ENTRY            14720   20211115                             14971472000000001 
SUBENT        14720001   20211115                             14971472000100001 
BIB                 12         36                                 1472000100002 
TITLE      Uranium integral fission product yields for a          1472000100003 
           spectrally-shaped 14.1 MeV neutron source at the       1472000100004 
           National Ignition Facility                             1472000100005 
AUTHOR     (N.Quartemont,N.Gharibyan,K.Moody,J.E.Bevins)          1472000100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USAAFT,1USALRL)                                      1472000100007 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,173,109711,2021)                                1472000100008 
FACILITY   (FNS,1USALRL) Experiment performed at National         1472000100009 
           Ignition Facility at Livermore National Lab            1472000100010 
SAMPLE     Three enriched 238U samples with weights 0.3675,       1472000100011 
           0.3549, and 0.3550 g, with a maximum weight            1472000100012 
           uncertainty of 0.2% and areas of 4.99, 4.72,           1472000100013 
           and 4.88 cm2. Sample with 8 monitor foils was placed   1472000100014 
           inside Energy Tuning Assembly (ETA), which was designed1472000100015 
           to spectrally shape the deuterium-tritium 14.1 MeV     1472000100016 
           fusion neutron spectrum into a modified thermonuclear  1472000100017 
           and prompt fission neutron spectrum.                   1472000100018 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Activation gamma rays were measured using three 1472000100019 
           high purity germanium detectors                        1472000100020 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                1472000100021 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG)                        1472000100022 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG)                         1472000100023 
           (40-ZR-90(N,2N)40-ZR-89-M,,SIG)                        1472000100024 
           (25-MN-55(N,2N)25-MN-54,,SIG)                          1472000100025 
           (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG)                           1472000100026 
           (49-IN-113(N,INL)49-IN-113-M1,,SIG)                    1472000100027 
           (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M1,,SIG)                    1472000100028 
           (49-IN-115(N,G)49-IN-116-M1,,SIG)                      1472000100029 
           (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG)                           1472000100030 
           (74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,SIG)                           1472000100031 
           (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG)                          1472000100032 
           (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG)                           1472000100033 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           1472000100034 
ANALYSIS   Main part of analysis was performed using Monte Carlo  1472000100035 
           technique, which was used for neutron transport.       1472000100036 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described       1472000100037 
HISTORY    (20211115C) Compiled by S.H.                           1472000100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 1472000100039 
COMMON               1          3                                 1472000100040 
EN-DUMMY                                                          1472000100041 
MEV                                                               1472000100042 
8.5                                                               1472000100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1472000100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 1472000199999 
SUBENT        14720002   20211115                             14971472000200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 1472000200002 
REACTION   ((92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,SPA)//                1472000200003 
           (92-U-238(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY,,SPA))                       1472000200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab.5 of the reference         1472000200005 
           (SUPPL,14720004)                                       1472000200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1472000200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 1472000200008 
MASS-DN                                                           1472000200009 
NO-DIM                                                            1472000200010 
97.                                                               1472000200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1472000200012 
DATA                 5         42                                 1472000200013 
ELEMENT    MASS-NM    ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR              1472000200014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PER-CENT              1472000200015 
        36.        85.         1.   2.79E-01        3.9           1472000200016 
        36.        87.              4.84E-01        7.2           1472000200017 
        36.        88.              5.22E-01        5.7           1472000200018 
