ENTRY 14660 20220728 15041466000000001 SUBENT 14660001 20220728 15041466000100001 BIB 11 54 1466000100002 TITLE Neutron-induced fission fragment angular distributions,1466000100003 anisotropy, and linear momentum transfer measured with 1466000100004 the NIFFTE fission time projection chamber 1466000100005 AUTHOR (D.Hensle,J.T.Barker,J.S.Barrett,N.S.Bowden, 1466000100006 K.J.Brewster,J.Bundgaard,Z.Q.Case,R.J.Casperson, 1466000100007 D.A.Cebra,T.Classen,D.L.Duke,N.Fotiadis,J.Gearhart, 1466000100008 V.Geppert-Kleinrath,U.Greife,E.Guardincerri,C.Hagmann, 1466000100009 M.Heffner,C.R.Hicks,D.Higgins,L.D.Isenhower,K.Kazkaz, 1466000100010 A.Kemnitz,K.J.Kiesling,J.King,J.L.Klay,J.Latta,E.Leal, 1466000100011 W.Loveland,M.Lynch,J.A.Magee,B.Manning,M.P.Mendenhall, 1466000100012 M.Monterial,S.Mosby,G.Oman,C.Prokop,S.Sangiorgio, 1466000100013 K.T.Schmitt,B.Seilhan,L.Snyder,F.Tovesson,C.L.Towell, 1466000100014 R.S.Towell,T.R.Towell,N.Walsh,T.S.Watson,L.Yao, 1466000100015 W.Younes) 1466000100016 INSTITUTE (1USACSM,1USALRL,1USAORU,1USADAV,1USALAS) 1466000100017 (1USAUSA)Abilene Christian University,Abilene,Texas 1466000100018 (1USAUSA)California Polytechnic State University, 1466000100019 San Luis Obispo, California 1466000100020 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,102,014605,2020) Main reference 1466000100021 (T,HENSLE,2019) Thesis, Colorado School of Mines 1466000100022 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) Experiment performed at the Los Alamos 1466000100023 National Laboratory's Neutron Science Center at the 1466000100024 WNR flight path 90L 1466000100025 METHOD (TOF) Neutron energy was determined by time of flight. 1466000100026 The time structure of the neutron beam is typically 1466000100027 set to a 100 Hz macropulse structure containing about 1466000100028 375 micropulses of 250 ps in width, each spaced 1466000100029 by 1.8mu-s.The start signal is the proton pulse hitting1466000100030 the spallation target and the stop signal is fragment 1466000100031 detection by the central cathode of the TPC chamber. 1466000100032 DETECTOR (TPC) Fission fragments were detected using fission 1466000100033 time projection chamber. It consists of two identical 1466000100034 gas volumes separated by central cathode plane. 1466000100035 Measured actinide targets were placed on the cathode 1466000100036 plane. Each gas volume has a highly segmented anode 1466000100037 with 2976 hexagonal readout pads, 2 mm in pitch. The 1466000100038 drift chamber was filled with 95% argon/5% isobutane 1466000100039 at 550 torr. Pads were read-out using MICROMEGAS. 1466000100040 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons with unmoderated white flux were 1466000100041 produced by spallation reaction of 800 MeV protons on 1466000100042 tungsten target. 1466000100043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 1466000100044 (ERR-S,1.,4.) Statistical uncertainty 1466000100045 (ERR-1,0.5,1.) Systematic uncertainty caused by 1466000100046 variation of electron drift speed 1466000100047 (ERR-2,0.2,4.) Systematic uncertainty connected with 1466000100048 variation of fit range 1466000100049 CORRECTION Following corrections were made 1466000100050 1. Correction for electron drift speed and electron 1466000100051 diffusion 1466000100052 2. Polar angle correction for fission fragments 1466000100053 3. Wrap-around correction, significant only for 235U 1466000100054 HISTORY (20200923C) Compiled by S.H. 1466000100055 (20220627A) S.H. Updated data in subs. 2,3 from thesis 1466000100056 ENDBIB 54 0 1466000100057 COMMON 1 3 1466000100058 ANG 1466000100059 ADEG 1466000100060 0. 1466000100061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1466000100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 1466000199999 SUBENT 14660002 20220728 15041466000200001 BIB 5 16 1466000200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 1466000200003 Anisotropy W(0 deg)/W(90 deg) 1466000200004 SAMPLE Several combined actinide targets were used in U235 1466000200005 experiment. 