ENTRY 14658 20210530 14811465800000001 SUBENT 14658001 20210521 14811465800100001 BIB 11 33 1465800100002 TITLE Gamma-ray measurements in fast-neutron-induced 1465800100003 reactions on 203Tl 1465800100004 AUTHOR (N.Fotiades,R.O.Nelson,M.Devlin) 1465800100005 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) 1465800100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,101,064608,2020) 1465800100007 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment was performed at the Los 1465800100008 Alamos Neutron Science Center Weapons Neutron Research 1465800100009 SAMPLE (81-TL-203,ENR=0.970) Target consisted of a 1465800100010 polystyrene capsule, 2.3 cm in diameter and 0.5 cm 1465800100011 thick, containing 2.2 grams of Tl oxide powder. The 1465800100012 Tl powder was tightly encapsulated in the thin- 1465800100013 walled capsule with an inner diameter of 2.2 cm. 1465800100014 DETECTOR (HPGE) Gamma rays produced in the bombardment of the 1465800100015 203Tl target by neutrons were observed with the 1465800100016 Germanium Array for Neutron-Induced Excitations 1465800100017 GEANIE located around 203Tl target. GEANIE was 1465800100018 comprised of 11 Compton-suppressed planar Ge 1465800100019 detectors (low-energy photon spectrometers, LEPS) , 1465800100020 nine Compton-suppressed coaxial Ge detectors and six 1465800100021 unsuppressed coaxial Ge detectors. 1465800100022 METHOD (TOF) Neutron energy was determined by time of 1465800100023 flight. Time structure of driving proton beam 1465800100024 consisted of 775 mu-s long macropulses. Each 1465800100025 macropulse consisted of subnanosecond micropulses 1465800100026 separated by 1.8 mu-s. Tl target was located on 20.34 1465800100027 m flight path 60degR 1465800100028 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons were produced in a tungsten 1465800100029 spallation target driven by an 800 MeV proton beam. 1465800100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 1465800100031 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 1465800100032 HISTORY (20200826C) Compiled by S.H. 1465800100033 (20210220A) S.H. NODATA subentries replaced by 1465800100034 author's data in subentries 12-20. 1465800100035 ENDBIB 33 0 1465800100036 COMMON 1 3 1465800100037 ERR-SYS 1465800100038 PER-CENT 1465800100039 10.0 1465800100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1465800199999 SUBENT 14658002 20200826 14721465800200001 BIB 2 6 1465800200002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-202,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800200003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800200004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800200005 internal conversion 1465800200006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800200007 by author (N.F.) 1465800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800200009 COMMON 1 3 1465800200010 E 1465800200011 KEV 1465800200012 439.5 1465800200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800200014 DATA 4 24 1465800200015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800200016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800200017 10.528 0.362 3.669 1.388 1465800200018 11.269 0.401 5.989 1.457 1465800200019 12.092 0.446 6.682 1.533 1465800200020 13.01 0.498 8.701 1.652 1465800200021 14.037 0.558 15.554 1.785 1465800200022 15.192 0.629 12.613 1.768 1465800200023 16.498 0.713 15.568 1.79 1465800200024 17.981 0.812 22.32 1.902 1465800200025 19.676 0.931 30.462 1.913 1465800200026 21.626 1.075 35.475 1.924 1465800200027 23.886 1.251 56.627 2.082 1465800200028 26.526 1.467 65.754 2.153 1465800200029 29.639 1.738 60.18 1.895 1465800200030 33.346 2.081 59.845 1.786 1465800200031 37.815 2.524 59.402 1.703 1465800200032 43.274 3.105 53.74 1.474 1465800200033 50.05 3.887 57.803 1.362 1465800200034 57.968 5.261 52.036 1.839 1465800200035 68.775 6.925 50.313 1.766 1465800200036 83.084 9.397 47.213 1.604 1465800200037 102.689 13.279 40.077 1.454 1465800200038 130.804 19.541 35.887 1.284 1465800200039 173.789 29.926 29.077 1.197 1465800200040 246.331 48.225 23.416 1.363 1465800200041 ENDDATA 26 0 1465800200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 1465800299999 SUBENT 14658003 20200826 14721465800300001 BIB 2 6 1465800300002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-200,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800300003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800300004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800300005 internal conversion 1465800300006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800300007 by author (N.F.) 1465800300008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800300009 