
ANALYSIS   (SURGT)                                                1457000100038 
HISTORY    (20200421C) Compiled by S.H.                           1457000100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 1457000100040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1457000100041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 1457000199999 
SUBENT        14570002   20200421                             14881457000200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 1457000200002 
REACTION   (94-PU-241(N,F),,NU)                                   1457000200003 
            Average neutron multiplicity for 241Pu(n,f) reaction  1457000200004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties                            1457000200005 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty in neutron detection efficiency    1457000200006 
           (ERR-2) Additional systematic uncertainty due to energy1457000200007 
            dependence of neutron detection efficiency            1457000200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the reference      1457000200009 
             sent by author O.A.A.                                1457000200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1457000200011 
COMMON               3          3                                 1457000200012 
EN-ERR     ERR-1      ERR-2                                       1457000200013 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    1457000200014 
    0.25     0.15       1.                                        1457000200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1457000200016 
DATA                 3         41                                 1457000200017 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       1457000200018 
MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                                     1457000200019 
     0.0       2.90        0.118                                  1457000200020 
     0.5       2.92        0.094                                  1457000200021 
     1.0       2.88        0.100                                  1457000200022 
     1.5       3.17        0.112                                  1457000200023 
     2.0       3.09        0.108                                  1457000200024 
     2.5       3.16        0.111                                  1457000200025 
     3.0       3.25        0.117                                  1457000200026 
     3.5       3.37        0.124                                  1457000200027 
     4.0       3.43        0.126                                  1457000200028 
     4.5       3.49        0.128                                  1457000200029 
     5.0       3.54        0.134                                  1457000200030 
     5.5       3.72        0.142                                  1457000200031 
     6.0       3.70        0.142                                  1457000200032 
     6.5       3.85        0.146                                  1457000200033 
     7.0       3.85        0.145                                  1457000200034 
     7.5       4.17        0.149                                  1457000200035 
     8.0       4.05        0.141                                  1457000200036 
     8.5       4.05        0.142                                  1457000200037 
     9.0       4.16        0.147                                  1457000200038 
     9.5       4.19        0.150                                  1457000200039 
    10.0       4.30        0.155                                  1457000200040 
    10.5       4.26        0.155                                  1457000200041 
    11.0       4.54        0.164                                  1457000200042 
    11.5       4.46        0.166                                  1457000200043 
    12.0       4.46        0.171                                  1457000200044 
    12.5       4.51        0.174                                  1457000200045 
    13.0       4.64        0.178                                  1457000200046 
    13.5       4.70        0.180                                  1457000200047 
    14.0       4.83        0.177                                  1457000200048 
    14.5       4.85        0.182                                  1457000200049 
    15.0       4.82        0.182                                  1457000200050 
    15.5       5.05        0.183                                  1457000200051 
    16.0       4.95        0.189                                  1457000200052 
    16.5       5.00        0.184                                  1457000200053 
    17.0       5.19        0.191                                  1457000200054 
    17.5       5.18        0.194                                  1457000200055 
    18.0       5.27        0.194                                  1457000200056 
    18.5       5.06        0.191                                  1457000200057 
    19.0       5.22        0.195                                  1457000200058 
    19.5       5.39        0.199                                  1457000200059 
    20.0       5.46        0.207                                  1457000200060 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 1457000200061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 1457000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1457099999999