1466000200006 1 Half-circular one-sided 235U/238U deposit on thin 1466000200007 100 mu-g/cm2 carbon backing 1466000200008 2.Half-circular one-sided 235U/239Pu deposit on thin 1466000200009 100 mu-g/cm2 carbon backing 1466000200010 3. Circular two-sided 235U/239Pu deposit on thick 1466000200011 0.5 mm Al backing 1466000200012 4. Circular two-sided 235U/235U deposit on thick 1466000200013 0.5 mm Al backing 1466000200014 ANALYSIS A weighted average is used between all the data sets 1466000200015 to provide the best estimate of anisotropy. 1466000200016 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from thesis, appendix, tab.C5 1466000200017 HISTORY (20220627A) S.H. Updated data from thesis 1466000200018 ENDBIB 16 0 1466000200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 1466000200020 DATA 4 36 1466000200021 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T 1466000200022 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1466000200023 0.14 0.01 0.923 0.016 1466000200024 0.18 0.02 0.971 0.015 1466000200025 0.25 0.05 0.979 0.009 1466000200026 0.35 0.05 1.016 0.012 1466000200027 0.45 0.05 1.028 0.010 1466000200028 0.55 0.05 1.068 0.010 1466000200029 0.65 0.05 1.069 0.017 1466000200030 0.75 0.05 1.073 0.015 1466000200031 0.85 0.05 1.097 0.010 1466000200032 0.95 0.05 1.101 0.010 1466000200033 1.09 0.09 1.101 0.014 1466000200034 1.28 0.11 1.117 0.015 1466000200035 1.51 0.12 1.122 0.014 1466000200036 1.78 0.15 1.133 0.009 1466000200037 2.10 0.17 1.148 0.012 1466000200038 2.48 0.20 1.145 0.013 1466000200039 2.92 0.24 1.143 0.012 1466000200040 3.44 0.28 1.135 0.010 1466000200041 4.06 0.33 1.115 0.010 1466000200042 4.79 0.39 1.112 0.011 1466000200043 5.64 0.46 1.131 0.011 1466000200044 6.65 0.55 1.220 0.011 1466000200045 7.84 0.64 1.290 0.014 1466000200046 9.24 0.76 1.256 0.015 1466000200047 10.89 0.89 1.213 0.012 1466000200048 12.84 1.05 1.233 0.013 1466000200049 15.14 1.24 1.286 0.014 1466000200050 17.84 1.46 1.259 0.016 1466000200051 23.07 3.76 1.234 0.012 1466000200052 32.05 5.22 1.198 0.017 1466000200053 44.54 7.26 1.135 0.014 1466000200054 61.88 10.09 1.082 0.012 1466000200055 85.98 14.02 1.041 0.012 1466000200056 119.47 19.47 0.987 0.021 1466000200057 166.01 27.06 0.949 0.018 1466000200058 230.67 37.60 0.932 0.033 1466000200059 ENDDATA 38 0 1466000200060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 1466000299999 SUBENT 14660003 20220728 15041466000300001 BIB 5 12 1466000300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 1466000300003 Anisotropy W(0 deg)/W(90 deg) 1466000300004 SAMPLE Several combined actinide targets were used in U238 1466000300005 experiment. 1466000300006 1. Half-circular one-sided 235U/238U deposit on thin 1466000300007 100 mu-g/cm2carbon backing 1466000300008 3. Circular two-sided 238U/239Pu deposit on thick 1466000300009 0.5 mm Al backing 1466000300010 ANALYSIS A weighted average is used between all the data sets 1466000300011 to provide the best estimate of anisotropy. 1466000300012 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from thesis, appendix, tab.C6 1466000300013 HISTORY (20220627A) S.H. Updated data from thesis 1466000300014 ENDBIB 12 0 1466000300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1466000300016 DATA 4 25 1466000300017 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T 1466000300018 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1466000300019 1.28 0.11 1.428 0.065 1466000300020 1.51 0.12 1.537 0.027 1466000300021 1.78 0.15 1.288 0.025 1466000300022 2.10 0.17 1.237 0.021 1466000300023 2.48 0.20 1.274 0.037 1466000300024 2.92 0.24 1.214 0.034 1466000300025 3.44 0.28 1.222 0.021 1466000300026 4.06 0.33 1.206 0.022 1466000300027 4.79 0.39 1.202 0.021 1466000300028 5.64 0.46 1.241 0.023 1466000300029 6.65 0.55 1.551 0.043 1466000300030 7.84 0.64 1.611 0.024 1466000300031 9.24 0.76 1.448 0.034 1466000300032 10.89 0.89 1.343 0.050 1466000300033 12.84 1.05 1.252 0.026 1466000300034 15.14 1.24 1.359 0.028 1466000300035 17.84 1.46 1.350 0.028 1466000300036 23.07 3.76 1.378 0.020 1466000300037 32.05 5.22 1.328 0.043 1466000300038 44.54 7.26 1.251 0.020 1466000300039 61.88 10.09 1.184 0.024 1466000300040 85.98 14.02 1.127 0.040 1466000300041 119.47 19.47 1.074 0.025 1466000300042 166.01 27.06 1.087 0.033 1466000300043 230.67 37.60 1.030 0.088 1466000300044 ENDDATA 27 0 1466000300045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 1466000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1466099999999