COMMON 1 3 1465800300010 E 1465800300011 KEV 1465800300012 376.9 1465800300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800300014 DATA 4 13 1465800300015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800300016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800300017 26.526 1.467 2.211 1.4 1465800300018 29.639 1.738 3.977 1.248 1465800300019 33.346 2.081 9.069 1.307 1465800300020 37.815 2.524 32.004 1.491 1465800300021 43.274 3.105 57.255 1.588 1465800300022 50.05 3.887 71.66 1.529 1465800300023 58.622 4.966 66.456 1.399 1465800300024 68.775 6.925 64.153 1.921 1465800300025 83.084 9.397 61.183 1.751 1465800300026 102.689 13.279 56.54 1.441 1465800300027 130.804 19.541 47.412 1.261 1465800300028 173.789 29.926 35.409 1.05 1465800300029 246.331 48.225 27.885 1.124 1465800300030 ENDDATA 15 0 1465800300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1465800399999 SUBENT 14658004 20200826 14721465800400001 BIB 2 6 1465800400002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-199,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800400003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800400004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800400005 internal conversion 1465800400006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800400007 by author (N.F.) 1465800400008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800400009 COMMON 1 3 1465800400010 E 1465800400011 KEV 1465800400012 291.4 1465800400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800400014 DATA 4 9 1465800400015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800400016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800400017 43.274 3.105 3.428 0.914 1465800400018 50.05 3.887 18.21 0.998 1465800400019 57.968 5.261 27.583 1.266 1465800400020 68.775 6.925 26.366 1.757 1465800400021 83.084 9.397 24.216 1.301 1465800400022 102.689 13.279 19.88 2.415 1465800400023 130.804 19.541 17.574 0.949 1465800400024 173.789 29.926 10.698 1.62 1465800400025 246.331 48.225 5.862 0.731 1465800400026 ENDDATA 11 0 1465800400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 1465800499999 SUBENT 14658005 20200826 14721465800500001 BIB 2 6 1465800500002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-198,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800500003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800500004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800500005 internal conversion 1465800500006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800500007 by author (N.F.) 1465800500008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800500009 COMMON 1 3 1465800500010 E 1465800500011 KEV 1465800500012 411.8 1465800500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800500014 DATA 4 9 1465800500015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800500016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800500017 43.274 3.105 7.155 1.157 1465800500018 50.05 3.887 18.968 1.15 1465800500019 57.968 5.261 43.783 1.695 1465800500020 68.775 6.925 62.602 1.704 1465800500021 83.084 9.397 66.478 1.656 1465800500022 102.689 13.279 59.477 1.519 1465800500023 130.804 19.541 51.46 1.347 1465800500024 173.789 29.926 41.209 1.186 1465800500025 246.331 48.225 32.335 1.261 1465800500026 ENDDATA 11 0 1465800500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 1465800599999 SUBENT 14658006 20200826 14721465800600001 BIB 2 6 1465800600002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-197,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800600003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800600004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800600005 internal conversion 1465800600006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800600007 by author (N.F.) 1465800600008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800600009 COMMON 1 3 1465800600010 E 1465800600011 KEV 1465800600012 354.0 1465800600013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800600014 DATA 4 7 1465800600015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800600016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800600017 57.968 5.261 13.499 1.032 1465800600018 68.775 6.925 22.34 1.277 1465800600019 83.084 9.397 33.631 1.286 1465800600020 102.689 13.279 32.828 1.217 1465800600021 130.804 19.541 27.281 1.002 1465800600022 173.789 29.926 20.528 0.873 1465800600023 246.331 48.225 16.809 0.955 1465800600024 ENDDATA 9 0 1465800600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1465800699999 SUBENT 14658007 20200826 14721465800700001 BIB 2 6 