ENTRY 14790 20241015 15171479000000001 SUBENT 14790001 20241015 15171479000100001 BIB 11 49 1479000100002 TITLE Absolute mass calibration of fission product 1479000100003 distributions measured with the E-v method 1479000100004 AUTHOR (P.Gastis,J.R.Winkelbauer,D.S.Connolly,S.A.Kuvin, 1479000100005 S.M.Mosby,C.J.Prokop,I.Stetcu) 1479000100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,1037,166853,2022) 1479000100007 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.166853 1479000100008 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) 1479000100009 DETECTOR (MCPLT,IOCH) The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center 1479000100010 employing the SPectrometer for Ion DEtermination in 1479000100011 fission Research (SPIDER). 1479000100012 SAMPLE Each source consists of an electroplated Cf sample 1479000100013 that is permanently fixed into an aluminum capsule of 1479000100014 12.7-mm diameter x 6.36-mm height. The capsule has 1479000100015 a thin gold window (100 microg/cm2) that allows alpha 1479000100016 particles and fission fragments to exit the sample 1479000100017 without losing significant energy. During the 1479000100018 experiment, the activity of each source was about 1479000100019 1 microCi. 1479000100020 METHOD SPIDER was developed for measuring independent FPYs, 1479000100021 i.e. fission yields after the prompt neutron emission 1479000100022 but before beta-decay, in direct-kinematics using the 1479000100023 double energy-double velocity (2E-2v) method. In the 1479000100024 2E-2v method, the masses of both fission fragments 1479000100025 are determined by measuring their kinetic energy and 1479000100026 velocity. This method has several advantages compared 1479000100027 to other direct kinematics techniques, like the 1479000100028 double-energy (2E) and electromagnetic separation, as 1479000100029 it enables the measurement of multiple correlated 1479000100030 fission quantities, such as pre and post-neutron 1479000100031 emission FPYs with high mass resolution (~1 AMU), 1479000100032 total kinetic energy (TKE), and prompt neutron 1479000100033 multiplicity. In contrast to the 2E method, the 2E-2v 1479000100034 method measures the independent FPY's directly, 1479000100035 without relying on theoretical inputs for neutron 1479000100036 emission. 1479000100037 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The standard errors. 1479000100038 (ERR-SYS) The main source of systematic uncertainty 1479000100039 is the mass calibration. The given systematic errors 1479000100040 were estimated based on the 95% confidence band (2- 1479000100041 sigma) of the calibration line, which is shown in 1479000100042 Figure 7. 1479000100043 CORRECTION Empirical corrections for energy losses and PHDs are 1479000100044 difficult to apply with the desired level of accuracy, 1479000100045 as they depend on the mass, charge, and energy of the 1479000100046 fission fragments. As a result, FPY measurements that 1479000100047 rely on this type of correction usually suffer from 1479000100048 large systematic uncertainties. 1479000100049 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by P.Gastis on October 23, 2024. 1479000100050 HISTORY (20241015C) BP 1479000100051 ENDBIB 49 0 1479000100052 NOCOMMON 0 0 1479000100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 1479000199999 SUBENT 14790002 20241015 15171479000200001 BIB 2 3 1479000200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,SEC,FY) 1479000200003 STATUS (TABLE,,P.Gastis+,J,NIM/A,1037,166853,2022) 1479000200004 Data were provided by P.Gastis on October 22, 2024. 