ENTRY 14811 20230318 15121481100000001 SUBENT 14811001 20230318 15121481100100001 BIB 10 28 1481100100002 TITLE Measurement of the effective capture cross section of 1481100100003 238Np in the High Flux Isotope Reactor 1481100100004 AUTHOR (C.Romano,R.Venkataraman,D.Glasgow,B.Roach) 1481100100005 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) 1481100100006 REFERENCE (J,NT,208,1696,2022) 1481100100007 FACILITY (REAC,1USAORL) Experiment performed at the High Flux 1481100100008 Isotope Reactor at the Neutron Activation Analysis 1481100100009 laboratory at HFIR, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1481100100010 INC-SOURCE (REAC) The PT-1 irradiation location of the High Flux 1481100100011 Isotope Reactor. The measured/calculated thermal flux 1481100100012 was (4.2801+-0.1218) E+14 n/cm2/s, epithermal flux 1481100100013 (9.441~+-0.0814) E+12 n/cm2/s and epithermal index 1481100100014 0.022+-0.0007. 1481100100015 SAMPLE The 237Np capture target consisted of (148.3+-3.2) ng 1481100100016 of 99.9999+% pure 237Np deposited in a quartz vial, 1481100100017 which was placed in a graphite capsule 1481100100018 (93-NP-237,ENR=0.999999) 1481100100019 DETECTOR (HPGE) Gamma rays were measured using a coaxial n- 1481100100020 type HPGe detector, with 58% relative efficiency. The 1481100100021 distance between the target and the detector was 20 cm.1481100100022 METHOD (ACTIV) The thermal flux in PT-1 location at 100% power1481100100023 is typically about 4E+14 n/cm2/s.Activated samples were1481100100024 transferred from reactor PT-1 position via decay 1481100100025 station to measuring position using pneumatic transfer 1481100100026 system. The measurements were collected over a 72-h 1481100100027 period with measurement times starting at 1 hr and 1481100100028 increasing to 4 hr per measurement. 1481100100029 HISTORY (20230318C) Compiled by S.H. 1481100100030 ENDBIB 28 0 1481100100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481100100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1481100199999 SUBENT 14811002 20230318 15121481100200001 BIB 6 10 1481100200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG,,SPA) 1481100200003 ANALYSIS Thermal and epithermal flux were determined from 1481100200004 activities of Mn and Au flux wires 1481100200005 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 1481100200006 (ASSUM2,25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG) 1481100200007 DECAY-DATA (93-NP-238,,DG,1028.53,0.1823, 1481100200008 DG,984.845,0.252, 1481100200009 DG,1025.87,0.0875) 1481100200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty 1481100200011 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Romano+,J,NT,208,1696,2022) Table 7 1481100200012 ENDBIB 10 0 1481100200013 COMMON 2 3 1481100200014 ASSUM1 ASSUM2 1481100200015 B B 1481100200016 98.702 13.278 1481100200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1481100200018 DATA 3 1 1481100200019 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 1481100200020 EV B B 1481100200021 0.0253 175.8 5.87 1481100200022 ENDDATA 3 0 1481100200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1481100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1481199999999