1465800700002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-196,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800700003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800700004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800700005 internal conversion 1465800700006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800700007 by author (N.F.) 1465800700008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800700009 COMMON 1 3 1465800700010 E 1465800700011 KEV 1465800700012 426.0 1465800700013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800700014 DATA 4 7 1465800700015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800700016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800700017 57.968 5.261 7.718 1.063 1465800700018 68.775 6.925 14.195 1.433 1465800700019 83.084 9.397 39.745 1.515 1465800700020 102.689 13.279 49.412 1.355 1465800700021 130.804 19.541 45.021 1.163 1465800700022 173.789 29.926 35.81 1.02 1465800700023 246.331 48.225 21.769 0.996 1465800700024 ENDDATA 9 0 1465800700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1465800799999 SUBENT 14658008 20200826 14721465800800001 BIB 2 6 1465800800002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-195,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800800003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800800004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800800005 internal conversion 1465800800006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800800007 by author (N.F.) 1465800800008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800800009 COMMON 1 3 1465800800010 E 1465800800011 KEV 1465800800012 371.0 1465800800013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800800014 DATA 4 6 1465800800015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800800016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800800017 68.775 6.925 1.759 0.941 1465800800018 83.084 9.397 6.263 0.909 1465800800019 102.689 13.279 21.426 0.947 1465800800020 130.804 19.541 24.896 0.925 1465800800021 173.789 29.926 20.65 0.821 1465800800022 246.331 48.225 16.171 0.894 1465800800023 ENDDATA 8 0 1465800800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1465800899999 SUBENT 14658009 20200826 14721465800900001 BIB 2 6 1465800900002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-194,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465800900003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465800900004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465800900005 internal conversion 1465800900006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465800900007 by author (N.F.) 1465800900008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465800900009 COMMON 1 3 1465800900010 E 1465800900011 KEV 1465800900012 427.9 1465800900013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465800900014 DATA 4 6 1465800900015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465800900016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465800900017 68.775 6.925 4.178 1.375 1465800900018 83.084 9.397 9.326 0.958 1465800900019 102.689 13.279 31.471 1.117 1465800900020 130.804 19.541 36.436 1.064 1465800900021 173.789 29.926 32.138 0.984 1465800900022 246.331 48.225 23.695 1.044 1465800900023 ENDDATA 8 0 1465800900024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 1465800999999 SUBENT 14658010 20200826 14721465801000001 BIB 2 6 1465801000002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,X)80-HG-192,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801000003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801000004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465801000005 internal conversion 1465801000006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 3 of the reference sent 1465801000007 by author (N.F.) 1465801000008 ENDBIB 6 0 1465801000009 COMMON 1 3 1465801000010 E 1465801000011 KEV 1465801000012 422.8 1465801000013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801000014 DATA 4 5 1465801000015 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801000016 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801000017 83.084 9.397 2.652 0.854 1465801000018 102.689 13.279 5.719 0.808 1465801000019 130.804 19.541 14.678 0.787 1465801000020 173.789 29.926 20.862 0.816 1465801000021 246.331 48.225 18.632 0.93 1465801000022 ENDDATA 7 0 1465801000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1465801099999 SUBENT 14658011 20200826 14721465801100001 BIB 3 7 1465801100002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,INL)81-TL-203,PAR,SIG,G,REL) 1465801100003 Transition cross sections, obtained from gamma 1465801100004 production cross section by taking into acoount 1465801100005 