ENTRY            14621   20200526                             14691462100000001 
SUBENT        14621001   20200526                             14691462100100001 
BIB                 14         70                                 1462100100002 
TITLE      Fission-product yield data from the US/UK joint        1462100100003 
           experiment in the Dounreay prototype fast reactor      1462100100004 
AUTHOR     (J.K.Dickens, S.Raman)                                 1462100100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USAORL)                                              1462100100006 
REFERENCE  (R,ORNL-6266,1986)                                     1462100100007 
           (J,NSE,96,8,1987) Data for curium samples are the same 1462100100008 
           as in the 1-st ref., but presented in another form.    1462100100009 
           #doi:10.13182/NSE87-A16359                             1462100100010 
FACILITY   (REAC,2UK DOU) The Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor     1462100100011 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 1462100100012 
INC-SPECT  Fast reactor neutron spectrum                          1462100100013 
SAMPLE     To irradiate, the actinide samples replaced in the     1462100100014 
           capsules made from high-purity vanadium. The vanadium  1462100100015 
           capsules have a 7.6-mm length, a 1.5-mm outside        1462100100016 
           diameter, an interior volume of 0.52 mm3. Each         1462100100017 
           vanadium capsule was sawed open and its solid oxide    1462100100018 
           sample was removed and then dissolved in acid (HN03).  1462100100019 
           A portion of this solution was determined by aliquot   1462100100020 
           for the measurements, the amount being deduced a priori1462100100021 
            upon the expected activity of the total sample. Each  1462100100022 
           aliquot was diluted with HN03 to a 4-ml volume and     1462100100023 
           transferred to a glass bottle. The material was sealed 1462100100024 
           in the bottle with a semi-permanent sealing plastic cap1462100100025 
           impervious to the acid solution.                       1462100100026 
           The samples were in fuel pins during the irradiation   1462100100027 
           and were irradiated for about 1 year.                  1462100100028 
DETECTOR   (GELI,GE-IN) Two different high-resolution detectors   1462100100029 
           were used. One was a large-volume Ge(Li) diode having  1462100100030 
           a resolution of 2.1 keV full-width-at- half-maximum    1462100100031 
            (FWHM) for Eg 1.3 MeV. Measurements were made with    1462100100032 
           this detector for 0.1 < Eg < 3 MeV. The second         1462100100033 
           detector was a low-energy-photon- system (LEPS)        1462100100034 
           intrinsic germanium detector having a resolution of    1462100100035 
           0.5 keV FWHM at Eg 120 keV. It was used for            1462100100036 
           measurements of gamma rays and x rays having energies  1462100100037 
           20 < Eg < 230 keV. The efficiencies of both detectors  1462100100038 
           as functions of Eg were determined using               1462100100039 
           well-calibrated commercially available sources.        1462100100040 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                1462100100041 
ANALYSIS   There are presented the deduced radionuclide yields    1462100100042 
           as ratios to the 137Cs yield for each sample. The      1462100100043 
           absolute yields of the fission product 137Cs in the    1462100100044 
           various samples are presented in Tab.4 in Oak Ridge    1462100100045 
           Nat.Lab.Rep.-6266,1986 as the absolute values of the   1462100100046 
           number of atoms of the particular radionuclide that    1462100100047 
           were in the sample at the time of the gamma-ray        1462100100048 
           measurement.                                           1462100100049 
ADD-RES    Evaluated yields and uncertainties of 137Cs for        1462100100050 
           fast-neutron fission of 18 actinides. These data were  1462100100051 
           fitted using an empirical function of actinide mass    1462100100052 
           number and charge. These absolute yields of the fission1462100100053 
           product 137Cs in PC/FIS, with the exception of curium  1462100100054 
           samples (taken from Tab.III), taken from Fig.1 in      1462100100055 
           Nucl.Sci.Eng.,96,8,1987,digitized by GSYS2.4.7 are     1462100100056 
           90-Th-232: 5.79 +- 0.23,  91-Pa-231: 7.01 +- 0.42,     1462100100057 
           92-U-233:  6.75 +- 0.41,  92-U-234:  5.85 +- 1.40,     1462100100058 
           92-U-235:  6.21 +- 0.04,  92-U-236:  6.01 +- 0.24,     1462100100059 
           92-U-237:  6.40 +- 1.04,  92-U-238:  6.00 +- 0.04,     1462100100060 
           94-Pu-238: 6.72 +- 0.77,  94-Pu-239: 6.58 +- 0.07,     1462100100061 
           94-Pu-240: 6.36 +- 0.19,  94-Pu-241: 6.40 +- 0.38,     1462100100062 
           95-Am-241: 5.84 +- 0.35,  95-Am-243: 7.13 +- 1.14,     1462100100063 
           96-Cm-243: 6.76 +- 0.66,  96-Cm-244: 6.68 +- 0.62,     1462100100064 
           96-Cm-246: 6.52 +- 0.68,  96-Cm-248: 6.36 +- 0.56.     1462100100065 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties include uncertainties         1462100100066 
           assigned to gamma-ray branching ratios and             1462100100067 
           uncertainties associated with the data reduction,      1462100100068 
           including those associated with detector efficiency    1462100100069 
           calibrations and sample gamma-ray attenuation          1462100100070 
           calculations.                                          1462100100071 
HISTORY    (20200323C) OG.                                        1462100100072 
ENDBIB              70          0                                 1462100100073 
COMMON               1          3                                 1462100100074 
EN-DUMMY                                                          1462100100075 
MEV                                                               1462100100076 
1.3                                                               1462100100077 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1462100100078 
ENDSUBENT           77          0                                 1462100199999 
SUBENT        14621002   20200526                             14691462100200001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100200002 
REACTION   ((90-TH-230(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462100200003 
           (90-TH-230(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462100200004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100200005 
           irradiation                                            1462100200006 
SAMPLE     230Th: Sample No.31,total mass=2.921 mg, gamma-ray     1462100200007 
           assay aliquot=10.0%                                    1462100200008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100200009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100200010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100200011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100200012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100200013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100200014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100200015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100200016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100200017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100200018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100200019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100200020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100200021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100200022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100200023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100200024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100200025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100200026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100200027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100200029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100200032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100200033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100200034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100200035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100200036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100200037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100200038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100200039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100200040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100200041 
FLAG                                                              1462100200042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100200043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100200044 
39.         91.       0.31       0.04       3.17          1.      1462100200045 
  1.                                                              1462100200046 
40.         95.       0.228      0.011      2.98          2.      1462100200047 
44.        103.       0.013      0.002      4.27          4.      1462100200049 
  1.                                                              1462100200050 
44.        106.       0.013      0.001      1.300         5.      1462100200051 
  2.                                                              1462100200052 
51.        125.       0.0058     0.0007     1.102         7.      1462100200053 
55.        134.       0.0033     0.0003                   8.      1462100200055 
58.        141.       0.224      0.008      4.96         10.      1462100200057 
58.        144.       0.780      0.027      1.404        11.      1462100200059 
  3.                                                              1462100200060 
63.        155.       0.006      0.003      1.052        13.      1462100200061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100200063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100299999 
SUBENT        14621003   20200526                             14691462100300001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100300002 
REACTION   ((90-TH-232(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462100300003 
           (90-TH-232(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462100300004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100300005 
           irradiation                                            1462100300006 
SAMPLE     232Th: Sample No.25,total mass=17.771 mg, gamma-ray    1462100300007 