        38.        91.              9.15E-01        7.5           1472000200019 
        38.        92.              9.16E-01        6.9           1472000200020 
        39.        93.              1.07E+00       14.2           1472000200021 
        39.        93.              9.46E-01       14.3           1472000200022 
        40.        95.              1.00E+00        3.3           1472000200023 
        40.        97.              1.00E+00        0.0           1472000200024 
        42.        99.              1.02E+00        3.7           1472000200025 
        44.       103.              5.75E-01        3.4           1472000200026 
        45.       105.              2.71E-01        5.5           1472000200027 
        45.       105.              2.66E-01        3.7           1472000200028 
        46.       109.              9.11E-02       11.7           1472000200029 
        46.       112.              7.71E-02       11.7           1472000200030 
        47.       111.              3.49E-02        8.2           1472000200031 
        47.       113.              4.29E-02        7.1           1472000200032 
        48.       115.              5.32E-02       27.9           1472000200033 
        51.       127.              1.00E-01        4.8           1472000200034 
        51.       129.              1.97E-01        4.6           1472000200035 
        52.       131.         1.   1.08E-01        8.4           1472000200036 
        52.       132.              8.29E-01        4.9           1472000200037 
        53.       133.              1.21E+00        4.2           1472000200038 
        53.       135.              1.01E+00        3.0           1472000200039 
        56.       139.              1.33E+00       15.6           1472000200040 
        56.       140.              9.48E-01        3.4           1472000200041 
        56.       140.              1.03E+00        6.3           1472000200042 
        57.       142.              1.06E+00        3.3           1472000200043 
        58.       141.              8.96E-01        3.3           1472000200044 
        58.       143.              8.78E-01        3.2           1472000200045 
        58.       143.              8.56E-01        3.3           1472000200046 
        58.       144.              8.65E-01       10.2           1472000200047 
        60.       147.              3.56E-01        8.9           1472000200048 
        60.       147.              3.57E-01        4.8           1472000200049 
        61.       149.              1.77E-01        7.6           1472000200050 
        61.       151.              7.28E-02        5.1           1472000200051 
        62.       153.              3.15E-02        3.5           1472000200052 
        62.       156.              6.61E-03       18.2           1472000200053 
        63.       156.              3.78E-03       27.2           1472000200054 
        63.       157.              3.21E-03       24.2           1472000200055 
        64.       159.              1.59E-03       61.1           1472000200056 
        65.       161.              4.34E-04       77.1           1472000200057 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 1472000200058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 1472000299999 
SUBENT        14720003   20211115                             14971472000300001 
BIB                  2          4                                 1472000300002 
REACTION   ((92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,SPA)//                1472000300003 
           (92-U-238(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY,,SPA))                       1472000300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab.5 of the reference         1472000300005 
           (SUPPL,14720004)                                       1472000300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1472000300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 1472000300008 
MASS-DN                                                           1472000300009 
NO-DIM                                                            1472000300010 
97.                                                               1472000300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1472000300012 
DATA                 4          4                                 1472000300013 
ELEMENT    MASS-NM    DATA       DATA-ERR                         1472000300014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PER-CENT                         1472000300015 
        39.        92.   5.20E-02       57.9                      1472000300016 
        53.       132.   2.67E-02       15.8                      1472000300017 
        54.       135.   1.88E-01        5.4                      1472000300018 
        55.       136.   1.04E-02       25.4                      1472000300019 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 1472000300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 1472000399999 
SUBENT        14720004   20211115                             14971472000400001 
BIB                  1        134                                 1472000400002 
SUPPL-INF  (INCSP) Combination of fusion and prompt fission       1472000400003 
           neutron spectra from Energy Tuning Assembly (ETA) at   1472000400004 
           the national Ignition Facility. Spectrum was calculated1472000400005 
           using MCNP 5.                                          1472000400006 
