ENTRY 14818 20230112 15061481800000001 SUBENT 14818001 20230112 15061481800100001 BIB 11 37 1481800100002 TITLE Angular Distribution of Neutrons Produced by 40- and 1481800100003 80-Mev Alpha Particles on a Thick Tantalum Target 1481800100004 AUTHOR (W.W.Wadman) 1481800100005 REFERENCE (R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800100006 REL-REF (O,C2883001,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800100007 Alpha particle mesurements. 1481800100008 INSTITUTE (1USABRK) 1481800100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) The 88-Inch Cyclotron at Berkeley. 1481800100010 DETECTOR (NAICR) 3-in. diam 3-in. long NaI(Tl) crystal and a 1481800100011 400-channel pulse-height analyzer. A collection of 1481800100012 threshold detectors was used: 58Ni(n,p)58Co, 1481800100013 59Co(n,alpha)56Mn, 65Cu(n,p)65Ni, 27Al(n,alpha)24Na, 1481800100014 203Th(n,2n)202Tl, 127I(n,2n)126I, and 58Ni(n,2n)57Ni. 1481800100015 SAMPLE The target was made of tantalum, and measured 2.5 in. 1481800100016 in diameter and 0.25 in. thick. This dimension was 1481800100017 adequate for stopping the alpha particles and for 1481800100018 covering the end of the copper Faraday cup in which 1481800100019 it was mounted. 1481800100020 METHOD (TTM) The experiment involved a target of a selected 1481800100021 material, a means of measuring the beam particle 1481800100022 current, the selected threshold detectors, a device 1481800100023 to mount the detectors at predetermined positions, 1481800100024 and a means to suppress secondary emission electrons 1481800100025 from escaping the current-measuring device. Each 1481800100026 threshold detector was counted at 3.0 cm from the 1481800100027 actual face of the NaI crystal. The resultant 1481800100028 gamma-ray spectra were used during the reduction of 1481800100029 the data. 1481800100030 CORRECTION The total counts in the photopeak were corrected for 1481800100031 decay and saturation. A correction was made for the 1481800100032 abundance of the gamma ray for the decay scheme for 1481800100033 each type of disintegration. The data were corrected 1481800100034 for counting geometry and total absolute efficiency 1481800100035 for the size of the NaI crystal, gamma-ray energies 1481800100036 distance of the sample from the crystal, and sample 1481800100037 size and thickness. 1481800100038 HISTORY (20230112C) BP 1481800100039 ENDBIB 37 0 1481800100040 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1481800199999 SUBENT 14818002 20230112 15061481800200001 BIB 2 3 1481800200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG) 1481800200003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800200004 Fig. 7, page 27 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800200007 DATA 2 35 1481800200008 EN DATA 1481800200009 MEV B 1481800200010 1.237 3.913E-03 1481800200011 1.495 1.150E-02 1481800200012 1.541 1.795E-02 1481800200013 2.047 1.397E-01 1481800200014 2.122 6.830E-02 1481800200015 2.174 5.550E-02 1481800200016 2.199 3.409E-02 1481800200017 2.260 1.285E-01 1481800200018 2.439 1.735E-01 1481800200019 2.537 1.066E-01 1481800200020 2.803 1.629E-01 1481800200021 2.901 2.068E-01 1481800200022 2.964 1.845E-01 1481800200023 3.259 1.824E-01 1481800200024 3.282 2.292E-01 1481800200025 3.400 1.696E-01 1481800200026 3.417 2.002E-01 1481800200027 3.605 2.968E-01 1481800200028 3.707 1.900E-01 1481800200029 4.168 4.581E-01 1481800200030 4.218 3.646E-01 1481800200031 5.139 4.967E-01 1481800200032 5.602 5.980E-01 1481800200033 5.919 1.722E-01 1481800200034 6.121 6.035E-01 1481800200035 6.785 5.842E-01 1481800200036 7.310 6.274E-01 1481800200037 8.054 6.462E-01 1481800200038 9.014 6.316E-01 1481800200039 13.828 3.056E-01 1481800200040 13.863 4.303E-01 1481800200041 13.964 5.632E-01 1481800200042 14.382 4.342E-01 1481800200043 14.526 4.165E-01 1481800200044 14.666 3.872E-01 1481800200045 ENDDATA 37 0 1481800200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 1481800299999 SUBENT 14818003 20230112 15061481800300001 BIB 2 3 1481800300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,P)28-NI-65,,SIG) 1481800300003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800300004 Fig. 8, page 28 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800300005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800300007 DATA 2 7 1481800300008 EN DATA 1481800300009 MEV B 1481800300010 2.222 3.103E-03 1481800300011 13.924 1.945E-02 1481800300012 13.944 2.869E-02 1481800300013 14.140 1.828E-02 1481800300014 14.742 2.614E-02 1481800300015 14.746 2.837E-02 1481800300016 14.824 3.110E-02 1481800300017 ENDDATA 9 0 