ENTRY 14802 20230105 15051480200000001 SUBENT 14802001 20230105 15051480200100001 BIB 9 22 1480200100002 TITLE Delayed Neutron Emission from Uranium 1480200100003 AUTHOR (E.T.Booth,J.R.Dunning,F.G.Slack) 1480200100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,55,876(1),1939) 1480200100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.55.876 1480200100006 INSTITUTE (1USACOL) 1480200100007 INC-SOURCE (RN-BE) 1480200100008 SAMPLE The U308 plaque (450 g). 1480200100009 DETECTOR (IOCH) The boron chamber. 1480200100010 METHOD First the number of delayed neutrons from the U30s 1480200100011 plaque, detected by the boron chamber immediately 1480200100012 after the irradiation, was measured. The number of 1480200100013 fissions per second from a known amount of uranium in 1480200100014 a second detection chamber was then determined under 1480200100015 the same geometrical conditions. The ratio of the 1480200100016 initial number of delayed neutrons per second to the 1480200100017 total number of fissions per second produced in the 1480200100018 plaque was thus found to be 1:60. Measurements with 1480200100019 and without cadmium and boron around the uranium 1480200100020 during irradiation showed that under these conditions 1480200100021 the effect is produced primarily by slow neutrons and 1480200100022 approximately follows the 1/v law. 1480200100023 HISTORY (20230105C) BP 1480200100024 ENDBIB 22 0 1480200100025 COMMON 1 3 1480200100026 EN-DUMMY 1480200100027 EV 1480200100028 0.0253 1480200100029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1480200100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1480200199999 SUBENT 14802002 20230105 15051480200200001 BIB 2 3 1480200200002 REACTION (92-U-0(N,F),DL,NU) 1480200200003 STATUS (TABLE,,E.T.Booth+,J,PR,55,876(1),1939) 1480200200004 page 876 of J,PR,55,876,1939. 1480200200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1480200200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1480200200007 DATA 1 1 1480200200008 DATA 1480200200009 PRT/FIS 1480200200010 0.016 1480200200011 ENDDATA 3 0 1480200200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1480200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1480299999999