ENTRY 14814 20230415 15061481400000001 SUBENT 14814001 20230415 15061481400100001 BIB 12 28 1481400100002 TITLE Evidence Against the Existence of 23-Hour V53 1481400100003 AUTHOR (R.K.Sheline,J.R.Wilkinson,B.J.Dropesky,T.T.Shull) 1481400100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,99,1055(1),1955) 1481400100005 #doi:10.1103/physrev.99.1055 1481400100006 INSTITUTE (1USAFSU,1USALAS) 1481400100007 FACILITY (REAC,1USALAS) The Los Alamos Water Boiler. 1481400100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) The flux of neutrons greater than 5 MeV, i.e., 1481400100009 3.6*10**10 neutrons/cm2 sec. 1481400100010 DETECTOR (PROPC) 1481400100011 SAMPLE Spectroscopically pure, normal chromium, 9.5% 53Cr. 1481400100012 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP) "Spec. pure" normal chromium was 1481400100013 irradiated for about 13.4 hours in the fast neutron 1481400100014 flux of the Los Alamos Water Boiler. Vanadium was 1481400100015 chemically separated from the chromium and the 1481400100016 vanadium sample counted in a beta proportional 1481400100017 counter. This sample had a maximum beta activity of 1481400100018 approximately 3 cpm which might be attributed to 1481400100019 23-hour V53. No measurable gamma activity was present. 1481400100020 ANALYSIS Assuming 5 MeV to be a reasonable value for the 1481400100021 effective threshold for 53Cr(n,p) reaction and using 1481400100022 what is considered to be the approximate value of the 1481400100023 flux of neutrons greater than 5 MeV, an approximate 1481400100024 limit of the average cross section for this reaction 1481400100025 was calculated to be approximately 3.4*10**-5 mb. 1481400100026 DECAY-DATA (23-V-53,23.0HR) 1481400100027 Compiler's comment: As the title of the paper already 1481400100028 suggests, a 23 hr V-53 state is still unknown. 1481400100029 HISTORY (20230415C) BP 1481400100030 ENDBIB 28 0 1481400100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481400100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1481400199999 SUBENT 14814002 20230415 15061481400200001 BIB 2 3 1481400200002 REACTION (24-CR-53(N,P)23-V-53,,SIG,,SPA) 1481400200003 STATUS (TABLE,,R.K.Sheline+,J,PR,99,1055(1),1955) 1481400200004 page 792 of J,PR,94,792,1954. 1481400200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481400200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481400200007 DATA 2 1 1481400200008 EN-MIN DATA-MAX 1481400200009 MEV MB 1481400200010 5.0 3.4E-05 1481400200011 ENDDATA 3 0 1481400200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1481400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1481499999999