           assay aliquot=12.0%                                    1462100300008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100300009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100300010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100300011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100300012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100300013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100300014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100300015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100300016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100300017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100300018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100300019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100300020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100300021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100300022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100300023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100300024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100300025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100300026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100300027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100300029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100300032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100300033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100300034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100300035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100300036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100300037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100300038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100300039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100300040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100300041 
FLAG                                                              1462100300042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100300043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100300044 
39.         91.       0.35       0.04       3.17          1.      1462100300045 
  1.                                                              1462100300046 
40.         95.       0.416      0.017      2.98          2.      1462100300047 
44.        103.       0.014      0.002      4.27          4.      1462100300049 
  1.                                                              1462100300050 
44.        106.       0.0059     0.0007     1.300         5.      1462100300051 
  2.                                                              1462100300052 
51.        125.       0.0127     0.0018     1.102         7.      1462100300053 
55.        134.       0.0033     0.0004                   8.      1462100300055 
58.        141.       0.184      0.018      4.96         10.      1462100300057 
58.        144.       0.694      0.026      1.404        11.      1462100300059 
  3.                                                              1462100300060 
63.        155.       0.0022     0.0007     1.052        13.      1462100300061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100300063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100399999 
SUBENT        14621004   20200526                             14691462100400001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100400002 
REACTION   ((91-PA-231(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462100400003 
           (91-PA-231(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462100400004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100400005 
           irradiation                                            1462100400006 
SAMPLE     231Pa: Sample No.29,total mass=2.885 mg, gamma-ray     1462100400007 
           assay aliquot=12.0%                                    1462100400008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100400009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100400010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100400011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100400012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100400013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100400014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100400015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100400016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100400017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100400018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100400019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100400020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100400021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100400022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100400023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100400024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100400025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100400026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100400027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100400029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100400032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100400033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100400034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100400035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100400036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100400037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100400038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100400039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100400040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100400041 
FLAG                                                              1462100400042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100400043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100400044 
39.         91.       0.19       0.13       3.17          1.      1462100400045 
  1.                                                              1462100400046 
40.         95.       0.312      0.020      2.98          2.      1462100400047 
44.        103.       0.020      0.001      4.27          4.      1462100400049 
  1.                                                              1462100400050 
44.        106.       0.020      0.002      1.300         5.      1462100400051 
  2.                                                              1462100400052 
51.        125.       0.0154     0.0036     1.102         7.      1462100400053 
55.        134.       0.0033     0.0003                   8.      1462100400055 
58.        141.       0.214      0.012      4.96         10.      1462100400057 
58.        144.       0.545      0.025      1.404        11.      1462100400059 
  3.                                                              1462100400060 
63.        155.       0.0042     0.0008     1.052        13.      1462100400061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100400063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100499999 
SUBENT        14621005   20200526                             14691462100500001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100500002 
REACTION   ((92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/             1462100500003 
           (92-U-233(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))              1462100500004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100500005 
           irradiation                                            1462100500006 
SAMPLE     233U: Sample No.32,total mass=7.920 mg, gamma-ray      1462100500007 
           assay aliquot=1.0%                                     1462100500008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100500009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100500010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100500011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100500012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100500013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100500014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100500015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100500016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100500017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100500018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100500019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100500020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100500021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100500022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100500023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100500024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100500025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100500026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100500027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100500029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100500032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100500033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100500034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100500035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100500036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100500037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100500038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100500039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100500040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100500041 
FLAG                                                              1462100500042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100500043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100500044 
39.         91.       0.24       0.03       3.17          1.      1462100500045 
  1.                                                              1462100500046 
40.         95.       0.311      0.007      2.98          2.      1462100500047 
44.        103.       0.054      0.002      4.27          4.      1462100500049 
  1.                                                              1462100500050 
44.        106.       0.029      0.003      1.300         5.      1462100500051 
  2.                                                              1462100500052 
51.        125.       0.0191     0.0015     1.102         7.      1462100500053 
55.        134.       0.0050     0.0004                   8.      1462100500055 
58.        141.       0.188      0.007      4.96         10.      1462100500057 
58.        144.       0.464      0.017      1.404        11.      1462100500059 
  3.                                                              1462100500060 
63.        155.       0.0032     0.0007     1.052        13.      1462100500061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100500063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100599999 
SUBENT        14621006   20200526                             14691462100600001 
BIB                  6         33                                 1462100600002 
REACTION   ((92-U-234(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/             1462100600003 
           (92-U-234(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))              1462100600004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100600005 
           irradiation                                            1462100600006 
SAMPLE     234U: Sample No.27,total mass=3.442 mg, gamma-ray      1462100600007 
           assay aliquot=10.0%                                    1462100600008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100600009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100600010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100600011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100600012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100600013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100600014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100600015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100600016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100600017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100600018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100600019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100600020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100600021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100600022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100600023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100600024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100600025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100600026 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100600028 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100600031 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100600032 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100600033 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100600034 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100600035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 1462100600036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100600037 