1481800300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 1481800399999 SUBENT 14818004 20230112 15061481800400001 BIB 2 3 1481800400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG) 1481800400003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800400004 Fig. 9, page 29 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800400005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800400007 DATA 2 4 1481800400008 EN DATA 1481800400009 MEV B 1481800400010 13.379 1.277E-01 1481800400011 14.383 1.461E-01 1481800400012 15.159 1.487E-01 1481800400013 15.655 1.530E-01 1481800400014 ENDDATA 6 0 1481800400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1481800499999 SUBENT 14818005 20230112 15061481800500001 BIB 2 3 1481800500002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 1481800500003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800500004 Fig. 10, page 30 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800500005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800500007 DATA 2 38 1481800500008 EN DATA 1481800500009 MEV B 1481800500010 6.192 1.867E-03 1481800500011 6.398 3.482E-03 1481800500012 6.427 2.465E-03 1481800500013 6.524 5.787E-03 1481800500014 6.556 4.216E-03 1481800500015 6.628 8.016E-03 1481800500016 6.803 1.132E-02 1481800500017 6.830 1.438E-02 1481800500018 6.857 9.988E-03 1481800500019 6.981 1.644E-02 1481800500020 7.059 1.792E-02 1481800500021 7.109 1.522E-02 1481800500022 7.148 2.150E-02 1481800500023 7.276 2.009E-02 1481800500024 7.492 2.232E-02 1481800500025 7.502 2.433E-02 1481800500026 7.522 2.919E-02 1481800500027 7.877 3.335E-02 1481800500028 7.897 3.964E-02 1481800500029 7.935 3.030E-02 1481800500030 8.106 4.156E-02 1481800500031 8.122 4.799E-02 1481800500032 8.159 3.633E-02 1481800500033 8.386 4.441E-02 1481800500034 8.710 3.842E-02 1481800500035 8.720 4.229E-02 1481800500036 8.805 4.882E-02 1481800500037 12.023 1.072E-01 1481800500038 12.730 1.360E-01 1481800500039 13.068 1.333E-01 1481800500040 13.191 1.187E-01 1481800500041 13.537 1.257E-01 1481800500042 13.885 1.342E-01 1481800500043 13.931 1.108E-01 1481800500044 13.939 1.185E-01 1481800500045 14.407 1.106E-01 1481800500046 14.482 1.172E-01 1481800500047 14.954 1.126E-01 1481800500048 ENDDATA 40 0 1481800500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1481800599999 SUBENT 14818006 20230112 15061481800600001 BIB 2 3 1481800600002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,2N)81-TL-202,,SIG) 1481800600003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800600004 Fig. 11, page 31 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800600005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800600007 DATA 2 6 1481800600008 EN DATA 1481800600009 MEV B 1481800600010 12.270 8.386E-01 1481800600011 13.404 1.236E+00 1481800600012 13.774 1.286E+00 1481800600013 14.142 1.299E+00 1481800600014 14.510 1.311E+00 1481800600015 16.403 1.120E+00 1481800600016 ENDDATA 8 0 1481800600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 1481800699999 SUBENT 14818007 20230112 15061481800700001 BIB 2 3 1481800700002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,2N)53-I-126,,SIG) 1481800700003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800700004 Fig. 12, page 32 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800700005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800700007 DATA 2 5 1481800700008 EN DATA 1481800700009 MEV B 1481800700010 9.334 3.014E-02 1481800700011 12.218 8.891E-01 1481800700012 12.903 1.114E+00 1481800700013 13.805 1.312E+00 1481800700014 14.454 1.099E+00 1481800700015 ENDDATA 7 0 1481800700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 1481800799999 SUBENT 14818008 20230112 15061481800800001 BIB 2 3 1481800800002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG) 1481800800003 STATUS (CURVE,,W.W.Wadman,R,UCRL-11375,1964) 1481800800004 Fig. 13, page 33 of R,UCRL-11375,1964. 1481800800005 ENDBIB 3 0 1481800800006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1481800800007 DATA 2 12 1481800800008 EN DATA 1481800800009 MEV B 1481800800010 11.739 2.933E-03 1481800800011 13.489 1.401E-02 1481800800012 13.744 2.173E-02 1481800800013 13.797 1.901E-02 1481800800014 13.931 3.403E-02 1481800800015 14.016 3.927E-02 1481800800016 14.027 2.367E-02 1481800800017 14.336 3.242E-02 1481800800018 14.388 2.809E-02 1481800800019 14.396 3.003E-02 1481800800020 14.482 3.532E-02 1481800800021 14.502 4.195E-02 1481800800022 ENDDATA 14 0 1481800800023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1481800899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 1481899999999