1479000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1479000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1479000200007 DATA 4 90 1479000200008 MASS DATA ERR-SYS ERR-S 1479000200009 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS 1479000200010 78.0 0.006 0.003 0.001 1479000200011 79.0 0.010 0.004 0.001 1479000200012 80.0 0.017 0.007 0.002 1479000200013 81.0 0.029 0.010 0.002 1479000200014 82.0 0.045 0.013 0.003 1479000200015 83.0 0.064 0.013 0.003 1479000200016 84.0 0.088 0.013 0.004 1479000200017 85.0 0.116 0.013 0.005 1479000200018 86.0 0.154 0.026 0.005 1479000200019 87.0 0.202 0.023 0.006 1479000200020 88.0 0.263 0.030 0.007 1479000200021 89.0 0.349 0.042 0.008 1479000200022 90.0 0.443 0.030 0.010 1479000200023 91.0 0.529 0.020 0.011 1479000200024 92.0 0.653 0.051 0.012 1479000200025 93.0 0.815 0.036 0.013 1479000200026 94.0 0.988 0.050 0.015 1479000200027 95.0 1.223 0.053 0.016 1479000200028 96.0 1.458 0.050 0.018 1479000200029 97.0 1.757 0.080 0.020 1479000200030 98.0 2.220 0.100 0.022 1479000200031 99.0 2.746 0.100 0.025 1479000200032 100.0 3.315 0.129 0.027 1479000200033 101.0 3.942 0.172 0.030 1479000200034 102.0 4.688 0.191 0.033 1479000200035 103.0 5.422 0.206 0.035 1479000200036 104.0 6.009 0.195 0.037 1479000200037 105.0 6.240 0.145 0.038 1479000200038 106.0 6.386 0.151 0.039 1479000200039 107.0 6.266 0.130 0.038 1479000200040 108.0 6.273 0.115 0.038 1479000200041 109.0 5.905 0.100 0.037 1479000200042 110.0 5.518 0.100 0.036 1479000200043 111.0 5.053 0.100 0.034 1479000200044 112.0 4.538 0.120 0.032 1479000200045 113.0 4.094 0.110 0.031 1479000200046 114.0 3.493 0.170 0.028 1479000200047 115.0 2.807 0.213 0.024 1479000200048 116.0 2.118 0.187 0.021 1479000200049 117.0 1.488 0.201 0.017 1479000200050 118.0 0.972 0.144 0.014 1479000200051 119.0 0.556 0.115 0.010 1479000200052 120.0 0.324 0.050 0.008 1479000200053 121.0 0.196 0.030 0.006 1479000200054 122.0 0.121 0.020 0.005 1479000200055 123.0 0.059 0.020 0.003 1479000200056 124.0 0.030 0.003 0.002 1479000200057 125.0 0.040 0.020 0.002 1479000200058 126.0 0.115 0.048 0.004 1479000200059 127.0 0.242 0.042 0.007 1479000200060 128.0 0.418 0.076 0.009 1479000200061 129.0 0.741 0.120 0.012 1479000200062 130.0 1.180 0.161 0.015 1479000200063 131.0 1.830 0.203 0.019 1479000200064 132.0 2.547 0.191 0.023 1479000200065 133.0 3.140 0.146 0.026 1479000200066 134.0 3.677 0.142 0.028 1479000200067 135.0 4.083 0.131 0.030 1479000200068 136.0 4.407 0.125 0.031 1479000200069 137.0 4.785 0.156 0.033 1479000200070 138.0 5.204 0.191 0.034 1479000200071 139.0 5.518 0.228 0.035 1479000200072 140.0 5.891 0.265 0.036 1479000200073 141.0 6.110 0.274 0.037 1479000200074 142.0 6.185 0.297 0.037 1479000200075 143.0 6.032 0.215 0.037 1479000200076 144.0 5.637 0.192 0.036 1479000200077 145.0 5.100 0.187 0.034 1479000200078 146.0 4.526 0.173 0.032 1479000200079 147.0 3.941 0.153 0.030 1479000200080 148.0 3.400 0.143 0.027 1479000200081 149.0 2.904 0.142 0.025 1479000200082 150.0 2.424 0.154 0.023 1479000200083 151.0 1.995 0.127 0.021 1479000200084 152.0 1.678 0.125 0.019 1479000200085 153.0 1.378 0.111 0.017 1479000200086 154.0 1.142 0.124 0.015 1479000200087 155.0 0.909 0.119 0.013 1479000200088 156.0 0.751 0.113 0.012 1479000200089 157.0 0.594 0.100 0.010 1479000200090 158.0 0.466 0.093 0.009 1479000200091 159.0 0.366 0.102 0.008 1479000200092 160.0 0.280 0.094 0.006 1479000200093 161.0 0.206 0.076 0.005 1479000200094 162.0 0.138 0.076 0.004 1479000200095 163.0 0.086 0.072 0.004 1479000200096 164.0 0.062 0.062 0.003 1479000200097 165.0 0.038 0.038 0.003 1479000200098 166.0 0.020 0.020 0.002 1479000200099 167.0 0.004 0.003 0.001 1479000200100 ENDDATA 92 0 1479000200101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1479000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1479099999999