             En(MeV)  n/cm2   rel. err.                           1472000400007 
            1.00E-09 0.00E+00 21.34                               1472000400008 
            1.00E-08 8.48E+03 7.91                                1472000400009 
            2.30E-08 1.67E+05 7.25                                1472000400010 
            5.00E-08 7.72E+05 4.69                                1472000400011 
            7.60E-08 8.97E+05 3.12                                1472000400012 
            1.15E-07 1.14E+06 2.83                                1472000400013 
            1.70E-07 1.33E+06 2.02                                1472000400014 
            2.55E-07 1.62E+06 1.10                                1472000400015 
            3.80E-07 2.98E+06 0.94                                1472000400016 
            5.50E-07 3.79E+06 1.20                                1472000400017 
            8.40E-07 5.23E+06 0.64                                1472000400018 
            1.28E-06 3.59E+06 1.11                                1472000400019 
            1.90E-06 4.02E+06 0.51                                1472000400020 
            2.80E-06 1.71E+07 0.20                                1472000400021 
            4.25E-06 1.75E+07 0.19                                1472000400022 
            6.30E-06 1.75E+07 0.28                                1472000400023 
            9.20E-06 2.89E+07 0.18                                1472000400024 
            1.35E-05 4.90E+07 0.14                                1472000400025 
            2.10E-05 5.45E+07 0.17                                1472000400026 
            3.00E-05 5.08E+07 0.12                                1472000400027 
            4.50E-05 6.69E+07 0.14                                1472000400028 
            6.90E-05 8.69E+07 0.12                                1472000400029 
            1.00E-04 8.49E+07 0.13                                1472000400030 
            1.35E-04 7.01E+07 0.15                                1472000400031 
            1.70E-04 5.72E+07 0.14                                1472000400032 
            2.20E-04 7.07E+07 0.21                                1472000400033 
            2.80E-04 8.47E+07 0.22                                1472000400034 
            3.60E-04 3.70E+07 0.20                                1472000400035 
            4.50E-04 4.91E+07 0.20                                1472000400036 
            5.75E-04 8.25E+07 0.19                                1472000400037 
            7.60E-04 1.14E+08 0.16                                1472000400038 
            9.60E-04 8.22E+07 0.13                                1472000400039 
            1.28E-03 1.13E+08 0.10                                1472000400040 
            1.60E-03 1.35E+08 0.09                                1472000400041 
            2.00E-03 1.87E+08 0.08                                1472000400042 
            2.70E-03 1.79E+08 0.09                                1472000400043 
            3.40E-03 2.30E+08 0.10                                1472000400044 
            4.50E-03 4.15E+08 0.09                                1472000400045 
            5.50E-03 4.03E+08 0.09                                1472000400046 
            7.20E-03 8.17E+08 0.08                                1472000400047 
            9.20E-03 8.31E+08 0.06                                1472000400048 
            1.20E-02 1.68E+09 0.05                                1472000400049 
            1.50E-02 1.71E+09 0.05                                1472000400050 
            1.90E-02 1.88E+09 0.04                                1472000400051 
            2.55E-02 4.31E+09 0.04                                1472000400052 
            3.20E-02 4.24E+09 0.03                                1472000400053 
            4.00E-02 3.92E+09 0.03                                1472000400054 
            5.25E-02 8.38E+09 0.03                                1472000400055 
            6.60E-02 9.94E+09 0.03                                1472000400056 
            8.80E-02 1.73E+10 0.03                                1472000400057 
            1.10E-01 1.60E+10 0.03                                1472000400058 
            1.35E-01 2.22E+10 0.03                                1472000400059 
            1.60E-01 1.92E+10 0.03                                1472000400060 
            1.90E-01 2.59E+10 0.03                                1472000400061 
            2.20E-01 2.33E+10 0.03                                1472000400062 
            2.55E-01 2.74E+10 0.03                                1472000400063 
            2.90E-01 2.85E+10 0.03                                1472000400064 
            3.20E-01 2.47E+10 0.03                                1472000400065 
            3.60E-01 3.21E+10 0.03                                1472000400066 
            4.00E-01 3.17E+10 0.03                                1472000400067 
            4.50E-01 3.56E+10 0.03                                1472000400068 
            5.00E-01 3.68E+10 0.03                                1472000400069 
            5.50E-01 3.50E+10 0.03                                1472000400070 
            6.00E-01 3.47E+10 0.03                                1472000400071 
            6.60E-01 4.11E+10 0.03                                1472000400072 
            7.20E-01 4.05E+10 0.03                                1472000400073 
