ENTRY 14824 20241015 15171482400000001 SUBENT 14824001 20241015 15171482400100001 BIB 11 43 1482400100002 TITLE Measurement of the total neutron cross section on 1482400100003 argon in the 20 to 70 keV energy range 1482400100004 AUTHOR (S.Andringa,Y.Bezawada,T.Erjavec,J.He,J.Huang, 1482400100005 P.Koehler,M.Mocko,M.Mulhearn,L.Pagani,E.Pantic, 1482400100006 L.Pickard,R.Svoboda,J.Ullmann,J.Wang) 1482400100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,108,L011601,2023) 1482400100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.108.L011601 1482400100009 INSTITUTE (1USADAV,1USALAS) 1482400100010 (2PRTPRT) Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica 1482400100011 Experimental de Particulas (LIP), Avenida Prof. Gama 1482400100012 Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal 1482400100013 (1USAUSA) Physics Department, South Dakota School of 1482400100014 Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, 1482400100015 USA 1482400100016 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALAS) 1482400100017 DETECTOR (GLASD) 9 cm diameter by 1 mm thick 6 Li-glass 1482400100018 scintillator, viewed edge on by two RCA 8854 1482400100019 five-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). 1482400100020 SAMPLE The Argon Resonant Transport Interaction Experiment 1482400100021 (ARTIE) target consisted of a column of LAr of 1482400100022 length 168 cm and diameter 25 mm, held at atmospheric 1482400100023 pressure, and contained in a vessel constructed from 1482400100024 standard components. A thick target experiment 1482400100025 (3.3 atoms/b) optimized for the small cross sections 1482400100026 in this energy region. 1482400100027 METHOD (TOF,TRN) Flight Path 13 (FP13) at the Lujan Neutron 1482400100028 Scattering Center was used. FP13 has a total flight 1482400100029 path of about 64 meters, allowing for excellent time 1482400100030 of flight (TOF) energy resolution up to several 1482400100031 hundred keV. 1482400100032 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Combination of statistical and systematic 1482400100033 uncertainties. The total systematic uncertainties on 1482400100034 transmission and cross section are estimated for each 1482400100035 energy point by using a toy Monte Carlo simulation 1482400100036 where all relevant parameters are allowed to vary 1482400100037 simultaneously around their central values. The 1482400100038 resulting spreads within the 68th percentile around 1482400100039 the central-value measurements of transmission and 1482400100040 cross section are taken as the total systematic 1482400100041 uncertainties. 1482400100042 (ERR-1) Target density. 1482400100043 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by T.Erjavec on October 31, 2024. 