ENTRY 14809 20230330 15121480900000001 SUBENT 14809001 20230330 15121480900100001 BIB 10 32 1480900100002 TITLE Correlations between energy and gamma-ray emission in 1480900100003 239Pu(n,f) 1480900100004 AUTHOR (N.P.Giha,S.Marin,J.A.Baker,I.E.Hernandez,K.J.Kelly, 1480900100005 M.Devlin,J.M.O'Donnell,R.Vogt,J.Randrup,P.Talou, 1480900100006 I.Stetcu,A.E.Lovell,O.Litaize,O.Serot,A.Chebboubi, 1480900100007 Ch.Y.Wu,S.D.Clarke,S.A.Pozzi) 1480900100008 INSTITUTE (1USAMHG,1USALAS,1USALRL,1USADAV,1USABRK,2FR CAD) 1480900100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,107,014612,2023) 1480900100010 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) LANSCE 800 MeV proton linac 1480900100011 SAMPLE 100 mg of 239Pu in multifoil parallel-plate avalanche 1480900100012 counter 1480900100013 DETECTOR (PPAC) Low-mass multiple gas-filled parallel-plate 1480900100014 avalanche counter was used for fission fragment 1480900100015 detection. Fissionable material was electrodeposited 1480900100016 over 10 titanium foils of 3 mu-m thickness. Each 1480900100017 titanium foil is sandwiched between two 2.5 mu-m 1480900100018 aluminum foils, forming the cathode. Two anodes, made 1480900100019 of the same thickness aluminum foil, are placed at 1480900100020 either side of cathode with a separation distance of 1480900100021 3 mm. Incident neutron energy was determined by time 1480900100022 of flight. 1480900100023 (SCIN) Neutrons and gamma rays emitted by the 1480900100024 fragments were measured using the Chi-Nu liquid 1480900100025 scintillator array, a hemispherical array of 54 EJ- 1480900100026 309 organic scintillator detectors. Detectors were 1480900100027 placed at a distance of 1 m from the fission chamber. 1480900100028 METHOD (TOF) Fission fragment detector was placed 21.5 m from 1480900100029 the spallation target. 1480900100030 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Proton beam with energy of 800 MeV is 1480900100031 directed on Tungsten target producing neutrons by 1480900100032 spallation reaction 1480900100033 HISTORY (20230330C) Compiled by S.H. 1480900100034 ENDBIB 32 0 1480900100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 1480900100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 1480900199999 SUBENT 14809002 20230330 15121480900200001 BIB 3 5 1480900200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)0-G-0,PR/PAR,FY) 1480900200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties include variation across PPAC 1480900200004 foils and unfolding. Statistical uncertainties are 1480900200005 comparatively negligible. 1480900200006 STATUS (CURVE,,N.P.Giha+,J,PR/C,107,014612,2023) Fig.2 1480900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 1480900200008 COMMON 2 3 1480900200009 E-MIN E-MAX 1480900200010 MEV MEV 1480900200011 0.4 2.2 1480900200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1480900200013 DATA 3 38 1480900200014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1480900200015 MEV PRD/FIS PRD/FIS 1480900200016 2.95 4.53 0.04 1480900200017 3.94 4.60 0.04 1480900200018 4.94 4.70 0.04 1480900200019 5.93 4.78 0.04 1480900200020 6.91 4.81 0.04 1480900200021 7.90 4.83 0.04 1480900200022 8.88 4.86 0.04 1480900200023 9.87 4.91 0.04 1480900200024 10.87 4.97 0.04 1480900200025 11.84 5.04 0.05 1480900200026 12.84 5.11 0.05 1480900200027 13.83 5.14 0.05 1480900200028 14.81 5.17 0.05 1480900200029 15.80 5.21 0.05 1480900200030 16.78 5.23 0.05 1480900200031 17.78 5.29 0.05 1480900200032 18.77 5.30 0.05 1480900200033 19.77 5.38 0.05 1480900200034 20.74 5.40 0.05 1480900200035 21.74 5.42 0.06 1480900200036 22.73 5.48 0.06 1480900200037 23.71 5.51 0.04 1480900200038 24.70 5.60 0.05 1480900200039 25.68 5.60 0.05 1480900200040 26.67 5.63 0.05 1480900200041 27.67 5.66 0.05 1480900200042 28.64 5.69 0.06 1480900200043 29.64 5.71 0.06 1480900200044 30.61 5.71 0.06 1480900200045 31.61 5.76 0.06 1480900200046 32.59 5.79 0.06 1480900200047 33.58 5.81 0.07 1480900200048 34.58 5.80 0.05 1480900200049 35.55 5.88 0.07 1480900200050 36.56 5.88 0.06 1480900200051 37.54 5.94 0.07 1480900200052 38.54 5.93 0.07 1480900200053 39.51 5.97 0.07 1480900200054 ENDDATA 40 0 1480900200055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 1480900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1480999999999