            7.80E-01 3.82E+10 0.03                                1472000400074 
            8.40E-01 3.56E+10 0.03                                1472000400075 
            9.20E-01 4.61E+10 0.03                                1472000400076 
            1.00E+00 4.26E+10 0.03                                1472000400077 
            1.20E+00 8.96E+10 0.03                                1472000400078 
            1.40E+00 7.25E+10 0.03                                1472000400079 
            1.60E+00 6.19E+10 0.03                                1472000400080 
            1.80E+00 5.17E+10 0.03                                1472000400081 
            2.00E+00 4.29E+10 0.03                                1472000400082 
            2.30E+00 5.18E+10 0.03                                1472000400083 
            2.60E+00 3.99E+10 0.03                                1472000400084 
            2.90E+00 3.02E+10 0.04                                1472000400085 
            3.30E+00 2.94E+10 0.04                                1472000400086 
            3.70E+00 2.18E+10 0.05                                1472000400087 
            4.10E+00 1.64E+10 0.05                                1472000400088 
            4.50E+00 1.30E+10 0.05                                1472000400089 
            5.00E+00 1.24E+10 0.05                                1472000400090 
            5.50E+00 9.51E+09 0.04                                1472000400091 
            6.00E+00 7.89E+09 0.04                                1472000400092 
            6.70E+00 9.44E+09 0.04                                1472000400093 
            7.40E+00 7.41E+09 0.05                                1472000400094 
            8.20E+00 6.44E+09 0.06                                1472000400095 
            9.00E+00 5.28E+09 0.08                                1472000400096 
            1.00E+01 6.04E+09 0.09                                1472000400097 
            1.10E+01 5.68E+09 0.08                                1472000400098 
            1.20E+01 3.17E+09 0.07                                1472000400099 
            1.25E+01 1.28E+09 0.06                                1472000400100 
            1.26E+01 2.98E+08 0.06                                1472000400101 
            1.27E+01 2.86E+08 0.06                                1472000400102 
            1.28E+01 2.80E+08 0.06                                1472000400103 
            1.29E+01 2.90E+08 0.06                                1472000400104 
            1.30E+01 3.02E+08 0.06                                1472000400105 
            1.31E+01 3.34E+08 0.05                                1472000400106 
            1.32E+01 4.59E+08 0.05                                1472000400107 
            1.33E+01 7.73E+08 0.05                                1472000400108 
            1.34E+01 1.55E+09 0.05                                1472000400109 
            1.35E+01 3.16E+09 0.05                                1472000400110 
            1.36E+01 6.30E+09 0.05                                1472000400111 
            1.37E+01 1.16E+10 0.05                                1472000400112 
            1.38E+01 1.84E+10 0.05                                1472000400113 
            1.39E+01 2.54E+10 0.05                                1472000400114 
            1.40E+01 3.08E+10 0.05                                1472000400115 
            1.41E+01 3.25E+10 0.04                                1472000400116 
            1.42E+01 2.98E+10 0.04                                1472000400117 
            1.43E+01 2.36E+10 0.04                                1472000400118 
            1.44E+01 1.63E+10 0.05                                1472000400119 
            1.45E+01 9.75E+09 0.05                                1472000400120 
            1.46E+01 5.21E+09 0.05                                1472000400121 
            1.47E+01 2.35E+09 0.05                                1472000400122 
            1.48E+01 8.94E+08 0.05                                1472000400123 
            1.49E+01 3.37E+08 0.06                                1472000400124 
            1.50E+01 9.50E+07 0.09                                1472000400125 
            1.51E+01 2.41E+07 0.16                                1472000400126 
            1.52E+01 5.43E+06 0.30                                1472000400127 
            1.53E+01 3.90E+06 0.51                                1472000400128 
            1.54E+01 1.88E+05 0.87                                1472000400129 
            1.55E+01 6.88E+03 1.00                                1472000400130 
            1.56E+01 6.37E+04 0.68                                1472000400131 
            1.57E+01 3.21E+04 0.73                                1472000400132 
            1.58E+01 9.86E+03 1.00                                1472000400133 
            1.59E+01 0.00E+00 0.06                                1472000400134 
            1.60E+01 0.00E+00 0.06                                1472000400135 
            1.65E+01 5.29E+04 1.00                                1472000400136 
ENDBIB             134          0                                 1472000400137 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1472000400138 
NODATA               0          0                                 1472000400139 
ENDSUBENT          138          0                                 1472000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 1472099999999