DATA                 7          7                                 1462100600038 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100600039 
FLAG                                                              1462100600040 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100600041 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100600042 
39.         91.       0.20       0.02       3.17           1.     1462100600043 
   1.                                                             1462100600044 
40.         95.       0.335      0.008      2.98           2.     1462100600045 
44.        106.       0.048      0.004      1.300          5.     1462100600047 
   2.                                                             1462100600048 
51.        125.       0.0126     0.0009     1.102          7.     1462100600049 
55.        134.       0.0050     0.0004                    8.     1462100600051 
58.        141.       0.210      0.016      4.96          10.     1462100600053 
58.        144.       0.538      0.020      1.404         11.     1462100600055 
   3.                                                             1462100600056 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 1462100600057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 1462100699999 
SUBENT        14621007   20200526                             14691462100700001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100700002 
REACTION   ((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/             1462100700003 
           (92-U-235(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))              1462100700004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100700005 
           irradiation                                            1462100700006 
SAMPLE     235U: Sample No.28,total mass=8.531 mg, gamma-ray      1462100700007 
           assay aliquot=1.0%                                     1462100700008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100700009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100700010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100700011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100700012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100700013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100700014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100700015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100700016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100700017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100700018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100700019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100700020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100700021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100700022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100700023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100700024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100700025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100700026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100700027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100700029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100700032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100700033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100700034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100700035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100700036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100700037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100700038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100700039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100700040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100700041 
FLAG                                                              1462100700042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100700043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100700044 
39.         91.       0.21       0.02       3.17           1.     1462100700045 
   1.                                                             1462100700046 
40.         95.       0.340      0.010      2.98           2.     1462100700047 
44.        103.       0.108      0.004      4.27           4.     1462100700049 
   1.                                                             1462100700050 
44.        106.       0.055      0.005      1.300          5.     1462100700051 
   2.                                                             1462100700052 
51.        125.       0.0054     0.0006     1.102          7.     1462100700053 
55.        134.       0.0054     0.0004                    8.     1462100700055 
58.        141.       0.188      0.030      4.96          10.     1462100700057 
58.        144.       0.605      0.019      1.404         11.     1462100700059 
   3.                                                             1462100700060 
63.        155.       0.0061     0.0008     1.052         13.     1462100700061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100700063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100799999 
SUBENT        14621008   20200526                             14691462100800001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100800002 
REACTION   ((92-U-236(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/             1462100800003 
           (92-U-236(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))              1462100800004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100800005 
           irradiation                                            1462100800006 
SAMPLE     236U: Sample No.26,total mass=7.906 mg, gamma-ray      1462100800007 
           assay aliquot=5.0%                                     1462100800008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100800009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100800010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100800011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100800012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100800013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100800014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100800015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100800016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100800017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100800018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100800019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100800020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100800021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100800022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100800023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100800024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100800025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100800026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100800027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100800029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100800032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100800033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100800034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100800035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100800036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100800037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100800038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100800039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100800040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100800041 
FLAG                                                              1462100800042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100800043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100800044 
39.         91.       0.23       0.03       3.17          1.      1462100800045 
  1.                                                              1462100800046 
40.         95.       0.340      0.011      2.98          2.      1462100800047 
44.        103.       0.117      0.006      4.27          4.      1462100800049 
  1.                                                              1462100800050 
44.        106.       0.069      0.006      1.300         5.      1462100800051 
  2.                                                              1462100800052 
51.        125.       0.0075     0.0008     1.102         7.      1462100800053 
55.        134.       0.0056     0.0005                   8.      1462100800055 
58.        141.       0.190      0.018      4.96         10.      1462100800057 
58.        144.       0.613      0.024      1.404        11.      1462100800059 
  3.                                                              1462100800060 
63.        155.       0.0095     0.0011     1.052        13.      1462100800061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100800063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100899999 
SUBENT        14621009   20200526                             14691462100900001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462100900002 
REACTION   ((92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/             1462100900003 
           (92-U-238(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))              1462100900004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462100900005 
           irradiation                                            1462100900006 
SAMPLE     238U: Sample No.11,total mass=9.859 mg, gamma-ray      1462100900007 
           assay aliquot=5.0%                                     1462100900008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462100900009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462100900010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462100900011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462100900012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462100900013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462100900014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462100900015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462100900016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462100900017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462100900018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100900019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462100900020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100900021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462100900022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462100900023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462100900024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462100900025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462100900026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462100900027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462100900029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462100900032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462100900033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462100900034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462100900035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462100900036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462100900037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462100900038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462100900039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462100900040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462100900041 