internal conversion 1465801100006 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 6 of the reference sent 1465801100007 by author (N.F.) 1465801100008 FLAG (1.) Data measured with 60 ns delay 1465801100009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 1465801100011 DATA 6 206 1465801100012 E EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S FLAG 1465801100013 KEV MEV MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 1465801100014 143.6 1.257 0.015 119.656 64.5663 1465801100015 143.6 1.286 0.015 123.408 65.5913 1465801100016 143.6 1.317 0.016 252.203 64.9523 1465801100017 143.6 1.348 0.016 323.097 64.0327 1465801100018 143.6 1.381 0.017 379.379 59.7171 1465801100019 143.6 1.414 0.018 428.673 58.5012 1465801100020 143.6 1.449 0.018 543.189 61.7352 1465801100021 143.6 1.486 0.019 651.488 61.2158 1465801100022 143.6 1.523 0.02 651.583 59.6554 1465801100023 143.6 1.563 0.021 749.614 61.013 1465801100024 143.6 1.603 0.021 785.105 61.4315 1465801100025 143.6 1.646 0.022 858.198 60.5106 1465801100026 143.6 1.690 0.023 882.693 62.2438 1465801100027 143.6 1.735 0.024 982.561 62.0452 1465801100028 143.6 1.783 0.025 1191.88 65.2294 1465801100029 143.6 1.833 0.026 1189.52 64.2916 1465801100030 143.6 1.885 0.027 1143.54 60.4938 1465801100031 143.6 1.939 0.028 1468.36 66.9286 1465801100032 143.6 1.995 0.030 1364.46 63.2116 1465801100033 143.6 2.054 0.031 1427.42 66.011 1465801100034 143.6 2.116 0.032 1579.27 67.7458 1465801100035 143.6 2.180 0.034 1608.48 66.5813 1465801100036 143.6 2.247 0.035 1799.39 67.1696 1465801100037 143.6 2.318 0.037 1975.15 68.6965 1465801100038 143.6 2.392 0.039 2198.22 70.3952 1465801100039 143.6 2.469 0.041 2139.83 69.8846 1465801100040 143.6 2.551 0.043 2152.01 69.6417 1465801100041 143.6 2.636 0.045 2631.89 73.3911 1465801100042 143.6 2.726 0.047 2652.21 71.5974 1465801100043 143.6 2.819 0.050 2717.39 71.8807 1465801100044 143.6 2.920 0.052 3045.51 75.461 1465801100045 143.6 3.025 0.055 3115.47 74.6551 1465801100046 143.6 3.135 0.058 3400.19 75.7258 1465801100047 143.6 3.252 0.061 3236.49 75.6097 1465801100048 143.6 3.375 0.065 3469.4 78.536 1465801100049 143.6 3.507 0.069 3761.38 81.0082 1465801100050 143.6 3.645 0.073 3650.35 77.8356 1465801100051 143.6 3.792 0.078 3809.26 76.7151 1465801100052 143.6 3.948 0.083 4070.07 77.5987 1465801100053 143.6 4.114 0.088 4382.81 79.8024 1465801100054 143.6 4.29 0.094 4124.18 76.4679 1465801100055 143.6 4.478 0.1 4471.74 76.9061 1465801100056 143.6 4.679 0.107 4787.21 77.1873 1465801100057 143.6 4.894 0.114 4476.38 72.579 1465801100058 143.6 5.123 0.122 4433.44 70.9131 1465801100059 232.0 1.486 0.018 68.455124 12.245707 1465801100060 232.0 1.523 0.02 57.291874 12.002037 1465801100061 232.0 1.563 0.021 74.404907 12.404744 1465801100062 232.0 1.603 0.021 104.74078 12.833802 1465801100063 232.0 1.646 0.022 142.19341 13.253875 1465801100064 232.0 1.690 0.023 157.2674 13.640871 1465801100065 232.0 1.735 0.024 185.54025 13.667958 1465801100066 232.0 1.783 0.025 225.02649 14.523006 1465801100067 232.0 1.834 0.026 266.02808 14.654819 1465801100068 232.0 1.885 0.027 268.10587 13.792098 1465801100069 232.0 1.939 0.028 341.42682 15.392136 1465801100070 232.0 1.995 0.030 362.20847 14.995625 1465801100071 232.0 2.054 0.031 397.11478 15.922338 1465801100072 232.0 2.116 0.032 496.00967 16.871288 1465801100073 232.0 2.180 0.034 572.2749 17.072119 1465801100074 232.0 2.247 0.035 662.46021 17.681631 1465801100075 232.0 2.318 0.037 725.82196 18.076279 1465801100076 232.0 2.392 0.039 831.20099 18.965519 1465801100077 232.0 2.469 0.041 931.19067 19.712814 1465801100078 232.0 2.551 0.043 1068.3057 20.281843 1465801100079 232.0 2.636 0.045 1310.2908 21.84733 1465801100080 232.0 2.726 0.047 1515.5889 22.569462 1465801100081 232.0 2.829 0.050 1597.1747 22.782972 1465801100082 232.0 2.920 0.052 1857.6096 24.446512 1465801100083 232.0 3.025 0.055 2100.1707 25.190689 1465801100084 232.0 3.135 0.058 2368.946 26.297377 1465801100085 232.0 3.252 0.062 2298.0378 26.236734 1465801100086 232.0 3.376 0.065 2680.9116 28.135115 1465801100087 232.0 3.507 0.069 2975.2803 29.337103 1465801100088 232.0 3.645 0.073 3052.8838 28.948633 1465801100089 232.0 3.792 0.078 3228.6003 28.86899 1465801100090 232.0 3.948 0.083 3432.2073 29.298718 1465801100091 232.0 4.114 0.088 3909.7388 31.067549 1465801100092 232.0 4.29 0.094 3826.5786 30.110991 1465801100093 232.0 4.478 0.1 4122.7315 30.601528 1465801100094 232.0 4.679 0.107 4307.5313 30.695808 1465801100095 232.0 4.894 0.114 4240.6553 29.561146 1465801100096 232.0 5.123 0.122 4211.7842 28.537931 1465801100097 409.8 1.563 0.021 52.586 302.986 1. 1465801100098 409.8 1.563 0.021 649.57 183.067 1465801100099 409.8 1.603 0.021 285.987 308.991 1. 