ENTRY 14597 20200415 14671459700000001 SUBENT 14597001 20200224 14671459700100001 BIB 12 14 1459700100002 TITLE Fission yield of 20m Y 1459700100003 AUTHOR (C.R.Dillard,R.M.Adams,H.Finston,A.Turkevich) 1459700100004 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) 1459700100005 REFERENCE (B,RCS,2,692,1951) 1459700100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) 1459700100007 INC-SPECT Paraffin-moderated neutrons, irradiation for 20 min at 1459700100008 the cyclotron 1459700100009 SAMPLE Twenty-five milliliters of saturated uranyl nitrate 1459700100010 METHOD (CHSEP) 1459700100011 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Decay curve of yttrium activities. 1459700100012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 1459700100013 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.694 in Book Radioch.Stud., Fis.Prod.,1459700100014 Vol.2, p.692(79),1951,USA 1459700100015 HISTORY (20200221C) OG. 1459700100016 ENDBIB 14 0 1459700100017 COMMON 1 3 1459700100018 EN-DUMMY 1459700100019 EV 1459700100020 0.0253 1459700100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1459700100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1459700199999 SUBENT 14597002 20200224 14671459700200001 BIB 6 15 1459700200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)39-Y-94,(CUM),FY,,SPA) 1459700200003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-94,19.9MIN,B-) 1459700200004 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)39-Y-93,(CUM),FY,,SPA) 1459700200005 DECAY-MON (39-Y-93-G,10.3HR,B-) 1459700200006 ANALYSIS The authors assumed that the counting yield of 20m Y 1459700200007 and 10h Y to be the same, so the relative fission 1459700200008 yields of the two radioisotopes can be calculated 1459700200009 from the chain relations and the times of irradiation 1459700200010 and decay. 1459700200011 COMMENT Authors assigned 10h activity to Y-95, which was 1459700200012 replaced by compiler by Y-93, taking into account 1459700200013 editors' note 'This part of the chain has since been 1459700200014 shown not to be of mass 95'. 1459700200015 For 20m Y authors did not give value for A, A=94 for 1459700200016 20m Y taken from editors' note. 1459700200017 ENDBIB 15 0 1459700200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 1459700200019 DATA 3 1 1459700200020 DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 1459700200021 PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS 1459700200022 5. 1. 6. 1459700200023 ENDDATA 3 0 1459700200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1459700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1459799999999