FLAG                                                              1462100900042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462100900043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462100900044 
39.         91.       0.14       0.02       3.17           1.     1462100900045 
   1.                                                             1462100900046 
40.         95.       0.285      0.009      2.98           2.     1462100900047 
44.        103.       0.246      0.007      4.27           4.     1462100900049 
   1.                                                             1462100900050 
44.        106.       0.355      0.029      1.300          5.     1462100900051 
   2.                                                             1462100900052 
51.        125.       0.0085     0.0006     1.102          7.     1462100900053 
55.        134.       0.0060     0.0005                    8.     1462100900055 
58.        141.       0.190      0.010      4.96          10.     1462100900057 
58.        144.       0.530      0.021      1.404         11.     1462100900059 
   3.                                                             1462100900060 
63.        155.       0.0212     0.0022     1.052         13.     1462100900061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462100900063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462100999999 
SUBENT        14621010   20200526                             14691462101000001 
BIB                  6         35                                 1462101000002 
REACTION   ((94-PU-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101000003 
           (94-PU-238(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101000004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101000005 
           irradiation                                            1462101000006 
SAMPLE     238Pu: Sample No.30,total mass=2.687 mg, gamma-ray     1462101000007 
           assay aliquot=12.0%                                    1462101000008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101000009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101000010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101000011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101000012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101000013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101000014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101000015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101000016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101000017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101000018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101000019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101000020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101000021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101000022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101000023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101000024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101000025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101000026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101000027 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101000029 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101000032 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101000033 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101000034 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101000035 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101000036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101000037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1462101000038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101000039 
DATA                 7          9                                 1462101000040 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       DECAY-FLAG 1462101000041 
FLAG                                                              1462101000042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462101000043 
NO-DIM                                                            1462101000044 
39.         91.       0.092      0.010      3.17          1.      1462101000045 
  1.                                                              1462101000046 
40.         95.       0.245      0.008      2.98          2.      1462101000047 
44.        103.       0.159      0.008      4.27          4.      1462101000049 
  1.                                                              1462101000050 
44.        106.       0.321      0.027      1.300         5.      1462101000051 
  2.                                                              1462101000052 
51.        125.       0.0253     0.0016     1.102         7.      1462101000053 
55.        134.       0.0061     0.0006                   8.      1462101000055 
58.        141.       0.165      0.009      4.96         10.      1462101000057 
58.        144.       0.346      0.011      1.404        11.      1462101000059 
  3.                                                              1462101000060 
63.        155.       0.018      0.002      1.052        13.      1462101000061 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 1462101000063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1462101099999 
SUBENT        14621011   20200526                             14691462101100001 
BIB                  6         37                                 1462101100002 
REACTION   ((94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101100003 
           (94-PU-239(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101100004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101100005 
           irradiation                                            1462101100006 
SAMPLE     239Pu: Sample No.23,total mass=7.990 mg, gamma-ray     1462101100007 
           assay aliquot=10.0%                                    1462101100008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101100009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101100010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101100011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101100012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101100013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101100014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101100015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101100016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101100017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101100018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101100019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101100020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101100021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101100022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101100023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101100024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101100025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101100026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101100027 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101100029 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101100030 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101100031 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101100034 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101100035 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101100036 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101100037 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101100038 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 1462101100040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101100041 
DATA                 8         10                                 1462101100042 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       1462101100043 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG                                                   1462101100044 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     1462101100045 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 1462101100046 
39.         91.                  0.11       0.05       3.17       1462101100047 
   1.        1.                                                   1462101100048 
40.         95.                  0.220      0.006      2.98       1462101100049 
   2.                                                             1462101100050 
44.        103.                  0.172      0.009      4.27       1462101100051 
   4.        1.                                                   1462101100052 
44.        106.                  0.378      0.032      1.300      1462101100053 
   5.        2.                                                   1462101100054 
47.        110.          1.      0.00010    0.00004               1462101100055 
   6.                                                             1462101100056 
51.        125.                  0.0172     0.0012     1.102      1462101100057 
   7.                                                             1462101100058 
55.        134.                  0.0057     0.0005                1462101100059 
   8.                                                             1462101100060 
58.        141.                  0.147      0.006      4.96       1462101100061 
  10.                                                             1462101100062 
58.        144.                  0.352      0.016      1.404      1462101100063 
  11.        3.                                                   1462101100064 
63.        155.                  0.021      0.003      1.052      1462101100065 
  13.                                                             1462101100066 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101100067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 1462101199999 
SUBENT        14621012   20200526                             14691462101200001 
BIB                  6         43                                 1462101200002 
REACTION  1((94-PU-240(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101200003 
           (94-PU-240(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)) Sample No.221462101200004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101200005 
           irradiation                                            1462101200006 
          2((94-PU-240(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101200007 
           (94-PU-240(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)) Sample No.211462101200008 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101200009 
           irradiation                                            1462101200010 
SAMPLE    1 240Pu: Sample No.22,total mass=10.537 mg, gamma-ray   1462101200011 
           assay aliquot=4.0%                                     1462101200012 
          2 240Pu: Sample No.21,total mass=10.782 mg, gamma-ray   1462101200013 
