ENTRY 14600 20220831 15041460000000001 SUBENT 14600001 20220831 15041460000100001 BIB 12 39 1460000100002 TITLE Fission fragment mass yields and total kinetic energy 1460000100003 release in neutron-induced fission of 233U from 1460000100004 thermal energies to 40 MeV 1460000100005 AUTHOR (D.Higgins, U.Greife, F.Tovesson, B.Manning, 1460000100006 D.Mayorov, S.Mosby, K.Schmitt) 1460000100007 INSTITUTE (1USACSM,1USALAS) 1460000100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,101,014601,2020) 1460000100009 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) 1460000100010 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) 800 MeV protons beam onto an unmoderated 1460000100011 tungsten spallation target at WNR 1460000100012 DETECTOR (IOCH) Fission fragments were detected using 1460000100013 cylindrical ionization chamber with two back-to-back 1460000100014 detection volumes. 1460000100015 Both volumes used shared cathode between them and a 1460000100016 separate circular anode with Frisch grid. 1460000100017 Samples on carbon foil were secured to the cathode by 1460000100018 an Al ring. 1460000100019 Signal from the cathode was used for timing, two 1460000100020 signals from the anodes were used to determine energy 1460000100021 of charged particles. 1460000100022 Signals from the Frisch grid were used to determine 1460000100023 position of fission fragment. 1460000100024 METHOD (TOF) 90L WNR flight path with 11.9 m length. 1460000100025 The pulsed beam structure consisted of a series of 1460000100026 125 ps micropulses spaced 1.8 mu-s apart and grouped 1460000100027 into 675 us macropulses delivered at 40 Hz. 1460000100028 For production of low energy neutrons in 1L target, 1460000100029 the flight path was 22 m and macropulse repetition 1460000100030 rate was 20Hz. 1460000100031 ANALYSIS Energy of fission fragments was determined from 1460000100032 anode pulse heights. 1460000100033 CORRECTION Corrected for 1460000100034 - fragments energy loss in target, 1460000100035 - momentum transfer of the incident neutron, and 1460000100036 - gain differences between the preamps. 1460000100037 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by Daniel Higgins (2022-09-01) 1460000100038 HISTORY (20200113C) Compiled by S.H. 1460000100039 (20200714A) On. Data revised in 004. 005 added. 1460000100040 (20220831A) On. 004 and 005 superseded by 006 and 007. 1460000100041 ENDBIB 39 0 1460000100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 1460000199999 SUBENT 14600002 20220831 15041460000200001 BIB 5 6 1460000200002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF+HF) 1460000200003 MISC-COL (MISC) Standard deviation of average TKE 1460000200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described 1460000200005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Rev.C101(2020)014601 1460000200006 (DEP,14600003) TKE of post neutron emission fragments 1460000200007 HISTORY (20200714U) On. BIB section updated. 1460000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 1460000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000200010 DATA 6 34 1460000200011 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR 1460000200012 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 1460000200013 0.12 0.12 170.13 0.004 13.33 0.003 1460000200014 0.25 0.02 170.16 0.05 13.42 0.04 1460000200015 0.29 0.02 170.07 0.05 13.51 0.03 1460000200016 0.34 0.03 170.18 0.04 13.46 0.03 1460000200017 0.40 0.03 170.22 0.04 13.49 0.03 1460000200018 0.47 0.04 170.15 0.04 13.47 0.03 1460000200019 0.55 0.04 170.15 0.04 13.45 0.02 1460000200020 0.64 0.05 170.19 0.03 13.36 0.02 1460000200021 0.75 0.06 170.16 0.03 13.42 0.02 1460000200022 0.87 0.07 170.14 0.03 13.39 0.02 1460000200023 1.02 0.08 170.11 0.03 13.35 0.02 1460000200024 1.19 0.09 170.14 0.03 13.42 0.02 1460000200025 1.40 0.11 170.09 0.03 13.36 0.02 1460000200026 1.63 0.13 170.06 0.03 13.43 0.02 1460000200027 1.91 0.15 170.13 0.03 13.42 0.02 