1465801100100 409.8 1.603 0.021 636.121 186.695 1465801100101 409.8 1.646 0.022 201.884 298.65 1. 1465801100102 409.8 1.646 0.022 885.942 180.447 1465801100103 409.8 1.690 0.023 696.505 185.787 1465801100104 409.8 1.735 0.024 310.803 313.98 1. 1465801100105 409.8 1.735 0.024 1300.08 189.71 1465801100106 409.8 1.783 0.025 811.791 335.802 1. 1465801100107 409.8 1.783 0.025 1491.01 202.895 1465801100108 409.8 1.833 0.026 1111.95 329.247 1. 1465801100109 409.8 1.833 0.026 1689.88 198.934 1465801100110 409.8 1.885 0.027 1064.63 317.719 1. 1465801100111 409.8 1.885 0.027 1556.07 191.969 1465801100112 409.8 1.939 0.028 1599.18 342.584 1. 1465801100113 409.8 1.939 0.028 2235.69 206.993 1465801100114 409.8 1.995 0.030 1668.4 328.454 1. 1465801100115 409.8 1.995 0.030 1964.76 198.455 1465801100116 409.8 2.054 0.031 1762.43 337.647 1. 1465801100117 409.8 2.054 0.031 2050.28 204.01 1465801100118 409.8 2.116 0.032 1765.28 353.363 1. 1465801100119 409.8 2.116 0.032 2411.92 213.505 1465801100120 409.8 2.180 0.034 1836.3 337.307 1. 1465801100121 409.8 2.180 0.034 2523.37 203.804 1465801100122 409.8 2.247 0.035 1945.23 341.85 1. 1465801100123 409.8 2.247 0.035 2350.49 206.549 1465801100124 409.8 2.318 0.037 1955.18 333.02 1. 1465801100125 409.8 2.318 0.037 2410.94 201.214 1465801100126 409.8 2.392 0.039 1782.46 355.627 1. 1465801100127 409.8 2.392 0.039 2723.57 214.873 1465801100128 409.8 2.469 0.041 1699.64 340.954 1. 1465801100129 409.8 2.469 0.041 2315.81 206.008 1465801100130 409.8 2.551 0.043 2268.92 350.27 1. 1465801100131 409.8 2.551 0.043 3069.83 211.637 1465801100132 409.8 2.636 0.045 2665.02 365.345 1. 1465801100133 409.8 2.636 0.045 3431.58 220.745 1465801100134 409.8 2.726 0.047 3198.67 370.003 1. 1465801100135 409.8 2.726 0.047 3897.94 223.56 1465801100136 409.8 2.820 0.050 3437.13 363.793 1. 1465801100137 409.8 2.829 0.050 3600.75 219.808 1465801100138 409.8 2.920 0.052 3176.66 366.189 1. 1465801100139 409.8 2.920 0.052 3291.93 221.255 1465801100140 409.8 3.025 0.055 3249.26 360.23 1. 1465801100141 409.8 3.025 0.055 3844.07 217.654 1465801100142 409.8 3.135 0.058 3449.61 376.639 1. 1465801100143 409.8 3.135 0.058 3751.11 227.569 1465801100144 409.8 3.252 0.062 3230.79 380.554 1. 1465801100145 409.8 3.252 0.062 3653.78 229.934 1465801100146 409.8 3.376 0.065 3639.53 400.977 1. 1465801100147 409.8 3.376 0.065 4487.03 242.275 1465801100148 409.8 3.507 0.069 3611.73 404.922 1. 1465801100149 409.8 3.507 0.069 4063.41 244.658 1465801100150 409.8 3.645 0.073 3463.91 395.27 1. 1465801100151 409.8 3.645 0.073 4393.51 238.826 1465801100152 409.8 3.792 0.078 3708.77 378.49 1. 1465801100153 409.8 3.792 0.078 4255.06 228.688 1465801100154 409.8 3.948 0.083 3740.58 378.728 1. 1465801100155 409.8 3.948 0.083 4751.65 228.832 1465801100156 409.8 4.114 0.088 4303.73 393.382 1. 1465801100157 409.8 4.114 0.088 5247.8 237.685 1465801100158 409.8 4.29 0.094 4565.63 370.867 1. 1465801100159 409.8 4.29 0.094 4842.59 224.082 1465801100160 409.8 4.478 0.1 4513.17 360.206 1. 1465801100161 409.8 4.478 0.1 4466.24 217.64 1465801100162 409.8 4.678 0.107 5612.07 221.502 1465801100163 409.8 4.679 0.107 4555.27 366.598 1. 1465801100164 409.8 4.894 0.114 4917.59 346.434 1. 1465801100165 409.8 4.894 0.114 5354.28 209.319 1465801100166 409.8 5.123 0.122 5441.64 338.117 1. 1465801100167 409.8 5.123 0.122 5129.81 204.294 1465801100168 794.7 1.077 0.012 56.2119 15.06 1465801100169 794.7 1.1 0.012 154.464 20.3775 1465801100170 794.7 1.124 0.013 178.391 19.3763 1465801100171 794.7 1.149 0.013 317.551 24.0328 1465801100172 794.7 1.175 0.013 275.281 21.9184 1465801100173 794.7 1.201 0.014 380.444 24.5571 1465801100174 794.7 1.229 0.014 476.046 28.5361 1465801100175 794.7 1.257 0.015 522.764 29.2685 1465801100176 794.7 1.286 0.015 645.874 32.049 1465801100177 794.7 1.317 0.016 725.999 32.9021 1465801100178 794.7 1.348 0.016 738.839 32.6582 1465801100179 794.7 1.381 0.017 770.445 31.4686 1465801100180 794.7 1.414 0.018 718.321 30.1801 1465801100181 794.7 1.449 0.018 937.118 33.9369 1465801100182 794.7 1.486 0.019 1074.69 35.3197 1465801100183 794.7 1.523 0.02 1082.08 34.4972 1465801100184 794.7 1.563 0.021 1309.42 37.6383 1465801100185 794.7 1.603 0.021 1293.16 37.1999 1465801100186 794.7 1.646 0.022 1464.92 38.7889 1465801100187 794.7 1.690 0.023 1526.29 39.8999 1465801100188 794.7 1.735 0.024 1458.49 38.3719 1465801100189 794.7 1.783 0.025 1787.78 41.8137 1465801100190 794.7 1.833 0.026 1775.49 40.5494 1465801100191 794.7 1.885 0.027 1799.06 39.3967 1465801100192 794.7 1.939 0.028 2063.56 42.903 1465801100193 794.7 1.995 0.030 2090.47 41.7397 1465801100194 794.7 2.054 0.031 2125.51 42.9139 1465801100195 794.7 2.115 