           assay aliquot=3.0%                                     1462101200014 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101200015 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101200016 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101200017 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101200018 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101200019 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101200020 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101200021 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101200022 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101200023 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101200024 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101200025 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101200026 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101200027 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101200028 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101200029 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101200030 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101200031 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101200032 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101200033 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101200035 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101200036 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101200037 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101200040 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101200041 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101200042 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101200043 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101200044 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101200045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 1462101200046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101200047 
DATA                10         10                                 1462101200048 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      21462101200049 
DATA-ERR  2MISC       DECAY-FLAG FLAG                             1462101200050 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     1462101200051 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           1462101200052 
39.         91.                  0.082      0.010      0.079      1462101200053 
0.012      3.17          1.        1.                             1462101200054 
40.         95.                  0.225      0.006      0.220      1462101200055 
0.006      2.98          2.                                       1462101200056 
44.        103.                  0.040      0.002      0.053      1462101200057 
0.003      4.27          4.        1.                             1462101200058 
44.        106.                  0.120      0.010      0.128      1462101200059 
0.011      1.300         5.        2.                             1462101200060 
47.        110.          1.      0.00017    0.00002    0.00015    1462101200061 
0.00002                  6.                                       1462101200062 
51.        125.                  0.0140     0.0009     0.0140     1462101200063 
0.0009     1.102         7.                                       1462101200064 
55.        134.                  0.0056     0.0005     0.0057     1462101200065 
0.0005                   8.                                       1462101200066 
58.        141.                  0.148      0.006      0.155      1462101200067 
0.007      4.96         10.                                       1462101200068 
58.        144.                  0.434      0.014      0.432      1462101200069 
0.011      1.404        11.        3.                             1462101200070 
63.        155.                  0.034      0.005      0.033      1462101200071 
0.004      1.052        13.                                       1462101200072 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101200073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 1462101299999 
SUBENT        14621013   20200526                             14691462101300001 
BIB                  6         37                                 1462101300002 
REACTION   ((94-PU-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101300003 
           (94-PU-241(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101300004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101300005 
           irradiation                                            1462101300006 
SAMPLE     241Pu: Sample No.24,total mass=4.096 mg, gamma-ray     1462101300007 
           assay aliquot=2.0%                                     1462101300008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101300009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101300010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101300011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101300012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101300013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101300014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101300015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101300016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101300017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101300018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101300019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101300020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101300021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101300022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101300023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101300024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101300025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101300026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101300027 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101300029 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101300030 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101300031 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101300034 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101300035 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101300036 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101300037 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101300038 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101300039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 1462101300040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101300041 
DATA                 8         10                                 1462101300042 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       1462101300043 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG                                                   1462101300044 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     1462101300045 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 1462101300046 
39.         91.                  0.083      0.010      3.17       1462101300047 
   1.        1.                                                   1462101300048 
40.         95.                  0.195      0.005      2.98       1462101300049 
   2.                                                             1462101300050 
44.        103.                  0.076      0.004      4.27       1462101300051 
   4.        1.                                                   1462101300052 
44.        106.                  0.242      0.021      1.300      1462101300053 
   5.        2.                                                   1462101300054 
47.        110.          1.      0.00013    0.00001               1462101300055 
   6.                                                             1462101300056 
51.        125.                  0.0091     0.0008     1.102      1462101300057 
   7.                                                             1462101300058 
55.        134.                  0.0055     0.0005                1462101300059 
   8.                                                             1462101300060 
58.        141.                  0.172      0.011      4.96       1462101300061 
  10.                                                             1462101300062 
58.        144.                  0.452      0.014      1.404      1462101300063 
  11.        3.                                                   1462101300064 
63.        155.                  0.043      0.005      1.052      1462101300065 
  13.                                                             1462101300066 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101300067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 1462101399999 
SUBENT        14621014   20200526                             14691462101400001 
BIB                  6         37                                 1462101400002 
REACTION   ((94-PU-244(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101400003 
           (94-PU-244(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101400004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101400005 
           irradiation                                            1462101400006 
SAMPLE     244Pu: Sample No.20,total mass=2.086 mg, gamma-ray     1462101400007 
           assay aliquot=12.0%                                    1462101400008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101400009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101400010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101400011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101400012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101400013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101400014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101400015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101400016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101400017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101400018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101400019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101400020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101400021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101400022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101400023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101400024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101400025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101400026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101400027 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101400029 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101400030 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101400031 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101400034 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101400035 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101400036 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101400037 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101400038 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101400039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 1462101400040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101400041 
DATA                 8         10                                 1462101400042 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       1462101400043 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG                                                   1462101400044 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     1462101400045 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 1462101400046 
39.         91.                  0.052      0.021      3.17       1462101400047 
   1.        1.                                                   1462101400048 