1460000200028 2.23 0.17 170.11 0.03 13.45 0.02 1460000200029 2.61 0.20 170.00 0.03 13.49 0.02 1460000200030 3.05 0.24 170.02 0.03 13.51 0.02 1460000200031 3.56 0.28 169.91 0.03 13.53 0.02 1460000200032 4.16 0.32 169.90 0.03 13.62 0.02 1460000200033 4.87 0.38 169.67 0.03 13.55 0.02 1460000200034 5.69 0.44 169.47 0.04 13.74 0.03 1460000200035 6.66 0.52 169.25 0.03 13.57 0.02 1460000200036 7.78 0.61 169.10 0.04 13.66 0.02 1460000200037 9.10 0.71 168.84 0.04 13.79 0.03 1460000200038 10.63 0.83 168.72 0.04 13.87 0.03 1460000200039 12.43 0.97 168.07 0.05 13.95 0.03 1460000200040 14.53 1.13 167.70 0.05 14.00 0.03 1460000200041 16.99 1.32 167.61 0.05 13.93 0.04 1460000200042 19.86 1.55 166.85 0.06 14.23 0.04 1460000200043 23.22 1.81 166.96 0.06 14.34 0.04 1460000200044 27.15 2.12 166.66 0.06 14.40 0.04 1460000200045 31.74 2.47 166.43 0.06 14.28 0.04 1460000200046 37.11 2.89 166.40 0.06 14.38 0.04 1460000200047 ENDDATA 36 0 1460000200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1460000299999 SUBENT 14600003 20220831 15041460000300001 BIB 6 9 1460000300002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),SEC,AKE,LF+HF) 1460000300003 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.99) 1460000300004 Circular deposit containing 226.1 ug of 233U 1460000300005 (72 ug/cm2 thick) on carbon foil backing 1460000300006 (100+/-10 ug/cm2 thick) 1460000300007 MISC-COL (MISC) Standard deviation of average TKE 1460000300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described 1460000300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Phys.Rev.C101(2020)014601 1460000300010 HISTORY (20200714U) On. BIB section updated. 1460000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 1460000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000300013 DATA 6 34 1460000300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR 1460000300015 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 1460000300016 0.12 0.12 168.24 0.004 13.13 0.003 1460000300017 0.25 0.02 168.25 0.05 13.22 0.03 1460000300018 0.29 0.02 168.16 0.05 13.31 0.03 1460000300019 0.34 0.03 168.26 0.04 13.26 0.03 1460000300020 0.40 0.03 168.30 0.04 13.29 0.03 1460000300021 0.47 0.04 168.23 0.04 13.27 0.03 1460000300022 0.55 0.04 168.23 0.03 13.24 0.02 1460000300023 0.64 0.05 168.27 0.03 13.15 0.02 1460000300024 0.75 0.06 168.24 0.03 13.21 0.02 1460000300025 0.87 0.07 168.22 0.03 13.18 0.02 1460000300026 1.02 0.08 168.20 0.03 13.15 0.02 1460000300027 1.19 0.09 168.22 0.03 13.21 0.02 1460000300028 1.40 0.11 168.17 0.03 13.15 0.02 1460000300029 1.63 0.13 168.12 0.03 13.22 0.02 1460000300030 1.91 0.15 168.13 0.03 13.21 0.02 1460000300031 2.23 0.17 168.09 0.03 13.23 0.02 1460000300032 2.61 0.20 167.95 0.03 13.27 0.02 1460000300033 3.05 0.24 167.93 0.03 13.28 0.02 1460000300034 3.56 0.28 167.78 0.03 13.30 0.02 1460000300035 4.16 0.32 167.74 0.03 13.40 0.02 1460000300036 4.87 0.38 167.46 0.03 13.32 0.02 1460000300037 5.69 0.44 167.23 0.04 13.51 0.03 1460000300038 6.66 0.52 167.01 0.03 13.34 0.02 1460000300039 7.78 0.61 166.77 0.03 13.43 0.02 1460000300040 9.10 0.71 166.36 0.04 13.56 0.03 1460000300041 10.63 0.83 166.10 0.04 13.63 0.03 1460000300042 12.43 0.97 165.37 0.05 13.71 0.03 1460000300043 14.53 1.13 164.94 0.05 13.77 0.03 1460000300044 16.99 1.32 164.81 0.05 13.70 0.04 1460000300045 19.86 1.55 163.91 0.05 13.99 0.04 1460000300046 23.22 1.81 163.89 0.06 14.08 0.04 1460000300047 27.15 2.12 163.46 0.06 14.13 0.04 1460000300048 31.74 2.47 163.13 0.06 13.99 0.04 1460000300049 37.11 2.89 162.97 0.06 14.09 0.04 1460000300050 ENDDATA 36 0 1460000300051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1460000399999 SUBENT 14600004 20220831 15041460000400001 BIB 5 9 1460000400002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF+HF) 1460000400003 MISC-COL (MISC) Standard deviation of average TKE 1460000400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described 1460000400005 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from the authors 1460000400006 (DEP,14600005) TKE of post neutron emission fragments 1460000400007 (SPSDD,14600006) Energy calibration corrected 1460000400008 HISTORY (20200714R) On. Data received from Daniel Higgins 1460000400009 (20200714A) On. TKE of post neutron emission fragments 1460000400010 moved to 005. 