0.032 2302.6 44.6754 1465801100196 794.7 2.180 0.034 2387.01 44.4749 1465801100197 794.7 2.247 0.035 2648.92 45.3507 1465801100198 794.7 2.318 0.037 2532.29 44.6134 1465801100199 794.7 2.392 0.039 2811.97 46.2479 1465801100200 794.7 2.469 0.041 2931.53 47.0177 1465801100201 794.7 2.551 0.043 2867.61 46.2955 1465801100202 794.7 2.636 0.045 3130.24 48.1342 1465801100203 794.7 2.726 0.047 3197.28 47.4483 1465801100204 794.7 2.820 0.050 3104.13 46.6289 1465801100205 794.7 2.920 0.052 3232.49 48.3724 1465801100206 794.7 3.025 0.055 3455.81 48.3436 1465801100207 794.7 3.135 0.058 3708.41 49.0432 1465801100208 794.7 3.252 0.062 3475.64 48.4678 1465801100209 794.7 3.376 0.065 3760.27 50.8646 1465801100210 794.7 3.507 0.069 4033.71 52.4756 1465801100211 794.7 3.645 0.073 3826.09 49.8946 1465801100212 794.7 3.792 0.078 3957.25 49.6716 1465801100213 794.7 3.948 0.083 4052.23 49.2993 1465801100214 794.7 4.114 0.088 4521.25 52.0912 1465801100215 794.7 4.29 0.094 4337.61 49.4953 1465801100216 794.7 4.478 0.1 4530.96 49.711 1465801100217 794.7 4.678 0.107 4739.05 49.9063 1465801100218 794.7 4.894 0.114 4522.02 47.738 1465801100219 794.7 5.123 0.122 4583.36 46.5979 1465801100220 ENDDATA 208 0 1465801100221 ENDSUBENT 220 0 1465801199999 SUBENT 14658012 20210224 14811465801200001 BIB 3 7 1465801200002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,INL)81-TL-203,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801200003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801200004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801200005 internal conversion 1465801200006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801200007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801200008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801200009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801200010 COMMON 1 3 1465801200011 E 1465801200012 KEV 1465801200013 409.8 1465801200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801200015 DATA 4 30 1465801200016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801200017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801200018 1.638 0.103 7.2 0.8 1465801200019 1.859 0.125 16.1 0.9 1465801200020 2.128 0.153 21.6 0.9 1465801200021 2.461 0.19 25. 0.9 1465801200022 2.879 0.241 34.7 1. 1465801200023 3.414 0.312 38.1 1. 1465801200024 4.116 0.414 44.3 1. 1465801200025 4.29 0.094 47. 2.2 1465801200026 4.478 0.1 43.3 2.1 1465801200027 4.679 0.107 54.6 2.2 1465801200028 4.894 0.114 52. 2. 1465801200029 5.123 0.122 49.7 2. 1465801200030 5.37 0.131 50.8 2. 1465801200031 5.634 0.141 51.3 2. 1465801200032 5.919 0.152 47.9 1.9 1465801200033 6.226 0.164 49.4 2. 1465801200034 6.558 0.177 52.4 1.9 1465801200035 6.917 0.192 48. 1.8 1465801200036 7.307 0.208 48.7 1.9 1465801200037 7.731 0.227 45. 2. 1465801200038 8.192 0.248 48.5 2. 1465801200039 8.697 0.271 47.4 1.9 1465801200040 9.25 0.297 38.8 1.8 1465801200041 9.858 0.327 30.1 1.7 1465801200042 10.528 0.362 24.1 1.7 1465801200043 11.269 0.401 15.9 1.7 1465801200044 12.092 0.446 9.9 1.7 1465801200045 13.01 0.498 7. 1.7 1465801200046 14.037 0.558 2.9 1.6 1465801200047 15.192 0.629 3.2 1.7 1465801200048 ENDDATA 32 0 1465801200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1465801299999 SUBENT 14658013 20210224 14811465801300001 BIB 3 7 1465801300002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,2N)81-TL-202,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801300003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801300004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801300005 internal conversion 1465801300006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801300007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801300008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801300009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801300010 COMMON 1 3 1465801300011 E 1465801300012 KEV 1465801300013 148.8 1465801300014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801300015 DATA 4 21 1465801300016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801300017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801300018 9.25 0.297 20.6 4.8 1465801300019 9.858 0.327 51.6 4.8 1465801300020 10.528 0.362 122.5 5.5 1465801300021 11.269 0.401 173.4 5.9 1465801300022 12.092 0.446 223.4 6.4 1465801300023 13.01 0.498 259. 6.8 1465801300024 14.037 0.558 262.1 6.9 1465801300025 15.192 0.629 287.3 7.2 1465801300026 16.498 0.713 269.6 7. 