40.         95.                  0.161      0.005      2.98       1462101400049 
   2.                                                             1462101400050 
44.        103.                  0.176      0.009      4.27       1462101400051 
   4.        1.                                                   1462101400052 
44.        106.                  0.615      0.049      1.300      1462101400053 
   5.        2.                                                   1462101400054 
47.        110.          1.      0.00027    0.00004               1462101400055 
   6.                                                             1462101400056 
51.        125.                  0.0071     0.0007     1.102      1462101400057 
   7.                                                             1462101400058 
55.        134.                  0.0047     0.0004                1462101400059 
   8.                                                             1462101400060 
58.        141.                  0.165      0.006      4.96       1462101400061 
  10.                                                             1462101400062 
58.        144.                  0.489      0.014      1.404      1462101400063 
  11.        3.                                                   1462101400064 
63.        155.                  0.062      0.010      1.052      1462101400065 
  13.                                                             1462101400066 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101400067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 1462101499999 
SUBENT        14621015   20200526                             14691462101500001 
BIB                  6         43                                 1462101500002 
REACTION  1((95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101500003 
           (95-AM-241(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)) Sample No.151462101500004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101500005 
           irradiation                                            1462101500006 
          2((95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101500007 
           (95-AM-241(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)) Sample No.141462101500008 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101500009 
           irradiation                                            1462101500010 
SAMPLE    1 241Am: Sample No.15,total mass=9.551 mg, gamma-ray    1462101500011 
           assay aliquot=1.0%                                     1462101500012 
          2 241Am: Sample No.14,total mass=10.383 mg, gamma-ray   1462101500013 
           assay aliquot=0.1%                                     1462101500014 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101500015 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101500016 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101500017 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101500018 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101500019 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101500020 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101500021 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101500022 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101500023 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101500024 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101500025 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101500026 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101500027 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101500028 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101500029 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101500030 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101500031 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101500032 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101500033 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101500035 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101500036 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101500037 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101500040 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101500041 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101500042 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101500043 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101500044 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101500045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 1462101500046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101500047 
DATA                10         10                                 1462101500048 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      21462101500049 
DATA-ERR  2MISC       DECAY-FLAG FLAG                             1462101500050 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     1462101500051 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           1462101500052 
39.         91.                  0.069      0.044      0.080      1462101500053 
0.009      3.17          1.        1.                             1462101500054 
40.         95.                  0.200      0.008      0.196      1462101500055 
0.006      2.98          2.                                       1462101500056 
44.        103.                  0.144      0.006      0.195      1462101500057 
0.007      4.27          4.        1.                             1462101500058 
44.        106.                  0.322      0.028      0.455      1462101500059 
0.039      1.300         5.        2.                             1462101500060 
47.        110.          1.      0.00013    0.00002               1462101500061 
                         6.                                       1462101500062 
51.        125.                  0.033      0.006      0.035      1462101500063 
0.006      1.102         7.                                       1462101500064 
55.        134.                  0.0067     0.0006     0.0074     1462101500065 
0.0006                   8.                                       1462101500066 
58.        141.                  0.162      0.010      0.172      1462101500067 
0.010      4.96         10.                                       1462101500068 
58.        144.                  0.397      0.014      0.394      1462101500069 
0.014      1.404        11.        3.                             1462101500070 
63.        155.                  0.057      0.007      0.057      1462101500071 
0.007      1.052        13.                                       1462101500072 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101500073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 1462101599999 
SUBENT        14621016   20200526                             14691462101600001 
BIB                  6         37                                 1462101600002 
REACTION   ((95-AM-243(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101600003 
           (95-AM-243(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101600004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101600005 
           irradiation                                            1462101600006 
SAMPLE     243Am: Sample No.12,total mass=9.804 mg, gamma-ray     1462101600007 
           assay aliquot=0.2%                                     1462101600008 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101600009 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101600010 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101600011 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101600012 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101600013 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101600014 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101600015 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101600016 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101600017 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101600018 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101600019 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101600020 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101600021 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101600022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101600023 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101600024 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101600025 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101600026 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101600027 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101600029 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101600030 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101600031 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101600034 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101600035 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101600036 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101600037 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101600038 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32)in report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101600039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 1462101600040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1462101600041 
DATA                 8         10                                 1462101600042 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       1462101600043 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG                                                   1462101600044 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM     1462101600045 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 1462101600046 
39.         91.                  0.071      0.025      3.17       1462101600047 
   1.        1.                                                   1462101600048 
40.         95.                  0.168      0.006      2.98       1462101600049 
   2.                                                             1462101600050 
44.        103.                  0.183      0.006      4.27       1462101600051 
   4.        1.                                                   1462101600052 
44.        106.                  0.495      0.041      1.300      1462101600053 
   5.        2.                                                   1462101600054 
47.        110.          1.      0.00020    0.00002               1462101600055 
   6.                                                             1462101600056 
51.        125.                  0.0227     0.0017     1.102      1462101600057 
   7.                                                             1462101600058 
55.        134.                  0.0054     0.0005                1462101600059 
   8.                                                             1462101600060 
58.        141.                  0.178      0.020      4.96       1462101600061 
  10.                                                             1462101600062 
58.        144.                  0.450      0.016      1.404      1462101600063 
  11.        3.                                                   1462101600064 
63.        155.                  0.093      0.010      1.052      1462101600065 
  13.                                                             1462101600066 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101600067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 1462101699999 
SUBENT        14621017   20200526                             14691462101700001 
BIB                  7         42                                 1462101700002 
REACTION  1((96-CM-243(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101700003 