1460000400011 ENDBIB 9 0 1460000400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000400013 DATA 6 23 1460000400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR 1460000400015 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 1460000400016 1.09 0.09 162.07 0.28 8.69 0.20 1460000400017 1.28 0.10 162.62 0.23 9.12 0.16 1460000400018 1.50 0.12 163.22 0.12 9.21 0.08 1460000400019 1.76 0.14 163.60 0.11 9.30 0.08 1460000400020 2.06 0.17 163.33 0.10 9.50 0.07 1460000400021 2.42 0.19 163.99 0.10 9.43 0.07 1460000400022 2.85 0.23 163.70 0.10 9.47 0.07 1460000400023 3.34 0.27 164.04 0.10 9.52 0.07 1460000400024 3.92 0.31 164.62 0.10 9.56 0.07 1460000400025 4.60 0.37 164.76 0.10 9.67 0.07 1460000400026 5.40 0.43 164.36 0.11 9.77 0.08 1460000400027 6.34 0.51 162.88 0.09 9.37 0.06 1460000400028 7.45 0.60 162.90 0.07 9.37 0.05 1460000400029 8.74 0.70 163.65 0.09 9.86 0.06 1460000400030 10.27 0.82 163.27 0.10 9.81 0.07 1460000400031 12.05 0.96 163.29 0.12 10.00 0.08 1460000400032 14.15 1.13 162.80 0.12 10.39 0.08 1460000400033 16.61 1.33 162.54 0.11 10.06 0.08 1460000400034 19.50 1.56 161.77 0.11 10.53 0.08 1460000400035 22.89 1.83 162.11 0.09 9.85 0.06 1460000400036 26.87 2.15 161.41 0.10 10.57 0.07 1460000400037 31.55 2.52 161.20 0.09 10.47 0.07 1460000400038 37.04 2.96 160.90 0.09 10.67 0.07 1460000400039 ENDDATA 25 0 1460000400040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 1460000499999 SUBENT 14600005 20220831 15041460000500001 BIB 6 10 1460000500002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),SEC,AKE,LF+HF) 1460000500003 SAMPLE Circular deposit containing 603.6 ug of 232Th 1460000500004 (192.1 ug/cm2 thick) on carbon foil backing 1460000500005 (100+/-10 ug/cm2 thick) 1460000500006 MISC-COL (MISC) Standard deviation of average TKE 1460000500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described 1460000500008 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from the authors 1460000500009 (SPSDD,14600007) Energy calibration corrected 1460000500010 HISTORY (20200714R) On. Data received from Daniel Higgins 1460000500011 (20200714C) On 1460000500012 ENDBIB 10 0 1460000500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000500014 DATA 6 23 1460000500015 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR 1460000500016 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 1460000500017 1.09 0.09 160.58 0.27 8.56 0.20 1460000500018 1.28 0.10 161.16 0.23 8.97 0.16 1460000500019 1.50 0.12 161.74 0.11 9.07 0.08 1460000500020 1.76 0.14 162.10 0.11 9.15 0.08 1460000500021 2.06 0.17 161.80 0.10 9.33 0.07 1460000500022 2.42 0.19 162.42 0.10 9.26 0.07 1460000500023 2.85 0.23 162.10 0.10 9.31 0.07 1460000500024 3.34 0.27 162.40 0.09 9.36 0.07 1460000500025 3.92 0.31 162.91 0.09 9.39 0.07 1460000500026 4.60 0.37 162.98 0.10 9.51 0.07 1460000500027 5.40 0.43 162.53 0.11 9.59 0.08 1460000500028 6.34 0.51 161.12 0.08 9.21 0.06 1460000500029 7.45 0.60 161.15 0.07 9.21 0.05 1460000500030 8.74 0.70 161.80 0.09 9.70 0.06 1460000500031 10.27 0.82 161.29 0.10 9.65 0.07 1460000500032 12.05 0.96 161.11 0.11 9.85 0.08 1460000500033 14.15 1.13 160.50 0.12 10.24 0.08 1460000500034 16.61 1.33 160.23 0.11 9.93 0.07 1460000500035 19.50 1.56 159.34 0.11 10.42 0.08 1460000500036 22.89 1.83 159.70 0.09 9.77 0.06 1460000500037 26.87 2.15 158.78 0.10 10.47 0.07 1460000500038 31.55 2.52 158.47 0.09 10.37 0.07 1460000500039 37.04 2.96 158.04 0.09 10.57 0.06 1460000500040 ENDDATA 25 0 1460000500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1460000599999 SUBENT 14600006 20220831 15041460000600001 BIB 5 8 1460000600002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),PRE,AKE,LF+HF) 1460000600003 MISC-COL (MISC) Standard deviation of average TKE 1460000600004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 1460000600005 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from the authors 1460000600006 (DEP,14600007) TKE of post neutron emission fragments 1460000600007 HISTORY (20220831R) On. Data received from Daniel Higgins 1460000600008 (20220831C) On 1460000600009 moved to 005. 