1482400100044 HISTORY (20241015C) BP 1482400100045 ENDBIB 43 0 1482400100046 COMMON 1 3 1482400100047 ERR-1 1482400100048 PER-CENT 1482400100049 1.3 1482400100050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1482400100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1482400199999 SUBENT 14824002 20241015 15171482400200001 BIB 2 4 1482400200002 REACTION (18-AR-0(N,TOT),,SIG) 1482400200003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Andringa+,J,PR/C,108,L011601,2023) 1482400200004 Fig.4, page L011601-4. Data were received from 1482400200005 T.Erjavec on October 30, 2024. 1482400200006 ENDBIB 4 0 1482400200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 1482400200008 DATA 6 76 1482400200009 EN +EN-RSL -EN-RSL DATA +ERR-T -ERR-T 1482400200010 KEV KEV KEV B B B 1482400200011 6.954E+1 8.016E-1 7.880E-1 1.480E+0 4.627E-2 3.832E-21482400200012 6.797E+1 7.747E-1 7.616E-1 8.365E-1 4.459E-2 1.952E-21482400200013 6.646E+1 7.489E-1 7.365E-1 5.064E-1 2.385E-2 1.539E-21482400200014 6.500E+1 7.243E-1 7.124E-1 3.135E-1 2.059E-2 1.408E-21482400200015 6.359E+1 7.007E-1 6.893E-1 1.959E-1 1.883E-2 1.392E-21482400200016 6.222E+1 6.782E-1 6.673E-1 1.245E-1 1.838E-2 1.345E-21482400200017 6.090E+1 6.566E-1 6.461E-1 9.589E-2 1.696E-2 1.340E-21482400200018 5.962E+1 6.359E-1 6.259E-1 6.318E-2 1.668E-2 1.375E-21482400200019 5.837E+1 6.161E-1 6.065E-1 4.926E-2 1.835E-2 1.392E-21482400200020 5.717E+1 5.971E-1 5.879E-1 3.895E-2 1.789E-2 1.341E-21482400200021 5.600E+1 5.789E-1 5.700E-1 3.663E-2 1.681E-2 1.375E-21482400200022 5.487E+1 5.614E-1 5.529E-1 3.389E-2 1.957E-2 1.421E-21482400200023 5.377E+1 5.446E-1 5.364E-1 4.085E-2 2.238E-2 1.397E-21482400200024 5.271E+1 5.284E-1 5.206E-1 5.571E-2 1.957E-2 1.389E-21482400200025 5.168E+1 5.129E-1 5.054E-1 5.367E-2 1.878E-2 1.384E-21482400200026 5.067E+1 4.980E-1 4.908E-1 7.010E-2 1.787E-2 1.408E-21482400200027 4.970E+1 4.837E-1 4.767E-1 6.847E-2 2.174E-2 1.383E-21482400200028 4.875E+1 4.699E-1 4.632E-1 7.911E-2 2.063E-2 1.385E-21482400200029 4.783E+1 4.566E-1 4.502E-1 1.037E-1 1.958E-2 1.318E-21482400200030 4.694E+1 4.439E-1 4.377E-1 9.184E-2 1.830E-2 1.385E-21482400200031 4.607E+1 4.316E-1 4.256E-1 1.078E-1 1.842E-2 1.478E-21482400200032 4.522E+1 4.197E-1 4.139E-1 1.214E-1 1.834E-2 1.439E-21482400200033 4.440E+1 4.083E-1 4.027E-1 1.376E-1 1.935E-2 1.480E-21482400200034 4.360E+1 3.973E-1 3.919E-1 1.504E-1 2.390E-2 1.380E-21482400200035 4.282E+1 3.867E-1 3.815E-1 1.397E-1 2.054E-2 1.451E-21482400200036 4.206E+1 3.764E-1 3.714E-1 1.520E-1 2.472E-2 1.456E-21482400200037 4.133E+1 3.665E-1 3.617E-1 1.807E-1 2.109E-2 1.493E-21482400200038 4.061E+1 3.570E-1 3.523E-1 1.735E-1 2.015E-2 1.599E-21482400200039 3.991E+1 3.478E-1 3.433E-1 1.713E-1 2.288E-2 1.557E-21482400200040 3.923E+1 3.389E-1 3.345E-1 1.830E-1 2.393E-2 1.603E-21482400200041 3.856E+1 3.303E-1 3.261E-1 1.603E-1 2.691E-2 1.739E-21482400200042 3.791E+1 3.220E-1 3.179E-1 1.907E-1 2.901E-2 1.889E-21482400200043 3.728E+1 3.139E-1 3.100E-1 2.088E-1 3.474E-2 2.166E-21482400200044 3.666E+1 3.062E-1 3.024E-1 2.135E-1 4.343E-2 2.657E-21482400200045 