           (96-CM-243(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101700004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101700005 
           irradiation                                            1462101700006 
          2(96-CM-243(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)              1462101700007 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101700008 
           irradiation                                            1462101700009 
SAMPLE     243Cm: Sample No.10,total mass=0.334 mg, gamma-ray     1462101700010 
           assay aliquot=1.0%                                     1462101700011 
MONITOR   2(96-CM-243(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST)                  1462101700012 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101700013 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101700014 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101700015 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101700016 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101700017 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101700018 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101700019 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101700020 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101700021 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101700022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101700023 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101700024 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101700025 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101700026 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101700027 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101700028 
DECAY-DATA ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101700029 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101700030 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101700032 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101700033 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101700034 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101700037 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101700038 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101700039 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101700040 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32) in report ORNL-6266,1986 - for     1462101700041 
           REACTION 1.                                            1462101700042 
           Tab.III (p.11) in Nucl.Sci.Eng.,96,8,1987 (2-nd ref.)- 1462101700043 
           for REACTION 2.                                        1462101700044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 1462101700045 
COMMON               2          3                                 1462101700046 
MONIT     2MONIT-ERR 2                                            1462101700047 
PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                                 1462101700048 
  6.76       0.66                                                 1462101700049 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1462101700050 
DATA                10          8                                 1462101700051 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MISC       1462101700052 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG       DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      1462101700053 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462101700054 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS                           1462101700055 
40.         95.                  0.161      0.005      2.98       1462101700056 
   2.                 3.22       0.33                             1462101700057 
44.        103.                  0.087      0.003      4.27       1462101700058 
   4.        1.                                                   1462101700059 
44.        106.                  0.227      0.019      1.300      1462101700060 
   5.        2.                                                   1462101700061 
47.        110.          1.      0.00027    0.00003               1462101700062 
   6.                                                             1462101700063 
51.        125.                  0.0286     0.0020     1.102      1462101700064 
   7.                 0.215      0.026                            1462101700065 
55.        134.                  0.0073     0.0007                1462101700066 
   8.                                                             1462101700067 
58.        141.                  0.150      0.008      4.96       1462101700068 
  10.                 4.84       0.53                             1462101700069 
58.        144.                  0.400      0.018      1.404      1462101700070 
  11.        3.                  3.70       0.40                  1462101700071 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 1462101700072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 1462101799999 
SUBENT        14621018   20200526                             14691462101800001 
BIB                  7         50                                 1462101800002 
REACTION  1((96-CM-244(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101800003 
           (96-CM-244(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)) Sample No.9 1462101800004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101800005 
           irradiation                                            1462101800006 
          2((96-CM-244(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101800007 
           (96-CM-244(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)) Sample No.8 1462101800008 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101800009 
           irradiation                                            1462101800010 
          3(96-CM-244(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)              1462101800011 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101800012 
           irradiation                                            1462101800013 
SAMPLE     244Cm: Sample No.9,total mass=7.928 mg, gamma-ray      1462101800014 
           assay aliquot=2.0%                                     1462101800015 
           244Cm: Sample No.8,total mass=7.791 mg, gamma-ray      1462101800016 
           assay aliquot=1.0%                                     1462101800017 
MONITOR   3(96-CM-243(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST)                  1462101800018 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101800019 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101800020 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101800021 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101800022 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101800023 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101800024 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101800025 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101800026 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101800027 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101800028 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101800029 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101800030 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101800031 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101800032 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101800033 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101800034 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101800035 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101800036 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101800037 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101800039 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101800040 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101800041 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101800044 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101800045 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101800046 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101800047 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101800048 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32) in report ORNL-6266,1986 - for     1462101800049 
           REACTION 1 and 2.                                      1462101800050 
           Tab.III (p.11) in Nucl.Sci.Eng.,96,8,1987 (2-nd ref.)- 1462101800051 
           for REACTION 3.                                        1462101800052 
ENDBIB              50          0                                 1462101800053 
COMMON               2          3                                 1462101800054 
MONIT     3MONIT-ERR 3                                            1462101800055 
PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                                 1462101800056 
  6.68       0.62                                                 1462101800057 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1462101800058 
DATA                12         10                                 1462101800059 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      21462101800060 
DATA-ERR  2MISC       DECAY-FLAG FLAG       DATA      3DATA-ERR  31462101800061 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462101800062 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS     1462101800063 
39.         91.                  0.043      0.009      0.069      1462101800064 
0.019      3.17          1.        1.                             1462101800065 
40.         95.                  0.151      0.005      0.147      1462101800066 
0.005      2.98          2.                 3.00       0.30       1462101800067 
44.        103.                  0.198      0.007      0.159      1462101800068 
0.006      4.27          4.        1.                             1462101800069 
44.        106.                  0.667      0.056      0.431      1462101800070 
0.036      1.300         5.        2.                             1462101800071 
47.        110.          1.      0.00030    0.00003    0.00029    1462101800072 
0.00003                  6.                                       1462101800073 
51.        125.                  0.0237     0.0023     0.0238     1462101800074 
0.0023     1.102         7.                 0.180      0.024      1462101800075 
55.        134.                  0.0056     0.0005     0.0060     1462101800076 
0.0006                   8.                                       1462101800077 
58.        141.                  0.180      0.018      0.181      1462101800078 
0.015      4.96         10.                 5.96       0.74       1462101800079 
58.        144.                  0.438      0.016      0.432      1462101800080 
0.016      1.404        11.        3.       4.02       0.40       1462101800081 
63.        155.                  0.078      0.008      0.076      1462101800082 
0.008      1.052        13.                 0.533      0.072      1462101800083 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101800084 
ENDSUBENT           83          0                                 1462101899999 
SUBENT        14621019   20200526                             14691462101900001 
BIB                  7         44                                 1462101900002 
REACTION  1((96-CM-246(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462101900003 
           (96-CM-246(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462101900004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101900005 
           irradiation                                            1462101900006 