1465801300027 17.981 0.812 281.2 7.3 1465801300028 19.676 0.931 177.7 6.6 1465801300029 21.626 1.075 93.8 5.8 1465801300030 23.886 1.251 65.2 5.5 1465801300031 26.526 1.467 56.7 5.2 1465801300032 29.639 1.738 46.5 4.6 1465801300033 33.346 2.081 38.9 4.2 1465801300034 37.815 2.524 28.5 3.7 1465801300035 43.274 3.105 19.4 3.2 1465801300036 50.05 3.887 18.6 3.1 1465801300037 58.622 4.966 14.4 2.7 1465801300038 69.285 5.964 12.7 2.5 1465801300039 ENDDATA 23 0 1465801300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 1465801399999 SUBENT 14658014 20210224 14811465801400001 BIB 3 7 1465801400002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,3N)81-TL-201,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801400003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801400004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801400005 internal conversion 1465801400006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801400007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801400008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801400009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801400010 COMMON 1 3 1465801400011 E 1465801400012 KEV 1465801400013 361.3 1465801400014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801400015 DATA 4 12 1465801400016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801400017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801400018 17.981 0.812 33.235 2.16 1465801400019 19.676 0.931 85.994 2.545 1465801400020 21.626 1.075 119.467 2.69 1465801400021 23.886 1.251 129.346 2.673 1465801400022 26.526 1.467 114.907 2.456 1465801400023 29.639 1.738 70.074 1.966 1465801400024 33.346 2.081 40.462 1.682 1465801400025 37.815 2.524 29.233 1.502 1465801400026 43.274 3.105 24.727 1.279 1465801400027 50.05 3.887 18.693 1.161 1465801400028 58.622 4.966 16.055 1.062 1465801400029 69.285 5.964 12.804 0.926 1465801400030 ENDDATA 14 0 1465801400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1465801499999 SUBENT 14658015 20210224 14811465801500001 BIB 3 7 1465801500002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,4N)81-TL-200,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801500003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801500004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801500005 internal conversion 1465801500006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801500007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801500008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801500009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801500010 COMMON 1 3 1465801500011 E 1465801500012 KEV 1465801500013 261.6 1465801500014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801500015 DATA 4 9 1465801500016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801500017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801500018 23.886 1.251 3.269 2.325 1465801500019 26.526 1.467 18.237 2.426 1465801500020 29.639 1.738 63.202 2.482 1465801500021 33.346 2.081 98.659 2.425 1465801500022 37.815 2.524 78.47 2.136 1465801500023 43.274 3.105 39.714 1.778 1465801500024 50.05 3.887 26.287 1.616 1465801500025 58.622 4.966 23.901 1.478 1465801500026 69.285 5.964 16.182 1.289 1465801500027 ENDDATA 11 0 1465801500028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1465801599999 SUBENT 14658016 20210224 14811465801600001 BIB 3 7 1465801600002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,5N)81-TL-199,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801600003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801600004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801600005 internal conversion 1465801600006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801600007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801600008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801600009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801600010 COMMON 1 3 1465801600011 E 1465801600012 KEV 1465801600013 369.3 1465801600014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801600015 DATA 4 6 1465801600016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801600017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801600018 33.346 2.081 6.702 1.51 1465801600019 37.815 2.524 123.847 2.228 1465801600020 43.274 3.105 297.801 2.804 1465801600021 50.05 3.887 262.427 2.471 1465801600022 58.622 4.966 124.384 1.748 1465801600023 69.285 5.964 80.237 1.408 1465801600024 ENDDATA 8 0 1465801600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1465801699999 SUBENT 14658017 20210224 14811465801700001 BIB 3 7 1465801700002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,6N)81-TL-198,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801700003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801700004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801700005 internal conversion 