1460000600010 ENDBIB 8 0 1460000600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000600012 DATA 6 23 1460000600013 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-S MISC MISC-ERR 1460000600014 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 1460000600015 1.09 0.09 162.07 0.56 8.69 0.20 1460000600016 1.28 0.10 162.62 0.23 9.12 0.16 1460000600017 1.50 0.12 163.22 0.12 9.21 0.08 1460000600018 1.76 0.14 163.60 0.11 9.30 0.08 1460000600019 2.06 0.17 163.33 0.10 9.50 0.07 1460000600020 2.42 0.19 163.99 0.10 9.43 0.07 1460000600021 2.85 0.23 163.70 0.10 9.47 0.07 1460000600022 3.34 0.27 164.04 0.10 9.52 0.07 1460000600023 3.92 0.31 164.62 0.10 9.56 0.07 1460000600024 4.60 0.37 164.76 0.10 9.67 0.07 1460000600025 5.40 0.43 164.36 0.11 9.77 0.08 1460000600026 6.34 0.51 162.88 0.09 9.37 0.06 1460000600027 7.45 0.60 162.90 0.07 9.37 0.05 1460000600028 8.74 0.70 163.67 0.09 9.86 0.06 1460000600029 10.27 0.82 163.34 0.10 9.81 0.07 1460000600030 12.05 0.96 163.42 0.12 10.00 0.08 1460000600031 14.15 1.13 163.00 0.12 10.39 0.08 1460000600032 16.61 1.33 162.84 0.11 10.06 0.08 1460000600033 19.50 1.56 162.17 0.11 10.53 0.08 1460000600034 22.89 1.83 162.64 0.09 9.85 0.06 1460000600035 26.87 2.15 162.08 0.10 10.57 0.07 1460000600036 31.55 2.52 162.04 0.09 10.47 0.07 1460000600037 37.04 2.96 161.93 0.09 10.67 0.07 1460000600038 ENDDATA 25 0 1460000600039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1460000699999 SUBENT 14600007 20220831 15041460000700001 BIB 6 9 1460000700002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),SEC,AKE,LF+HF) 1460000700003 SAMPLE Circular deposit containing 603.6 ug of 232Th 1460000700004 (192.1 ug/cm2 thick) on carbon foil backing 1460000700005 (100+/-10 ug/cm2 thick) 1460000700006 MISC-COL (MISC) Standard deviation of average TKE 1460000700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 1460000700008 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from the authors 1460000700009 HISTORY (20220831R) On. Data received from Daniel Higgins 1460000700010 (20220831C) On 1460000700011 ENDBIB 9 0 1460000700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 1460000700013 DATA 6 23 1460000700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-S MISC MISC-ERR 1460000700015 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 1460000700016 1.09 0.09 160.58 0.55 8.56 0.20 1460000700017 1.28 0.10 161.16 0.23 8.97 0.16 1460000700018 1.50 0.12 161.74 0.11 9.07 0.08 1460000700019 1.76 0.14 162.10 0.11 9.15 0.08 1460000700020 2.06 0.17 161.80 0.10 9.33 0.07 1460000700021 2.42 0.19 162.42 0.10 9.26 0.07 1460000700022 2.85 0.23 162.10 0.10 9.31 0.07 1460000700023 3.34 0.27 162.40 0.09 9.36 0.07 1460000700024 3.92 0.31 162.91 0.09 9.39 0.07 1460000700025 4.60 0.37 162.98 0.10 9.51 0.07 1460000700026 5.40 0.43 162.53 0.11 9.59 0.08 1460000700027 6.34 0.51 161.12 0.08 9.21 0.06 1460000700028 7.45 0.60 161.15 0.07 9.21 0.05 1460000700029 8.74 0.70 161.81 0.09 9.70 0.06 1460000700030 10.27 0.82 161.36 0.10 9.65 0.07 1460000700031 12.05 0.96 161.25 0.11 9.85 0.08 1460000700032 14.15 1.13 160.71 0.12 10.24 0.08 1460000700033 16.61 1.33 160.53 0.11 9.93 0.07 1460000700034 19.50 1.56 159.74 0.11 10.42 0.08 1460000700035 22.89 1.83 160.22 0.09 9.77 0.06 1460000700036 26.87 2.15 159.45 0.10 10.47 0.07 1460000700037 31.55 2.52 159.31 0.09 10.37 0.07 1460000700038 37.04 2.96 159.08 0.09 10.57 0.06 1460000700039 ENDDATA 25 0 1460000700040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 1460000799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 1460099999999