          2(96-CM-246(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)              1462101900007 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462101900008 
           irradiation                                            1462101900009 
SAMPLE     246Cm: Sample No.5,total mass=6.657 mg, gamma-ray      1462101900010 
           assay aliquot=2.0%                                     1462101900011 
MONITOR   2(96-CM-243(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST)                  1462101900012 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462101900013 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462101900014 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462101900015 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462101900016 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462101900017 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462101900018 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462101900019 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462101900020 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462101900021 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462101900022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101900023 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462101900024 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462101900025 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462101900026 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462101900027 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462101900028 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462101900029 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462101900030 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462101900031 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462101900033 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462101900034 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462101900035 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462101900038 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462101900039 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462101900040 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462101900041 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462101900042 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32) in report ORNL-6266,1986 - for     1462101900043 
           REACTION 1.                                            1462101900044 
           Tab.III (p.11) in Nucl.Sci.Eng.,96,8,1987 (2-nd ref.)- 1462101900045 
           for REACTION 2.                                        1462101900046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 1462101900047 
COMMON               2          3                                 1462101900048 
MONIT     2MONIT-ERR 2                                            1462101900049 
PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                                 1462101900050 
  6.52       0.68                                                 1462101900051 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1462101900052 
DATA                10         10                                 1462101900053 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MISC       1462101900054 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG       DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      1462101900055 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462101900056 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS                           1462101900057 
39.         91.                  0.054      0.019      3.17       1462101900058 
   1.        1.                                                   1462101900059 
40.         95.                  0.122      0.005      2.98       1462101900060 
   2.                 2.29       0.25                             1462101900061 
44.        103.                  0.198      0.007      4.27       1462101900062 
   4.        1.                                                   1462101900063 
44.        106.                  0.690      0.057      1.300      1462101900064 
   5.        2.                                                   1462101900065 
47.        110.          1.      0.00040    0.00003               1462101900066 
   6.                                                             1462101900067 
51.        125.                  0.0170     0.0016     1.102      1462101900068 
   7.                 0.116      0.017                            1462101900069 
55.        134.                  0.0055     0.0005                1462101900070 
   8.                                                             1462101900071 
58.        141.                  0.185      0.011      4.96       1462101900072 
  10.                 5.94       0.72                             1462101900073 
58.        144.                  0.509      0.017      1.404      1462101900074 
  11.        3.       4.71       0.52                             1462101900075 
63.        155.                  0.099      0.011      1.052      1462101900076 
  13.                 0.706      0.104                            1462101900077 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462101900078 
ENDSUBENT           77          0                                 1462101999999 
SUBENT        14621020   20200526                             14691462102000001 
BIB                  7         44                                 1462102000002 
REACTION  1((96-CM-248(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)/            1462102000003 
           (96-CM-248(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW))             1462102000004 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462102000005 
           irradiation                                            1462102000006 
          2(96-CM-248(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST/RAW)              1462102000007 
           Not corrected for fluctuation of neutron flux during   1462102000008 
           irradiation                                            1462102000009 
SAMPLE     248Cm: Sample No.4,total mass=1.720 mg, gamma-ray      1462102000010 
           assay aliquot=10.0%                                    1462102000011 
MONITOR   2(96-CM-243(N,F)55-CS-137,CUM,FY,,FST)                  1462102000012 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Adjustment factors for the experimental ratio   1462102000013 
           data, deduced from the irradiation history and the half1462102000014 
           life of each fission product so as to provide an       1462102000015 
           estimate of the ratio values that would have been      1462102000016 
           measured following an instantaneous irradiation.       1462102000017 
            To determine experimental ratio data, data have to be 1462102000018 
           multiplied by the adjustment factor given in MISC.     1462102000019 
FLAG       (1.) Results may be suspect; consult discussion in the 1462102000020 
           text of report ORNL-6266,1986.                         1462102000021 
           (2.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l06Ru)   1462102000022 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462102000023 
           second isotope (106Rh). Results may be suspect; consult1462102000024 
           discussion in text of report ORNL-6266,1986.           1462102000025 
           (3.) Results applicable to the first isotope (l44Ce)   1462102000026 
           include analyses of gamma radiation from decay of the  1462102000027 
           second isotope (144Pr).                                1462102000028 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-91-G,58.5D,DG,1204.9,0.0030)                 1462102000029 
           ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.0D,DG,724.24,0.442,DG,756.76,0.546)   1462102000030 
           ((4.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.04,0.909)                  1462102000031 
           ((6.)47-AG-110-M,252.D,DG,884.2,0.726,DG,937.4,0.342,  1462102000033 
                                  DG,1383.9,0.243)                1462102000034 
           ((7.)51-SB-125,2.758YR,DG,427.89,0.2944,               1462102000035 
           ((10.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.45,0.483)                 1462102000038 
           ((11.)58-CE-144,284.7D,DG,133.53,0.1109)               1462102000039 
           ((13.)63-EU-155,4.96YR,DG,86.55,0.309,DG,105.31,0.207) 1462102000040 
           Taken by authors from C. M. Lederer+, Table of Isotops,1462102000041 
           7th ed.,1978.                                          1462102000042 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.7(p.32) in report ORNL-6266,1986 - for     1462102000043 
           REACTION 1.                                            1462102000044 
           Tab.III (p.11) in Nucl.Sci.Eng.,96,8,1987 (2-nd ref.)- 1462102000045 
           for REACTION 2.                                        1462102000046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 1462102000047 
COMMON               2          3                                 1462102000048 
MONIT     2MONIT-ERR 2                                            1462102000049 
PC/FIS     PC/FIS                                                 1462102000050 
  6.36       0.56                                                 1462102000051 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1462102000052 
DATA                10         10                                 1462102000053 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA      1DATA-ERR  1MISC       1462102000054 
DECAY-FLAG FLAG       DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      1462102000055 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1462102000056 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS                           1462102000057 
39.         91.                  0.036      0.017       3.17      1462102000058 
    1.        1.                                                  1462102000059 
40.         95.                  0.108      0.004      2.98       1462102000060 
   2.                 2.06       0.19                             1462102000061 
44.        103.                  0.143      0.006      4.27       1462102000062 
   4.        1.                                                   1462102000063 
44.        106.                  0.445      0.037      1.300      1462102000064 
   5.        2.                                                   1462102000065 
47.        110.          1.      0.00045    0.00003               1462102000066 
   6.                                                             1462102000067 
51.        125.                  0.0133     0.0009     1.102      1462102000068 
   7.                 0.087      0.011                            1462102000069 
55.        134.                  0.0057     0.0005                1462102000070 
   8.                                                             1462102000071 
58.        141.                  0.208      0.009      4.96       1462102000072 
  10.                 6.64       0.65                             1462102000073 
58.        144.                  0.578      0.019      1.404      1462102000074 
  11.        3.       5.08       0.48                             1462102000075 
63.        155.                  0.109      0.012      1.052      1462102000076 
  13.                 0.743      0.101                            1462102000077 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 1462102000078 
ENDSUBENT           77          0                                 1462102099999 
ENDENTRY            20          0                                 1462199999999