1465801700006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801700007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801700008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801700009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801700010 COMMON 1 3 1465801700011 E 1465801700012 KEV 1465801700013 391.0 1465801700014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801700015 DATA 4 8 1465801700016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801700017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801700018 33.346 2.081 14.714 2.018 1465801700019 37.815 2.524 44.37 1.984 1465801700020 43.274 3.105 92.031 2.017 1465801700021 50.05 3.887 147.002 2.097 1465801700022 57.968 5.261 114.923 2.477 1465801700023 68.775 6.925 63.885 1.871 1465801700024 83.084 9.397 42.184 8.989 1465801700025 102.689 13.279 26.694 1.913 1465801700026 ENDDATA 10 0 1465801700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 1465801799999 SUBENT 14658018 20210224 14811465801800001 BIB 3 7 1465801800002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,7N)81-TL-197,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801800003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801800004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801800005 internal conversion 1465801800006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801800007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801800008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801800009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801800010 COMMON 1 3 1465801800011 E 1465801800012 KEV 1465801800013 387.7 1465801800014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801800015 DATA 4 10 1465801800016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801800017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801800018 37.815 2.524 3.305 1.342 1465801800019 43.274 3.105 10.45 1.32 1465801800020 50.05 3.887 18.488 1.321 1465801800021 57.968 5.261 83.164 1.887 1465801800022 68.775 6.925 169.567 2.447 1465801800023 83.084 9.397 105.77 2.017 1465801800024 102.689 13.279 63.003 1.544 1465801800025 130.804 19.541 47.506 1.281 1465801800026 173.789 29.926 38.253 1.153 1465801800027 246.331 48.225 31.468 1.283 1465801800028 ENDDATA 12 0 1465801800029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1465801899999 SUBENT 14658019 20210224 14811465801900001 BIB 3 7 1465801900002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,9N)81-TL-195,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465801900003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465801900004 production cross section by taking into account 1465801900005 internal conversion 1465801900006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465801900007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465801900008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465801900009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465801900010 COMMON 1 3 1465801900011 E 1465801900012 KEV 1465801900013 394.2 1465801900014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465801900015 DATA 4 6 1465801900016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465801900017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465801900018 68.775 6.925 5.43 1.091 1465801900019 83.084 9.397 32.295 1.314 1465801900020 102.689 13.279 49.961 1.499 1465801900021 130.804 19.541 29.919 1.152 1465801900022 173.789 29.926 20.756 0.94 1465801900023 246.331 48.225 10.716 0.933 1465801900024 ENDDATA 8 0 1465801900025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1465801999999 SUBENT 14658020 20210224 14811465802000001 BIB 3 7 1465802000002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,11N)81-TL-193,PAR,SIG,G,FCT) 1465802000003 Transition cross section, obtained from gamma 1465802000004 production cross section by taking into account 1465802000005 internal conversion 1465802000006 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2, Phys.Rev.C101,064608,2020 1465802000007 Data sent by author N.F. 1465802000008 HISTORY (20210220A) S.H. NODATA part replaced by author's data 1465802000009 ENDBIB 7 0 1465802000010 COMMON 1 3 1465802000011 E 1465802000012 KEV 1465802000013 392.5 1465802000014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1465802000015 DATA 4 4 1465802000016 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-S 1465802000017 MEV MEV MB MB 1465802000018 102.689 13.279 10.001 1.045 1465802000019 130.804 19.541 20.822 0.984 1465802000020 173.789 29.926 14.533 0.844 1465802000021 246.331 48.225 9.024 0.849 1465802000022 ENDDATA 6 0 1465802000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1465802099999 ENDENTRY 20 0 1465899999999