3.606E+1 2.987E-1 2.950E-1 1.855E-1 4.194E-2 3.686E-21482400200046 3.548E+1 2.914E-1 2.878E-1 2.255E-1 5.253E-2 4.238E-21482400200047 3.490E+1 2.844E-1 2.809E-1 2.425E-1 4.711E-2 3.177E-21482400200048 3.435E+1 2.775E-1 2.742E-1 2.175E-1 3.195E-2 2.182E-21482400200049 3.380E+1 2.710E-1 2.677E-1 2.416E-1 2.223E-2 1.650E-21482400200050 3.327E+1 2.646E-1 2.614E-1 2.340E-1 2.635E-2 1.581E-21482400200051 3.275E+1 2.584E-1 2.554E-1 2.382E-1 1.848E-2 1.441E-21482400200052 3.224E+1 2.524E-1 2.494E-1 2.496E-1 2.479E-2 1.279E-21482400200053 3.175E+1 2.466E-1 2.437E-1 2.529E-1 2.027E-2 1.267E-21482400200054 3.126E+1 2.409E-1 2.382E-1 2.440E-1 1.890E-2 1.297E-21482400200055 3.079E+1 2.355E-1 2.328E-1 2.703E-1 1.998E-2 1.331E-21482400200056 3.032E+1 2.302E-1 2.276E-1 2.722E-1 1.833E-2 1.295E-21482400200057 2.987E+1 2.250E-1 2.225E-1 2.646E-1 2.038E-2 1.307E-21482400200058 2.943E+1 2.200E-1 2.176E-1 2.686E-1 2.088E-2 1.333E-21482400200059 2.900E+1 2.152E-1 2.128E-1 2.676E-1 2.434E-2 1.257E-21482400200060 2.857E+1 2.105E-1 2.082E-1 2.942E-1 2.196E-2 1.313E-21482400200061 2.816E+1 2.059E-1 2.037E-1 2.926E-1 2.409E-2 1.345E-21482400200062 2.775E+1 2.015E-1 1.993E-1 2.792E-1 2.118E-2 1.394E-21482400200063 2.736E+1 1.972E-1 1.951E-1 2.942E-1 2.245E-2 1.396E-21482400200064 2.697E+1 1.930E-1 1.909E-1 2.845E-1 2.569E-2 1.475E-21482400200065 2.659E+1 1.889E-1 1.869E-1 2.975E-1 2.390E-2 1.463E-21482400200066 2.622E+1 1.850E-1 1.830E-1 3.049E-1 2.152E-2 1.478E-21482400200067 2.585E+1 1.811E-1 1.792E-1 3.053E-1 2.066E-2 1.421E-21482400200068 2.550E+1 1.774E-1 1.755E-1 3.174E-1 2.232E-2 1.420E-21482400200069 2.515E+1 1.737E-1 1.719E-1 3.199E-1 2.119E-2 1.393E-21482400200070 2.481E+1 1.702E-1 1.685E-1 3.317E-1 2.305E-2 1.515E-21482400200071 2.447E+1 1.667E-1 1.651E-1 3.343E-1 2.325E-2 1.467E-21482400200072 2.414E+1 1.634E-1 1.618E-1 3.177E-1 2.228E-2 1.425E-21482400200073 2.382E+1 1.601E-1 1.585E-1 3.273E-1 2.784E-2 1.510E-21482400200074 2.350E+1 1.570E-1 1.554E-1 3.123E-1 3.518E-2 1.606E-21482400200075 2.319E+1 1.539E-1 1.523E-1 3.151E-1 2.327E-2 1.546E-21482400200076 2.289E+1 1.509E-1 1.494E-1 3.311E-1 2.337E-2 1.546E-21482400200077 2.259E+1 1.479E-1 1.465E-1 3.300E-1 2.221E-2 1.456E-21482400200078 2.230E+1 1.451E-1 1.437E-1 3.462E-1 2.338E-2 1.475E-21482400200079 2.202E+1 1.423E-1 1.409E-1 3.411E-1 2.036E-2 1.528E-21482400200080 2.174E+1 1.396E-1 1.382E-1 3.441E-1 2.729E-2 1.556E-21482400200081 2.146E+1 1.369E-1 1.356E-1 3.353E-1 2.385E-2 1.634E-21482400200082 2.119E+1 1.343E-1 1.331E-1 3.397E-1 2.918E-2 1.590E-21482400200083 2.093E+1 1.318E-1 1.306E-1 3.379E-1 2.761E-2 1.534E-21482400200084 2.067E+1 1.294E-1 1.282E-1 3.514E-1 3.139E-2 1.631E-21482400200085 2.041E+1 1.270E-1 1.258E-1 3.525E-1 2.367E-2 1.579E-21482400200086 2.016E+1 1.246E-1 1.235E-1 3.499E-1 2.676E-2 1.548E-21482400200087 ENDDATA 78 0 1482400200088 ENDSUBENT 87 0 1482400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1482499999999